Qt creator python linux

Qt for Python Getting Started¶

This page is focused on building Qt for Python from source, if you just want to install PySide2 with pip you need to run:

for more details, refer to our Quick Start guide. Additionally, you can check the FAQ related to the project.

General Requirements¶

  • Python: 3.5+ and 2.7
  • Qt: 5.12+ is recommended
  • libclang: The libclang library, recommended: version 10 for PySide2 5.15. Prebuilt versions of it can be downloaded here.
  • CMake: 3.1+ is needed.

Guides per platform¶

You can refer to the following pages for platform specific instructions:

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • Mobile platforms (iOS/Android) (no support)
  • Embedded platforms (no official support)

Note Most Linux-based embedded OS provide PySide2 with their official package manager (e.g. Raspbian and ArchlinuxARM).

A normal building command will look like this:

python setup.py install --qmake=/path/to/qmake \ --ignore-git \ --debug \ --build-tests \ --parallel=8 \ --make-spec=ninja \ --verbose-build \ --module-subset=Core,Gui,Widgets 

Which will build and install the project with debug symbols, including the tests, using ninja (instead of make), and considering only the module subset of QtCore, QtGUI and QtWidgets.

  • —cmake , to specify the path to the cmake binary,
  • —reuse-build , to rebuild only the modified files,
  • —openssl=/path/to/openssl/bin , to use a different path for OpenSSL,
  • —standalone , to copy over the Qt libraries into the final package to make it work on other machines,
  • —doc-build-online , to build documentation using the online template.

Testing the installation¶

Once the installation finishes, you will be able to execute any of our examples:

python examples/widgets/widgets/tetrix.py 

Running Tests¶

Using the —build-tests option will enable us to run all the auto tests inside the project:

python testrunner.py test > testlog.txt 

On Windows, don’t forget to have qmake in your path ( set PATH=E:\Path\to\Qt\5.15\msvc2017_64\bin;%PATH% )

You can also run a specific test (for example qpainter_test ) by running:

ctest -R qpainter_test --verbose 

Building the documentation¶

Starting from 5.15, there are two options to build the documentation:

1. Building rst-only documentation (no API)¶

The process of parsing Qt headers to generate the PySide API documentation can take several minutes, this means that modifying a specific section of the rst files we currently have, might become a hard task.

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For this, you can install sphinx on a virtual environment, and execute the following command:

python setup.py build_rst_docs 

which will generate a html/ directory with the following structure:

html └── pyside2 ├── index.html ├── . └── shiboken2 ├── index.html └── .

so you can open the main page html/pyside2/index.html on your browser to check the generated files.

This is useful when updating the general sections of the documentation, adding tutorials, modifying the build instructions, and more.

2. Building the documentation (rst + API)¶

The documentation is being generated using qdoc to get the API information, and also sphinx for the local Python related notes.

The system required libxml2 and libxslt , also on the Python environment, sphinx and graphviz need to be installed before running the installation process:

pip install graphviz sphinx 

After installing graphviz , the dot command needs to be in PATH, otherwise, the process will fail. Installing graphviz system-wide is also an option.

Since the process rely on a Qt installation, you need to specify where the qtbase directory you will use with your qmake is located:

export QT_SRC_DIR=/path/to/qtbase 

Once the build process finishes, you can go to the generated *_build/*_release/pyside2 directory, and run:

The apidoc make target builds offline documenation in QCH (Qt Creator Help) format by default. You can switch to building for the online use with the —doc-build-online configure option.

Finally, you will get a html directory containing all the generated documentation. The offline help files, PySide.qch and Shiboken.qch , can be moved to any directory of your choice. You can find Shiboken.qch in the build directory, *_build\*_release\shiboken2\doc\html .

Viewing offline documentation¶

The offline documentation (QCH) can be viewed using the Qt Creator IDE or Qt Assistant, which is a standalone application for viewing QCH files.

To view the QCH using Qt Creator, following the instructions outlined in Using Qt Creator Help Mode. If you chose to use Qt Assistant instead, use the following command to register the QCH file before launching Qt Assistant:

assistant -register PySide.qch

Qt Assistant renders the QCH content using the QTextBrowser backend, which supports a subset of the CSS styles, However, Qt Creator offers an alternative litehtml-based backend, which offers better browsing experience. At the moment, this is not the default backend, so you have to select the litehtml backend explicitly under the General tab in Qt Creator >> Tools >> Options >> Help .

Using the internal tools¶

A set of tools can be found under the tools/ directory inside the pyside-setup repository.

    checklibs.py : Script to analyze dynamic library dependencies of Mach-O binaries. To use this utility, just run:

python checklibs.py /path/to/some.app/Contents/MacOS/Some 
python create_changelog.py -r 5.15.1 -v v5.15.0..5.15 -t bug-fix 
python missing_bindings.py --qt-version 5.15.1 -w all 

© 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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Отсутствует проект python в Qt creator

Скачал онлайн установщик Qt5 с офф. сайта, кьют встала, но я не могу создать проект на Python, я понимаю что изначально Qt — это C++ IDE, но тогда как тут ведется разработка Python — проектов? Также у меня не встал QtDesigner (может это отдельный вопрос?) Пару часов гугления дали понять, что у Win-юзеров с этим нет проблем. All-in-one. Хочу использовать PyQt5 и python3. Система: Ubuntu linux 16, x64 Комрады, прошу направить заблудшего странника на истинный путь

Какие именно трудности у вас с созданием проекта? Что значит, не встал дизайнер? Он отсутствует в системе или не запускается, дает ошибку?

Трудности такие: могу создать проект только для С++, но для python только можно создать только отдельный файл.. установил либы: sudo apt-get install python3-qt5 sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev-tools

Сейчас Вы добавили боли в мою жизнь. Я то думал так всё будет легко и просто. Спасибо огромное! Буду писать в виме

3 ответа 3

в linux все следует устанавливать из пакетов. Постигните команду apt-get. Например apt-get install qtcreator. Для поиска чего нужно можно использовать apt-cache search pyqt

не нужно в линуксе использовать сторонние инсталляторы, если только не понимаете точно, что Вы делаете.

Если у вас уже стоят необходимые библиотеки то необходимо настроить сам qt creator. Вот ссылка на английское зеркало stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24100602/developing-python-applications-in-qt-creator

Qt — это кроссплатформенный графический фреймворк для разработки на С++, Qt Creator — IDE. А PyQt — это набор «привязок» к этой библиотеке для python и сделан совсем другой компанией. Разработка проектов на питоне в creator’e не предусмотрена, но в новых версиях creator’a можно создавать файлы на python и запускать их, правда без поддержки автодополнения. Для разработки можно использовать любой редактор c автодополнением, который вам нравится, типа Sublime, Atom, vim и т.д. Можно использовать полноценную IDE от Jet Brains — PyCharm Community Edition.

А Qt Designer, по идее, должен был встать с пакетом qt5, Qt Creator ведь установился? Кстати, если он установился, можно и его использовать для рисования формочек.

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PyCharm бесплатный. Community издание бесплатное, но немного ограниченное по функционалу (насколько помню работа с базами через интерфейс ide отключено и что-то по мелочи)


Qt for Python/GettingStarted

Refer to the official docs to start building and using Qt for Python.

Using Qt Creator as a project explorer

Qt Creator 4.0+ can be used to open the PySide and Shiboken CMakeLists.txt files as projects, and thus provide usual IDE features for developing PySide — project file navigation, code completion (C++ only), following symbols under cursor (C++ only), syntax highlighting, locator usage, debugging, etc.

Currently, there is a limitation that Shiboken has to be built first using the terminal because the installed shiboken CMake packages will have to be specified for the PySide project in Qt Creator.

The steps for opening the projects in Qt Creator are:

  1. Open pyside-setup/sources/shiboken2/CMakeLists.txt and specify a 5.12+ Qt Kit to be used
  2. Build the project as usual (by pressing the build icon for instance)
  3. Open pyside-setup/sources/pyside2/CMakeLists.txt and specify the same 5.12+ Qt Kit
  4. Go to the projects tab, and under the Build / CMake section find the Shiboken2_DIR setting. You have to specify the path to the folder where the Shiboken CMake package was installed when you compiled Shiboken from the terminal·
  5. An example path under macOS is /Users/user/Dev/pyside2-setup/pyside_install/py3.6-qt5.12.1-64bit-debug/lib/cmake/Shiboken2-2.0.0. The path has to be adjusted depending on the user folder name, the version of python and qt, etc
  6. (Optional) On MacOS you also have to set the ALTERNATIVE_QT_INCLUDE_DIR setting to the Qt kit include path (e.g. /Users/user/Dev/qt511_source/include)
  7. Apply the CMake configuration changes (by pressing the button), and you should be able to build PySide

Now you can use the project explorer to look through the source cpp files, python files, use the locator feature to open files and file classes / methods, and other features that Qt Creator provides.

Troubleshooting / Known Issues

  • Qt 5.9 does not work with OpenSSL 1.1
    • When doing a custom Qt build (some unspecified versions for now), It is necessary to have an OpenSSL version of 1.0.x, since there are compatibility issues with newer versions of OpenSSL (see details)
    • The only workaround is to uninstall any module from the system, then PySide2 can look at only the Qt path currently being use.
    python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"
    • Building failing because graphviz wasn’t found. If you’re using pyenv and installed it using pip, try to install it using your package manager:
    dnf install graphviz.x86_64 #Fedora
    PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared --with-trace-refs" 
    PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared --with-trace-refs" pyenv install -kg 3.9.13


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