Puppy linux on arm

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Существуют три широкие категории дистрибутивов Puppy Linux:

— официальные дистрибутивы Puppy Linux, поддерживаемые командой Puppy Linux, обычно предназначенные для общего назначения и обычно построенные с помощью Puppy Linux system builder (Woof-CE).

— woof-дистрибутивы Puppy Linux — разработаны в соответствии с конкретными потребностями и внешнним видом, а также предназначеными для общего назначения и созданными с помощью Puppy Linux system builder (Woof-CE) с некоторыми дополнительными или измененными пакетами.

— неофициальные производные («щенки») — обычно являются сборками (или пересборки сборок), создаваемыми и поддерживаемыми энтузиастами Puppy Linux, обычно нацеленными на конкретные цели.

Последние версии Puppy Linux:

Название Описание Архитектура Версия 32bit 64bit
S15Pup Slackware(15.0)-совместимый Puppy Linux 32bit / 64bit 22.12+1
FossaPup64 Ubuntu-совместимый Puppy Linux 64bit 9.5
BionicPup UbuntuLTS-совместимый Puppy Linux 32bit / 64bit 8.0
XenialPup UbuntuLTS-совместимый Puppy Linux 32bit / 64bit 7.5
Slacko Slackware-совместимый Puppy Linux 32bit / 64bit 6.3.2
Tahrpup UbuntuLTS-совместимый Puppy Linux 32bit / 64bit 6.0.5
LxPupSc UbuntuLTS-совместимый Puppy Linux с LXDE x64 18.05


Puppy linux on arm

Puppy Linux is a unique family of Linux distributions meant for the home-user computers. It was originally created by Barry Kauler in 2003.

Puppy Linux advantage

  1. Ready to use → all tools for common daily computing usage already included.
  2. Ease of use → grandpa-friendly certified ™
  3. Relatively small size → 300 MB or less.
  4. Fast and versatile.
  5. Customisable within minutes → remasters.
  6. Different flavours → optimised to support older computers, newer computers.
  7. Variety → hundreds of derivatives (“puplets”), one of which will surely meet your needs.

If one of these things interest you, read on.

Yes, but what does it look and feel like?

Screenshot of FossaPup64 9.5

First thing first

Puppy Linux is not a single Linux distribution like Debian. Puppy Linux is also not a Linux distribution with multiple flavours, like Ubuntu (with its variants of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc) though it also comes in flavours.

Puppy Linux is a collection of multiple Linux distributions, built on the same shared principles, built using the same set of tools, built on top of a unique set of puppy specific applications and configurations and generally speaking provide consistent behaviours and features, no matter which flavours you choose.

There are generally three broad categories of Puppy Linux distributions:

  • official Puppy Linux distributions → maintained by Puppy Linux team, usually targeted for general purpose, and generally built using Puppy Linux system builder (called Woof-CE).
  • woof-built Puppy Linux distributions → developed to suit specific needs and appearances, also targeted for general purpose, and built using Puppy Linux system builder (called Woof-CE) with some additional or modified packages.
  • unofficial derivatives (“puplets”) → are usually remasters (or remasters of remasters), made and maintained by Puppy Linux enthusiasts, usually targeted for specific purposes.

Why not try it? Download now! (Official distributions)

Get the ISO, burn it to a CD/DVD using your favorite CD/DVD burner, or flash it using dd (Windows version) to your USB flash drive, or visit our download page for more comprehensive information. Official Pup build recipes are kept at Woof-CE on GITHUB.

Compatibility * Architecture Latest Version Download link
Ubuntu Focal 64 x86_64 64-bit FossaPup64 9.5 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Raspbian Buster armhf 32-bit Raspup 8.2.1 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Ubuntu Bionic x86 32-bit BionicPup32 8.0 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Ubuntu Bionic 64 x86_64 64-bit BionicPup64 8.0 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Ubuntu Xenial x86 32-bit XenialPup 7.5 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Ubuntu Xenial 64 x86_64 64-bit XenialPup64 7.5 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Slackware 15.0 x86 32-bit S15Pup32 22.12 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Slackware64 15.0 x86_64 64-bit S15Pup64 22.12 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Slackware 14.2 x86 32-bit Slacko Puppy 7.0 Main — Mirror — Checksum
Slackware64 14.2 x86_64 64-bit Slacko64 Puppy 7.0 Main — Mirror — Checksum

* Compatibility: A Puppylinux distribution can also be built and assembled using packages and components from another Linux distribution called in Puppy the “binary compatible” distribution. The choice of a binary compatible distribution determines the availability of additional packages, among other things.

Download Sites

All the “official” Puppies since version 2 are hosted at Ibiblio.

Ibiblio also hosts the puppy specific packages (pet) used to build puppies as well as squashfs files (sfs) with kernels, kernel sources, large applications and application frameworks.

The Ibiblio puppylinux directory is mirrored by several sites world-wide.

The NLUUG and the UoC mirrors in Europe and the AARNET and the Internode mirrors in Australia are known to update regularly and are usually faster than Ibiblio.

Mirrors may take up to a day to incorporate changes in Ibiblio.


It has been said that the best experience of Puppy Linux is not from the software itself, but from the community that gathers around it. Whatever you have in mind — praises, curses, questions, suggestions, or just plain chit-chat, we welcome you to join us at Puppy Linux Discussion Forum or just check the discussions for the latest puppylinux woof builds.

I need more info before deciding to try …


(old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum


Task 3
first line icons
file goes to rox
help goes to this wiki page
install not needed
edit goes to Geany
console goes to terminal
second line icons
mtpaint or cut down version in igus version
draw = inkscape or Xara
gmail and twitter links

Task 4
turn into ISO and provide pre-alpha

task 5
start adding puppy scripts and programs, linking from menu
eg. Puppy Phone

nooby Posts: 10369 Joined: Sun 29 Jun 2008, 19:05 Location: SwedenEurope

#2 Post by nooby » Fri 14 Oct 2011, 11:59

First we need to be able to boot.

As I remember but could have misunderstood?

The company Broadcom that owns the «binary» of the boot
them prepare these boot binaries for each OS that are allowed
by them to use it. Without such a binary there is no way to boot it!

Up to now them have allowed Debain and Ubuntu but them jumped ship?
Them have allowed Arch but none else to boot.

The boot code is proprietary Only Broadcom knows how to set it up.

None of the current Devs knows how to set up other linux.

I could be wrong but for as long as the Admin of the RPi has not asked
Broadcom to include Puppy then there is no way to boot Puppy on it.

So the interesting thing is will the Broadcom management accept that
Puppy wants to run as root. I trust that Broadcom will insist that Puppy
make a multi user environment for Raspberry Pi!

Them own the proprietary binary code and them set the policy
for it’s usage and them care about the company image of Broadcom.

To allow any Linux to run as root can be a red herring to them.

Lobster Official Crustacean Posts: 15522 Joined: Wed 04 May 2005, 06:06 Location: Paradox Realm Contact:



FatdogArm Beta is a complete-rebuild of FatdogArm, using LFS 7.4 as the base (glibc 2.18 and gcc 4.8.1). Platforms officially supported are:
— A10/Mele A1000
— A20/Cubieboard2
— Odroid-U2/U3
— OLPC XO-1.75 and OLPC XO-4.

atdogArm itself is a port of Fatdog64 for ARM platform, supporting many of the rich features of Fatdog64; using Slackware-style package management (gslapt, slapt-get, pkgtool).

There are two major goals for Beta1 (both achieved):
1. Re-target the hardware platform: Beta1 now targets ARMv7-A with VFPv3-d16 (no NEON). This is the same target as Debian armhf and enables FatdogArm to run on lesser-endowed hardware (e.g. OLPC XO-1.75 or Tegra2-based systems).

2. Fully reproducible build system — all «build recipes» are now coded and recorded and delivered as part of binary packages.

As a bonus, Beta1 supports 3D GPU acceleration for OpenGL ES for all officially platforms.

Those objectives achieved, throughout the beta cycle (which will consist of a few more betas) I will be aiming for stability and bringing more features from Fatdog64; aiming feature parity by the time we get to RC (whenever that will be).

Apart from the above changes, Beta1 is similar to Alpha4 including its software selection (there are only few minor updates for stability reasons). Since it is a complete rebuild, there may be things working in Alpha4 but not working in Beta1 (=regressions) — I’d like to hear about this so I can fix it.

Like Alpha4, Beta1 is also released as a «meta-distribution» (ie the ability to build your own base SFS *from scratch* — this is in addition to the usual remaster stuff); it is similar to Woof except that it can only build from FatdogArm’s own packages.

Note: Beta1 now splits between «basesfs» and «devx» just like regular Puppies / Fatdogs. The split isn’t as complete as Puppies — they are split at package level (in Puppy, the split goes a lot deeper — e.g. there is no header files in basesfs).

more information here: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=92548

original alpha here: archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_Fatdog_Arm

1. SD Card (at least 512MB) — all data on this SD Card will be erased.
2. The SFS package (fd-arm.sfs)
3. The kernel package (xxx-kernel.tar.gz)

1. Erase all partition on the SD Card using your favorite partition manager.
2. Make a new partition on your SD Card, type FAT32, starting on sector 2048
(or 1MB boundary); the size can vary but no less than 300MB (512MB is
3. Copy fd-arm.sfs to this new partition.
4. Extract the kernel package and copy all the files to the new partition too.
5. «dd» the uboot-xxx.bin to the SD card, like this:
dd if=uboot-xxx.bin of=/dev/your_sdcard_device bs=1024 seek=8
6. You can then delete the uboot-xxx.bin from you SD card.

Note: If you are sure that your SD Card partitioning already meets step 1 and 2
(that is, because you have done this before or because you have installed
earlier alphas of FatdogArm), you can skip 1 and 2.

7. You can edit uEnv.txt as needed to reflect your need.
8. You can modify bootmenu.cfg as needed. Note that not all kernels will boot
using bootmenu (A20 cubieboard is known not to boot with it).
9. You can create additional partitions on the SD Card, or instead you can
make the first partition to cover your entire SD Card as needed.

1. USB flash drive or SD Card (at least 512MB).
2. The SFS package (fd-arm.sfs)
3. The xo175 or xo4 kernel package.
4. XO-1.75 or XO-4 with security disabled. It usually is. If not see:

1. Make sure you have either an ext2/3/4 or FAT16/32 first partition
with a least 300MB free space (512MB recommended) in your chosen device
(USB / SD Card). If there isn’t one, create new and/or enlarge and/or
delete files from the existing first partition.
2. Extract the xo175/xo4 kernel tarball at the root of the first partition
of the SD Card/USB device.
3. Copy fd-arm.sfs to the root of the first partition.

For installation in internal flash
Please refer to

1. SD Card (at least 512MB) — all data on this SD Card will be erased.
2. The SFS package (fd-arm.sfs).
3. The kernel package (odroid-u2-kernel.tar.gz)

1. Erase all partition on the SD Card using your favorite partition manager.
2. Make a new partition on your SD Card, type FAT32, starting on sector 10240
(or 5MB boundary); the size can vary but no less than 300MB (512MB is
3. Copy fd-arm.sfs to this new partition.
4. Extract the kernel package and copy all the files to the new partition too.
5. «dd» the uboot-xxx.bin to the SD card, like this:
dd if=uboot-xxx.bin of=/dev/your_sdcard_device seek=1
6. You can then delete the uboot-xxx.bin from you SD card.

Note: If you are sure that your SD Card partitioning already meets step 1 and 2
(that is, because you have done this before or because you have installed
earlier alphas of FatdogArm), you can skip 1 and 2.

General problems
If the system cannot boot, please zeros out your SD card first. Sometimes
leftover data prevents the system from starting.

To zeros SD card:
«dd if=/dev/zero of=/your/sdcard/device bs=4M»

and wait until it’s finished, then re-partition the card.


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