Prtg network monitor linux

Мониторинг Linux с помощью PRTG:
безопасный и эффективный

Безупречный мониторинг сетей на базе Linux с помощью PRTG

Компаниям необходимо централизованное управление сетью. Наиболее важные рабочие процессы выполняются по внутренней сети компании, ядром которой может быть сервер Windows или Linux. Задача администраторов — обеспечить бесперебойное функционирование и экономичное использование. Поможет в этом профессиональная программа мониторинга, такая как PRTG.

Программное обеспечение PRTG совместимо не только с системами Windows, но и с сетями, построенными на базе серверов Linux. Мониторинг Linux предоставляет обзор состояния систем и устройств, а также сведения об интенсивности трафика и потенциально узких местах. Вы также получаете важную информацию о пользователях, подключениях и структуре сети.

Благодаря встроенным в PRTG средствам мониторинга серверов Linux можно найти обоснованные решения для будущего развития и оптимизации управления службами. Мониторинг Linux также позволяет отслеживать свободное пространство на дисках и быстро устранять ошибки памяти. Кроме того, PRTG обеспечивает мониторинг синхронизации по времени (по протоколу NTP).

С помощью PRTG администраторы получают обзорные сведения о сетях Linux, сотрудники — стабильную рабочую среду, а руководители — достоверные данные. Повышайте производительность своей сети и устраняете проблемы, прежде чем они возникнут.

Благодаря PRTG каждый сможет работать спокойно.

Вот как работает мониторинг Linux с помощью PRTG

PRTG использует сенсоры Linux и Unix для отслеживания работы систем Linux, при этом вам не нужно устанавливать или изменять что-либо на целевом устройстве. Мониторинг операционной системой Linux выполняется по протоколам SNMP и SSH, а серверы Linux отслеживаются с использованием протоколов WBEM и SSH. При использовании протокола SSH данные передаются по защищенному соединению, чтобы предотвратить потери конфиденциальной информации во время пересылки данных мониторинга.

Настройте собственные пороговые и тревожные значения. Эти значения используются, чтобы информировать вас о резком увеличении использования памяти на одном или нескольких серверах. Такая информация особенно важна для серверов приложений и терминальных серверов, применяемых очень многими пользователями. Даже стандартные приложения, такие как текстовые редакторы или электронные таблицы, могут занимать столько системной памяти, что это сказывается на производительности системы в целом. PRTG уведомляет вас, прежде чем возникают проблемы с памятью, позволяя оптимизировать работу сети в долгосрочной перспективе.

Мониторинг систем Linux с помощью PRTG также позволяет контролировать доступное место на жестких дисках в системах Linux и синхронизацию по времени по протоколу NTP (Network Time Protocol). Средства PRTG для отслеживания работы серверов Linux собирают данные о нагрузке на систему, ОЗУ и жестких дисках непосредственно из соответствующих систем.

Что такое сенсор в PRTG?

В PRTG «сенсор» является виртуальной точкой измерения и обычно осуществляет мониторинг одного показателя вашей сети, например, трафик портов коммутаторов, загрузка ЦП сервера или свободное место на жестком диске. В среднем вам понадобится 5-10 сенсоров для одного устройства или один сенсор для порта коммутатора.

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How can I monitor systems running LINUX and UNIX with PRTG?

How do I configure PRTG for LINUX and UNIX? I managed to add a device for a Linux system in my PRTG web interface successfully. But now I need help how to monitor CPU and memory usage.

Created on Mar 9, 2010 2:36:41 AM by kykwon (50) ● 2 ● 1

Last change on Mar 16, 2010 8:51:44 AM by Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]


This artcile applies to PRTG Network Monitor 12 or later, as well as to previous (deprecated) versions

Monitoring a Linux/Unix Machine With PRTG

  1. On your Linux/Unix machine, please install SNMP daemon.
  2. In PRTG, add a «device» for your Linux/Unix machine and
  3. create an SNMP Library sensor on it (select Basic linux library from the drop-down).

For detailed instructions, please refer to this article.

Native Sensors

PRTG also includes several SSH sensor, allowing monitoring Linux systems via SSH. For more details, please see the user manual at List of Available Sensor Types: Linux/Unix/OS X Sensors.

Last change on Dec 4, 2013 5:46:15 PM by Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]


Dear I have several hp-ux(11.23) system. i made a script for CPU Sensor on HP-UX. the script was worked very well with PRTG. just two machines has been encountered an errror as like : «No valid result from SSH Shell» So, i tried to set for the sensor : Write result to disk (Filename: «Result of Sensor [ID].txt») By the way, it is not in there. How can i do it?

Created on Mar 7, 2013 7:06:02 AM by kykwon (50) ● 2 ● 1


normally this error-message indicates that the shell-timeout for the sensor is set too low. Please try to increase the shell-timeout in the sensor setting.

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Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.


Installation of PRTG Traffic Grapher on Ubuntu Linux

installation of prtg traffic grapher on ubuntu linux

Originally published on January 07, 2008 by Dirk Paessler
Last updated on November 18, 2022 • 3 minute read

Hello, nice to have you here.

You’ve found a real oldie but goodie here on our blog. 🕺🏼
The original content is from 2008 , and a lot has happened since then.

Our monitoring software is now called Paessler PRTG and is available in different editions:

To extend the native monitoring function of PRTG to other platforms like Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS) as well as ARM-based devices and Docker, check out this article:

You do not need a Windows based computer (and a Windows license) to use most of PRTG’s features. You can also run PRTG Traffic Grapher 6.x on Linux. Using the «Wine Library» (which emulates Windows system calls) you can run PRTG like most other Windows apps on Linux systems. Of course some hardware/driver-based features like Packet Sniffing do not work. For this tutorial the following steps will

  • create a virtual machine in VMWare Workstation 6,
  • install Ubuntu 7.10 onto the virtual machine,
  • install Wine 0.9.52 onto Ubuntu and
  • install PRTG 6.x onto Ubuntu/Wine
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Afterwards you will be able to use most of PRTG’s functionality under Linux (mainly the SNMP based monitoring, latency monitoring, reporting, notifications and the internal webserver). Here is a screenshot of the Windows GUI and the browser interface on Ubuntu 7.10 (click the image to zoom in):


Running PRTG Traffic Grapher on a Linux computer

running prtg traffic grapher on a linux computer

Originally published on September 25, 2006 by Dirk Paessler
Last updated on March 03, 2022 • 6 minute read

A new segment in the sphere of operating systems seems to build up. Somewhere between the paid-for Windows operating systems and the open-source Linux systems a new kind of offerings comes up: They are cheap or free, they are easy to install and to use (windows lookalikes) and. They run Windows applications. One sample is Linux XP Desktop (free download, $40) which is built on Red-Hat Linux and offers a GUI that appeals to users that are familiar with Windows. And it is able to run many Windows applications out-of-the-box. Another sample is ReactOS, which is in an early alpha stage currently. Yes, it’s true: Even PRTG Traffic Grapher can be run on this Linux system. The secret ingredient is called Wine.

«Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. Think of Wine as a compatibility layer for running Windows programs. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely free alternative implementation of the Windows API consisting of 100% non-Microsoft code, however Wine can optionally use native Windows DLLs if they are available.» I am really impressed by how far the Wine developers have come in their work to port the Windows API to Linux systems. PRTG is not at all an easy task to run on a Linux box since we had to put in a lot of system calls in order to get all the features we want to have for our product. All these system calls must be processed by the Windows emulator. For the coming months it will be interesting to see how these products and the Wine project will evolve. Microsoft won’t like it, but there are some usage scenarios in the near future where it will be sufficient to use a Wine based operating system to run Windows apps and one can save the money for the Windows license.

PRTG On Linux: Hands On

If you want to try running PRTG on Linux yourself, here is what you need:

  • A Linux system with Wine installed (for testing we used the latest «Linux XP Desktop SR2» which includes Wine 0.9.8, simply a plain vanilla, out of the box installation)
  • The standard installer of PRTG Traffic Grapher (Freeware or Commercial Edition) from Paessler
  • The Tahoma TrueType font installer from Microsoft
  • The Mozilla ActiveX Control V1.7.1.2 from sourceforge

Note: You should use exactly the Mozilla installer above, because the «official» MozillaControl1712.exe installer has a problem in that the control is compiled with MSVC6 but some MSVC .Net DLLs were packaged instead of the MSVC6 one. This makes it unusable out of the box. The download link above was tested to run fine.

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  • Step 1: Copy the installers of PRTG and Mozilla onto the Linux box
  • Step 2: Run the Mozilla installer
  • Step 3: Run the Tahoma font installer
  • Step 4: On the Linux system run «winecfg» and set the default for the emulated Windows version to «Windows 98»
  • Step 5: Run PRTG installer
  • Step 6: Run PRTG Traffic Grapher from the desktop link

Voila, PRTG runs on Linux! (Click the thumbnail to zoom in)

Known Problems

A number of issues is still unsolved yet:

  • PRTG can not be run as a service under Wine yet
  • The internal web server of PRTG only works on
  • The internal web browser of PRTG does not work
  • The window minimize/maximize icons are not there
  • Sometimes PRTG seems to crash upon exiting the program using «File|Exit», use ALT+F4 instead

One tip for Wine: If you happen to have a crashed window of a Windows EXE that blocks everything else, run the command «wineserver -k» to kill the Windows emulation process and with it all Windows apps.


Can I use PRTG with Linux?

How can I use my Linux / Unix / MacOS systems in combination with PRTG?


This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 12 or later

Using Linux/Unix/MacOS with PRTG

There are many different ways how you can use PRTG with your Linux, Unix or MacOS systems.

Monitor Linux / Unix / MacOS Systems

Generally, there are two ways to monitor these systems with PRTG:

On the target systems, you can monitor parameters like memory, CPU, and disks. For detailed information, please see the following articles.

Target System Technology Article
Linux, Unix SNMP How do I monitor system parameters like memory, CPU and disks on Linux systems via SNMP?
Linux SNMP Monitoring processes in Linux (using SNMP)
MacOS SNMP How do I activate SNMP on Mac OS in order to monitor it with PRTG?
Linux, Unix, MacOS SSH, WBEM, SNMP Which Linux or Mac OS distributions are supported by the Linux/Unix sensors (SSH, SNMP, WBEM)?
Linux, Unix, MacOS SSH, WBEM, SNMP PRTG Manual: List of Linux/Unix/OS X Sensors

Running PRTG on Linux

Currently it is not possible to install PRTG on Linux/Unix systems. In order to run a PRTG core server or a remote probe you need a Windows machine.

However, you can run custom shell scripts on your Linux/Unix system using the SSH Script sensors. They run directly on the target system and can collect and return monitoring data.

Another option is to use the PRTG Mini Probe API to write your own Mini Probe for Linux monitoring. Mini Probes that are implemented appropriately can run directly on Linux systems and deliver the results to your PRTG core server. We provide a proof-of-concept for this concern with the Python Mini Probe.

See Also

Last change on Sep 1, 2014 4:42:50 PM by Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]


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