Ro wifi discord bot

Quick Start

This guide will show you everything needed to get started with RoWifi in an opinionated way.

1. Add the bot to the server

First step is to add the bot to your server. Open the link above in a new tab, select your server and click Authorize . The bot should now be visible in your discord server.

2. Setup the unverified and verified roles

Create two roles named @Unverified and @Verified respectively. Now to set the unverified role, run the command /settings unverified add @Unverified . Similarly, to set the verified role, run the command /settings verified add @Verified .

Unverified role is a Discord Role that is given to users who do NOT have a linked account with RoWifi. Similarly, Verified role is a discord role that is given to users who have a linked account with RoWifi.

3. Creating a Groupbind

Now that we’ve gone through the basic setup, let’s create the first bind which will be a groupbind. This type of bind gives a role to any user present in the group. Let’s create one more role, @Member . Next, run the slash command /groupbinds new . Enter the Group Id of your main Roblox group, the template as N/A , and add @Member in the discord roles argument.

4. Creating a Rankbind

Now that everyone in the group will get a name, let’s give a role & a nickname to the first rank of the group.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume the first rank has an ID of 5 and a name of Newbie.

Our goal of this rankbind is to make the user have a nickname of [Newbie] RobloxUsername and add a role @Newbie . To proceed further, create the @Newbie role.

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To make a rankbind, run the command rankbinds new . Enter the Group ID of your main Roblox group, the Rank Id as 5 , the template as [Newbie] . Set the priority to 1 and add the @Newbie role to the discord roles argument.

It is a number that informs the bot which bind to use for the nickname of a user. The bot will always choose the bind with the highest priority. Learn more about it here.

5. Setting a logs channel

It is recommended to set a logs channel so you can keep a track of all RoWifi commands run in a server. To set a log channel, simply create a channel named #rowifi-logs and that’s it.

This concludes the setup guide. Refer to the following pages for more information:



Rankbinds are a type of bind that connect a rank in your Roblox group to a role in your Discord server.

Creating a Rankbind

To create a single rankbind, run the command /rankbinds new .

Rankbinds New Single

It requires 3 arguments and has 2 optional arguments.

  • Group Id: This is the ID of your Roblox Group.
  • Rank Id: This is the ID of the rank from your Roblox Group that you wish to bind. It is from 1-255.
  • Template: Learn more about it here.

Optional Arguments:

  • Priority: Learn more about it here.
  • Discord Roles: This is a list of Discord Roles that are to be added to the bind.

Viewing your Rankbinds

To view all your rankbinds, run the command /rankbinds view .

Modifying a Rankbind

Modifying the template

To modify the template of a rankbind, use the /rankbinds modify template command. Learn more about templates here.

Rankbinds Modify Template

Modifying the priority

To modify the priority of a rankbind, use the /rankbinds modify priority command. Learn more about priority here.

Rankbinds Modify Priority

Adding Discord Roles

To add additional Discord roles to a rankbind, use the /rankbinds modify add-roles command

Rankbinds Modify Add Roles

Removing Discord Roles

To remove existing Discord roles from a rankbind, use the /rankbinds modify remove-roles command.

Rankbinds Modify Remove Roles

Deleting a Rankbind

To delete a single rankbind, run the /rankbinds delete command.

Rankbinds Delete

Deleting Multiple Rankbinds

To delete multiple rankbinds, run the /rankbinds delete command. The rank id argument should then be entered as space separated numbers or a range of numbers or both as shown in the example below.

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Settings is a module that allows you to modify the bot configuration in the server.

Viewing your current Settings

To view your current settings, run the command /settings view .

Setting the Action on Blacklist

RoWifi can be configured to kick or ban users who meet a certain blacklist. To set this configuration, run the command /settings blacklist-action .

It has 1 required argument.

Settings Blacklist Action

Unverified Roles

This setting can be configured to give roles to users who are not verified with RoWifi.

Adding a Unverified Role

To add a unverified role, run the command /settings unverified add .

It has 1 required argument.

Settings Verification

Removing a Verification Role

To remove a unverified role, run the command /settings unverified remove .

It has 1 required argument.

Settings Verification

Verified Roles

This setting can be configured to give a role to users who are verified with RoWifi.

Adding a Verified Role

To add a verified role, run the command /settings verified add .

It has 1 required argument.

Settings Verified

Removing a Verified Role

To add a verified role, run the command /settings verified remove .

It has 1 required argument.

Settings Verified

Toggling Command Usage

RoWifi allows you to enable or disable command usage in Text Channels. To configure this, run the command /settings command-channel .

Disabling Command Usage in a channel

To disable command usage in a Text Channel, set the option argument to Disable .

Settings Disable Commands

Enabling command usage in a channel

To enable command usage in a Text Channel, set the option argument to Enable .

Settings Command Enable

Updating Users on joining the server

RoWifi has a feature to update an user immediately after they join the Discord server. To toggle this, run the command /settings update-on-join .

Enabling the Update On Join setting in the server

To update users immediately on joining the server, set the option argument to Enable .

Settings Update On Join

Disabling the Update On Join setting in the server

To disable updating users immediately on joining the server, set the option argument to Disable .

Settings Update On Join Disable

Auto Detection

Auto Detection is an unique feature of RoWifi wherein all members of your server are periodically updated to ensure everyone’s roles and nicknames are fully synced.

Enabling the Auto Detection setting in the server

To enable Auto Detection in the server, use the /settings auto-detection command and set Option to Enable .

Disabling the Auto Detection setting in the server

To disable Auto Detection in the server, use the /settings auto-detection command and set Option to Disable .



To link your Roblox account to your Discord account, run the following command. The bot will then reply with a button linking to a game place. Join the game and the Verification process is now complete. After this you can run the /update command.

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Adding another linked account

To link an additional Roblox account to your Discord account, run the /verify add command. The bot will then reply with a button linking to a game place. Join the game and you have successfully linked an additional Roblox account. You should look at the following section to learn about switching between accounts.

Verification Add

Setting a default account

To set an additional linked account as your default account, run the /verify default command.

NOTE: This will set the given account as your default account in all new servers and in any servers where you have not run /verify switch explicitly.

Verification Default

Switching accounts between servers

To use an additional linked account in a server, run the /verify switch command and now, you have successfully switched your account for that server. You can now run /update to get your roles.

Verification Switch

Unlinking an account

To unlink an account, run the command /verify delete . You will now have successfully unlinked your Roblox account.



Groupbinds are a type of bind that are used to add roles or nickname any user who is present in a Roblox Group regardless of their rank.

Creating a Groupbind

To create a groupbind, run the command /groupbinds new .

Groupbinds New

It requires 3 arguments and has 2 optional arguments.

  • Group Id: This is the ID of your Roblox Group.
  • Template: Learn more about it here.

Optional Arguments:

  • Priority: Learn more about it here.
  • Discord Roles: This is a list of Discord Roles that are to be added to the bind.

Viewing your Groupbinds

To view all your groupbinds, run the command /groupbinds view .

Modifying a Groupbind

Modifying the template

To modify the template of a groupbind, use the /groupbind modify template command. Learn more about templates here.

Groupbinds Modify Template

Modifying the priority

To modify the priority of a groupbind, use the /groupbinds modify priority command. Learn more about priority here.

Groupbinds Modify Priority

Adding Discord Roles

To add additional Discord roles to a groupbind, use the /groupbinds modify add-roles command

Groupbinds Modify Add Roles

Removing Discord Roles

To remove existing Discord roles from a groupbind, use the /groupbinds modify remove-roles command.

Groupbinds Modify Remove Roles

Deleting a groupbind

To delete a single groupbind, run the /groupbinds delete command.

Groupbinds Delete

Deleting Multiple Groupbinds

To delete multiple groupbinds, run the /groupbinds delete command. The group IDs should be entered as space separated numbers as shown below.


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