Remote control android linux

Can an Android phone control Ubuntu like a remote?

I am looking at making a budget media centre. I am new to Linux and have not yet installed it but think I can manage. I want to use Ubuntu and would like to use my Android phones to control or work as a remote for media playing to a TV. My setup will be the media box to TV via HDMI (no keyboard or mouse connected) then to my Wi-Fi router via Ethernet. So I want to be able to turn this PC on and after it’s booted directly from my phone control the PC remotely to open the media application and run videos and open photos directly to the TV. I am using a Samsung Galaxy S II and soon a new Sony for the wife.

Not an answer at all, but some geeks may smile at the fact that I love using PuTTy on my mobile to connect via SSH to my laptop instead of standing up from a comfy chair, and walking few meters to turn the volume down 😉

17 Answers 17

If you install the xbmc packages (and use that environment), you can control your machine from android, because there is an app called xbmc remote in google play. It works flawlessly for me.

Kore is the official Android app for kodi: and for iOS this client works (not sure if it’s really official or not)

Works very well. as a remote. You can control Video players and stuff very easily, but it does not rally work as a mouse or keyboard.

There’s actually an Android app written specifically for this use case. It’s called Couch Potato. In addition to providing a virtual mouse and keyboard, it allows you to register your machine, and subsequently boot it by sending a Wake-on-LAN packet.

Full disclosure: I’m the developer.

I just tried it. Ubuntu package depends on Java7 which is no more available. Even though I downloaded java binary ant tested with Java 8 and 9. In both I could use mouse which I must say it works perfectly. But, sadly, in tha android app I wasn’t able to open the keyboard. Am I missing something?. Thanks.

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@bitifet Sorry for the trouble! I’ve filed two issues based on your comment, which can be found here and here. Firstly, the Java 7 dependency should only kick in if your default Java package is older than that. I’m honestly surprised you even got a notification about it, but in any case, it isn’t necessary anymore, and will be removed. As for the keyboard issue, that sounds like something device-specific. What model of phone are you using?

Thank you for your response. My device is an BQ Aquaris M5 running Android 6.0.1. My Keyboard is MessagEase (… ) even I’m pretty sure I tried temporary switching back to device’s default with no look (not at 100% because I was testing other alternatives too but I’m almost sure I did).

If you use VLC (a popular video/music player) in Ubuntu you could use one of the apps from the Google play store.

I found only one app that is free, generic (not written specifically to work with a certain program), doesn’t require installing special custom server software for that app, and is able to connect to my computer (well… after working with the author to find and fix an unreasonable restriction).

It is XMouse and it is open-source. No ads and no nags. You can use it as a mouse, keyboard, or remote control with programmable buttons (execute any command you want). Maybe not the greatest user interface (takes some time to understand and get used to it), but it works well.

The only requirements are ssh and xdotool (well, xdotool is not 100% required, but I think it’s at least needed for the mouse and keyboard functionality).

I used the standart VNC server ( Desktop Sharing app in Ubuntu) and PocketCloud.

It’s easy to setup and works well.

You can find instruction here: click.


There is a way to do it and its free plus also no need to use the Internet.

  1. Install any VNC server from the list like TightVNC, UltraVNC, TigerVNC, or RealVNC, although encryption is not supported with the latter.
  2. Create a hotspot without internet if you want and connect your laptop and your Android phone in the same network.
  3. Install bVNC Secure VNC Viewer on your Android phone.

The bVNC app is a VNC viewer.It can also emulate a touchpad or let you use Android as a mouse with support for touchscreen gestures. You can save sessions, zoom and scale the Linux desktop on the Android screen, and share the text in the clipboard between Android and PC.

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GSConnect/KDE Connect

GNOME Shell Connect (GSConnect) lets you use the KDE Connect mobile application to control (recent) versions of Ubuntu running GNOME Shell.

In my experience it works very well OOTB and is quite configurable, with support for custom launchers, two-way push notifications, message replies, file sharing, media control, etc. in addition to keyboard and mouse support.


How to remotely control my Android?

I had a Windows OS earlier and could use TeamViewer to connect to my Samsung phone and execute actions. However that was not only very slow but also very slow in response. Is there any other way to sort of open a RDP session to the phone from my Ubuntu 13.10?

Remmina is a RDP client, installed by default in ubuntu. But it assumes you have a RDP server on your phone. is a self hosted and open source software to control Android phones remotely. It can be installed on Ubuntu 16.04 and above. No root required on the phone. The software is not RDP-based though.

8 Answers 8

Droid VNC Server

Allows you to remote control your android within your computer.

Note: Your phone must be ROOTED!

Note: Will not work on Tegra3 Devices

On your android Phone:

enter image description here

  • Install Droid VNC Server from playstore.
  • Open the app and click on START.
  • It shows the IP-address and port number. Please note it down.

On your Ubuntu PC:

sudo apt-get install xtightvncviewer 

enter image description here

xxx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx — already noted ipaddress:port


Using this application you can control your phone from any browser.

Note: Your phone must be ROOTED!

On your android Phone:

  • Install WebKey app from Play store.
  • Open the WebKey app and select start service.
  • Note down the https link generated. enter image description here
  • On that same application, go to settings->User settings->Click on Create new user to create a new user with login credentials. enter image description here

On your Ubuntu PC:

  • Open any browser. I prefer Firefox. Then paste the noted link on the address bar. It display like connection is not secure . Trust the connection and allow it to load.
  • After that a page will open and ask you to give the username and password. Login with the same username and password. enter image description here
  • After loged into your account, you can view your phone and operate your android phone from there. enter image description here

Team Viewer

Note: Will not work on all Galaxy devices


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Useful Android Apps To Remote Control Your Linux

Let’s have a look into the list of some useful Android applications which can control your Linux based operating systems from the remote location.

Useful Android Apps To Remote Control Your Linux

1. VNC Viewer for Android

VNC Viewer for Android is an open-source application that can control your Linux desktop. It is a free android based remote desktop app.

2. KDE Connect

KDE Connect is a free and open-source remote control application for Linux. It has end-to-end TLS encryption. You need to install KDE Connect on your computer for this app to work and keep the desktop version up-to-date with the Android version for the latest features to work. Some of the features are:

-Shared clipboard: copy and paste between your devices.
– Share files and URLs to your computer from any app.
– Get notifications for incoming calls and SMS messages on your PC.
– Virtual touchpad: Use your phone screen as your computer’s touchpad.
– Notifications sync: Read your Android notifications from the desktop.
– Multimedia remote control: Use your phone as a remote for Linux media players.
– WiFi connection: no USB wire or Bluetooth needed.
– End-to-end TLS encryption: your information is safe

3. TeamViewer for Android

How can we miss TeamViewer from our list? TeamViewer is a popular remote desktop control application. You can control Linux, Mac, and Windows desktops easily.
Some of the features are:
– Screen sharing and complete remote control of other devices
– Intuitive touch and control gestures
– File transfer in both directions
– Computers & Contacts management
– Chat
– Sound and HD video transmission in real-time
– Highest security standards: 256 Bit AES Session Encoding, 2048 Bit RSA Key Exchange

4. Home Remote Control

Home Remote Control is also a remote desktop controlling app that can control your Linux machine via SSH. You can also monitor your system live with this application as the live monitoring feature of the application shows information about the current CPU usage, used and max ram, network interface information, Bluetooth Mac address and connection name, left battery life in percentage, used and max swap, disk partitions, and general information about the system architecture.

5. AIO Remote

AIO or All In One Remote is also another remote control application which can control your system through WIFI and Bluetooth. It can control applications on your Linux, Windows, and Mac.


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