Resident evil remake linux

Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Demo на Archlinux

День назад стала доступна демо-версия ремейка популярной в свое время (да и сих пор) игры Resident Evil 4 (Обитель зла 4). Демка получила название Chainsaw (Бензопила) и я не мог не попробовать ее на дистрибутиве Linux.

Ранее на канале выложил видеодемонстрацию игрового процесса, теперь дополнил ее текстовой версией, так как многие подписчики отмечали ранее, что им удобнее читать материалы, а не смотреть.

Steam Play и инструменты совместимости

Так как игра доступна только для Windows, то для запуска демоверсии необходимо было включить инструменты поддержки в Steam. Многократно показывал и рассказывал, как это сделать, материалы где это происходило прикреплю ниже.

Но что меня удивило в этот раз? Не понадобилось устанавливать дополнительно Steam Proton. Я всего лишь включил в настройках режим Steam Play и клиент сам доустановил необходимые библиотеки для запуска. Получается, что ремейк Resident Evil 4 может получить либо версию для Linux, либо уже может запускаться на консоли Steam Deck.

Чтобы установить демо-версию нужно было, как и обычно происходит с играми в Steam, лишь нажать кнопку установки. Клиент сам подгрузил нужные файлы игры, нужные инструменты совместимости и все установил безо всяких проблем.

Демонстрация игрового процесса

Ниже делюсь демонстрацией игрового процесса. Сразу скажу, что раз это демоверсия, то подробных настроек графики, конечно же нет, максимум, что мне удалось выбрать это разрешение экрана и вертикальную синхронизацию. Кроме того, во время игрового процесса заметны были подлагивания и провалы по FPS, но опять-таки, это демо-версия, потому такие явления естественны.

Подведем итог

Общее впечатление от демо-версии остались приятные, возможно, что после релиза игры я ее даже прикуплю. У меня уже имеется в библиотеке ремейк Resident Evil 2, потому останется только дополнить коллекцию ремейком третьей и четвертой части. Я не играл в оригинальные Обители зла, мое знакомство с этой серией в качестве игрока началось как-раз таки с ремейков.

Напомню, что другие материалы по геймингу на Linux вы найдете в соответствующем разделе на канале.


🧟‍♂️ Resident Evil 25th Anniversary on Linux

This one was released several time, first on the Gamecube in 2002 and then got ported on multiple systems (Wii, PS3&4, Windows, Xbox 360 & One and lately on the Switch). If you loved the original game, this remake is a mark of love from Capcom and Shinji Mikami as they really did a beautiful remake rather than just a port of the initial game.

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The only “problem” that this game has running on Linux is the need of Windows Media Player to display ingame cutscenes. Unfortunately, without it you are not going to be able to start a new game.

To run on Linux with Steam you’ll need to do 2 things:

  • Force the use of Proton 5.0-10
  • Run the game a first time. You should see the Capcom logo and then a black screen
  • Install WMP11 via this command:
protontricks 304240 -q wmp11 

Resident Evil 2 — Remake

This is one of the most recent remake of the game released in 2019 on the most modern systems. Just like RE1 — REmake, it’s considered as being a faithful remake of the original with new implementations that make the game even better than it’s original.

For this one I didn’t have to use a custom Proton, just installed and played the game.

Resident Evil 3 — Remake

Ok, this one is definitely not a fan favorite and I get why. The original RE3:Nemesis is absolutely one of the best game ever made for me. Playing as Jill again, this time in Raccoon City, about at the same time as the event in RE2, having Nemesis chasing you around town with the option to fight or flee… That was a blast to play this game.

Now the remake. Well it’s made with the new RE Engine, it’s a beautiful game. But they changed the physics compared to RE2 (no more dismembering zombies). The original gave you the choice to fight or flee in front of Nemesis but now you just, follow the scripted event. Anyway, it’s still a good game but it really feels like a downgrade both from the original and from what RE2-Remake proposed.

  • use a version of Proton anterior to 5.0 and use DX11
  • or use a Proton GE above 5.11 with DX12

Resident Evil 4 — Ultimate HD Collection

I remember playing this game for the first time on the Gamecube. The new look of Leon, the change from tank control to third person, the new setting in Spain, the new zombie types. At first I was a little bit wary and didn’t quite like it. Then it clicked, and I had a really, really good time. The decision made by Capcom to evolve the game into something more action oriented was a surprise at first but they nailed it with RE4.

Now on Linux, it runs out of the box with Steam Proton.

Resident Evil 5

This one clearly is not one my favorite. I didn’t like the way Capcom made it to be very action orientated and less survival. However the addition of the co-op was a really good way to enjoy the game, as well as the buddy system with Sheva. However, at the time it came with the atrocious “Game for Windows Live” and I don’t know why, for the love of god, to this day you still need to manually fix this horror with a fan made patch…

To play it on Linux follow the same instruction as for RE1-Remake:

  • use Proton version 5.0-10
  • run the game a first time and enjoy the black screen
  • install WMP11 with this command line:
protontricks 21690 -q wmp11 

Resident Evil 6

This one is strange for me. It felt like a conclusion to the saga were Capcom gave you the opportunity to play as some of the main protagonists one last time. The scenario is not that great, the gameplay is not that great but it’s visually good and the co-op is still present so you can suffer through it with a buddy at least. Anyway, is it running on Linux ? Same as for RE1-REmake and RE5:

  • use Proton version 5.0-10
  • run the game a first time and enjoy the black screen
  • install WMP11 with this command line:
protontricks 221040 -q wmp11 
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=150 %command% 

Resident Evil 7

So, your wife disappeared 3 years ago and all evidences led you to look for her in the Louisiana Bayou. Ever wanted to spent a nice and relaxing time in a beautiful mansion far from everything. Having colorful hosts that will take care of all of your needs. Maybe have a little taste of the Cajun food? Do you wish to experience that all in first person for the first time in a main Resident Evil game? Then get RE7!

Now what about Linux? I just had to force the use of Proton 5.9-GE-5-ST to be able to pass the loading screen. Test on your system as there are several reports on protondb with people using other version or no custom Proton.


Resident evil remake linux

1 — Create a Home folder «steamwin»

2 — Download and intall latest: Wine-staging, DXVK and Lutris available dor your distro.

3 — Download SteamSetup.exe for windows from steam site

4 — Grab the file mfplat.dll from syswow64 of an updated copy of windows 7

5 — Download python-installcab by tonix64
Head to [] and click Clone or download -> Download ZIP to download the repo. Unpack it somewhere.

5.1 — Edit
Open in a text editor, and head to line 129, which should look like this:
# value = value.replace(«%SystemRoot%», «C:\\windows»)
Lines 129 to 137 are commented out, go ahead an uncomment them (remove # from beginning of each line) and save the file.

5.2 Edit
Some Linux distributions have switched to running Python scripts through python3 by default. However, runs properly only through python2, it’s better to explicitly state that.

Open and add «python2 » before every invocation (lines 3-8).

The script should look like this now:

#! /bin/bash
DIRECTORY=`dirname $(realpath $0)`
python2 $DIRECTORY/ ~/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe mediafoundation
python2 $DIRECTORY/ ~/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe mf_
python2 $DIRECTORY/ ~/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe mfreadwrite
python2 $DIRECTORY/ ~/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe wmadmod
python2 $DIRECTORY/ ~/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe wmvdecod
python2 $DIRECTORY/ ~/.cache/winetricks/win7sp1/windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe wmadmod

6 — Place the mfplat.dll file from syswow64 of windows7 into your game executable folder, in this case: /home/»user»/steamwin/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RESIDENT EVIL 2 BIOHAZARD RE2

7 — Open a terminal window from your extracted python-installcab-master add the downloaded file SteamSetup.exe to the same folder

winetricks mf

export WINEPREFIX=~/steamwin

for the required libraries

export WINEPREFIX=~/steamwin

Go to libraries tab and add: dxgi.dll and d3d11.dll (also check if MF.dll is already there)
In Staging tab uncheck every box and the CSMT one
Press OK

export WINEPREFIX=~/steamwin
wine ./SteamSetup.exe

Follow through steam installation and install your game also.

8 — Now go to Lutris and add a new app, right-click and choose configure

Name it as you wish «SteamWin»

Browse for your steam.exe executable inside your /steamwin/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe

As working directory ~/steamwin/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam

And your ~/steamwin as wine prefix

Prefix architecture: 64-bit

Wine version: Staging 4.0+ or later
Enable DXVK
show advanced options
choose dxvk version 0.96+ or later

Go to Environment variables
add: DXVK_HUD (as key) and fps,memory (as values) press enter and save

Go to your root/etc/security

«youruser» hard nofile 524288

at the end of the text, save it and restart your PC.

Open lutris, runner settings, scroll to wine and choose manage settings.
Select the latest TKG wine available and wait for download to complete.

Select your application and configure, choose the TKG version of wine in runner options and enable esync.


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