Resident evil for linux

Resident evil for linux

I took me hours to get this working on Linux so I thought I’d give a guide in one place so others don’t have the same problems.

There are two issues currently with RE:HD on Steam Proton, one is the lack of support for .wmv files so cutscenes become unskippable black screens. This is known and hopefully will be resolved in the future. The second is that it runs out of memory so crashes with Err08 after a short time. The good news is both these are fixable (though a bit hacky). Also note that one user below had trouble using wine-staging so I would recommend using vanilla wine for this.

For the cutscenes I effectively followed this post but I’ll give the fill details here. As that poster states this will need to be redone on a Proton update (unless the issue is resolved).

Create a Wine Prefix if there isn’t one:

Copy the pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/ folder out of that, delete the prefix and create a 32 bit one:

$ cp -r ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/304240/pfx/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/ ~ $ rm -r ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/304240/pfx $ WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/304240/pfx WINEARCH=win32 winetricks

Then install Windows Media Player 10, I also installed a few other libraries but have not tested to see if they’re all necessary (I think the last is to stop audio crackling):

$ WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/304240/pfx WINEARCH=win32 winetricks wmp10 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9 xact_jun2010

Then you have to get the VC-1 codec from KB942423 (which I found on Lutris here ) and install that:

$ WINEPREFIX=~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/304240/pfx WINEARCH=win32 wine windowsmedia-kb942423-x86-intl.exe

Then you have to change it back to 64 bit for Proton to work. Create a syswow64 directory in your pfx:

Move the Steam folder made at the beginning of this there to that syswow64 directory and set proton for 64 bit:

$ mv ~/Steam ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/304240/pfx/drive_c/windows/syswow64 $ cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7/ $ sed -i ‘s/wine64/wine/’ proton

The cutscenes will work now, however if you run it quickly you will run into a memory error erro08. Thanks to the other Solus user on Protondb for this game for tipping me off on how to solve this.

You need to use a large memory extender LAA. If you’re using Proton 3.16-6 or later you can do this by setting «PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE»: «1», in the or go to game properties in Steam and in «Set Launch Options» enter:

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If you’re using an older version of Proton, download CFF Explorer, install with wine and open it. Navigate to games executable bhd.exe and under Nt Headers -> File Header -> Characterstics hit «Click here» and enable «App can handle >2GB addressest». This will need to be redone if there is an update to the game giving a new exe.

After all that it works well on high settings. Finally, if your controller isn’t working properly (specifically XBox controllers), add dll Dinput8:

From there go to Libraries and in the drop-down for New Override add dinput8 «Native then builtin».

I have not been able to get the door skipping mod to work, the exe version I found doesn’t detect when the game is running. Other mods where you just replace and .arc file work fine though.


Resident Evil 4 на Ubuntu

Зайдите в папку Movie (в ней находятся игровые ролики), находящуюся в директории игры, откройте свойство любого из MPG файла, к примеру logo.mpg и посмотрите видео кодек, если это MPEG 1 , то можно больше ни чего и не ставить — игра будет работать но без роликов, а если видео кодек XVID MPEG-4 , то есть смысл установить:

В игре будут проигрываться и видеоролики.

Как вариант, если не повезло с кодеком, можно перекодировать уже имеющиеся, я использовал для этого программку FormatFactory, запущенную в этом же Wine — кодируем ей все MPG файлы папки Movie в AVI формат с кодеком XVID , после нужно переименовать расширение файлов с AVI на MPG . Или самый простой вариант — найти в интернете.

Был установлен патч для задействования в игре управления мышкой — Mouse Aim . До начала настройки Mouse Aim (запуск Loader.exe ) и разрешения игры — в настройках winecfg, на вкладке «Библиотеки«, выставляем dinput8.dll — встроенная.

Запускаем через wine файл Loader.exe , находится в папке с игрой и настраиваем FIX MouseAim

Если открыть вкладку Run Setup Tool, можно выбрать видеоразрешение игры, Тут же можно задать клавиши управления игрой.

Сохранить и выйти. Закройте программу MouseAim .

Возвращаемся в настройки winecfg, здесь нужно включить — dinput8.dll — сторонняя (иначе мышь не будет работать).


Resident evil for linux

18 янв. 2015 в 22:05

@Capcom: How about a Linux port of the game, pls?

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@Everyone else: Only a few hours left to go! I am extremly interested in this title — it was one of the best Gamecube titles I had. Unfortunately, my disk went missing and I never replaced it. After playing some sweet RE: Revelations, I am back for more. If anyone around here is using Linux + Wine or Crossover 14, could you pls post your results with Biohazard REMASTER? The game merely needs DirectX 9.0c, so in theory it should work just fine via Wine or Crossover 14.

18 янв. 2015 в 23:42

isn’t it possible to use the steamOS now that’s linux based? i heard valve talking about how it could run all steam games compatibly, and that it was out now for download.

19 янв. 2015 в 0:32

isn’t it possible to use the steamOS now that’s linux based? i heard valve talking about how it could run all steam games compatibly, and that it was out now for download.

where did you get that info from? Hm. not sure if that is possible. As far as I know, you can use SteamOS to run all native Linux games, but not the ones that are only for Windows. If you want to run Windows-only games on Linux, you can either use a VM, vanilla Wine, PlayOnLinux or Crossover. Anything else would be something new to me.

19 янв. 2015 в 22:07

19 янв. 2015 в 23:19

True. I’d buy it immediately, if the decide to give this baby to us Linux (and Mac) users.

19 янв. 2015 в 23:26

19 янв. 2015 в 23:36

Funny, coming from someone who thinks he is on a «real» OS by using Windows. Linux/Ubuntu is real and it’s in fact superior to Windows in many, many ways, including openness, flexibility, features, speed of development, gaming performance, OS performance and price. Just to name a few.

Do some research and you will see that I am correct.

And it’s not only that, but it’s also because of the fact that I like purple. And finally, since when is wishing or asking for something the same as complaining? Living in an upside down world. ?

good one. OP, if you want a gaming pc, go with windows.
I am on a gaming PC, with Linux. Btw, Valve, one of the most powerful and influential gaming giants to this date, seems to think the same way.

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11 фев. 2015 в 17:04

11 фев. 2015 в 19:43

@Capcom: How about a Linux port of the game, pls?

@Everyone else: Only a few hours left to go! I am extremly interested in this title — it was one of the best Gamecube titles I had. Unfortunately, my disk went missing and I never replaced it. After playing some sweet RE: Revelations, I am back for more. If anyone around here is using Linux + Wine or Crossover 14, could you pls post your results with Biohazard REMASTER? The game merely needs DirectX 9.0c, so in theory it should work just fine via Wine or Crossover 14.

As much as this game is still fun, the actual work done on it is minimal. I imagine a Linux or even Mac port would be unlikely. Capcom aren’t know for bringing their A game to HD/re release/remasters.

11 фев. 2015 в 21:08

The game is entirely coded around Direct3D which is a Windows rendering API. In order for them to make a port to Linux, they would have to rewrite the game to use a different engine that is cross-platform friendly, such as OpenGL or SDL.

11 фев. 2015 в 21:37

Don’t be troll bait. Just ignore it.

11 фев. 2015 в 21:39

The game is entirely coded around Direct3D which is a Windows rendering API. In order for them to make a port to Linux, they would have to rewrite the game to use a different engine that is cross-platform friendly, such as OpenGL or SDL.

I dont think the GameCube initially ran Windows?

True. I’d buy it immediately, if the decide to give this baby to us Linux (and Mac) users.

12 фев. 2015 в 1:31

why they port this to pc using directX? original gamecube is using openGL-like library. PS3/PS4 is using openGL, only Xbox360/One using DirectX, they can use openGL port PC.

12 фев. 2015 в 15:52

Lets hope steamOS gets off the ground and gets a good market share, then we’ll start seeing linux ports. Till that happens the developers wont spend extra on developing for a OS with a small user base.


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