Роутер tenda пропал интернет

Trouble shooting on Internet connection problems

Internet connection problems may be caused by different factors, like the IP conflict between the Tenda router and the Internet upstream device, the registered MAC address, the MTU value, the DNS server, etc. This article is aimed at troubleshooting Internet connectivity issues about Tenda routers.

Note: Before proceeding with the solutions in this article, ensure that your Internet connection is active by plugging the Internet cable, which may come from your modem, directly into your computer.

Connect the devices together

Here we recommend you connect your device to Tenda device by a wired connection.

Take an Ethe rnet cable to connect your computer with one of the yellow LAN ports of the Tenda device.

Ensure that the light corresponding to the LAN port where the Ethernet cable is connected to is lit. If it is lit, you may proceed with the next procedure. Otherwise, try to connect your computer to another yellow LAN port or change another Ethernet cable.

Note: There is only one LAN or LAN/WAN port on some devices like A5/A6/A3/A30/N3/3G150B/PW201A, etc. You can only log into the setup page wirelessly for A5 and 3G186R.

Find out the login IP address on the label located on the back of the Tenda device, and then enter it in the address bar of a web browser. Enter the login username and password if prompted, generally admin both for username and password. If you changed the login IP address or password, you should login with the new IP address and password.

You may need to refer to the User Guide for help about logging into the setup page . For t roubleshooting on logging into the setup page, click here .

Check the connection status in setup page

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select System Status/Status/Device Info from the main menu.

Note: You may find System Status in the submenu of Advanced Settings.

Locate Network Status/WAN Status/WAN, and you will find the Connection Status/Status there.

Normally, we have 3 connection status: Disconnected/Connecting/Connected. When it says Disconnected, proceed with Part 4 ; Connecting, Part 5 ; Connected, Part 6 .

Troubleshooting Internet connectivity issues when the connection status shows Disconnected

You can try the following solutions one by one:

Simply plug the Internet cable, which may come from your modem, securely into the blue WAN port. You should hear a click. In rare cases the Internet cable could be faulty and cause network connectivity issue. Try using any other Ethernet cable in place of the faulty one comes from your modem or contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) for help.

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select Advanced Settings again and then select WAN Speed or select WAN Speed directly, and change the WAN speed to be 10M Full-duplex or 10M Half-duplex.

i. For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first, then select WAN Port, and then point to Speed/Duplex. Change the WAN Interface-Speed/Duplex to be 10M Full-duplex or 10M Half-duplex.

ii. For the newest Tenda setup page, simply select WAN Speed and change the WAN speed to be 10M Full-duplex or 10M Half-duplex.

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i. In the setup page, s imply select System Tools/Management/Tools from the main menu, and select Restore to Factory Default/Restore to Default/Restore Default. You can reset the Tenda device to factory default there.

ii. Find a Reset or RST button/hole on the side of the Tenda device and hold down it for about 10 seconds. During which time, you will find that all the indicators turn on or off and several of them will back off or on later. All of the customized settings of the Tenda device will be erased after resetting. You can search the corresponding article from our website to set up your Tenda device again.

Note: For W150D/W300D, you may encounter a page of upgrading after resetting, and you can power cycle the W150D/W300D to solve the problem. You may need to proceed with the next part if you still cannot access the Internet.

Troubleshooting Internet connectivity issues when the connection status shows Connecting

You can try any solutions below.

If you have no idea, click here or contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) for help.

Perform the power cycle process as below:

Unplug the power cable from your modem first, and then from your Tenda device.

Step 2:
Wait for about 30 seconds.

Plug the power cable back to your modem first, and then into your router.

Wait for the router and modem lights to light up, and then try to connect to the Internet.

Follow the steps as below:

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select Advanced Settings again and then select LAN Settings from the submenu.

i. For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first and then select LAN.

ii. For the newest Tenda Interface, simply select LAN Settings.

Change the default LAN IP address to another one, leave the subnet mask as default and click Apply/OK/Save. For example, change the default to

Follow the steps as below:

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select Advanced Settings again and then select MAC Clone from the submenu. Or directly select MAC Address Clone under Advanced Settings.

i. For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first, then select WAN Port, and then point to MAC Clone.

ii. For the newest Tenda setup page, simply select MAC Clone.

Click Clone MAC or Clone MAC Address, and click Apply/OK/Save.

i. In the setup page, s imply select System Tools/Management/Tools from the main menu, and select Restore to Factory Default/Restore to Default/Restore Default. You can reset the Tenda device to factory default there.

ii. Find a Reset or RST button/hole on the side of the Tenda device and hold down it for about 10 seconds. During which time, you will find that all the indicators turn on or off and several of them will back off or on later. All of the customized settings of the Tenda device will be erased after resetting. You can search the corresponding article from our website to set up your Tenda device again.

Note: For W150D/W300D, you may encounter a page of upgrading after resetting, and you can power cycle the W150D/W300D to solve the problem. You may need to proceed with the next part if you still cannot access the Internet.

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Troubleshooting Internet connectivity issues when the connection status shows Connected

You can try solutions as below.

Perform the power cycle process as below:

Unplug the power cable from your modem first, and then from your Tenda device.

Step 2:
Wait for about 30 seconds.

Plug the power cable back to your modem first, and then into your router.

Wait for the router and modem lights to light up, and then try to connect to the Internet.

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select DNS Settings under Advanced Settings. Tick the checkbox first to manually set the DNS, and then set the primary DNS Address to be

i. For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first, and then select DHCP. Tick the check box, and you can set the Primary DNS Address to be there.

ii. For the newest Tenda setup page, simply select DNS Settings, tick the checkbox, and you can set the Primary DNS Address to be there.

Follow the steps as below:

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select Advanced Settings again and then select MAC Clone from the submenu. Or directly select MAC Address Clone under Advanced Settings.

i. For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first, select WAN Port, point to MAC Clone.

ii. For the newest Tenda setup page, simply select MAC Clone.

Click Clone MAC or Clone MAC Address, and click Apply/OK/Save.

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select Advanced Settings again and then select WAN Settings from the submenu. Or directly select WAN Settings under Advanced Settings.

i. For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first, select WAN, click on Config under Edit in WAN Settings.

ii. For the newest Tenda setup page, simply select Internet Connection Setup.

Change the MTU value to be 1450 or 1400.

Follow the steps as below:

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select Advanced Settings again and then select LAN Settings from the submenu.

Note: For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first and then select LAN.

For the newest Tenda Interface, simply select LAN Settings.

Change the default LAN IP address to another one, leave the subnet mask as default and click Apply/OK/Save. For example, change the default to

Click on Advanced Settings/Advanced directly after logging into the setup page.

Select Advanced Settings again and then select WAN Speed or select WAN Speed directly, and change the WAN speed to be 10M Full-duplex or 10M Half-duplex.

i. For dual band router like N60, you should select Network first, select WAN Port, point to Speed/Duplex. Change the WAN Interface-Speed/Duplex to be 10M Full-duplex or 10M Half-duplex.

ii. For the newest Tenda setup page, simply select WAN Speed, change the WAN speed to be 10M Full-duplex or 10M Half-duplex.

i. In the setup page, s imply select System Tools/Management/Tools from the main menu, and select Restore to Factory Default/Restore to Default/Restore Default. You can reset the Tenda device to factory default there.

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ii. Find a Reset or RST button/hole on the side of the Tenda device and hold down it for about 10 seconds. During which time, you will find that all the indicators turn on or off and several of them will back off or on later. All of the customized settings of the Tenda device will be erased after resetting. You can search the corresponding article from our website to set up your Tenda device again.

Note: For W150D/W300D, you may encounter a page of upgrading after resetting, and you can power cycle the W150D/W300D to solve the problem.

After you have tried all the above-mentioned solutions but in vain, you can try to upgrade the Tenda device’s firmware if any bugs exist.


Выключается и включается интернет на роутере Tenda и пропадает Wi-Fi

Прежде чем опишу проблему скажу сразу, я дикий чайник в этом деле и возможно буду путать или не понимать некоторые термины за что заранее прошу прощения, так-же подобные темы (или как мне кажется похожие) уже были на сайте но как мне кажется в них нету нужного мне ответа, вообщем сама проблема:

В доме у нас 2 компьютера (мой и моего отца) + телевизор который работает от интернета а так-же еще 3 телефона которые подключены к Wi-Fi. Дома у нас Wi-Fi роутер Tenda. из-за того что устройство которое раздает интернет одно, а раздач нужно много оно подключено к вай-фай роутеру к которому и подключен мой компьютер по кабелю. С недавнего времени (буквально 2-3 дня назад) начала появляется следующая проблема: вай-фай роутер перезагружается (как мне кажется) каждые 4-5 секунды + пропадает раздача вай-фая а у меня на компе пропадает интернет с периодичностью в 4-5 секунды, причем эта проблема наступает совершенно спонтанно и без какой-либо связи, например сидел за компом, смотрел видео и резко интернет начал пропадать и появляться снова.

Так-же весьма странный факт: я посмотрел на входа в устройство которое раздает интернет и увидел что все работает стабильно кроме кабеля который подключает к вай-фай роутеру т.е. интернет у отца (он на прямую к устройству подключен) не пропадает а у меня как раз таки пропадет потому что я подключен к вай-фай роутеру, я пробовал подключить свой комп напрямую к устройству раздающему интернет в тот же вход что и вай-фай роутер и такой проблемы нету. Стоит отметить что нагрузка на вай-фай роутер не повышалась и все выше перечисленные гаджеты и устройства были к нему подключены уже минимум года 2-3+,если нужна какая-либо дополнительная информация то я открыт для обсуждения.


Если интернет пропадает одновременно на всех устройствах, которые подключены к роутеру Tenda, при этом от устройства (модем, к которому подключен роутер) все работает стабильно, значит проблема только в роутере.

вай-фай роутер перезагружается (как мне кажется)

Вы замечали, что индикаторы на роутере гаснут, начинают гореть/мигать не так как обычно, в момент, когда интернет отключился? Wi-Fi сеть пропадает в момент перезагрузки роутера.

Я думаю, что это аппаратная поломка роутера, или блока питания. Можно сделать сброс настроек по этой инструкции. Настроить роутер заново. Но скорее всего это не поможет и его придется заменить. Я писал о похожей проблеме в статье: роутер постоянно перезагружается, или приходится перезагружать.

А когда к роутеру подключен например один телефон, или только ваш компьютер по кабелю – интернет так же выключается и включается и пропадает Wi-Fi?


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