Raspberry pi bluetooth disable

Raspberry pi bluetooth disable

За большое время работы с Raspberry PI и экспериментами с ним выяснилось, что внутреннй BT работает не совсем идеально и общее использование сети на 2.4 GHZ
приводит к небольшим траблам и сеть может пропустить пару пакетиков или БТ подтупливает при передаче или приеме данных.
Да и субьективное мнение сложилось, что чувствительность страдает и работает со сбоями.

В общем как отключить внутренний BT и WI-FI и воткнуть USB BT и WI-FI донглы этот блог.

    и в конце дописываем (спасибо SoulTaker, подправил строчку про WI-FI)

# Disable Bluetooth dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt # Disable WI-FI dtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifi

В консоли для этого делаем:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Вписываем выделенное выше и Ctrl+X, потом Y

Это в принципе достаточно, но можно и другим путем, где можно выключить и BT, и WI-FI размазанные по плате.
Идем по пути:
и там пишем:

# Отключение BT blacklist btbcm blacklist hci_uart # Отключение WI-FI blacklist brcmfmac blacklist brcmutil

Все, внутренние железки не работают.

Напомню, что если конфиги правите любыми внешними редакторами, то не забывайте про кодировку UTF-8.

Втыкаем USB BT CSR 4.0.
У меня был только такой и драйвера подхватились автоматически, с другим чипсетом возможно придется поставить драйвера к нему.
Проверяем командой, что cистема увидела донгл:
Там должны увидеть Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)
ID какой у него и куда прилепился ( у меня Device 005: ID 0a12:0001) не особо интересует, это нужно, к примеру для того, что бы работать с конфигами устройства.
Ну допустим описать его в Pulse Audio.
В общем обнаружили и удостоверились, что все живое.

Дальше на всякий случай апдейтнем систему и модули:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils blueman bluez python-gobject python-gobject-2

Для BT 4.0 лучше всего использовать модуль Bluez последней версии.
Сейчас актуальный 5.9

Как ставить.
wget www.kernel.org/pub/linux/bluetooth/bluez-5.9.tar.xz
tar xvf bluez-5.9.tar.xz && cd bluez-5.9
./configure —prefix=/usr —mandir=/usr/share/man —sysconfdir=/etc —localstatedir=/var —enable-experimental
make -j4
sudo make install

Читайте также:  Bluetooth работает от интернета

И после не длительных по времени ожиданий обязательно ребутим:
sudo reboot

Идем снова в консоль и удостоверяемся, что поставили 5.9 версию:
bluetoothctl -v
Высветит 5.9

Аналогично ставим USB WI-FI на 5 Ghz.
Не думаю, что у кого-то возникнут проблемы по установке USB донгла на 5 Ghz, но если возникнут вопросы — пишите в комменты или форум.


Raspberry pi bluetooth disable

I’m new to this world, I just bought my first Raspberry Pi (3 B+) and I use it headless mode through ssh. I wanted to disable both Bluetooth and wifi at startup (since I don’t use them) to reduce the load and heat of the Raspberry.
I found online how to disable wifi, but I can’t find how to disable Bluetooth. For now, I disabled wifi with `sudo crontab -e` and adding `@reboot ifconfig wlan0 down` and I would like to use a similar solution for Bluetooth.
Furthermore, how can I check if I really have disabled Wifi and Bluetooth?

Re: How to diable bluetooth at startup

But with buster, this changed to the following /boot/config.txt entries to disable both Bluetooth and WiFi.

dtoverlay=disable-bt dtoverlay=disable-wifi

Re: How to disable bluetooth at startup

Ok, thanks. And how can I check if I have really disabled Wifi and Bluetooth?
I found the /boot/overlays/README file and read it, and it says that in order to disable bluetooth I should use also

sudo systemctl disable hciuart

Re: How to disable bluetooth at startup

Ok, thanks. And how can I check if I have really disabled Wifi and Bluetooth?
I found the /boot/overlays/README file and read it, and it says that in order to disable bluetooth I should use also

sudo systemctl disable hciuart

Earlier reply was missing some prep commands for using the serial port ttyAMA0 and complete removal of Bluetooth/WiFi and kernel serial console

sudo systemctl disable hciuart sudo systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service sudo systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service sudo apt purge bluez bluez-firmware wpasupplicant sudo apt-get autoremove

This gives you the hardware serial UART back for your own use. Testing serial ports are correctly assigned

ls -l /dev | grep serial lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 30 23:27 serial0 -> ttyAMA0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Nov 30 23:27 serial1 -> ttyS0
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf #Disable wifi blacklist 8192cu #Disable bluetooth blacklist btbcm blacklist bnep blacklist bluetooth

Re: How to disable bluetooth at startup

I don’t want to remove Bluetooth and WiFi forever because I may need them in the future. I would like to only deactivate them (at startup so when I reboot the raspberry it doesn’t turn on them)

Re: How to disable bluetooth at startup

Then disable with the overlays in /boot/config.txt and use sudo systemctl disable hciuart to reuse the UART — job done!


How to Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi

Bluetooth in Raspberry Pi allows users to easily share files to other Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as mobile phones, laptops, or PC. It also enables users to connect to Bluetooth devices, such as headphones or speakers, and start listening to audio from the device. The Bluetooth service on Raspberry Pi is already enabled by default on the Raspberry Pi system, allowing users to perform Bluetooth-oriented tasks on the system. However, it’s better to disable the service in case you are not using it for the long run to reduce the workload on the Raspberry Pi device.

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In this tutorial, you will learn the easiest ways to disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi:

How to Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi?

There are three easy methods to disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi:

  • Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Through GUI
  • Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Through Configuration File
  • Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Through Systemctl Command

Method 1: Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Through GUI

Bluetooth service is already enabled on the Raspberry Pi system and you can view the Bluetooth icon on the taskbar panel.

Tuning off Bluetooth will disable the service on your Raspberry Pi system.

Method 2: Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Through Configuration File

You can disable Bluetooth service on Raspberry Pi through the boot configuration file using the following steps:

Step 1: First open the boot configuration file on Raspberry Pi through the following command:

Step 2: Once the configuration file is opened, scroll down to the bottom, and insert the below-mentioned text to disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi:

Once done, press the “Ctrl+X” key, add “Y” to save the modified file. You must reboot the system to apply the changes.

If you want to enable Bluetooth again then just go back to the config.txt file and remove the “dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt” from the file and reboot normally.

Method 3: Disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Through Systemctl Command

You can also use the following “systemctl” commands to disable Bluetooth and its related services on Raspberry Pi.

Then just reboot the system to apply the new changes:

Once the system starts after rebooting, notice the taskbar, before disabling the Bluetooth the Bluetooth- icon was been displayed on the taskbar. But now since the Bluetooth is disabled so the icon has disappeared ensuring that the Bluetooth is disabled successfully.


To disable Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi, you can use the GUI method, boot configuration file, or systemctl command. The GUI method is simple, while for the case of “configuration file”, the users have to add the dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt” text inside the file and reboot the system to apply the changes. The users can also execute the “systemctl” commands to disable the Bluetooth services on the Raspberry Pi system after a reboot.

About the author

Zahra Zamir

An Electronics graduate who loves to learn and share the knowledge, my passion for my field has helped me grasp complex electronics concepts and now I am here to share them with others.

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Anim Mouse


A person who loves to harness the power of computers.

Table of contents

How to Disable WiFi and Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi

Permanently disable the Wi-Fi & Bluetooth of the Raspberry Pi in firmware

If you are using your Raspberry Pi and you don’t need to use the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth like for example if you use it as a desktop or a server, it is recommended to disable it. Note this disable the interfaces at the hardware level, not software, so it is disabled until you remove the config and reboot the Raspberry Pi.

For Ubuntu 22.04, and any other distro that doesn’t have usercfg.txt:

  1. Open the config.txt file located on the boot partition. ( /boot/firmware/config.txt inside Raspberry Pi or D:\config.txt (drive letter might be different) in Windows.)
  2. Add dtoverlay=disable-wifi below the bottommost [all] to disable Wi-Fi.
  3. Add dtoverlay=disable-bt below the bottommost [all] to disable Bluetooth.
  4. Save and reboot your Raspberry Pi.

For Ubuntu 20.04, and any other distro that have usercfg.txt:

  1. Open the usercfg.txt file located on the boot partition. ( /boot/firmware/usercfg.txt inside Raspberry Pi or D:\usercfg.txt (drive letter might be different) in Windows.)
  2. Add dtoverlay=disable-wifi to disable Wi-Fi.
  3. Add dtoverlay=disable-bt to disable Bluetooth.
  4. Save and reboot your Raspberry Pi.

For Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian):

  1. Open the config.txt file located on the boot partition. ( /boot/config.txt inside Raspberry Pi or D:\config.txt (drive letter might be different) in Windows.)
  2. Add dtoverlay=disable-wifi under [all] to disable Wi-Fi.
  3. Add dtoverlay=disable-bt under [all] to disable Bluetooth.
  4. Save and reboot your Raspberry Pi.

To enable it again just remove dtoverlay=disable-wifi & dtoverlay=disable-bt in your configuration and reboot.

Tested on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Last updated on September 01, 2022 12:41:00 PM +0800


Disabling Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi

This post shows steps to 1) disable on-board Bluetooth and 2) disable Bluetooth completely. I tested the steps with Raspbian Stretch (November 2017 version).

Update (Jul 9, 2019): Tested with Raspbian Buster 2019-07-10.

Disabling on-board Bluetooth
The steps below shows how to disable on-board Bluetooth and related services. Those steps also disable loading the related kernel modules such as bluetooth, hci_uart, btbcm, etc at boot.

1. Open /boot/config.txt file.

2. Add below, save and close the file.

# Disable Bluetooth dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt

3. Disable related services.

sudo systemctl disable hciuart.service sudo systemctl disable bluealsa.service sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service

4. Reboot to apply the changes

Even after disabling on-board Bluetooth and related services, Bluetooth will be available when a Bluetooth adapter (e.g. Plugable Bluetooth Adapter) is plugged in.

Disable Bluetooth completely
If Bluetooth is not required at all, uninstall Bluetooth stack. It makes Bluetooth unavailable even if external Bluetooth adapter is plugged in.

1. Uninstall BlueZ and related packages.

sudo apt-get purge bluez -y sudo apt-get autoremove -y

Uninstalling Bluetooth stack also disabling related services, and loading related kernel modules.


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