Root login incorrect linux

System booted up, but can’t login as root

I just got my system to boot up (Scientific Linux), but at the login screen I can’t login as root. It doesn’t even ask for a password, just says Login incorrect . So what I see is:

localhost login: root login incorrect 
login: root Login incorrect 

What did I break this time? I was messing around with essential filesystem files a lot, namely /bin and /sbin .

This could have several causes which are all due to abnormal changes, possibly related to what you did. You should boot from a USB drive (or key) and check the system logs which I assume will probably give more information on the issue.

Alright, if I boot at runlevel 1 (single-user mode) I have access to my filesystem as root. Where would the logs be located? Looking at another forum post, I think init 3 ; sleep 10 ; tail /var/log/messages > ~/log may help me, but I don’t really understand it. Doing that at runlevel 1 brought me back to the login screen, but also kept me as root, so there was some weird glitching.

1 Answer 1

Fixed the problem. Turns out a few libraries necessary for the login binary were missing, namely and a version of libglib . These were supposed to be located in /usr/lib , and my image’s /usr/lib directory was empty. I copied the necessary files in from the /usr/lib directory of a different, working OS (same type and version).

cp -ap libcrack* /my/image/directory/mount/usr/lib cp -ap libglib* /my/image/directory/mount/usr/lib 

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Login incorrect

У меня dmesg в экран не влезает. Там слишком много текста. А как он поможет?

Может быть, надо поменять пароль рута.

надо в консоли дать команду sudo dmesg -T | tail -n20
и всё сразу начнёт влезать

А можно ли изменить пароль через chroot. Или сама система не даёт мне войти как рут. Я создал пользователя(не рут) и после безошибочного ввода пароля тоже самое — login incorrect

как это создал пользователя если под рутом залогиниться не можешь?

С помощью команды useradd Я сделал пароль рута. Перезагрузка. Ввожу root. Ввожу пароль. Пишет incorrect login. Загрузился с live. Смонтировал корень в /mnt. Создал юзера через useradd. Сделал ему пароль. После загрузился с диска с системой. Вхожу в рут: incorrect login. Вхожу в юзера — incorrect login. Что я делаю не так?

useradd не создает пароль. passwd тебе нужен

Смонтировал корень в /mnt. Создал юзера через useradd

Смонтировал то смонтировал,а перешел в систему перед тем как пользователя создать?

Да-да. Выразился некорректно. useradd создаёт пользователя, а passwd — пароль

У меня один вопрос — зачем ты ставишь Arch, если документацию по установке не читаешь и не думаешь при этом?

С помощью команды useradd Я сделал пароль рута.

Пользователь root всегда есть в системе по умолчанию, пароль меняется командой passwd, когда ты под ним залогинен (например, в чруте). Ну или от любого пользователя можно поменять. Команда useradd добавляет любого другого пользователя, пытаться заново добавить системного пользователя root — не надо.
Под рутом постоянно не сиди, иначе любое непривелигированное приложение может нанести непоправимый вред системе. Добавь простого пользователя, настрой sudo (выполнение команд от рута), и работой из под него. А непосредственно на рута надо переключаться в редких случаях, когда требуется выполнить большой обьём привелигированных команд.

Гражданин создал 5 тем по настройке, не детализировал, не говорил что делал, не говорил пытался ли исправить, не уточняет что за вики, где он всё читал… Этикета лора тоже почти нет, заголовки никудышные и не проставлены «решено» на каждой теме.

Может ему совсем не в арче нужно помочь, скорее с чем-то внешним?

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Arch Linux

more info needed , did you just install arch? , you should have set your root password there.

You could chroot into your install.

#3 2009-08-13 12:28:33

Re: root login incorrect

I have just installed xorg and then installed the guest additions of virtual box and then restarted

I didnt kept any password for root till now

Previously when i login: root it used to login and go to command prompt

I am feeling that again I have to reinstall, which I dont want.

can you give some more instructions

#4 2009-08-13 12:31:46

Re: root login incorrect

If you didn’t set a root password can’t you login with the password field left empty?

All men have stood for freedom.
For freedom is the man that will turn the world upside down.
Gerrard Winstanley.

#5 2009-08-13 12:34:12

Re: root login incorrect

If you didn’t set a root password can’t you login with the password field left empty?

I dosent ask for any password
after login: root
it gives login incorrect.

It doesnt ask for password

As I have mentioned I didnt create any login till now

But if I use login: xyz
then it asks for a password and when I enter it says login incorrect
for any other login other root it asks for password.

Last edited by sant527 (2009-08-13 12:37:05)

#6 2009-08-13 12:40:50

Re: root login incorrect

I know it’s a daft question but are you sure you’re not still booting from the CD?

All men have stood for freedom.
For freedom is the man that will turn the world upside down.
Gerrard Winstanley.

#7 2009-08-13 12:42:26

Re: root login incorrect

Yes I have just booted from the CD

#8 2009-08-13 12:47:56

Re: root login incorrect

no, did you disable the boot from cd in virtualbox ? and do you see grub ?

#9 2009-08-13 12:59:21

Re: root login incorrect

Sorry I am not able to get you

If I disable the boot from CD in virtual box then how can I boot.

I have booted and mounted my
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/hare

then nano /mnt/hare/etc/passwd

the root line looks like this

How to edit this line so that I can login back

#10 2009-08-13 13:24:19

Re: root login incorrect

I found the solution but partially

I have diabled boot from CD in virtual box

When I started I entered in to grub and append at the end of the kernel line single, then booted by pressing b

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I then able to set a new root password. I also added a new user tom and set the password.

but login: root
passwd: entered the correct passwd

login: tom
passwd: enter passwd

It logins to tom
at command prompt
# su
passwd: entered root passwd
the root passwd works and the logins into root

The reason why I can only login to root to some other account is not known

It can be because I have updated initscripts and replaced the previous inittab file with the inittab.pacman

I dont know what inittab does

Can some one throw some light on this aspect


Login incorrect on CentOS

I’ve downloaded a CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1511 iso file for testing purposes. I also have Hyper-V on Windows 10. I loaded the image file and as far as configuring the below there was not much to do and went on to proceed: enter image description here I then click Begin Installation. Afterwards, it requires me to reboot which I did. After rebooting, I see the below and I just went with the first selection and hit enter: enter image description here After the above, I see the below and don’t know what it means and proceeded to wait: enter image description here Finally, I see the below: enter image description here With the above image is where it all falls apart. I know for a fact that I did not set a username yet. However, I did set a root password and that was all. Every attempt I make I get the error message «Login incorrect«. Am I doing something wrong? What is required for the login when a username has not been set? I’m new to Linux and require some assistance. Any help would be appreciated.

1 Answer 1

I guess you forgot to set password while installation, now you can workaround by resetting root password.

Follow the below procedure:

1 – In the boot grub menu select option to edit.

2 – Select Option 1 to edit (e).

3 – Go to the line of Linux 16 and change ro with rw init=/sysroot/bin/sh .

4 – Now press Control+x to start on single user mode.

5 – Now access the system with this command. >> chroot /sysroot

6 – Reset the password. with >> passwd root

7 – Update selinux information with >> touch /.autorelabel

9 – Reboot your system >> reboot

its Done now you ll be able to access with your newly set passwd.


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