Remote linux debugger ida

Remote linux debugger ida

Real machine: win7 x64 ida pro 6.8 Virtual machine: ubuntu 16.04 x64
Now remotely debug the program compiled in ubuntu under win7.

2. Compile the program in ubuntu

1. Create a test folder on the desktop and create a hello.c file
Write code:

#include int main(void) < printf("hello linux!"); return 0; >

Open the terminal in the test directory and enter gcc ./hello.c -o hello
A hello file will be generated without accident.

3. Debug

1. Copy the hello file to the win7 desktop, and copy it to tmp/test/hello in ubuntu

2. Find the IDA installation directory in win7, there will be linux_server, linux_serverx64 programs in the installation directory, copy linux_serverx64 to the ubuntu machine, and put it in the tmp/test directory.

3. On the ubuntu machine, chmod a+x ./linux_serverx64 to change the file attributes, and then run the program through the command ./linux_serverx64.

5. Use IDA to find the hello file on the desktop in windows, and directly select «Remote Linux debugger» in the drop-down list box. as the picture shows:

6. In the IDA menu, select «Debugger->Process options», open the program setting options to be debugged, enter the program to be debugged in ubuntu in the Application and Input file fields, Enter the directory where the program to be debugged is located in the Directory, enter the IP address of the linux machine in the Hostname, and keep the port as the default. Don’t worry about other input items, and confirm. As shown below:

If ubuntu has a password, you can also fill in the password in the Password here.

7. Under the breakpoint, find the main function, press F2 on the first line to make the breakpoint:

8. Press F9 or click the green triangle to start the program.
9. If the prompt as shown below pops up, click Yes directly:

10. Then there may be a pop-up box as shown below:

The prompt is that the library file cannot be found, just click OK.
comes out this:

Click Apply.

11. Continue to run, and pop up again:

This prompt cannot find a file under win7. This step cannot be ignored. In Destination, select the directory where our debugged file hello is located, and set it as shown in the figure.
12. Run again, there may be pop-ups:

Please confirm --------------------------- The DWARF plugin couldn't find DWARF information associated to the file: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\r100. Do you want to load an external DWARF file manually? --------------------------- &Yes &No 

Click yes to select the win7 file again, or click no.

Then you can press F8 without debugging.

If there is output in the program, or the input is output or input in the remote debugging window of ubuntu (in the window of the third part).


IDA remote linux Debugger attach to a running process

And in IDA Pro, I select Remote Linux Debugger as the debugger and set the process options accordingly with the IP address and port of the Linux machine. The default port is 23946. This works alright. However, if I already have a process running on the Linux Machine with PID: 400. How can I attach Remote Linux debugger to this already running process? I can see that linux_server provides only the following options:

$ ./linux_server --help -i. IP address to bind to (default to any) -v verbose -p. port number -P. password -k keep broken connections 

1 Answer 1

IDA allows remote process debugging as shown in the fourth page here

Note that you need to run the server with sudo so it could attach to the remote process.
Also note that you need to have the executable (more precisely, the database) that you want to debug in IDA.

You can see what I did on the linux machine:

linux machine screenshot

I’ve compiled the code you can see in the background. It’s an endless loop to simulate a running process that you want to debug.

On the connecting machine (Windows in my case):
In debugger -> process options you need to configure everything as you would normally do to a regular remote debugging. You said you already have this step completed so that’s ok.

After that, press debugger -> attach to process and you’ll be presented with a list of processes (for me it showed all of the running process, you might see only the processes that match the database, atleast that what I would expect). Select the process you want to debug:

processes list

After a couple of single steps, I’m back to main and can debug the process:


IDA: Linux Debugger

Hex-Rays background banner

Since version 4.7, IDA offers a console Linux debugger and a console Linux disassembler (since version 5.1 IDA also offers a Mac OS X debugger and disassembler). The Linux version of IDA brings the power of combined disassembly and debugging to the Linux world. Like its Windows sibling, the IDA Linux Disassembler comes in two versions that differ only by the number of processors they support: click here for a list of processors supported by the Starter and Professional version of IDA.

  • is able to disassemble any file supported by the Windows version.
  • supports all the features of the Windows console version, including interactivity, scripting and plugins.
  • offer local debugging of Linux executables.
  • can connect to Windows machines running our debugging server and debug Windows executables.
  • remote debugging server that allows you to debug Linux programs from another Linux machine, or even a Windows one.

Below: the Linux Debugger working locally.

Below: the Windows Debugger about to debug a remote Linux binary.

A typical use of the remote linux debugger would be the safe analysis of an hostile Windows binary: the Linux debugger, for example, brings unprecedented flexibility and security to the virus analyst. A typical use of the remote Windows debugger would be Linux debugging in a comfortable, well known GUI.

The IDA debugger, disassembler and remote debuggers are not sold separately but are included in the normal IDA distribution.


Remote linux debugger ida

IDA is very powerful, but it is annoying to deploy to multiple platforms. Fortunately, IDA has remote debugging capabilities. You can install IDA only on the windows host, then install a linux virtual machine, and put the executable files that need to be debugged on linux In the virtual machine, debug it through the remote debugging function. Proceed as follows

  1. In the IDA installation directory dbgsrv folder linux_server64 Copy to 64-bit Linux virtual machine;
  2. By command chmod +x linux_server64 Add executable permissions to the program;
  3. By command ./linux_server64 Open the server;
  4. Click Debugger in IDA, add Remote Linux Debugger
  5. Click Process Option under Debugger to configure as follows:
    The first three lines are the location of the executable file in the Linux virtual machine
    Hostname is the IP of the virtual machine, and the port uses the default value
  6. Now you can start debugging

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Use IDA to remotely debug programs compiled under linux (ubuntu) under windows

1. Background Real machine: win7 x64 ida pro 6.8 Virtual machine: ubuntu 16.04 x64 Now remotely debug the program compiled in ubuntu under win7. 2. Compile the program in ubuntu 1. Create a test folde.

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Throw the file into IDA Drop the file into Linux (here Ubuntu16.04) Found in the IDA installation pathThese two files (usually in the dbgsrv folder) throw them into Linux In Linux, cd to linux_server .

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