Remote mouse for linux

  1. Remote Touchpad: Control Mouse & Keyboard from Your Phone
  2. Ji m
  3. Клавиатура, мышь и тачпад
  4. Шаг 1. Загрузите приложение Remote Mouse
  5. Шаг 2. Установите на свой компьютер сервер Remote Mouse
  6. Шаг 3. Подключите мобильное устройство и компьютер к одной сети Wi-Fi. Все готово к работе!
  7. Специальные панели управления
  8. Шаг 1. Загрузите приложение Remote Mouse
  9. Шаг 2. Установите на свой компьютер сервер Remote Mouse
  10. Шаг 3. Подключите мобильное устройство и компьютер к одной сети Wi-Fi. Все готово к работе!
  11. Копирование и вставка между устройствами
  12. Доступно для всех ваших устройств
  13. Thread: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  14. Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  15. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  16. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  17. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  18. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  19. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  20. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  21. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  22. Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.
  24. Posting Permissions

Remote Touchpad: Control Mouse & Keyboard from Your Phone

Remote Touchpad is an open-source utility allows to remote control the mouse and keyboard connected to your computer from the web browser of a smartphone or any other device with a touchscreen.

Remote Touchpad supports Flatpak’s RemoteDesktop portal (experimental), Windows and X11.

Simply run the utility on your machine. It outputs an URL along with QR code in a terminal window. To take control open the displayed URL or scan the QR code in your phone.

The utility is available as Snap package. You can simply search for and install remote touchpad in Ubuntu Software:

It also available to install via Flatpak package, see the Flathub repository.

Once installed, launch the utility from your system application menu.

Then go to the displayer URL or scan the QR code in your phone and enjoy!


Ji m

I’m a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to remind me outdated tutorial! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via [email protected] Buy me a coffee:


Клавиатура, мышь и тачпад

Remote Mouse

Управление без проблем. Идеальное сочетание 3 самых распространенных беспроводных устройств управления. Благодаря усовершенствованным мультисенсорным жестам вам нужно лишь нажимать и проводить пальцем.

Шаг 1. Загрузите приложение Remote Mouse

Шаг 2. Установите на свой компьютер сервер Remote Mouse

Шаг 3. Подключите мобильное устройство и компьютер к одной сети Wi-Fi. Все готово к работе!

Remote Mouse

Специальные панели управления

Смотрите фильм в постели? Слушаете музыку дома? Показываете презентацию? Приложение Remote Mouse позволит вам управлять компьютером из любой точки и в любое время.

Шаг 1. Загрузите приложение Remote Mouse

Шаг 2. Установите на свой компьютер сервер Remote Mouse

Шаг 3. Подключите мобильное устройство и компьютер к одной сети Wi-Fi. Все готово к работе!

Копирование и вставка между устройствами

Простое копирование и вставка между компьютером и мобильным устройством. Синхронизируйте содержание буфера обмена на Android, iPhone, Mac, Windows и Linux.

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Управление Электропитанием

Выключение, перезагрузка, выход или перевод компьютера в спящий режим в один щелчок.

Управление приложениями

Быстрый запуск и переключение между приложениями. Удобная кнопка доступа к рабочему столу.

Воздушная мышь

Благодаря гироскопу и акселерометру телефона перемещать курсор мыши можно простыми движениями телефоном в воздухе.

Голосовой ввод

Интеграция с системами распознавания речи iOS и Android. Голосовой ввод текста на компьютере одним нажатием кнопки.

Регулировка звука

С помощью кнопок регулировки звука на мобильном устройстве можно управлять звуком на компьютере или переключать слайды презентации.

Настройка интерфейса

Настройте свой опыт работы с приложением, персонализируйте для оптимизации рабочего потока.

Remote Mouse

Доступно для всех ваших устройств

Поддерживает iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS и Linux. Единообразный интерфейс пользователя на всех устройствах.


Thread: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

socorob is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

Has anyone installed RemoteMouse server on Ubuntu? It’s a program that lets you use your smartphone as a wifi keyboard and mouse. I was able to download it, and install it. It was a tar.gz file, but has an .exe in it and uses mono. I followed all the instructions that were in the readme files, and they seemed to install correctly, and in the end, its says to type mono RemoteMouse. When I do that, it says not found. I just switched to ubuntu from windows 3 days ago, and even though it’s a learning curve and frustration, I really want to keep it and not go back to windows. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

1fallen is offlineeat, ride, sleep, repeat

Join Date Aug 2016 Location Wandering Beans 6,395 —> Beans Hidden! Distro Xubuntu Development Release

Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

This has always worked well for me:
Can you provide a link you used in installing remotemouse server on Ubuntu.
EDIT: I do now remember having to allow it through the firewall, (UFW)

With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.
Dalai Lama>>
Code Tags Arch Linux, openSuse Tumbleweed, Debian Unstable

Holger_Gehrke is offlineUbuntu addict and loving it

Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

Please read carefully. It say «mono /Remote.exe». You need to give the extension and if mono behaves like the shell does it won’t search the current directory, so you have to force it to do so by typing a path, for example ‘./’ for the current working directory or ‘~/bin/’ ofr the directory ‘bin’ in your home directory.

leunam12 is offlineHas an Ubuntu Drip

Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

socorob is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

I downloaded and extracted the folder to desktop. I double click to go inside the extracted remote mouse folder. I right click and choose open terminal. I typed mono ./RemoteMouse.exe. it comes back with unhandled exception.system.typeloadexception:could not load type of field main window indicator due to could not load file or assembly appindicator-sharp

It goes on for 8 more lines. Is appindicator a program I’m missing?

Holger_Gehrke is offlineUbuntu addict and loving it

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Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

It’s not missing appindicator itself, it’s missing a library for programs using mono to talk to appindicator. appindicator might be missing or not, it’s not saying either. What you do need to install is that library and it can be found in the package libappindicator0.1-cil. Install it by typing

sudo apt install libappindicator0.1-cil

into a terminal and apt will get all the dependencies of the package automatically, so if you don’t have appindicator yet this will install it along the library.

socorob is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

Thanks! That got me a little further along. Now when I type mono. exe it does 3 things.
1. It pops up a window that says tcp error, it seems remote mouse server is already running
2. Behind that window is another that says remote mouse on the header with computer name and password for connection boxes, but as soon as I click on ok on the tcp error window, both these windows go away and..
3. It gets an error in terminal that says
(REmotemouse:2126): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_main_quit:assertion ‘main_loops !=NULL failed

My old phone now sees the computer in the remote mouse app when I open it, but it doesn’t connect.

Thanks for the progress, anything else I should try?

Holger_Gehrke is offlineUbuntu addict and loving it

Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

The FAQ-page on says that this comes up when any program is already using the ports the remote mouse server wants to use. Those port are 1978 for both TCP and UDP. To find out if some program is using those port and which, you can run

in a terminal. (It would run without sudo, but then you’d only get the pid. With sudo netstat can find out the name of the offending program.

socorob is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Re: Trying to install RemoteMouse on Ubuntu, but not working.

Thank you so much for your help. I was trying to use it on my android, and t wouldn’t connect. we also have 2 very old iphones that are used only as a mouse/keyboard, so I went and got them out, and it works. For some reason the android app doesn’t work with this. Another strange thing, is on the windows version all 3 phones could be controlling the mouse at the same time. In this version, you have to close the app on one before the other will work. Once again, thanks for your help. you made our day much better!

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