Региональные компьютерные сети man metropolitan area network

What is MAN Network? Examples and Types | How Does it Work?

A Metropolitan Area Network is a computer network that allows to connect multiple computers with a metropolitan area. So, now we will explain about what is MAN network and its examples, types, uses, functions, and purpose ; and involving with how does MAN network work without getting any hassle.

Introduction of MAN Network

Metropolitan Area Network is a computer network that allows to interconnect users at the geographic region along with the computer resources. The MAN network is capable to cover the area that is smaller to that covered by the WAN network ; but it is the enlarge compare to that is covered by the LAN network. The MAN network represents to an interconnection of the networks in the city that is linked to an enlarger network, which turn can be attached to a Wide Area Network. This network can also to be used to explore the interconnection in a metropolitan area of many LAN networks via point to point connection between them.

The MAN network has three primary features that distinguish it from other networks such as LAN and WAN network:

  • MAN network is not owned by one organization .
  • Metropolitan Area Network usually works as a higher speed network that lets to share of other regional networks.
  • The MAN network’s size is in the between that of a WAN or WAN network.

MAN Network Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction of MAN Network
  2. Examples of MAN Network
  3. Types of MAN Network
  4. How MAN Networks Works?
  5. Purpose of MAN Network
  6. Uses of Metropolitan Area Network
  7. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What is MAN network in computer?
  • Why is MAN network used?
  • What are the 10 examples of Metropolitan Area Network?
  • What is Metropolitan Area Network used for?
  • What are the different types of Metropolitan Area Network?
  • What is the main function and purpose of Metropolitan Area Network?
  • What are the applications of Metropolitan Area Network?
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Let’s Get Start!!

Examples of MAN Network

There are many examples of Metropolitan Area Network, which are using by you in daily life like as:

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  • Cable TV network
  • IUB network
  • Telephone networks
  • DSL line
  • The IUB network
  • IEEE 802.16
  • WiMAX

Other Metropolitan Area Network Examples

Network Between many Branches:

In the same city, several stores and other business offices are going to interconnect that letting user to find out any product at the nearest store outlet; if it is out of stock then can make request at other located store. So the customers are able to book any product in the some other store outlet.

Network on Educational Campus:

It is also known as the ‘ Campus Area Network ‘; they are actually a MAN networks that are adopted to all several building and make up a university city, as well as separated from each other by certain distances.

Network for Municipal Government:

The all data of the municipality usually shared over the computer network that specify only those who are living in it; as well as other citizens who are living different localities will have their own. Hence, all payment of municipal taxes and other bureaucratic procedures can be implemented more effectively.

Network for Local ISP:

ISP (Internet Service Provider) companies are providing the local internet access to certain area. They are implemented by many MAN networks, so one of them the resources of a city or locality to the various clients requesting it, to specific LAN network .

Network to Inter-Ministerial:

Several government agencies need the joint work otherwise share the precious data, that are interconnected via fiber optic network; which allows them to be on the other side of city and not miss contact.

Types of MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

There are usually three different types of MAN network; below shown each one in detail, you can read them:

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  1. FDDI (Fiber Distribution Data Interface)
  2. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
  3. SMDS (Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service)

FDDI (Fiber Distribution Data Interface): Mostly, FDDI technology is going to use to establish the MAN network. It uses the optical fiber for its basic infrastructure that is why it is referred to as fiber distribution data interface. Therefore, it is presented as the Metropolitan Area Network technology; as well as it can support the data transmission of thousands of user at a same time. FDDI is implemented as the data transfer standard that can be getting to scale up about 200 KMs.

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ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode): ATM technology is used for digital transfer that is designed in 1980 to going to facilitate real-time transmission. In Asynchronous Transfer Mode, all data is separated into format as identical packets that are going to transfer over time. While using the video conferencing, it was developed to get access high quality audio and video items. It is most convince for the wide-range data network, so welcome to its ATM features. ATM allows to incorporate the circuit switching and packet switching features that let the transmission of data in the real-time.

SMDS (Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service): SMDS is represented to the data transfer technology that helps to transfer via connectionless service. In this service, all data is going to transfer by keeping the information in the header that can be sent to its target point individually through any network. Same as ATM, small packets of data formed in the SMDS also. SMDS also lets the transmission of datagrams over the enlarge geographical region.

How MAN Networks Works?

The MAN network often fall in between the LANs and WANs network; and it is usually going to use to make connection with geographically dispersed LAN networks. The main aim of Metropolitan Area Network is to establish the communication link in between two individually LAN nodes. The MAN network mostly uses the optical fiber cable . While getting to establish the MAN network to be used the routers and switches.

The network switch is a port that is active is going to handling the filtration of data usually coming in the form of frames. Any switch works as a dual port, at one edge it is controlling the filtration of data and at the other side keep managing the connections.

A router is another networking device that allows facilitating the network connection. Router also assists the data packets to determine the path to be routed. Therefore, it keeps an eye on the data travel; and MAN network is often worked over the region of up to 50 KMs.

Purpose of MAN Network

The main objective of MAN is to offer the long term connection to the Internet. Metropolitan Area Network also offers the LAN internet access into city and makes connection with them to large area network like as Internet.

MAN network is most suitable for those who have needed the higher capacity requirements. MAN network also has the capacity required at the low cost, more reliable to local telephone organization’s equivalent service. Metropolitan Area Network has ability to support text and voice data; as well as can be associated along with cable television network or radio waves.

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The MAN network allows to cover the wider area of network to make communication secure, business-friendly, and network security better.

Uses of Metropolitan Area Network

Today, the MAN network is going to use into many sectors; as well as you can also say the application of MAN network.

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  • Groundwater mapping
  • Digital cable television
  • Urban analysis
  • Land use land cover
  • Cable broadband
  • University campus networks
  • Government agencies
  • Network of fire stations
  • Use in the public establishments like libraries, hospitals, and airports
  • Use to connect branches of private establishments like schools, shopping complexes, and others

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is MAN network in computer?

Metropolitan Area Network is a computer network that allows to connect multiple computers with a metropolitan area, that could be a one large city, many cities and town otherwise any enlarge region along with multiple buildings.

Why is MAN network used?

The main goal of using Metropolitan Area Network is to get higher bandwidth enabled by the dedicated links of a MAN network. Its speed can vary from 1 gigabit per second to 100 Gbps.

What are the 10 examples of Metropolitan Area Network?

  • IUB network
  • Telephone networks
  • DSL line
  • The IUB network
  • IEEE 802.16
  • WiMAX
  • Cable TV network
  • Government agencies
  • Network of fire stations
  • Public establishments like libraries, hospitals, and airports

What is Metropolitan Area Network used for?

Metropolitan Area Network is used to make the connection in between many locations along within a metropolitan area like as office buildings in a city or town, collage buildings.

What are the different types of Metropolitan Area Network?

  • FDDI (Fiber Distribution Data Interface)
  • ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
  • SMDS (Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service)

What is the main function and purpose of Metropolitan Area Network?

The main purpose of MAN network is to offer the long term connection to the Internet. Metropolitan Area Network also provides the LAN internet access into city and makes connection with them to large area network like as Internet.

What are the applications of Metropolitan Area Network?

The MAN network is going to use into many areas like as Groundwater mapping, Digital cable television, Urban analysis, Land use land cover, and etc.

Final Words

Making ensure, through this article you have completely learnt about what is MAN network and its examples, types, uses, functions, and purpose; and involving with how does MAN network work with ease. If this content is helpful for you, then share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

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