Remove vmware tool linux

How to Uninstall VMware Tools on Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD

VMware Tools is a set of utilities that enhances the performance and functionality of guest operating systems running on VMware virtual machines. However, there may be situations where you need to uninstall VMware Tools from your Linux, Solaris, or FreeBSD guest operating system. In this guide, we will show you how to uninstall VMware Tools on these operating systems.

Step 1: Shut down the virtual machine

Before uninstalling VMware Tools, you need to shut down the virtual machine. You can do this from within the guest operating system or by using the VMware vSphere client or web interface.

Step 2: Remove VMware Tools

After shutting down the virtual machine, you can remove VMware Tools from the guest operating system. The steps to do this may vary depending on the operating system.


To remove VMware Tools from a Linux guest operating system, you can use the following command as root:

This will run the VMware Tools uninstaller script and remove VMware Tools from the guest operating system.

[root@geeks ~]#
Uninstalling the tar installation of VMware Tools.

Stopping services for vmware-tools

initctl: Unknown instance:
Stopping services for vmware-tools-thinprint

initctl: Unknown instance:
This program previously created the file
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc/pango/pango.modules, and was about to
remove it. Somebody else apparently did it already.

File /etc/vmware-tools/vmware-user.desktop is backed up to

File /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules is backed up
to /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules.old.0.

File /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders is
backed up to

This program previously created the file
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/libconf/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders, and was about to
remove it. Somebody else apparently did it already.

This program previously created the file
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc/pango/pangorc, and was about to remove
it. Somebody else apparently did it already.

This program previously created the file
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/libconf/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules, and was about to
remove it. Somebody else apparently did it already.

This program previously created the file
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc/pango/pangox.aliases, and was about to
remove it. Somebody else apparently did it already.

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This program previously created the directory
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc/gtk-2.0, and was about to remove it.
Since there are files in that directory that this program did not create, it
will not be removed.

This program previously created the directory
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf/etc, and was about to remove it. Since
there are files in that directory that this program did not create, it will not
be removed.

This program previously created the directory
/usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/libconf, and was about to remove it. Since there
are files in that directory that this program did not create, it will not be

This program previously created the directory /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64, and
was about to remove it. Since there are files in that directory that this
program did not create, it will not be removed.

This program previously created the directory /usr/lib/vmware-tools, and was
about to remove it. Since there are files in that directory that this program
did not create, it will not be removed.

The removal of VMware Tools 9.2.2 build-893683 for Linux completed
successfully. Thank you for having tried this software.


To remove VMware Tools from a Solaris guest operating system, you can use the following command as root:

pkginfo -l VMwareTools pkgrm VMwareTools

This will list the VMware Tools package information and then remove it from the guest operating system.


To remove VMware Tools from a FreeBSD guest operating system, you can use the following command as root:

cd /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ ./ stop ./ uninstall

This will stop the VMware Tools daemon and then remove VMware Tools from the guest operating system.

Step 3: Restart the virtual machine

After removing VMware Tools from the guest operating system, you can restart the virtual machine. You can do this from within the guest operating system or by using the VMware vSphere client or web interface.

Commands Mentioned:

  • – runs the VMware Tools uninstaller script on Linux
  • pkginfo – displays package information on Solaris
  • pkgrm – removes a package on Solaris
  • – stops and uninstalls VMware Tools on FreeBSD


In this guide, we have shown you how to uninstall VMware Tools from Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD guest operating systems. Removing VMware Tools may be necessary if you are migrating a virtual machine to a different hypervisor or if you no longer need the enhanced functionality provided by VMware Tools. Remember to shut down the virtual machine before removing VMware Tools and then restart it after the removal process is complete.

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Dimitri Nek

Dimitri is a Linux-wielding geek from Newport Beach and a server optimization guru with over 20 years of experience taming web hosting beasts. Equipped with an arsenal of programming languages and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Dimitri conquers website challenges and scales hosting mountains with unmatched expertise. His vast knowledge of industry-leading hosting providers allows him to make well-informed recommendations tailored to each client’s unique needs.


Пошаговая инструкция по установке VMware Tools на Linux


Обновлено: 18.02.2023 Опубликовано: 09.12.2016

VMware Tools увеличивают функциональные возможности виртуальной машины. Можно установить как родные утилиты, так и open-vm-tools из репозитория Linux. Рассмотрим оба варианта.


Процесс установки во многом похож на установку VMware Tools во FreeBSD.

Открываем консоль управления виртуальными машинами. Находим ту, на которую будем устанавливать VMware Tools. Кликаем по ней правой кнопкой мыши — GuestInstall/Upgrade VMware Tools:

Монтирование дистрибутива VMware Tools к виртуальной машине

Подтверждаем, нажатием OK — будет выполнено монтирование установочного образа утилит к виртуальной машине.

Теперь подключается к Linux по SSH и монтируем образ к гостевой системе следующей командой:

* в некоторых версиях Linux, устройство CD-ROM может называться cdrom1.

Распаковываем архив с установочными скриптами во временную директорию:

tar -zxvf /mnt/VMwareTools-* -C /tmp/

CD-ROM нам больше не нужен — отмонтируем его:

Запускаем скрипт установки VMware Tools:

Если видим, примерно, такое сообщение:

open-vm-tools are available from the OS vendor and VMware recommends using
open-vm-tools. See for more information.
Do you still want to proceed with this legacy installer? [no]

отвечаем yes.

На все остальные вопросы отвечаем по умолчанию, нажимая Enter.

В сообщении, на которое мы ответили yes говориться о том, что лучше устанавливать VMware Tools при помощи open-vm-tools. Однако после такой установки, консоль VMware в статусе утилит виртуальной машины ставит вопросительный знак и пишет 3rdParty. Дав свое согласие, мы продолжили установку старым проверенным методом.

Запуск установки в автоматическом режиме (без необходимости отвечать на вопросы) можно запустить командой:


Версию установленного ПО можно посмотреть следующей командой:

Теперь открываем консоль управления VMware — устанавливаем курсор на виртуальную машину с установленными тулзами и переходим на вкладку Summary. В графе VMware Tools мы должны увидеть зеленую галочку и значение Running:

При правильной установке VMware Tools мы видим зеленую галочку со значение Running


При установке VMware Tools добавляются в автозагрузку. Действий не требуется.

Если по каким-либо причинам, этого не произошло, добавить запуск скрипта при запуске системы можно командой:

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systemctl enable vmware-tools

update-rc.d vmware-tools defaults


Для удаления используется скрипт

Не родная утилита (openvmtools)

Выше мы рассмотрели наиболее предпочтительный вариант установки vmtools. Однако, если по каким-либо причинам, у нас нет возможности установить утилиту таким образом, мы можем воспользоваться репозиторием установленной системы (само собой, при наличии данной утилиты в нем).

Установка выполняется разными командами в зависимости от используемой системы.

б) RPM (Red Hat, CentOS, Rocky Linux):

Для разрешения автозапуска утилиты и ее старта вводим команду:

systemctl enable vmtoolsd —now

Команды VMware Tools

После установки vmtools нам будут доступны дополнительные команды. К сожалению, они плохо документированы, поэтому не удалось найти их адекватное описание:

Команда Примеры использования
vmware-namespace-cmd vmware-namespace-cmd [OPTION?] [get-value | set-key | delete-key] []
vmware-rpctool rpctool send as an RPC command.
vmtoolsd vmtoolsd [OPTION]
vmware-toolbox-cmd vmware-toolbox-cmd [options] [subcommand]
vmware-checkvm vmware-checkvm (показывает версию VMware)
vmware-vgauth-cmd vmware-vgauth-cmd [OPTION] [add | list | remove]
VGAuthService VGAuthService [OPTION]
vmware-xferlogs vmware-xferlogs
vmware-hgfsclient vmware-hgfsclient
vmhgfs-fuse vmhgfs-fuse sharedir mountpoint [options]

По каждой команде можно вызвать небольшую справку командой:


How to install VMware Tools on Ubuntu

vmware workstation icon

V Mware tools are modules and services that allow numerous features in VMware products for a boosted management of seamless user interactions with guests’ OSs. On the other hand, VMware is a stable and outstanding virtualization solution that permits you to run a significant number of isolated operating systems on a solo machine.

When utilizing VMware as the hypervisor, it is paramount to install VMware tools in the guest to boost virtual machine performances. Installing these tools will aid you in getting the most out of the system as it gives the machine more capabilities like automatic window resizing, shared clipboard with the host system, and drag and drop file transfer.

Another point to note is that using VMware tools helps a VMware (VM) virtual machine merge nicely with VMware hypervisor. If you install VMware tools on a virtual machine, it will directly report back to the VMware hypervisor its IP address and a lot more information like VPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, and more. This hypervisor can generate even more interesting statistical reports using the reported back data, which will, in turn, play a role in aiding you in monitoring your virtual machine easily.

Here are some of the advanced features of VMware:


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