Rimworld linux save location


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RimWorld is a 2D single player game by Ludeon Studios that launched in October 2018. It’s available on Steam for Windows, Linux, and Mac (OS X). Although single player, there are multiplayer mods that allow you to play on RimWorld with friends.

Technically speaking, RimWorld is a «Colony Management Simulator»; in layman’s terms, that means you’re tasked with managing a colony. The colony you’re tasked with managing has crash landed on a planet in outer space.

In order to keep your colony alive, you’re going to have to avoid the endless amounts of things on the planet that are a threat to survival. There’s deadly weather conditions (it’s not Earth, after all), fires caused by lightning, enemies named raiders that will storm your town in groups, and that’s just to name a few.

The end goal is to research technology and develop your colony to a point at which you are able to build a spaceship to escape the planet you crash landed on. Simple in principle, but at times seems impossible practice.

RimWorld Save Location

RimWorld saves are made locally (on your computer), so if you ever change computer, make a backup or want to share a save with someone else, you need to know which folder they’re in!

The location of your game saves varies based on the operating system you’re using. See below for the help for your particular computer:


If you’re on Windows, and you’re a technical guy or gal’ all you’ll probably need to know is the below file path for RimWorld saves:

%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Saves 

If you’re not a technical guy or gal’, fear not! To access the saves folder, simply paste the above path into File Explorer’s address bar, or follow these steps:

AppData Folder

  1. Press the WINDOWS + R ( WINDOWS is the button that opens the start menu)
  2. Type %AppData% into the text box on the Run window that opened and hit OK
  3. This opens up the Roaming folder, go back one folder to AppData by clicking AppData in the explorer path near the top of the window (click where the arrow points to in the below picture)
  4. Go into the LocalLow folder, then the Ludeon Studios folder, then the RimWorld by Ludeon Studios folder, and finally, the Saves folder
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Inside the Saves folder you can find all of your game’s save files in RimWorld’s RWS format (which technically speaking, is just XML!).

Mac OS X

The file path for the RimWorld save folder on Mac OS X is as follows:

~/Library/Application Support/RimWorld/Saves 

If that doesn’t mean anything to you, follow these steps:

  1. Open Terminal (press COMMAND + SPACE , then search for Terminal, and open Terminal)
  2. Type: open ~/Library/Application Support/RimWorld/Saves/

Just like Windows, in here you can find all of the save files for your RimWorld games.


The file path for RimWorld saves on Linux is:

~/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/Saves/ 

Navigate to the above folder in your file manager or (if you’re lazy) run this in the terminal:

nautilus ~/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/Saves/ 

RimWorld Install Location

RimWorld is installed in your Steam Library folder. The default is usually:


The default RimWorld installation location on Windows (if you haven’t changed your Steam Library folder will be) is one of the following folders:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld 
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld 

If both of the above paths aren’t working, you have probably installed your Steam library to a non-default folder or drive. If you don’t know where your Steam library is, see this guide.

Mac OS X

On Mac OS X, the default install location (with the default Steam library location) for RimWorld is:

~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld 

As with Windows, if the above path isn’t working, and you don’t know where your Steam library is, see this guide.


On Linux, the default install location for RimWorld is:


As with Windows and Mac OS X, if the above path isn’t working, or you’re having trouble finding it, see our guide to quickly find a Steam game’s install location.

RimWorld Mod Folder

There are two mod folders in RimWorld — the folder for mods installed via the Steam Workshop, and the folder for mods installed manually. See below for each.

Steam Workshop Mod Folder

Mods installed via the Steam Workshop are found in your Steam library’s workshop folder — this is not the same as the game install folder. The location of your Steam library varies depending on the operating system you’re using:

Step 1: Go to Steam Library

On Windows, it can be found by default at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam or C:\Program Files\Steam .

On Mac, it can be found by default at ~/Library/Application Support/Steam .

On Linux, it can be found by default at ~/.steam/steam .

If the above default location isn’t working, and you can’t find your Steam library, see our how to find your Steam library guide.

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Step 2: Go to Mods Folder

Once inside your Steam library, navigate to the following path to find your installed mods:

steamapps > workshop > content > 294100

Manually Installed Mod Folder

The manually installed mod folder is located in your game’s install folder (in your Steam library). First, find your game’s install folder, you can do this by following the RimWorld Install Location steps above.

Once inside your install directory, you can find manually installed mods inside the Mods folder.

SaveLocation.net is the only website dedicated exclusively to documenting where applications, games, screenshots, and all other sorts of files are saved.

© 2023 Dantoo Limited. SaveLocation.net is not affiliated with any game, software, or company on this page.



Обложка RimWorld

Сохранения «RimWorld» хранятся в операционной системе Windows в папке [AppData], находящейся по умолчанию в профиле пользователя на системном диске «C». Игра поддерживает облачную синхронизацию сохранений в Steam Cloud и GOG Galaxy. На полное прохождение игры RimWorld требуется 377 часов (на сюжет и второстепенные задания — 106 часов, только на сюжет — 65 часов). Во время прохождения доступно 24 достижения и трофея. Игра была взломана командой SiMPLEX через 798 дней после релиза.

Путь до сохранений RimWorld в Windows:

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\
  • C:\Users\[имя пользователя]\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\

Путь до сейвов RimWorld в Windows:

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Saves\
  • C:\Users\[имя пользователя]\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Saves\

Сохранения в Linux

Сохранения игры «RimWorld» лежат в операционной системе Linux в папке [unity3d], расположенной в базовом каталоге для хранения данных пользователя.

Путь к сохранениям RimWorld на Linux:

  • $HOME/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/Saves
  • /home/user/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/Saves


Rimworld linux save location

24 мая. 2018 в 12:56

To find saved games or config data:

1. Start the game.
2. Open the options menu.
3. Click «open save data folder».

Or look in this folder, depending on your operating system:

WINDOWS: C:/Users/[username]/AppData/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/
(On Windows, the AppData folder may be hidden.)

MAC: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/RimWorld/

LINUX: /home/[username]/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/

Deleting config files will reset them. This can be useful if the game is borked and won’t start.

For debugging and troubleshooting, the output_log.txt file is in the _Data folder in the game install folder.

Why is it like this? Modern operating systems separate changing data from program installations for several reasons:
-First, it allows different users to have different save and config data.
-Second, it enhances security, because it allows the program to run without having permission to write to disk anywhere outside its own little save folder.

You can override the save data folder. This is useful, for example, if you want to install the game on a USB stick so you can plug and play it from anywhere.
To do this, add this to the end of the command line used to launch the game:

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So it’ll look something like this:


Rimworld linux save location

I found this helpful link:
If it goes dead later, here’s the gist:
Go to https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage and sign in with your steam user. You’ll see a list of folders, one for each game. Click on the one for Rimworld and you’ll see all your cloud game saves and a button to download each.

Look in:
«/home/[username]/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/» (substitute your username for [username], get rid of the brackets)

You should see save games stored there, whether or not you have cloud sync / saves active — it saves a local copy every time you save.

Turn off cloud saves. You may or may not need to download your latest save from that cloud page, depending on whether steam always keeps the local saves present in that folder in the future and always saves locally every time it sends it to the cloud.

Once you’ve found your latest save, whether that’s in the local folder or downloaded from the cloud page, open it up. (I used geany, which I got with the terminal command «sudo apt-get install geany» because the default text editor was bullox at handling large text files of multi megabytes)
Find the lines that look like this (very near the top of the file, just under the mod-id and mod-name lists) — you can scroll or press the down arrow to get past the mod info lists or search for «realPlayTimeInteracting» if you’re feeling lucky and think the text editor won’t choke.

In that block above, delete these two lines (obviously your settlement name will likely be different): TrueUnification of Southwestern Toia (Permadeath)

Now save the file under a different name in the same folder. You may have to restart Rimworld, but in any case the save should now show up when you go to the load save screen.

Now you should be good to restart Cloud Saves for the game again.

By the way, if you have a game currently going on and you want to add factions, making a new save file (by simply saving it as a new name, no changes to the file required otherwise) after subscribing to the faction mod and enabling it, then loading the new save will cause the faction you added to be added to your current world, also giving you an option to set the number of settlements. This is very important for mods that have races which only get added if they have a faction present.

I’m unsure whether you absolutely have to turn off cloud saves and then back on again, but I inserted that step to be extra careful / step around any potential sync issues.


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