Register so file linux

How do I install a .so file? — newbie

I downloaded freeverb.tar.gz which contains a plugin library ( for Audacity. I extracted the .tar.gz file to my downloads folder but I don’t know what to do next. There is no Readme file or any other info contained in the .tar.gz file, just Can you advise me how to get the installed into the correct folder for Audacity to pick it up?

3 Answers 3

ldconfig creates, updates, and removes the necessary links and cache (for use by the run-time linker, to the most recent shared libraries found in the directories specified on the command line, in the file /etc/, and in the trusted directories (/usr/lib and /lib).

So, assuming that is located in /home/yourUser/Download directory (folder), create folder in your home:

mkdir /home/yourUser/myLibrary 

and copy library:

cp /home/yourUser/Download/ /home/yourUser/myLibrary 

create a simple file freeverb.conf like this:

echo "/home/yourUser/myLibrary" > freeverb.conf 

Add you configuration file freeverb.conf in /etc/ directory (in this directory you can find files as example)

sudo cp freeverb.conf /etc/ 

Run ldconfig in order to configure dynamic linker run-time bindings.

If /etc/ doesn’t exists, you can add your path at the end of /etc/ file.

At the end, if all went well, you can remove unnecessary file:

rm freeverb.conf rm /home/yourUser/Download/ 

Hi Letizia thank you for answering my question. This is how far I have got — I created freeverb.conf file in text editor containing the path to my file but when I try to save it to /etc/ directory I get error message ‘Do not have permission to save to /etc/ directory’ when I use UI. Could you tell me please what is the sudo command I need to use in the command line to add this file? I know this is basic but I have only come over from Windows and this is all new to me, many thanks, Dave

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Hi Letizia,dt@laptop:~$ sudo cp freeverb.conf /etc/ [sudo] password for dt: cp: cannot stat `freeverb.conf’: No such file or directory

Hi Letizia, removed unnecessary file, I now somehow have a locked directory within my Home directory, I tried to remove it with -r /home/user/ but I get error message ‘-r : command not found I also tried -R and —r

The simple approach is to put the file in /usr/local/lib , chown the file to root:root , and chmod it to 755 .

However, managing system files manually is not something I would personally recommend, so if possible I would search for a prebuilt .deb file for your particular version of Ubuntu.

You can install the package containing the library in a clean system (such as reference docker container with the same system) and then copy the missing shared library (as reported during failed run attempts) from the installed location (such as /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ) to exactly the same location in the target system or container.

Be warned that multiple additional packages may need to be installed to extract all the necessary dependencies (a common problem with so-called «distroless» containers). It is therefore best to list all dependencies using ldd to avoid an iterative process.

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Как включить или зарегистрировать библиотеку в ОС linux

1. Каталог, где регистрируются библиотеки /etc/

Зарегистрировать одиночную динамическую библиотеку можно командой.
sudo xed /etc/;
Надо прописать путь до библиотеки, примерно так.

2. Файл для регистрации нового каталога, или файл с прописаными директориями библиотек, или файл с прописаными директориями вместе с библиотекой /etc/
Редактируем файл.
sudo xed /etc/;
Писать в файле надо примерно так.
include /hom/lib2/libz1.conf

3. После регистрации надо обновить кэш с помощью команды

Регистрировать и копировать библиотеки надо осторожно, потому что после ввода этой команды, любая не совместимость новых библиотек с операционной системой, приведет к зависанию компьютера навсегда и тогда придется переустанавливать linux, это в свою очередь приведет к удаленнию данны, программ скаченых из интернета.

4. Перезапустить компьютер.


How can I «register» my library to link it with `-lfoo`?

The application is the linker, normallt called ld . You «register» your library with ld by placing it in the default search place, usually /usr/lib . Otherwise you need to pass a -L argument.

1 Answer 1

If your library is not in a «standard» library directory such as (eg. /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib ) then you’ll need to tell the compiler it’s location -L when you link it -l :

$ gcc -L/home/username/foo -Wall -o test main.c -lfoo | | |__ location of or libfoo.a |__ link or libfoo.a 

GCC assumes that all libraries start with ‘lib’ and end with .so or .a (.so is for shared object or shared libraries, and .a is for archive, or statically linked libraries).

  • -L is the location to search for libraries linked to your executable
  • -l links the library to the executable ( -lfoo can be translated as «link library»)
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When using shared libraries sometimes simply linking them is not enough (eg. if the library is not installed in a standard location such as the example shown above). This is where using LD_LIBRARY_PATH , rpath or ldconfig comes into play. Static library paths won’t need to be set like shared libraries since they are compiled with the executable.


$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/username/foo:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 

Exporting this variable informs the run-time linker to look in the specified location for the library that’s associated with the executable. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is more or less a temporary, or convenient way of setting a library’s location.


$ gcc -L/home/username/foo -Wl,-rpath=/home/username/foo -Wall -o test main.c -lfoo 

rpath works similarly to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (as libraries can reside almost anywhere in userland), however, rpath is linked to the executable at compile time, and sets a «fixed» library location.


Ultimately what might be the best solution is to use ldconfig , which creates the necessary links and cache to the most recent shared libraries found in the standard library locations and ones you can specify. It does require elevated permissions (eg. sudo ) to set paths up this way, and should be used with a certain degree of caution.

$ sudo cp /home/username/foo/ /usr/local/lib $ sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/ 

This copies the library into /usr/local/lib with permissions set to be readable by everyone.

$ sudo ldconfig $ ldconfig -p | grep foo (libc6) => /usr/local/lib/ 

Then we update the loader cache, and verify the path is set correctly.

$ gcc -Wall -o test main.c -lfoo 

By using ldconfig , the -L option, LD_LIBRARY_PATH or rpath now shouldn’t be needed.


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