Роутер 403 forbidden tp link

«403 Forbidden» error when accessing router management site over VPN tunnel

I’m using the MR6400, and would like to access the (Local) management site over OpenVPN.

I can set up the tunnel towards the MR6400 over OpenVPN and can access the local LAN and the attached devices.

I can also access the management site from remote (once enabled).

Unfortunately I can’t access the (Local) management site via the tunnel, which would be my preferred option,
because I just get «403 Forbidden».

Is there any fix for this problem?

Hi, for security consideration, the router local management over VPN tunnel is not allowed on our LTE Gateway routers, that is why it displays 403 Forbidden, if necessary, it is recommended to enable remote management.

And we will also record and report to product team to see if this restriction can be removed in the future.

thank you for the quick reply. Actually, I don’t understand the security issue here?

Actually isn’t the OpenVPN Server deliberately there to allow access into the home Network?

I sounds a bit odd, being able to access my whole LAN, while just excluding the router manangement?

Because I deliberately do want to avoid, a potentially even more unsave enabling of the «remote router Management»,
I want to go via the VPN!

Usually the «403 Forbidden» is originated by wrong access right settings on files or issues with .htaccess in the Web Sever.

It would be really nice if you could forward this to your develpment team, to consider a fix of this in an update?


Top TD-W8970: Remote Management — 403 Forbidden

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Top TD-W8970: Remote Management — 403 Forbidden

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Please, could you help me solving the follow issue?

After successfully installation and configuration I tried to enable remote management because I need to reach router admin page from Internet.
.When I connect to the router from Internet I get the login page but after authentication I get a page with «403 Forbidden» message.
Also authentication page seems missing icons ans styles because looks like different from the same page showed when reached from inside LAN.
Does anyone experienced the same behaviour? There is a way to fix it?

Added screen-shots to show differences logging in from LAN and fomr Internet
Login Page from LAN:

Login Page fomm Internet (public IP)

Message after succefull login from Internet

no people in this forum experiencing same issue or no one is using remote management.
No answer from Tp-Link support too. 🙁

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Thank you for your reply. Yes I tested both conditions.
The connection with IP address to the management page, after first unsuccessful test, seem now magically resolved. It started working apparently without any change in router configuration.
After the configuration of DDNS client on router, also connecting to the management page using the domain name works fine.
What still not working is the use of domain name set (registered) with a different technique (in my case with ddclient from a server in the LAN) than router’s DDNS client for no-ip or dyndns.
I get kind help from Tp-Link support (thank you) understanding this behavior.

Thank you James for your answer. Yes, you are right, the only 2 DDNS services selectable from router are ni-ip and dyndns.
What I did is to left disable DDNS on the router. My previous ADSL router didn’t support this feature and I had to configure a machine inside my LAN that register the name with ddclient to DNSDynamic service.
When I replaced the router I continued using this perfectly working technique. But the router’s remote management, for an unknown reason, dislike this configuration and don’t work.
I can leave without this but I’m so curious to understand the reason. 🙂

Hi marchino
What’s firmware of your 8970? If it’s not the latest, you can upgrade it first. http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download/?model=TD-W8970&version=V1#tbl_j

And you should click «Remote management» on System Tools—>Manage Control, just as the picture shows below

Then use the » WAN IP: port» to login in 8970’s web page from other WAN side

Hi James,
Yes, I flashed the latest firmware and already configured the Remote Management. The point I can’t understand is the follow:
http://.no-ip.org: works fine.
The name above set with router’s DDNS client.

http://.dnsget.org: does’t work
The above set to another Dynamic DNS provider.

As said in my previous post I can live without this but I’m so curious to understand the reason. 🙂

The second Dynamic dns provider you use is Dyndns or not?
As I said in previous post, now TP-LINK product only support no-ip and dyndns in Dynamic DNS function.
If the Dyndns provider you use is not the one of the two, that’s normal you can’t use it on TD-W8970

I have the same issue with a TD-W8980 after a firmware upgrade to TD-W8980_V1_140919.

I don’t actually access it directly from the WAN, I have a random port forwarded to a Linux machine on the inside for SSH and I use that to tunnel a port on my client machine to the router port 80. So, in theory the request is coming from my Linux machine on the LAN. This doesn’t work either. The other strange thing is I get this:

[CODE]efftel@royale:~$ wget—2015-04-13 10:30:11—
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response. 403 Forbidden
2015-04-13 10:30:11 ERROR 403: Forbidden.[/CODE]

This is from the LAN side. Surely that shouldn’t happen?

I can telnet into the router — I’ll wait until some time after business hours to try rebooting it and seeing whether that makes any difference.


Archer C2 remote web management shows 403 forbidden

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Archer C2 remote web management shows 403 forbidden

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Hardware Version : Not Clear

It is a new mechanism. In the new firmware it allows only one user at one time. And you must click logout before closing the web browser !!

It does behave as @coca koala described.

If we don’t click the logout button in the menu before closing the browser, it keeps the login session and won’t allow other users to log in for 5 minutes. You can open the same browser again to log out. Or reboot the device.

Same problem here, all was fine until I upgrade to firmware version Archer C2_V1_141117.

I have to power cycle the router to login.

It is a new mechanism. In the new firmware it allows only one user at one time. And you must click logout before closing the web browser !!

It does behave as @coca koala described.

If we don’t click the logout button in the menu before closing the browser, it keeps the login session and won’t allow other users to log in for 5 minutes. You can open the same browser again to log out. Or reboot the device.

Archer C2 remote web management

Do you have public IP address on WAN port? What are the Remote Management settings on the router?

i have the same issue, but I can’t figure out how to solve the problem.
When I go to the IP from the Archer C2 I am asked to log in. When I log in it only says HTTP Error 403.
When I use the wrong password, the Archer tells me, that the password was wrong.
Now my biggest problem: You guys said, that this 403 error appeared, because there is already a second session logged in, but if one of my devices shows the 304 error message and I try to log into the Archer from a second device the Archer tells me, that it allowes only one Admin per time to log in. I should try again later. When I wait, until the first session is logged out and then log in again I only see the 403 error message again. Same Problems after plug out and in the Archer.
I think my FW isn’t up-to-date, but I have no idea how to update, since I only see 403 error 🙁

Thank you in advance


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