Qualcomm atheros ar9485 wireless network adapter driver linux

How do I get to work my Atheros AR9485 Wireless card in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

I’ve recently installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in my ASUS D550CA, and so far things have gone great. The only problem I’ve got is the Wi-Fi. It doesn’t work. I’ve got an Qualcomm Atheros AR9485. I’ve tried installing the drivers, but the sytem says it doesn’t find any. So I started looking around this forum for solutions. I’ve read every single post from this forum about my Wi-Fi network adapter, and I’ve found nothing that solves my problem. Let me give you some info about my configuration. Disclaimer: my configuration is in spanish, so if you don’t understand something you can either use Google translate, or use your imagination. 😀 When I run $ sudo lshw -C network this is what I get:

*-network DEACTIVATED descripción: Interfaz inalámbrica producto: AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter fabricante: Qualcomm Atheros id físico: 0 información del bus: pci@0000:02:00.0 nombre lógico: wlan0 versión: 01 serie: 28:e3:47:5c:5d:3f anchura: 64 bits reloj: 33MHz capacidades: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list rom ethernet physical wireless configuración: broadcast=yes driver=ath9k driverversion=3.13.0-34-generic firmware=N/A latency=0 link=no multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bgn recursos: irq:17 memoria:f7d00000-f7d7ffff memoria:f7d80000-f7d8ffff *-network descripción: Ethernet interface producto: RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller fabricante: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. id físico: 0.2 información del bus: pci@0000:03:00.2 nombre lógico: eth0 versión: 06 serie: e0:3f:49:ce:57:49 tamaño: 100Mbit/s capacidad: 100Mbit/s anchura: 64 bits reloj: 33MHz capacidades: pm msi pciexpress msix vpd bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp mii 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd autonegotiation configuración: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=r8169 driverversion=2.3LK-NAPI duplex=full firmware=rtl8402-1_0.0.1 10/26/11 ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes port=MII speed=100Mbit/s recursos: irq:41 ioport:e000(size=256) memoria:f0004000-f0004fff memoria:f0000000-f0003fff 

At the beginning, you’ll see that it says «*-network DEACTIVATED» (or at least that’s what I translated), is that something bad? Then, when I run ipconfig this is what I get:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet direcciónHW e0:3f:49:ce:57:49 Direc. inet: Difus.: Másc: Dirección inet6: fe80::e23f:49ff:fece:5749/64 Alcance:Enlace ACTIVO DIFUSIÓN FUNCIONANDO MULTICAST MTU:1500 Métrica:1 Paquetes RX:221199 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 frame:0 Paquetes TX:62025 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 colisiones:0 long.colaTX:1000 Bytes RX:124409589 (124.4 MB) TX bytes:7471899 (7.4 MB) lo Link encap:Bucle local Direc. inet: Másc: Dirección inet6: ::1/128 Alcance:Anfitrión ACTIVO BUCLE FUNCIONANDO MTU:65536 Métrica:1 Paquetes RX:2977 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 frame:0 Paquetes TX:2977 errores:0 perdidos:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 colisiones:0 long.colaTX:0 Bytes RX:397158 (397.1 KB) TX bytes:397158 (397.1 KB) 
eth0 no wireless extensions. lo no wireless extensions. wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:off/any Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=off Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Power Management:off 
0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: yes 1: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 2: asus-bluetooth: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 

I hope anyone can help me solve this, I’ve searched a lot and found no solution. Thanks a lot.

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Как запустить wlan Atheros AR9485 на Linuxmint?

Добрый день, поставил Linux Mint 17 Mate на ноутбук и WiFi перестал работать. Что странно, при установке он был доступен, но работал нестабильно и с ничтожной скоростью. Теперь же никак не заводится, не ищет сети и вообще недоступен. У Asus-а включение/выключение WiFi по Fn+F2, однако никакой реакции не происходит.
Есть предложения, как завести? Карточка Atheros AR9485.
Немного баша:

uname -r 3.13.0-24-generic ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::beee:ff:ff:75a6/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:733916 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:320914 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1073945559 (1.0 GB) TX bytes:27964636 (27.9 MB) lo Link encap:Локальная петля (Loopback) inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:23293 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:23293 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:3662119 (3.6 MB) TX bytes:3662119 (3.6 MB) wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) wlan0:avahi Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 iwconfig wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:off/any Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=16 dBm Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Power Management:off lo no wireless extensions. eth0 no wireless extensions. rfkill list 0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 1: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no inxi -Nn Network: Card-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller driver: r8169 IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Card-2: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter driver: ath9k IF: wlan0 state: down mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

В общем ларчик просто открывался. Чтоб WiFi запустился, его пришлось перезапустить из консоли, подробнее здесь.

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Чтоб Fn+F2 заработал, достаточно добавить в grub: acpi_osi=’!Windows 2012′ и т.к. ноутбук Windows 8 ready — это ему помогает. Подробнее тут.

Осталась проблема с яркостью, но она скоро решится.
Спасибо за внимание;)

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Qualcomm atheros ar9485 wireless network adapter driver linux

The device is supported by kernel versions 3.17 and newer according to the LKDDb:

Ver Source Config By ID By Class
3.17 — 6.3 drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/pci.c CONFIG_ATH9K CONFIG_ATH9K_HW CONFIG_ATH9K_PCI CONFIG_ATH_CARDS CONFIG_WLAN 168c:0032 *
3.17 — 6.3 drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/pci.c CONFIG_ATH9K CONFIG_ATH9K_HW CONFIG_ATH9K_PCI CONFIG_ATH_CARDS CONFIG_WLAN 168c:0032:1a3b:2c97 *

Status (610)

HWid Type Vendor / Model Probes System Last
28040 » notebook Acer /
Aspire 5349
1 Mint 20.3 works
E2748 » notebook Acer /
1 Fedora 35 works
8F435 » notebook Acer /
Extensa 5620
1 ROSA R9-R11 works
A24A6 » notebook Advent /
Tacto Purple
2 Debian 11 works
EC5E1 » desktop ASUSTek /
2 Ubuntu 20.04 works
BA9EF » notebook ASUSTek /
3 Fedora 31 works
4ADF6 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 18.10 works
1A9BD » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Debian 11 works
1A9BD » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Pop!_OS 22.04 works
7A7EC » notebook ASUSTek /
2 ROSA R4-R8 works
0847E » notebook ASUSTek /
2 ROSA R4-R8 works
A0424 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 KDE neon 18.04 works
BE054 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Mint 20 works
C4A28 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 20.04 works
A6AF8 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Kubuntu 22.10 works
0CBB6 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 ROSA R4-R8 works
3362C » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 22.04 works
430B5 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 ROSA R4-R8 works
140FB » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Ubuntu 20.04 works
140FB » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 22.04 works
F25B7 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 20.04 works
7CB7F » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 19.10 works
AA66D » notebook ASUSTek /
1 KDE neon 20.04 works
FD96C » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Pop!_OS 20.04 works
1CD0B » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Pop!_OS 21.04 works
DBB6B » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 18.04 works
7C0AE » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Calculate works
7C0AE » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Fedora 37 works
34944 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 ArcoLinux R . works
80FDD » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Kubuntu 21.10 works
3CC66 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 ROSA R4-R8 works
882C2 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Debian Testing works
1F3DE » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Fedora 31 works
96113 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Ubuntu 20.04 works
9AB8C » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Fedora 33 works
42CF1 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Mint 20 works
702B3 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Mint 19.3 works
6B510 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 20.04 works
55D82 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Ubuntu 20.04 works
6553A » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Zorin 16 works
71FA6 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 Fedora 38 works
36218 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Mint 20.1 works
18FB2 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 20.04 works
B18A9 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 ROSA R4-R8 works
B18A9 » notebook ASUSTek /
5 ROSA R9-R11 works
CAA94 » notebook ASUSTek /
2 ROSA R4-R8 works
040E3 » notebook ASUSTek /
3 Ubuntu 20.04 works
8F8F1 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Ubuntu 18.04 works
2FD89 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 Manjaro 20.1 works
E6BF8 » notebook ASUSTek /
1 OpenMandriv . works
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