Rss reader linux console

Newsboat – A Command line RSS/Atom Feed Reader For Text Consoles

Newsboat, a fork of Newsbeuter, is a free, open source RSS/Atom feed reader for text consoles. It supports GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and other Unix-like operating systems. Compared to other slow and huge amount of memory consumed RSS feed readers, Newsboat is the best choice for anyone who are looking for a simple, slick and fast feed reader that can be completely managed via keyboard.

Concerning about the features, we can list the following:

  • Subscribe to RSS 0.9x, 1.0, 2.0 and Atom feeds.
  • Download podcasts.
  • Configure your keyboard shortcuts as per your wish.
  • Search through all downloaded articles.
  • Categorize and query your subscriptions with a flexible tag system.
  • Integrate any data source through a flexible filter and plugin system.
  • Automatically remove unwanted articles through a «killfile».
  • Define «meta feeds» using a powerful query language.
  • Synchronize newsboatr with your account.
  • Import and exporting your subscriptions with the widely used OPML format.
  • Customize the look and feel of Newsboat as per your liking.
  • Keep all your feeds in sync with Google Reader.
  • And many.

In this brief guide, let us see how to install and use Newsboat in Linux.

Newsboat — A Command line RSS/Atom Feed Reader


On Arch Linux and derivatives:

Newsboat is available in the [Community] repository of Arch Linux. So, you can install it using Pacman command as shown below.

On Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint:

It is also available in the default repositories of DEB based systems such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint. To install it, run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install newsboat

Newsboat is available in the official repositories of Fedora. To install it, run:

$ sudo dnf install newsboat

Newsboat is also available as Snap, so you can install it using command:

$ sudo snap install newsboat

Once installed, launch it using command:

Sample output:

Starting newsboat 2.10.2. Loading configuration. done. Opening cache. done. Loading URLs from /home/sk/.newsboat/urls. done. Error: no URLs configured. Please fill the file /home/sk/.newsboat/urls with RSS feed URLs or import an OPML file. newsboat 2.10.2 usage: newsboat [-i |-e] [-u ] [-c ] [-x . ] [-h] -e, --export-to-opml export OPML feed to stdout -r, --refresh-on-start refresh feeds on start -i, --import-from-opml= import OPML file -u, --url-file= read RSS feed URLs from -c, --cache-file= use as cache file -C, --config-file= read configuration from -X, --vacuum compact the cache -x, --execute=. execute list of commands -q, --quiet quiet startup -v, --version get version information -l, --log-level= write a log with a certain loglevel (valid values: 1 to 6) -d, --log-file= use as output log file -E, --export-to-file= export list of read articles to -I, --import-from-file= import list of read articles from -h, --help this help

As you see in the above screenshot, we haven’t added any URLs yet in Newsboat.

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Managing Feeds

We can add, edit, tag, and delete feeds by editing the urls file. The default urls file is ~/.newsboat/urls. If it is not available, just create it.

To add a feed, edit this file

Then, add the feed URLs one by one.

If the feed URL has protected with user name and password, you need to mention the username and password as shown below.


After adding all urls, save and close the file.

Add tags to the feeds

You can add one or more tags to categorize the feeds as per your liking. Specify the tags separated by space if you want to add more than one tags to a single feed. If you want to specify a single tag that contains a space, just mention it within double quotes like below. "All Linux news" "Only Arch Linux related news"

To read feeds, just launch the Newsboat utility from the Terminal using command:

Newsboat Rss feed reader

As you see in the above screenshot, I have added two RSS feeds. You can now start downloading the feeds, either by pressing «R» to download all feeds, or by pressing «r» to download the currently selected feed.

Now, you will see the list of recent items in each feed.

Alternatively, you can run the following command to refresh feeds on start:

Use Up/Down arrows to choose a feed and hit ENTER key to open the currently selected feed.

Press ENTER key to open the selected entry:

To open the entry in your default web browser, simply press o.

Here is the list of keyboard controls to manage your feeds.

  • Press n to go the next unread entry.
  • Press o to open the selected entry in default web browser.
  • Press r (small letter) to reload the currently selected feed.
  • Press R (capital) to reload all feeds.
  • Press A to mark as read.
  • Press / to search for a specific entry.
  • Press s to save single entry or all entries.
  • Press e to enqueue.
  • Press ? (question mark) to open the help window at any time.
  • And press q to go back and exit.

Remove feeds

To remove the feeds, just delete the URL in the urls file.

Useful tip for Arch Linux users

If you’re using a Arch based Linux distribution, I know a good way to read the Arch news page before updating your system. The reason for doing this is you can read the Arch news about current updating issues before actually updating your Arch Linux.

Add the Arch news link in ~/.newsboat/urls file:


Open your ~/.bashrc file and add the following line:

alias update='newsboat -r && sudo pacman -Syu'

Replace ‘update’ with any alias name of your choice.

Now, run the following command to update your Arch Linux system.

Whenever you run the above command, it will load the Arch news feed in your Terminal. You can simply read about current issues and then update the Arch Linux system.

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For more details, refer the Newsboat help section using command:

Also, refer the official documentation page for more detailed information.

And, that’s all. Hope this helps. I will be soon here with another useful guide. If you find this article helpful, please take a moment to share it on your social, professional networks and support OSTechNix.

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Command line RSS feed reader, parser, and json/html/pdf/epub converter

Rss reader

It is a command line utility that allows you to view RSS feeds

You can also convert RSS feeds to html/pretty-html / pdf/pretty-pdf / epub for more convenient reading

Command-line arguments, local and global INI configs, environment variables are supported

What is RSS?

RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication,” or, depending on who you ask, “Rich Site Summary.” At it’s heart, RSS is just simple text files with basic updated information—news pieces, articles, that sort of thing. That stripped-down content is usually plugged into what is called a “feed reader” or an interface that quickly converts the RSS text files into a stream of the latest updates from around the web.



Using pip

Using Git and GitHub

git clone cd rss-reader pip install . 


You can install extra dependencies, such as speedups or dev

pip install rss-reader[dev] # or pip install .[speedups] 



IMPORTANT rss-reader 3.1 no longer supports fb2 format and caching

You can mute console output with -o none . It may be useful if you want to convert only


Notice that –pretty is a separate agrument as it affects html and pdf(pdf is generated from html)

Convert feed to html and mute console output. Feed is limited to 2 items

rss-reader --output none --convert html --limit 2 

Parse local xml file, generate colorized console output and convert feed to epub

rss-reader /path/to/your/file.xml -o colorized -c epub 

Parse local xml file, generate default console output, convert feed to pdf and saved as /my/dir/filename.pdf

rss-reader /path/to/your/file.xml -c pdf --convert-dir /my/dir --convert-file filename.pdf 

Mute console output and convert feed to pretty html with bootstrap

rss-reader / -o none -c html --pretty 

Output colorized feed to console and convert it to pretty pdf (html with bootstrap)

rss-reader -o colorized -c pdf --pretty 



Config argument sources are prioritized

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. Local .rss-reader config
  3. Environment variables
  4. Global /.rss-reader config


source , verbose , limit , pretty and version arguments can be set only as cli arguments

Command-line arguments

To view help on cli arguments you can run rss-reader —help

INI configs

Every argument is optional if config and will be grabbed from other source if not present The syntax for config is the following:


Global config should be located in your home folder and named .rss-reader

Environment variables

Env vars should be prefixed with RSS_READER_ , for example, RSS_READER_OUTPUT

Using environment variables

rss-reader is maintained by dhvcc. This page was generated by GitHub Pages.


Newsboat – An RSS/Atom Feed Reader for Linux Terminals

Newsboat is a free, open source RSS/Atom feed reader for Linux terminals. It is originally created from Newsbeuter, a text based RSS/Atom feed reader, however, Newsbeuter is not actively maintained.

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RSS/Atom are a number of widely-used XML formats to communicate, publish and syndicate articles, for instance news or blog articles. Newsboat is created to be used on text terminals such as GNU/Linux, FreeBSD or macOS.

In this article, we will show how to install and use Newsboat – a command-line feed reader to read your favorite news or articles from the Linux terminal.


  • GCC 4.9 or later, or Clang 3.6 or later
  • STFL (version 0.21 or later)
  • pkg-config
  • GNU gettext (only for systems that do not offer gettext in the libc)
  • libcurl (version 7.18.0 or later)
  • libxml2, xmllint, and xsltproc
  • json-c (version 0.11 or later)
  • SQLite3 (version 3.5 or later)
  • DocBook XML
  • DocBook SML
  • asciidoc

How to Install Newsboat in Linux Systems

Newsboat is available to install from the snap package management system, but first you have to install snapd on your system to install Newsboat as shown.

------------- On Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint ------------- $ sudo apt install snapd $ sudo snap install newsboat ------------- On Fedora 22+ ------------- $ sudo dnf install snapd $ sudo snap install newsboat

Alternatively, you can install Newsboat from source code to use some of the latest features, but before that you need to fully install dependencies with the command that follows.

------------- On Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint ------------- $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install libncursesw5-dev ncurses-term debhelper libjson0 libjson0-dev libxml2-dev libstfl-dev libsqlite3-dev perl pkg-config libcurl4-gnutls-dev librtmp-dev libjson-c-dev asciidoc libxml2-utils xsltproc docbook-xml docbook-xsl bc $ wget $ tar -xvf stfl-0.24.tar.gz $ cd stfl-0.24 $ make $ sudo make install
------------- On RHEL and CentOS ------------- # yum install libncursesw5-devel ncurses-term libjson0-devel libxml2-devel libstfl-devel libsqlite3-devel perl pkgconfig libcurl4-gnutls-devel librtmp-devel libjson-c-devel asciidoc libxml2-devel libxslt-devel debhelper docbook-style-xsl docbook-style-xml bc # wget # tar -xvf stfl-0.24.tar.gz # cd stfl-0.24 # make # make install

Then clone the Newsboat repository from Github to your system, and install it as shown.

$ git clone git:// $ cd newsboat $ make $ sudo make install

How to Use Newsboat Feed Reader in Linux Terminal

In this section, we will explain how to use Newsboat to read RSS feed from a site, for example First of all, we will need to get the rss-feed link for from a browser and copy it (you can use any website feed url).

Afterwards, save it in a file for later usage.

$ echo "" >rss_links.txt

Now you can read RSS feed from using following command with the switches -u (specifies file containing RSS feed URLs) and -r (refresh feeds on start) as follows.

Read RSS Feed in Linux Terminal

To select a topic, use the Up and Down arrows to navigate, then press Enter on the topic you want. This examples shows that we have selected topic number 5 from the list.

Select Feed Topic in Linux Terminal

To open a topic in the browser, you can press o , and to quit the program, hit q .

You can see all the options and usages by running the following command.

For more information, visit Newsboat Github Repository:

Newsboat is a simple and intuitive RSS/Atom feed reader for Linux terminals. Try it out and give us your feedback via the comment form below.


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