Rdp два монитора linux

XRDP for multiple monitors (secure?)

I want to use Xrdp (VNC would be ok too, maybe?) to connect to a machine through a pretty crappy network. I have multiple monitors on my local, client side machine, and I need the remote session to allow dual monitor support. I know I can just stretch the window of the client to cover both monitors, but that solution is inadequate for the programs I’ll be using. Is there a way to configure multiple monitor support? I know the windows RPD server/client supports multiple monitors, but does Xrdp? On another note, a secure connection is of some concern, but not hyper critical. Network administrators have proposed using guac and xrdp for a secure RDP connection, but guac, as I understand, basically creates a remote desktop window in a browser and therefore does not support the dual monitor behavior I’m looking for.

2 Answers 2

I use TigerVNC server on Ubuntu and TigerVNC clinet on windows with 4 monitors of different sizes. I don’t have any issues.

enter image description here

Current XRDP (xrdp/jammy — 0.9.17-2ubuntu2) supports multi-monitor without any special configuration. I cannot speak to how well it works with Microsoft’s RDP client as I have no Windows workstations with multiple monitors. But I use Remmina 1.4.25 from my Jammy workstation (quad monitors) to access Ubuntu and Windows targets alike in multi-monitor mode. Aside from a quirk here and there, Remmina works very well with both XRDP and Microsoft RDS.

One note on XRDP sessions: if the console on a Ubuntu/XRDP target is already in use, an inbound RDP session will not be successful until the console session logs out.

As to SSH tunneling your RDP sessions, tunnels would be initiate by the client and, again, I cannot speak to Microsoft clients but Remmina fully supports this.

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RDP program with multi monitor support windows -> ubuntu

I have a work laptop running ubuntu. When I work from home I have to replug cables for mouse and my monitor. Is there a remote desktop solution that would let me remote to ubuntu machine and display content on both screens of my windows computer? I’ve been googling and found Remmina and some others but none that support what I am looking for.

Your worksite Ubuntu box; does it have two monitors? If so, are they configured to provide one desktop stretching across both screens? FYI: A list of remote apps allows you to sort on Client to find Linux Server apps and Windows Client apps en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…

no it is a laptop it is with me. I just want to turn it on near the charger and then work from my main machine

1 Answer 1

Yes. It took me a while, but I have been using XFREERDP for the last 5 weeks from home.
It is CMDLINE only. It works great.

The command is as follows:

xfreerdp /multimon /u:usernamehere /v:remotepcnameorip /p:passwordhere 
  1. connect to your VPN
  2. run XFREERDP from Terminal like above
  3. rejoice in multiple monitors from Ubuntu/Mint

BTW .. we remote into a Terminal Server, then into our work desktops. This means after running xfreerdp , we then run Windows RDP on the TS, and when you run that make sure to enable ‘use all monitors’ in RDP app on the second tab (Display).


Linux. RDP соединение на несколько мониторов, альтернатива Remmina

Довольно давно я столкнулся с проблемой, что в Linux стандартные клиенты удаленного рабочего стола RDP подключаются только в режиме одного монитора. Перепробовал все основные клиенты Remmina, RDesktop – все не поддерживают несколько мониторов.

Так как на работе и дома у меня по два монитора – данное ограничение доставляло много неудобств при работе удаленно под Linux.

Поэтому в итоге я нашел способ подключаться удаленно по RDP из под Linux с подключением нескольких мониторов, а также без непосредственного ввода команд в консоль при каждом подключении.

Для этого требуется следующее:

Во-первых, установить пакет freerdp2-x11

Во-вторых, создать файл-скрипт с расширением .sh для удаленного подключения (например “rdpconnect.sh”).

#This script do connect to the RDP server in multiple display mode
#Paste this code to the .sh script-file
#Put your connection parameters in variables
#Save changes and run script
xfreerdp /v:$REMOTE_SERVER /u:$USER_NAME /p:$USER_PASSWORD /d:$DOMAIN /cert-ignore /multimon /sound:sys:alsa,format:1,quality:high /microphone:sys:alsa,format:1,quality:high +clipboard

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Для подключения через шлюз удаленных рабочих столов

#This script do connect to the RDP server with gateway in multiple display mode
#Paste this code to the .sh script-file
#Put your connection parameters in variables
#Save changes and run script
xfreerdp /v:$REMOTE_SERVER /u:$USER_NAME /p:$USER_PASSWORD /d:$DOMAIN /cert-ignore /multimon /sound:sys:alsa,format:1,quality:high /microphone:sys:alsa,format:1,quality:high +clipboard /g:$REMOTE_GATEWAY /gu:$USER_NAME /gp:$USER_PASSWORD /gd:$DOMAIN

Когда тело скрипта заполнено – сохраняем файл и выполняем из терминала как

Рекомендую выполнять именно из терминала, так как в таком случае видно какие ошибки возникают.

Для отключения сеанса необходимо нажать комбинацию Ctrl + Alt + Enter и закрыть окно на крестик.

nla_recv_pdu:freerdp_set_last_error_ex ERRCONNECT_LOGON_FAILURE
rdp_recv_callback: CONNECTION_STATE_NLA – nla_recv_pdu() fail
transport_check_fds: transport->ReceiveCallback() – -1

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Multi monitor remote desktop to Ubuntu

Is there some way or remote desktop solution (paid OR free) that I can use to remote from one Linux PC to another with multi-monitor support? In other words, Computer A and Computer B both run Ubuntu. Computer A has only one monitor. Computer B has two monitors. I remote into Computer A from Computer B. I would like to use both monitors on Computer B. Is this possible? Please help! Thank you.

4 Answers 4

First Solution:

x2go is an Open Source remote desktop application for GNU/Linux that uses NX technology protocol.

Install X2Go Server

Run the following commands to add X2Go repository and install it in Ubuntu 14.04 or higher versions.

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install x2goserver x2goserver-xsession 

For Ubuntu 12.04 and previous versions, you can add X2Go repository and install it as shown below.

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x2go/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install x2goserver x2goserver-xsession 

Install X2Go Client

X2Go Client is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and many Linux distributions.

Add X2Go repository as shown above in the X2Go server installation section depending upon the distribution you use.

Then, install X2Go client using command: 

On Debian and Ubuntu like systems:

sudo apt-get install x2goclient 

X2Go supports multimonitor. Open x2go client in the New Session window go to the Input/output tab.

In the Display section you can choose the radio button of Use Whole Display and choose number of displays you want to use (number range from 1 to the your number of monitors).

enter image description here

Second Solution

FreeRDP will probably do what you want.

It’s better to compile FreeRDP from sources because Multi-Monitor support is only available in versions >= 1.1.

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Visit this page to learn how to install it from source.

Now you can use xfreerdp command from terminal:

xfreerdp /multimon /u:username /v:server_address:server_port 

where username is your username on server, server_address is server location (IP address or hostname) and server_port is port (leave empty without «:» for default port).

If you dont like to build from source you can still install it using:

sudo apt-get install freerdp-x11 

But you have to be sure that the version is >1.1

Using this option in x2goclient doesn’t seem to behave as you describe. The «Display» option with «use whole display» only seems to select which display you want to use.

. and I tested it both from Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1. I invite you to do some kind of screen capture like jing ( techsmith.com/jing.html ) and show that it can be done. If you can do that, I’ll award the bounty. Otherwise it’s hard for me to believe that you got this working since it doesn’t work on my machine. 🙁

This only allows for a single monitor to be used, checking or unchecking «Xinerama extension» has no effect.

I’m with aikeru — this setting is for WHICH display, not how many displays. And the Xinerama option also does nothing for me.

I did this with freerdp 🙂 /usr/bin/xfreerdp /v:server.ip /u:user /p:password /multimon /rfx Turn that command into a script and boom!

I used NoMachine NX for a long time which worked well for me. The server run on a Ubuntu Server and I was able to connect from both Windows and Linux. According to this article, the previous version 3.5 (current is 4.x) already supported multiple monitors what is said to be improved in 4.x.

If this is what you are looking for, you could give it a try as there is a free version. When I used it the last time there were some limitations in the free version like only one session at a time. I can’t tell you if it is still like that.

Edit: To what you said about:

. regardless of how many monitors are connected to the server (perhaps zero!).

My Server was headless so you don’t need to worry about it’s monitors. It’s not like VNC but opens an own session.

And in addition: There is also a completely free version of NX. But I haven’t any experiences with it.


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