Qt creator linux нет комплекта

Can’t add kits and can’t choose Qt version in Qt Creator

I tried to work with Qt Creator, but when I start a new project, I have to create a new kit. But in the kit menu, I can’t choose a Qt version nor a debugger, my only option is ‘none’. It doesn’t work for any device type. I have the option to add a Qt version though, but which folder, file or executable I have to open?

To the downvoters: The question is completely clear, and it describes a problem commonly faced by novices to Qt Creator.

3 Answers 3

I think for you the easiest to do is to do a brand new installation. Install qtversion 5.5 and it will automatically install qtcreator and configure the settings correctly.

Follow the following links for each platform,

I did not use Qt since then, but now that i re-read this post i tried again and somehow it worked? I don’t have any clue why, i don’t think i changed anything about Qt, but im glad its working now and i don’t have to reinstall, thanks a lot for your answer anyways 😉 i appreciate it!

Go to Tools->Options->Build and run->Qt Versions->Add

Navigate through your Qt installation folder as shown in link and go to bin folder to find qmake, then Select and apply.

Under Kits Tab:
Select your kit
Go to Qt Version, where Added Qt version will be reflected from drop down list.
Select, apply and Press Ok.

I have the tab called «Qt Versions» right next to the «Kits» tab. I cannot find any qt version, from the screenshot and from the header «Select qmake executable», it should be called «qmake», and qmake —version gives qmake: could not exec ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake’: No such file or directory . Seems as if there is no qt installed at all.

It’s simple. You have to add a Qt version and a debugger first, then click Apply , then you can create a kit that uses that version.

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При создании проекта Qt Quick в qtcreator выдает отсутствие подходящего комплекта.
Буду признателен за помощь.

vvpnet Сообщения: 380 Зарегистрирован: 23 ноя 2015, 14:44 Operating system: Rosa R6 Fresh

qtcreator проблема при создании проекта

Сообщение vvpnet » 09 окт 2019, 08:49

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При создании проекта Qt Quick в qtcreator выдает отсутствие подходящего комплекта.
Буду признателен за помощь.

Olej Сообщения: 129 Зарегистрирован: 14 сен 2016, 14:06 Operating system: Fedora 30, Debian 10, Mint 19.2

qtcreator проблема при создании проекта

Сообщение Olej » 09 окт 2019, 10:09

Ну так выдаёт — значит таки отсутствует.
См. Разработка программных проектов в Linux — там есть примеры создания среды и для Qt.

papahander Сообщения: 110 Зарегистрирован: 12 ноя 2015, 20:35 Operating system: rosa fresh R6

qtcreator проблема при создании проекта

Сообщение papahander » 10 окт 2019, 02:18

papahander Сообщения: 110 Зарегистрирован: 12 ноя 2015, 20:35 Operating system: rosa fresh R6

qtcreator проблема при создании проекта

Сообщение papahander » 10 окт 2019, 02:21

Отсутствие нужного комплекта вещь очевидная. Однако в случае нормальной сборки комплекты должны быть. С бубном плясать у меня нет времени. Я надеялся, что меня ткнут носом в мой очевидный промах.

vvpnet Сообщения: 380 Зарегистрирован: 23 ноя 2015, 14:44 Operating system: Rosa R6 Fresh

qtcreator проблема при создании проекта

Сообщение vvpnet » 10 окт 2019, 07:08

Отсутствие нужного комплекта вещь очевидная. Однако в случае нормальной сборки комплекты должны быть. С бубном плясать у меня нет времени. Я надеялся, что меня ткнут носом в мой очевидный промах.

Перейди в инструменты->параметры->комплекты, выбери свой qt 5.9 посмотри внимательно нет ли предупреждения там об отсутсвие пакета Qt Quick, если да то его нужно доставить из репозитория

Olej Сообщения: 129 Зарегистрирован: 14 сен 2016, 14:06 Operating system: Fedora 30, Debian 10, Mint 19.2

qtcreator проблема при создании проекта

Сообщение Olej » 10 окт 2019, 13:44


No valid kits found, although a kit exists

I’m trying to open a new project in Qt Creator, and I’m getting a «No valid kits found» error. In options I do see a kit configured. I tried this and installed gcc from the maintaiance tool (although I already had it installed), but I’m still having the same problem. I think I need to choose that gcc I downloaded in Options > Compilers , but I can’t find it (although it installed successfully). I searched in /home/user/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/ — there’s a bin folder, but no gcc file inside. This also didn’t help. Screenshots of my Qt Options: Kits Qt_Versions Compilers Debuggers kits QT_Versions Compilers Debuggers Here’s what I’m getting: no_valid_kits

1 Answer 1

I had the same issue. To solve it do these steps: go to Tools->Options->Qt Versions->add. Here you add the qmake.

After that go to Kits tab, select Desktop default and than in option Qt version select/set your qt version.

Now if you try to create a project the kit will be there 🙂


Не решенные No suitable kits can be found. How do I solve this?

Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 9.27.12 PM.png


@aranjit :- First of all check whether is there any kit configured in your QT your not by going into Tools -> Options -> Kits. Like below image.

please, run your ‘qt maintenance tool.app’ in your qt folder.
and you should check your option like ‘5.12.4->msvc2017’ or ‘5.12.4->clang++’.
if you have any compiler / toolchain kit, you cannot select in the ‘kit selection’.

Screen Shot 2019-12-17 at 3.09.54 AM.png

this is what i have

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I think @jsulm meant more like
What platform are you aiming for ?
a Android app or iOs or linux Desktop etc ? Your kit seems a bit odd so are you trying to do cross-compiling or anything like that ? What platform are you on ?
Its it macOs? How did you install Qt ?
What packets did you select ? If MacOs, did you also install XCode etc ?

ankit thakar

@aranjit :- I actually faced same kind of problem in one of my colleague’s machine.
What I observed in his machine is that he didn’t configured any Qt versions.
So, can you please check that if you have the same problem or not?
i.e. goto Tools -> Options -> Kits -> Qt versions .

Screenshot 2020-07-20 23.08.06.png

This happend for me because during the install on the versions page there is a tickbox stating (Use latest releases) as this seemed like a reasonable default I proceeded. This actually installed no Qt versions. So there were no kits installed. Hence this error during first use. The problem is due to not making a selection in the list on the right, and can be remediend by running (Mac OS) ~/Qt/MaintenanceTool.app which will run through windows similar to the installation process. Select a Qt version on the page shown here.

New user here doing a fresh install for the first time. They really need to default check a version of Qt. Totally confusing.

Christian Ehrlicher

@FPChris tell me then the glaringly obvious place where you are asked to set this up and/or correct it if you missed it initially when installing through apt-get? @Christian-Ehrlicher said in No suitable kits can be found. How do I solve this?: @FPChris said in No suitable kits can be found. How do I solve this?:

Too hard to do one more click to select the desired version by your own? Please stop this, it’s unsupportive and unhelpful. It is also, sadly exactly what I’d expect from certain members of the FOSS community with the mentality that everyone should either know everything already or go through the same pains to learn it as they did and ignoring the mainstream end-user entirely in the process, which is exactly why Linux as a desktop kernel has taken so long to catch on/become relevant to general users. There’s something called an end user, learn to respect that or you are not a very good developer.


@puflin Your first post here and you’re already teaching others how to behave?
Also, this is a developer forum, not end-user. As a developer one should be able to handle such responses (take a look at Linux developer mailing list and what Linus sometimes says/writes if you want to know how it can be in one of THE open source projects). For such off-topic discussions I would suggest to go to https://forum.qt.io/category/7/the-lounge

But this is not really possible as it depends on what compiler you want to use and if you want to use
windows apps or Arm boards or both 🙂 So randomly selecting a toolchain is not the right design for a tool targeting developers.

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I agree, but an additional window/message along the line of: «You have selected no precompiled libraries, do you want to continue? Back : Continue» would be nice. and a second one
«You have selected all possible modules, do you really want to continue?» For the other extreme. would be nice to have.

Be aware of the Qt Code of Conduct, when posting : https://forum.qt.io/topic/113070/qt-code-of-conduct Qt Needs YOUR vote: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTQAINFRA-4121 Q: What’s that?
A: It’s blue light.
Q: What does it do?
A: It turns blue.

@jsulm I understand how it came across, just understand from my view, although I am new on the forum, that should not invalidate me as a person. The is that this is a constant theme in supposed «safe spaces» and forums where support and help is advocated. a Person comes here to find assistance and get put off by this form of reaction. Either allow people to self moderate, or do active Unbiased moderation. It is wholly unfair to expect a person not to raise the sense that they are offended just because they are ne. And yes, perhaps I could have put it nicer. For all intents and purposes, the OP and other contributors to the conversation ARE end users in this context. The discussion has nothing to do with development as such, it was in regards to the packages failure to communicate clearly to the end user, to detect versions installed already and to clearly assist the end user in doing so on failing that. Whether this is a concern to the developer is up to them to decide, but should not be communicated in such a manner. The fact that this is a developer tool should not have any bearing on it’s user friendliness. The person commenting, raised a legitimate concern and was met with sarcasm, and yes, I retaliated in like which was not prudent. If anything, with his standing in the forum I’d expect the respondent to have been respectful and helpful, something that is outlined in the code of conduct, yet no matter how you phrase it, it was not. It was intentionally sarcastic and unhelpful. I may have the experience and capacity to have resolved this issue on my own eventually, but that may not always be the case and it greatly infuriates me to see others being treated in such a manner who genuinely has an issue and raises a concern. My personal involvement in this regard is that I would never want to request assistance here if that is the kind of response one gets, nor would I ever recommend the site or the product’s support and community friendliness if that is the norm. At the very least, remove the offending commentary, including my own.

Absolutely for a more solid experience. 🙂
Btw more than once, i did select all models as it’s so tempting to click the root item 🙂


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