- Process list on Linux via Python
- Prerequisites
- Steps
- Step 1: Importing the necessary modules
- Step 2: Retrieving the process list
- Step 3: Formatting the process list
- Step 4: Printing the process list
- Conclusion
- How do I show a list of processes for the current user using python?
- Which is the best way to get a list of running processes in unix with python?
- Process List on Linux Via Python
- How to get list of PID for all the running process with python code?
- Find processes by command in python
- Which is the best way to get a list of running processes in unix with python?
- How to list all types (running, zombie, etc.) of processes currently in linux with native python library
- How do I show a list of processes for the current user using python?
- How to find pid of a process by Python?
- How to get the process name by pid in Linux using Python?
Process list on Linux via Python
If you’re working on a Linux server or machine, it’s important to understand how to view the running processes. In this guide, we’ll go over the steps to obtain a process list on Linux via Python.
Step 1: Importing the necessary modules
First, we need to import the necessary modules to work with processes in Linux. We’ll be using the `subprocess` module to execute Linux commands and retrieve the process list.
Step 2: Retrieving the process list
Now that we have the necessary module imported, we can execute the `ps` command to retrieve the process list. We’ll use `subprocess.check_output()` to execute the command and retrieve the output.
process_list = subprocess.check_output(['ps', '-aux'])
Step 3: Formatting the process list
The process list retrieved from the `ps` command will be a byte string. We need to convert it to a string and split it into lines to make it easier to work with. We’ll also remove the first line, which contains the column headers.
process_list = process_list.decode().split('\n')[1:]
Step 4: Printing the process list
Finally, we can print the process list to the console to view the running processes.
for process in process_list: print(process)
In this guide, we went over the steps to obtain a process list on Linux via Python. We used the `subprocess` module to execute the `ps` command and retrieve the process list. We then formatted the output and printed it to the console. With this knowledge, you can now view the running processes on a Linux machine with Python.
How do I show a list of processes for the current user using python?
A textbook answer would be to use psutil module like this:
import psutil,getpass,os user_name = getpass.getuser() process_dict =
That generates a dictionary with process id as key, and process name as value for current user processes.
That approach looks good but on my Windows server machine (where I don’t have admin privileges) I couldn’t get proc.username() without getting psutil.AccessDenied exception. So I tried to catch the exception in an helper routine, which led me to another strange error, so I dropped the whole idea and built a Windows-only solution based on tasklist command:
which, adapted to python and with the same convenient pid => username dictionary format translates as:
import csv,subprocess def get_current_user_processes(): csv_output = subprocess.check_output(["tasklist","/FI","USERNAME eq <>".format(os.getenv("USERNAME")),"/FO","CSV"]).decode("ascii","ignore") cr = csv.reader(csv_output.splitlines()) next(cr) # skip title lines return
It tells tasklist to keep only current user processes, and to use csv output format so it can be parsed easily with the csv module. Then, we keep only the 2 first columns (name & pid) and convert pid to integer for good measure.
It creates dictionaries like this:
Now each individual process can be examined more deeply with psutil without risking getting access denied or other strange errors:
d = get_current_user_processes() processes = [proc for proc in psutil.process_iter() if proc.pid in d]
Which is the best way to get a list of running processes in unix with python?
This works on Mac OS X 10.5.5. Note the capital -U option. Perhaps that’s been your problem.
import subprocess ps = subprocess.Popen("ps -U 0", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print ps.stdout.read() ps.stdout.close() ps.wait()
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 22 2008, 07:57:53) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on darwin
This isn’t going to be very cross-platform. ps options on Linux/Unix are going to be different, and not exist at all on Windows.
If the OS support the /proc fs you can do:
>>> import os >>> pids = [int(x) for x in os.listdir('/proc') if x.isdigit()] >>> pids [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, . 9406, 9414, 9428, 9444] >>>
A cross-platform solution (linux, freebsd, osx, windows) is by using psutil:
>>> import psutil >>> psutil.pids() [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, . 9406, 9414, 9428, 9444] >>>
The cross-platform replacement for commands is subprocess . See the subprocess module documentation. The ‘Replacing older modules’ section includes how to get output from a command.
Of course, you still have to pass the right arguments to ‘ps’ for the platform you’re on. Python can’t help you with that, and though I’ve seen occasional mention of third-party libraries that try to do this, they usually only work on a few systems (like strictly SysV style, strictly BSD style, or just systems with /proc.)
any of the above python calls — but try ‘pgrep
I’ve tried in on OS X (10.5.5) and seems to work just fine:
print commands.getoutput("ps -u 0") UID PID TTY TIME CMD 0 1 ?? 0:01.62 /sbin/launchd 0 10 ?? 0:00.57 /usr/libexec/kextd
It works if you use os instead of commands:
import os print os.system("ps -u 0")
os.system() doesn’t give you the output, the output is just printed to the screen. os.system() returns the process exit status, which you’ll see as a trailing ‘0’ in the output.
Process List on Linux Via Python
On linux, the easiest solution is probably to use the external ps command:
>>> import os
>>> data = [(int(p), c) for p, c in [x.rstrip('\n').split(' ', 1) \
. for x in os.popen('ps h -eo pid:1,command')]]
On other systems you might have to change the options to ps .
Still, you might want to run man on pgrep and pkill .
How to get list of PID for all the running process with python code?
If you are on Linux just use subprocess.Popen to spawn the ps — ef command, and then fetch the second column from it. Below is the example.
import subprocess as sb
proc_list = sb.Popen("ps -ef | awk ' ' ", stdout=sb.PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines()
for pid in proc_list:
If you want to keep it platform independent use psutil.pids() and then iterate over the pids. You can read more about it here, it has bunch of examples which demonstrates what you are probably trying to achieve.
Please execuse any typo if any, i am just posting this from mobile device.
If you want a dictionary with pid and process name, you could use the following code:
import psutil
dict_pids = p.info["pid"]: p.info["name"]
for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=["pid", "name"])
Find processes by command in python
import psutil
proc_iter = psutil.process_iter(attrs=["pid", "name", "cmdline"])
other_script_running = any("otherscript.py" in p.info["cmdline"] for p in proc_iter)
Which is the best way to get a list of running processes in unix with python?
This works on Mac OS X 10.5.5. Note the capital -U option. Perhaps that’s been your problem.
import subprocess
ps = subprocess.Popen("ps -U 0", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
print ps.stdout.read()
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 22 2008, 07:57:53)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on darwin
How to list all types (running, zombie, etc.) of processes currently in linux with native python library
Not exactly what you are trying to accomplish but linux commands can be run using the subprocess module:
import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen("pstree",stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
proc = subprocess.Popen(["ps" ,"aux"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
How do I show a list of processes for the current user using python?
import subprocess
ps = subprocess.Popen('ps -ef', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
print ps.stdout.readlines()
How to find pid of a process by Python?
If you just want the pid of the current script, then use os.getpid :
However, below is an example of using psutil to find the pids of python processes running a named python script. This could include the current process, but the main use case is for examining other processes, because for the current process it is easier just to use os.getpid as shown above.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import os
import psutil
def get_pids_by_script_name(script_name):
pids = []
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
cmdline = proc.cmdline()
pid = proc.pid
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
if (len(cmdline) >= 2
and 'python' in cmdline[0]
and os.path.basename(cmdline[1]) == script_name):
return pids
$ chmod +x sleep.py
$ cp sleep.py other.py
$ ./sleep.py &
[3] 24936
$ ./sleep.py &
[4] 24937
$ ./other.py &
[5] 24938
$ python get_pids.py
[24936, 24937]
How to get the process name by pid in Linux using Python?
If you want to see the running process, you can just use os module to execute the ps unix command
This will list the processes.
But if you want to get process name by ID, you can try ps -o cmd=
So the python code will be
import os
def get_pname(id):
return os.system("ps -o cmd= <>".format(id))
The better method is using subprocess and pipes.
import subprocess
def get_pname(id):
p = subprocess.Popen(["ps -o cmd= <>".format(id)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
return str(p.communicate()[0])
name = get_pname(1)