Роутер микротик кнопка mode

Как настроить Mikrotik, чтобы при нажатии кнопки Mode восстанавливалась последняя конфигурация из backup?

Взял Mikrotik HAP ac2 на замену старого роутера другого производителя. Пробую крутить-настраивать разные штуки на нём и в процессе иногда набиваю шишки, окирпичивая его. Знаю, что есть Safe mode в WinBox, но тоже иногда забываю его включить.

Приходится сбрасывать кнопкой Reset. Она там очень тугая и неудобно расположена. Не знаю, может это мне такой экземпляр попался и в других всё хорошо. Кто так запроектировал, что Reset и светодиод его индикации в нескольких миллиметрах друг от друга, тоже непонятно. Получается, я закрываю пальцем светодиод, который должен замигать для индикации сброса. Если бы это была утопленная кнопка, как делали раньше, которую скрепкой надо нажимать, вопросов не было бы.

  • Нажатие — восстанавливать последнюю конфигурацию из backup
  • Удержание 5сек. — сброс настроек к заводским

Дополню своим ответом с решением, т.к. вариант с загрузкой бэкапа оказался нерабочим (микротик требует подтверждения команды).
Для начала экспортируем настройки в текстовый файл командой
/export file=flash/resetBackup
добавляем в скрипты

/system script add name=reset-backup source=
/system routerboard mode-button set on-event=reset-backup enabled=yes


/system script add name=load-backup source= /system routerboard mode-button set on-event=load-backup enabled=yes

сброс настроек к заводским заскриптовать сложнее из-за того, что вызов команды отображает запрос на подтверждение. https://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?t=121491

Т.е. мне надо создать предварительно в Files бэкап с определённым названием, например mode.backup , причём, без шифрования, так?
А потом вызывать его в

/system script add name=load-backup source= /system routerboard mode-button set on-event=load-backup enabled=yes


severnik, можно с шифрованием, но пароль придётся указать в скрипте. В качестве сброса параметров, можно сохранить бекап заводских на трое и поставить его на 5 секундное удержание


Роутер микротик кнопка mode

anyone notice that newer haps have this «mode» button? could not find any info anywhere.
what is does? maybe wps? cap?

MikroTik Support

Posts: 25704 Joined: Fri May 28, 2004 11:04 am Location: Riga, Latvia

Читайте также:  Внешние антенны для модема роутера

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

And what does it do by default? Anything or nothing?
Saying something can be done, but without at least giving a start as to how, is not very helpful.

MikroTik Support

Posts: 25704 Joined: Fri May 28, 2004 11:04 am Location: Riga, Latvia

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

/system script add name=test-script source= /system routerboard mode-button set on-event=test-script /system routerboard mode-button set enabled=yes

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

/system routerboard mode-button set on-event=test-script /system routerboard mode-button set enabled=yes

Thanks, but is this documented anywhere?
There is nothing about this button on the piece of paper that comes in the box with the hardware.
There is no mention of the «routerboard» sub-page under System on the Wiki.
I tried searching for «mode-button» and drew a blank there as well.
Winbox doesn’t give access to this either.

It’s no wonder people struggle is it?
This is the most frustrating thing about your products/software — missing or incomplete information/documentation.
I could give you several examples of things missing from the Wiki (well I could if I’d bothered to make notes — as it was I just grumbled to myself and gave up).

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

And even more annoying, I tried adding your example code to test. The log told me the config. had been modified, but pressing the button doesn’t generate the expected log line.
In addition, nothing is reported back when you try and query the config. you have just set:

[admin@. ] /system routerboard mode-button> pr [admin@. ] /system routerboard mode-button> exp # nov/10/2017 14:08:52 by RouterOS 6.41rc52 # software model = RouterBOARD 941-2nD # serial number = xxxxxxxxxxxx [admin@. ] /system routerboard mode-button> 

MikroTik Support

Posts: 25704 Joined: Fri May 28, 2004 11:04 am Location: Riga, Latvia

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

The model with the button hasn’t been even announced yet, you have received an early stock unit, so the feature is not documented yet.
You can either choose to ignore it for now (since you didn’t even know the unit will have such a button, when you ordered it), or upgrade to the latest RouterOS v6.41RC release when it comes out, and experiment with it until manual is updated.

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

i have upgraded my HapLite to 6.41rc56, and again this test scenario doesn’t work:

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

doesn’t work too.
how can i find command for doinf other tests?
i would like to use it for power on/off wlan card.

And even more annoying, I tried adding your example code to test. The log told me the config. had been modified, but pressing the button doesn’t generate the expected log line.
In addition, nothing is reported back when you try and query the config. you have just set:

[admin@. ] /system routerboard mode-button> pr [admin@. ] /system routerboard mode-button> exp # nov/10/2017 14:08:52 by RouterOS 6.41rc52 # software model = RouterBOARD 941-2nD # serial number = xxxxxxxxxxxx [admin@. ] /system routerboard mode-button> 

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

/system script add name=test-script source= /system routerboard mode-button set on-event=test-script /system routerboard mode-button set enabled=yes

i try but doesn’t work. I try too with other script but still no work.
i use current version 6.41.1

Читайте также:  Сброс настроек роутера ттк

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

The mode-button works for me. Example with script, which set all wlan off or on (depending of past state wlan1)

/system routerboard mode-button set enabled=yes on-event=wlan_on_off # script /system script add name=wlan_on_off owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":local i\r\ \n:if ( [/int wir get 0 disabled ] = true ) do=;\r\ \n > else=;\r\ \n :int wir disable \$i;\r\ \n>\r\ \n"

:local i
:if ( [/int wir get 0 disabled ] = true ) do= :foreach i in= [ /int wir find ] do=< :int wir enable $i >;
> else= :foreach i in= [ /int wir find ] do=< :int wir disable $i >;
:int wir disable $i;

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

Hi, the mode-button works for me. I have script for disable/enable all wlan (depending of previous state wlan1)

/system routerboard mode-button set enabled=yes on-event=wlan_on_off # script /system script add name=wlan_on_off owner=admin policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source=":local i\r\ \n:if ( [/int wir get 0 disabled ] = true ) do=;\r\ \n > else=;\r\ \n :int wir disable \$i;\r\ \n>\r\ \n"

:local i
:if ( [/int wir get 0 disabled ] = true ) do= :foreach i in= [ /int wir find ] do=< :int wir enable $i >;
> else= :foreach i in= [ /int wir find ] do=< :int wir disable $i >;
:int wir disable $i;

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

Can you help me with the same script but for disable/enable only one of the wireless interfaces? ex. wlan2
Thanks a lot.

Posts: 3206 Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:17 am Location: Magrathean

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

Can you help me with the same script but for disable/enable only one of the wireless interfaces? ex. wlan2

:if ([/interface get wlan2 disabled ]=false) do= < /interface wireless disable wlan2>else=< /interface wireless enable wlan2>

Posts: 3206 Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:17 am Location: Magrathean

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

PS I can not get the mode button to work on hAP Lite.
OS = 6.44.3 RB941-2nd

Tested various script and also this:

/system script add name=test-script source= /system routerboard mode-button set on-event=test-script /system routerboard mode-button set enabled=yes

No script is run (counter at 0), nothing in the logs.
Script shows up in red, is that correct?

PS Why can I not se this in Winbox/Web?

Posts: 1026 Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:23 am Location: Oberhausen, Germany Contact:

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

The content of this field is displayed with syntax highlighting. Things become colored if you use something like:

/system routerboard mode-button set on-event="/system script run test-script;" enabled=yes

As a fallback RouterOS tries to run a script with given name. It’s the same for the scheduler. Just giving a script name makes on-event appear in red.

Posts: 3206 Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:17 am Location: Magrathean

Читайте также:  Подключить роутер тп линк ас1200

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

That explain some. Having this in gui would help.
Bu still button does not do anything on my hap lite.

[admin@MikroTik] > /system script print Flags: I - invalid 0 name="test-script" owner="admin" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon dont-require-permissions=no run-count=0 source=:log info message=("1234567890"); [admin@MikroTik] > /system routerboard mode-button set on-event="/system script run test-script;" enabled=yes [admin@MikroTik] > /system routerboard mode-button print enabled: yes on-event: /system script run test-script; [admin@MikroTik] > :log info message=("1234567890")

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

/system routerboard mode-button set on-event=/system script run your-script
 /system routerboard mode-button set on-event=your-script 

Posts: 1026 Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:23 am Location: Oberhausen, Germany Contact:

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

/system routerboard mode-button set on-event=/system script run your-script
 /system routerboard mode-button set on-event=your-script 

Yes, that’s enough for things to work. The above was my example to explain why things are shown red and how to work around.

Mikrotik, how about showing valid script names in a different color than red?

Re: hap lite classic «mode» button?

The model with the button hasn’t been even announced yet, you have received an early stock unit, so the feature is not documented yet.
You can either choose to ignore it for now (since you didn’t even know the unit will have such a button, when you ordered it), or upgrade to the latest RouterOS v6.41RC release when it comes out, and experiment with it until manual is updated.

Hi normis.
On the wiki, the «reset-button» functionality is documented and I quote: «Reset button additional functionality is supported by all MikroTik devices running RouterOS». I have tried to make use of this functionality taking the examples shown and it has not worked for me, I have tried different RouterBOARDS and versions of routerOS. In all attempts when I restart the RouterBOARD, that configuration disappears, as if I had never modified anything.
Can you make a clarification in this regard?


Mikrotik hAP-ac2. Фото

USB порт и кнопка Mode маршрутизатора MikroTik hAP ac2

«USB-порт предполагает производитель для подключения модема 4G/LTE или USB-накопителя.

На сегодняшний день, кнопка Mode не имеет закрепленной функции, ждем добавления функции в прошивке производителя.»

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