Download selected Qualcomm Atheros wireless driver v10.0.0.328 for AR9485 and Windows 7
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Download driver v10.0.0.328 for AR9485 and Windows 7
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- Qualcomm Atheros Wireless device driver for Microsoft Windows 7 (32/64bit) and:
- Qualcomm Atheros 802.11 a/b/g/n Dualband Wireless Network Module, Qualcomm Atheros AR1111 Wireless Network Adapter, AR1111 WB-EG, AR2427, AR5002G, AR5002X, AR5004G, AR5004X, AR5005G, AR5005GS, AR5006, AR5006EG, AR5006EGS, AR5006EX, AR5006EXS, AR5006G, AR5006GS, AR5006X, AR5006XS, AR5007, AR5007EG, AR5007G, AR5008, AR5008WB-EG, AR5008X, AR5009, AR5B116, AR5B125, AR5B195, AR5B91, AR5B92, AR5B93, AR5B95, AR5B97, AR5BMD222, AR5BMD225, AR5BNFA222, AR5BWB222, AR5BWB225, AR9002WB, AR9002WB-1NG, AR9002WB-2NG, AR9227, AR922X, AR9280, AR9281, AR9283, AR9285, AR9287, AR928X, AR9380, AR9382, AR938x, AR9462, AR946x, AR9485, AR9485WB-EG, AR956x, AR9580, Osprey, Osprey Emulation, Osprey Simulation, QCA9565
- 11a/b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter II, 11a/b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter, 11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Adapter, 11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter, 11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Adapter, 11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter, 11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter II, 11b/g Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter III, 11b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter, 11b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter II, 11b/g/n Wireless LAN Mini-PCI Express Adapter III
- Allied Telesyn AT-WCC201g Wireless Card Bus Adapter, Allied Telesyn AT-WCP201g Wireless PCI Adapter
- Belkin N1 Wireless Notebook Card, Belkin Wireless A/G Desktop Network Card
- D-Link AirPlus DWL-G520 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B), D-Link AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C), D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G510 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B), D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G520+A Wireless PCI Adapter, D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter, D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G630 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.D), D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G650+A Wireless Cardbus Adapter, D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G520 Adapter, D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G650 Adapter, D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter, D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG660 Wireless Cardbus Adapter, D-Link AirPremier DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter, D-Link AirPremier DWL-AG660 Wireless Cardbus Adapter, D-Link AirPremier DWL-G550 Wireless PCI Adapter, D-Link AirPremier DWL-G680 Wireless Cardbus Adapter, D-Link AirXpert DWL-AG520 Wireless PCI Adapter, D-Link AirXpert DWL-AG650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter, D-Link DWA-542 RangeBooster N Desktop Adapter, D-Link DWA-547 RangeBooster N650 Desktop Adapter, D-Link DWA-552 XtremeN Desktop Adapter, D-Link DWA-556 Xtreme N PCIe Desktop Adapter, D-Link DWA-566 Wireless N 300 Dual Band PCIe Desktop Adapter, D-Link DWA-642 RangeBooster N Notebook Adapter, D-Link DWA-643 Xtreme N ExpressCard Notebook Adapter, D-Link DWA-645 RangeBooster N650 Notebook Adapter, D-Link DWA-652 XtremeN Notebook Adapter, D-Link WDA-1320 Desktop Adapter, D-Link WDA-2320 Desktop Adapter, D-Link Wireless 108G DWA-520 Desktop Adapter, D-Link Wireless 108G DWA-620 Notebook Adapter, D-Link WNA-1330 Notebook Adapter, D-Link WNA-2330 Notebook Adapter
- Foxconn 802.11 a/b/g/n Wireless System Adaptor
- Gigabyte GN-WI01GT (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WI01HT (mini) PCI WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WI03N (mini) PCI WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WI06N (mini) PCI Express WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WI07HT (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WIAG/GN-WPEAG (mini) PCI WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WIAH (mini) PCI WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WLMA102 Cardbus WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WM01GT Cardbus WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WM02N Express WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WMAG Cardbus WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WP01GT (mini) PCI WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WP02N PCI Express WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WS50G (mini) PCI-E WLAN Card, Gigabyte GN-WS53HN Wireless LAN Mini PCI Express Adapter
- Gigaset PC Card 108, Gigaset PC Card 300, Speedport Gigaset 54 Mbit
- HP 802.11a/b/g Wireless Network Adapter, HP 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter
- IEEE 802.11a/g Wireless LAN Adapter (A)
- I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter
- Killer Wireless-N 1102 Network Adapter, Killer Wireless-N 1103 Network Adapter, Killer Wireless-N 1202 Network Adapter
- LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11a/g miniPCI Adapter, LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g miniPCI Adapter, LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g PCI-E Adapter
- Linksys Dual-Band Wireless A+G PCI Adapter, Linksys Wireless A+G Notebook Adapter, Linksys Wireless A+G PCI Adapter, Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter
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- TP-LINK 150Mbps Wireless N Adapter, TP-LINK 300Mbps Wireless N Adapter, TP-LINK Wireless N Adapter
- TRENDnet N600 Wireless Dual Band PCIe Adapter
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- www.ath-drivers.euLatest Atheros, Attansic and Zydas drivers
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- www.cpufoto.euTechnical specifications older CPUs and photo
- www.ath-forum.euUnofficial Qualcomm Atheros technical forum
- www.nv-forum.euUnofficial nVidia technical forum for graphics card
- www.rtl-forum.euUnofficial Realtek technical forum for audio, network, wireless, cardreader, .
Latest Atheros drivers
Version | OS | Date | Downloads |
---|---|---|---| | Win 10 | 2020-12-21 | 130640× | | Win 10 | 2020-11-19 | 4019× | | Win 10 | 2020-08-24 | 1039× | | Win 10 | 2020-08-24 | 311× | | Win 10 | 2020-07-09 | 611× | | Win 10 | 2020-06-18 | 61545× | | Win 10 | 2020-05-21 | 636× | | Win 10 | 2020-04-27 | 5014× | | Win 10 | 2020-03-08 | 905× | | Win 10 | 2020-01-20 | 1148× |
Top 10 Atheros Drivers
Version | OS | Date | Downloads |
---|---|---|---| | Win 10 | 2018-09-03 | 1994977× | | Win 7 | 2015-09-17 | 1047993× | | WXP | 2010-11-09 | 1033198× | | Win 10 | 2017-11-22 | 952052× | | Win 7 | 2016-01-29 | 934664× | | Win 7 | 2015-03-11 | 917537× | | Win 7 | 2010-10-22 | 878046× | | Win 8 | 2013-12-24 | 826456× | | Win 10 | 2015-11-26 | 746598× | | Win 7 | 2013-08-09 | 736994× |
Top 10 Atheros Datasheets
Chipset | Type | Date | Downloads |
AR9485 | 2013-11-07 | 27062× | |
AR9285 | 2010-10-26 | 26587× | |
AR8031 | 2013-10-21 | 10464× | |
AR9287 | 2013-11-04 | 7386× | |
AR9462 | 2013-11-07 | 6981× | |
AR9331 | 2010-12-21 | 6659× | |
AR8035 | 2013-10-21 | 6515× | |
AR9002WB-1NGB | 2009-09-14 | 6144× | |
AR5007EG | 2006-12-01 | 4672× | |
AR9285 | 2010-10-17 | 4101× |
Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter
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Драйвер / Устройство | Операционная система | Дата выхода Версия | Ссылка на скачивание | |
Qualcomm Atheros Killer BigFoot LAN Driver | Windows 10 64-bit (x64) | 2018-12-10 2.0.1130.0 | | |
Killer Wireless and Ethernet Drivers | Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2018-04-21 1.5.1859 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Network Adapter Driver (QCA9565) | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2017-09-20 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Driver | Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2016-05-20 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Driver | Windows 7 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2016-01-29 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Network Adapter | Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2015-11-19 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Driver | Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2015-05-17 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Driver | Windows 8, Windows 8.1 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2014-12-12 | | |
WiFi Atheros ar9285 | Windows 7 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2014-10-17 | | |
WiFi Atheros ar9285 | Windows 8 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2014-09-18 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Driver | Windows XP 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2013-11-28 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Network Adapter | Windows 8 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2012-06-14 | | |
Bluetooth Module | Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2012-05-21 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Network Adapter | Windows 7, Vista 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2011-12-23 | | |
Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Network Adapter | Windows XP 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) | 2011-04-10 | |
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