Relink all in linux

In UNIX and Linux, the DBA may occasionally find the need to relink the Oracle binaries. . A relink is necessary whenever you install a new release or a patchset or when there is a patch or upgrade to the OS environment.

After an Oracle Database Client installation, if required, you can modify the binaries using the relink as_installed option. For example, you might want to relink the Oracle Database Client binaries every time you apply an operating system patch or after an operating system upgrade.

  1. Stop the OHAS stack (as “grid” OS user): .
  2. Connect as root user (different session) and unlock the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Standalone installation as follows: .
  3. Then relink the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Standalone installation as follows (as grid user):

What is Oracle binary installation?

Oracle installations can be large, complex, and cumbersome. This is one reason you usually ask an Oracle database administrator (DBA) to install the software. . Accordingly, installing the Oracle software (binaries) is a task at which every DBA must be proficient.

Use the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster owner access to perform the following steps: Verify that the environment variables $ORACLE_HOME and $PATH are set properly. Take a backup of $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.o before executing the relink command. Review the relink log file for any errors.

44 related questions found

How do you check and fix permissions on a grid infrastructure environment?

  1. Validate the by using cluvfy tool. .
  2. Check the permissions from the following 2 files which are created during Grid Infrastructure installation. .
  3. The permissions can be reverted back to original values with or
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What are Oracle Database binaries?

Typically, the Oracle Database application binaries are installed on the same server as the Portal binaries, although in some cases, a separate server may be designated. . Login as root on the server where the APTARE IT Analytics Database will be installed. Typically, this is also the Portal server.

How do I know if Oracle binaries is installed?

Go to $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin . Start Oracle Universal Installer. Click Installed Products to display the Inventory dialog box on the Welcome screen. Select an Oracle Database product from the list to check the installed contents.

The relink process can be done with the make command. This command must be run under the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib directory. Remember to change the mode of the related files after relinking.
Relink command parameters:

  1. all.
  2. oracle.
  3. network.
  4. client.
  5. client_sharedlib.
  6. interMedia.
  7. precomp.
  8. utilities.

How do I fix ORA 12547 TNS lost contact when trying to connect to Oracle?

  1. Change the Oracle users environment variable PATH to ensure that ‘ld’ is from /usr/ccs/bin. .
  2. Verify the following commands return the correct path /usr/ccs/bin. .
  3. If you chose to ‘ignore’ or ‘continue’ when prompted during the linking of the patchset then you can relink by doing the following:
  1. Login as the Oracle Database Client owner user ( oracle ).
  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable. .
  3. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory: .
  4. Run the relink script with the as_installed option to relink the binaries.
  1. Set Environment Variables. ○ ORACLE_HOME. .
  2. Set umask to «022» (Run Command : «umask 022»)
  3. Stops all Oracle Instances accessing the ORACLE_HOME, listener, sql plus etc.
  4. Execute the relink command : .
  5. Executing «relink all» will reset the ownership and permission for root owned files.

How do I know if Oracle is installed successfully?

Go to $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin . Start Oracle Universal Installer. Click Installed Products to display the Inventory dialog box on the Welcome screen. Select an Oracle Database product from the list to check the installed contents.

How can I tell what Oracle drivers are installed?

To find out what Oracle ODBC drivers are installed on your Windows system, you can use the ODBC manager to look at them:

  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. Go to Administrative Tools.
  3. Run Data Sources (ODBC).
  4. Go to System DSN tab.
  5. Click the Add button.

How do I know if Oracle client is installed?

In Windows. Check the Inst_loc entry value which will be the software installed location. You can use command prompt or you can navigate/explore to the oracle home location and then cd to bin directory to lauch sqlplus which will give you the client version information.

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Which Oracle Database version is best for beginners?

To start learning you can begin with Oracle 12c XE edition.

Which Oracle Database version is best?

With the latest generation of the world’s most popular database, Oracle Database 12c is by far the most important Oracle release in the last 10 years.

What is Oracle 10c?

Oracle Database 10g Documentation

Oracle Database 10g is the first database designed for enterprise grid computing, the most flexible and cost effective way to manage information and applications. Enterprise grid computing creates large pools of industry-standard, modular storage and servers.

How do I know if Oracle is installed CMD?

3 Answers. Simplest method is to run command prompt and type sqlplus it will show you the oracle version without actually logging into it.

How do I know if Oracle client is running on Linux?

Go to a different directory from the one on which you installed Oracle’s Instant Client and enter the following command: sqlplus scott@bigdb/tiger select user from dual; If this test is successful, you are ready to use the run-time.

How do I install Oracle on my laptop?

To install Oracle database on your computer, you need to download the installer from the download page of Oracle website. After having the installation files which are in ZIP format, you need to extract them into a specific folder on your computer.

How do I fix ORA 12541 TNS no listener?

  1. Step 1 — Edit listener. ora. This file is located in: Windows: %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\listener. .
  2. Step 2 — Restart Oracle services. Windows: WinKey + r services.msc. Linux (CentOs): sudo systemctl restart oracle-xe.

How do I fix Ora 01031 insufficient privileges?

Trusted Oracle users who receive error ORA-01031 yet have been granted the proper privileges at a higher level must be granted the right privileges again. You may need to add the user to the database administrator group if you are encountering problems starting up Oracle. This can easily be done from the menu bar.

Where is Oracle_base?

ORACLE_BASE — ORACLE_BASE is the root of the Oracle Database directory tree. If you install an OFA-compliant database using Oracle Universal Installer defaults, then ORACLE_BASE is X:\oracle\product\10.2. 0 where X is any hard drive.

What is ORACLE_HOME and Oracle_base?

Both ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE are the directories which are located in OFA (Oracle Flexible Architecture) from which the ORACLE_BASE is the Home/Root/Top level directory and the ORACLE_HOME is located beneath the ORACLE_BASE directory where the oracle products reside or we can say that ORACLE_HOME is the .

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Sometimes Oracle components may start giving strange issues like coredump or the Operating system is patched, In these cases it is always recommended to try oracle relink to resolve the issues.A Oracle relink is also necessary whenever you install a new release or a patchset or when there is a patch or upgrade to the OS environment.

Oracle relink create the new executable for the use and it can be done quickly also

Here how to perform relink in Oracle database components

sqlplus relink

cd $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/lib;
make -f install;

lsnrctl relink
cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib;
make -f install;

oracle relink
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib;
make -f install

trcroute, onrsd, tnsping
cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
make -f install

forms relink

cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib32
Note: if this directory does not exist: cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib
$ make -f install

Reports relink

cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib32
Note: if this directory does not exist: cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib
$ make -f install

You can relink most of the executable associated with an Oracle Server Installation

by running the following command:

If relinking was successful, the make command will eventually return to the OSprompt without an error. There will NOT be a ‘Relinking Successful’ type message

General errors in Oracle relink

  1. Permission denied: Make sure you run as executable owner
  2. libraries missing : Make sure all the environment variables are set
  3. Sometime common utlities like ‘ld’, ‘make’, ‘cc’, ‘mv’, ‘cp’, ‘ar’ are missing

Important Notes for Oracle relink

1)Before relinking Oracle, shut down both the database and the listener.
2) The following commands given above will output a lot of text to your session window. To capture this output for upload to support, redirect the output to a file.

3)Executing “relink all” will reset the ownership and permission for root owned files. After “relink all”, it is recommended to change the ownership and permission back. So, check the permission and ownership of the below files :

# chown root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism
# chmod 4750 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism

# chown root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/extjob
# chmod 4750 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/extjob

# chown root $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora
# chmod 640 $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora

# chown root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/jssu
# chmod 4750 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/jssu

# chown root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmb
# chmod 4710 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmb

# chown root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmhs
# chmod 4710 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmhs

# chown root $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmo
# chmod 4710 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/nmo

There can be other file also. We need to check the corresponding release documentation to make sure this is set correctly


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