Qt maintenance tool linux

Where is the qt maintenance tool

Question: The maintenance tool that is bundled with online installers for Qt applications can supposedly be run headlessly with a «—checkupdates» flag that returns update information if available (see Qt Installer Framework: Auto Update). You can delete the version of Qt Creator installed by this process if you prefer to keep the version from the Ubuntu repositories: Or you could use , an unofficial Qt installer that can be used to install any Qt on any target platform.

What is the file path location for QT Maintenance tool on Linux?

I have been searching and searching and cannot find where the QT maintenance too l is located in Linux.

If you left the defaults when using Qt’s pre-built package installer, it should be in ~/Qt/ .

If you didn’t use the official installer, then it’s up to your distribution package manager.

Otherwise, you have to tell how you did install Qt in the first place.

What is the default installation folder/file path for QT Maintenance tool for Ubuntu Linux distro?

As of Ubuntu 19.10, it is simply not contained in the Ubuntu repositories. You have basically two options:

  1. Download the Qt Online Installer from the Qt website and use that to install a version of Qt for Android. The Qt Maintenance Tool will then be available at /opt/Qt/MaintenanceTool . You can delete the version of Qt Creator installed by this process if you prefer to keep the version from the Ubuntu repositories: sudo rm -R /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/
  2. Or you could use aqtinstall , an unofficial Qt installer that can be used to install any Qt on any target platform. It’s equivalent in function to the Qt Maintenance Tool while being equivalent in terms of interface to apt (means, it’s a commandline tool rather than a GUI tool, allowing scripting with it).

Qt creator — Where is the Qt Maintenance Tool?, Because that’s the Qt version installed by apt. To develop for Android and the like, you need a Qt version compiled for Android. And that is only available within the Qt Maintenance Tool or when …

Ubuntu: Where is the Qt Maintenance Tool? (2 Solutions!!)

Ubuntu: Where is the Qt Maintenance Tool? (2 Solutions!)Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & …

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Where is Qt Maintenance Tool in Homebrew

I have installed Qt with Homebrew. Everything is working fine for Desktop Application Development. But I do not find Maintenance Tool . Do I need to install that separately with brew ?

It does not exist, since homebrew tries to be a package manager like they exist on linux environtments. Just like cygwin/msys2 for windows. So they provide one qt build and that’s it.

You can still install the official binary distribution from Qt which contains the Maintenance Tool. You can think of the Maintenance Tool as Qt’s internal package manager, that can install official Qt binaries.

What is the file path location for QT Maintenance tool on, The Qt Maintenance Tool will then be available at /opt/Qt/MaintenanceTool. You can delete the version of Qt Creator installed by this process if you prefer to keep the version from the Ubuntu repositories: sudo rm -R /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/

I can’t find maintenance tool in Qt5.5

I have already installed qtbase and all, now I am trying to, install V-play in Qt, so I’m looking for maintenance tool, from the v-play website installation instruction detail :

If you already have Qt 5 installed on your system you can add V-Play to that installation. Open the executable called Maintenance Tool and following these steps:

I am using qt 5.5 , I can’t find the maintenance tool .

If you have downloaded and installed Qt from the Qt website it will be located in the parent installation folder. For example, if you installed in /opt then the maintenance tool will be located inside the /opt/Qt folder.

I don’t think the maintenance tool is present if you installed Qt using apt.

At least as of Ubuntu 19.10, the Qt Maintenance Tool is simply not contained in the Ubuntu repositories. You have basically two options:

  1. Download the Qt Online Installer from the Qt website and use that to install the desired versions of Qt. The Qt Maintenance Tool will then also be available at /opt/Qt/MaintenanceTool . You can delete the version of Qt Creator installed by this process if you prefer to keep the version from the Ubuntu repositories: sudo rm -R /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/
  2. Or you could use aqtinstall , an unofficial Qt installer that can be used to install any Qt on any target platform. It’s equivalent in function to the Qt Maintenance Tool while being equivalent in terms of interface to apt (means, it’s a commandline tool rather than a GUI tool, allowing scripting with it).

How to update Qt Maintenance Tool, If you cancel exiting, it then allows you to update the maintenance tool (the current version is apparently 3.0.4). So basically, hit «quit», cancel the exiting, and it then updates itself. Wow, that’s weird. At least it works if you select «Update components» on the Setup — Qt page. If you select «Add or remove …

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Qt Installer Framework: maintenancetool —checkupdates flag returns nothing

The maintenance tool that is bundled with online installers for Qt applications can supposedly be run headlessly with a «—checkupdates» flag that returns update information if available (see qt installer framework : Auto Update). Unfortunately I cannot get this command to actually return anything, even when there is a known update available. I can start the maintenancetool from the command line and the update is visible, but trying to use the —checkupdates flag produces nothing.

QProcess update; update.setWorkingDirectory(QDir::currentPath()); update.start("maintenancetool --checkupdates"); // Wait until the maintenancetool is finished update.waitForFinished(); // Read the output QByteArray data = update.readAllStandardOutput(); 

I can get this code to open the maintenancetool if I remove the —checkupdates flag, but data is always empty even if there is an update. If I try and run the process in the command line it also produces nothing, so I don’t think it’s a problem with the code. Any ideas? There doesn’t seem to be a lot of information out there about this.

Although I don’t know the reason for it, the problem appears to be that the —checkupdates flag does not return any data. However, it does have the appropriate exit code based on whether or not there are updates available. I have rewritten my application to catch the exit code and start the maintenance tool (or not) accordingly. Feels like a hack, but it works.

The maintenance tool is made to return nothing if there are no updates available. I send the results to a text file before launching the maintenance tool like this:

@echo off maintenancetool.exe --checkupdates > checkUpdate.txt findstr /c:"updates" checkUpdate.txt if %errorlevel% == 0 maintenancetool.exe --script=script.qs 

Qt Maintenance Tool won’t launch, Right click on the C:\Qt folder (or wherever you installed Qt) and choose Properties. Click the Previous Versions tab. In reverse age order (newest first), open the various copies of the Qt folder, and see if they have MaintenanceTool.dat. Once you find one, drag it into your real Qt folder …


Get and Install Qt

You can get Qt, its modules and tools via Qt Online Installer or Maintenance Tool.

Via Qt Online Installer you can do new installations. Maintenance Tool is included in each Qt installation and with it you can update your Qt installation for example by adding and removing components.

You can use Qt Online Installer and Maintenance Tool via a graphical user interface or a command line interface. The command line interface enables installing and uninstalling without any user interaction, that is, unattended usage.

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Using Qt Online Installer

You can download Qt Online Installer via Qt Account as follows:

  1. Select Downloads
  2. Download Qt Online Installer for your host: Linux, macOS, or Windows

See Get and Install Qt with Qt Online Installer for more information about how to use Qt Online Installer.

Get and Install Qt with Command Line Interface describes how you can use Qt Online installer with the command line interface.

Using Maintenance Tool

Once Qt is installed, you can use Maintenance Tool under to add components and to update or remove installed components. Maintenance Tool is included in each Qt installation.

For more information about how to use Maintenance Tool with the command line interface, see Get and Install Qt with Command Line Interface.

© 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd. in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


What is the file path location for QT Maintenance tool on Linux?

I have been searching and searching and cannot find where the QT Maintenance tool is located in Linux. What is the default installation folder/file path for QT Maintenance tool for Ubuntu Linux distro.

2 Answers 2

If you left the defaults when using Qt’s pre-built package installer, it should be in ~/Qt/ .

If you didn’t use the official installer, then it’s up to your distribution package manager.

Otherwise, you have to tell how you did install Qt in the first place.

What is the default installation folder/file path for QT Maintenance tool for Ubuntu Linux distro?

As of Ubuntu 19.10, it is simply not contained in the Ubuntu repositories. You have basically two options:

  1. Download the Qt Online Installer from the Qt website and use that to install a version of Qt for Android. The Qt Maintenance Tool will then be available at /opt/Qt/MaintenanceTool . You can delete the version of Qt Creator installed by this process if you prefer to keep the version from the Ubuntu repositories: sudo rm -R /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/
  2. Or you could use aqtinstall , an unofficial Qt installer that can be used to install any Qt on any target platform. It’s equivalent in function to the Qt Maintenance Tool while being equivalent in terms of interface to apt (means, it’s a commandline tool rather than a GUI tool, allowing scripting with it).


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