Rt n66u отваливается wifi

Asus RT-N66U Restarting and WIFI dropping out

So I have a friend of mine that has a Surfboard cable modem connected to the WAN port of the Asus Router, they have 1 laptop connected to Port 1 of the Router, and WIFI turned on with several devices connected via WIFI.

About 4 months ago the WIFI began dropping out, and by that I mean, the signal for the WIFI would disconnect and disappear from ALL the devices on the WIFI. The only way for the WIFI to re-appear is to power cycle the router. One time, I was sitting next to the router on the laptop which is hardlined into port #1. All of a sudden, the WIFI lights (2.4 and 5ghz) dropped out, and about 10 minutes later, all the lights flashed looking like it rebooted.

So, I factory reset the router, setup the WIFI and it worked fine for a few weeks.

Then about 1 month later, it started again, so I power cycled it and got it working again.

Then it happened again. and again. and again. Each time, more frequent.

So. I ordered a new unit (not really having time to work on troubleshooting further due to work).

Anyway. Anyway. one week after the new unit is installed. the, same, DARN, problem.

1. I checked the GUI’s syslog and didn’t really see anything interesting.

2. Tried changing the WIFI ssid/password

3. Tried changing channels due to possible channel confliction from all theother WIFI’s in the area

4. Even disabled the WIFI on the ASUS, purchased a Ubiquiti UAP AC Lite. Now atleast the WIFI isn’t dropping, but the devices can’t obtain an IP address. Was sure as CRAP that it was just a WIFI issue.

Im at wits end. The logs in the ASUS are not helpful. Was going to get a WinSyslog setup to see if I could obtain higher detail. Didn’t want to walk down any other roads unless I had some «Spicy» help!!

User: David Slusser

15 Replies

Author Travis Lindberg is the IP of the modem. Look at the logs on it. I have a surfboard 6141 and it has issues randomly where it will reboot itself.

Author David Slusser

Author Travis Lindberg

I disagree. If you replaced the router twice and are still having the same issue it’s either a) the modem or b) a signal issue from the ISP.

Author Robert Do

This person is a Verified Professional


Not sure if this would help, but we had a similar issue with a customer router of the same model actually dropping the WAN connection. Only way for us to bring the WAN connection back up was rebooting or unplugging the WAN cable. Logs did not help much at all or even firmware update. Found out the problem was another customer of our was using the same static IP that they typed in wrong on their side of their router. Never found out about the IP conflict until we looked at our site switch.

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Author Terry Trelstad

To be honest with you, it sounds to me like your new router is flaky like the old one. I like the Asus routers, in fact that is what I use for home users, and I’ve had zero issues with them. What about the firmware on the router, is that up to date? Since this router is new, have you contacted Asus tech support? You mentioned you changed the SSID password, what about the admin password?

Author Marcelo

Something I have had lots of problems with the power supply itself. buy an aftermarket or original power supply and see if that fixes the problem.

Author Chris

Are the IP schemes different or the same on both the modem and the router? Seen symptoms like this before and it was due to an IP conflict. You replaced the modem and you’re still having the same problems. Time to start looking at other devices.

Author David Slusser

  1. Check/replace the power supply. I MAY, have used the same power supply from the first router.
  2. Confirm the Modem is on a different subnet. Possible IP confliction. (last time I checked the modem is 100.1 and the router is 1.1)
  3. Start changing additional hardware. Since the Modem has been the only constant, I wonder if the Modem’s got some circuitry issues leaking some «bad» signals down the Ethernet, whacking the WAN of the Router.
  4. When the problem does happen, i’ll unplug the WAN cable to see if it comes back up on its own.
  5. Admin password has been changed just like the SSID.

Author David Slusser

I got some more information. The Modem and 1st Asus Router were purchased at the same time with a Monster Power Strip. The 2nd Asus was replaced with no additional hardware. So still the same Modem and Power Strip. Those two things are the only constants. I still have the 1st Asus with its box and power supply, as well as the 2nd Asus’s box. I checked to make sure that I did use the new power supply that came with the 2nd Asus. Also, I am in the middle of updating the firmware. Will see what happens. I also removed the Router from the Monster Power Strip, plugging it directly into the wall for a trial run. Maybe the Monster strip got hit, and is throwing some dirty power at the Router making it act all screwy. The next step is this. I am going to replace all the hardware with the same hardware I just installed for another friend of mine at his new house.

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Author Chris

Author Craig Kessler

This person is a Verified Professional


I would look at the IP Address that you are getting from the ISP; as mentioned else where someone else on the WAN may be getting the same IP as the user that is having the issue. I would also confirm that there is no DHCP server present on the cable modem and if there is, MAKE SURE it is turned off and you are using the DHCP server on the Asus.
I have owned many Asus branded products and never really had an issue with them. This sounds like an issue that might be with the ISP (maybe have them try pushing out a reconfiguration on their network to the cable modem). Another idea that I thought of is if the Cable Modem that was purchased was used prior in another setting and not removed from a previous account correctly sometimes ISP’s will blacklist the MAC address / device.
There is also a possibility that it might be power related; try replacing the surge protector and you might go one step further — try placing the devices on a different circuit in the house/home if possible. It could be that the wiring isn’t correct for that electrical socket. Sometimes putting a UPS in-line with a Pure Sine wave system on board can be used to filter out «dirty» power if this is the case.
A few other things to try — Have you done a site survey? Are there a lot of other wireless networks (or other RFI / QRM) in the immediate vicinity? If so that might be the issue as well — You may want to change which channel the WiFi network(s) are on.


Проблемы с роутером asus RT-N66U

Имеется роутер Asus RT-N66U. Есть неприятная особенность, а именно периодически на разных устройствах (ноутбук, планшет) отваливается подключение по Wi-Fi 5 GHz, т.е. на самих девайсах сеть отключается и пропадает из списка доступных, а если зайти в админку роутера, то в системном журнале отвалившееся устройство отображается как до сих пор подключенное и пока не перезагрузить роутер или не выключить/включить радиомодуль 5 GHz роутера (т.е. не сбросить это соединение на стороне роутера) на девайсах сеть будет недоступна (точнее может стать доступна через какое-то время, от нескольких десятков секунд до часа). При этом это проблема не зависит от интенсивности использования подключения и загрузки роутера, и может проявляться через случайные промежутки времени (хотя на ноуте проявляется регулярно раз в несколько часов, на планшете asus не очень часто, а на планшете samsung почти никогда). Т.к. на стороне роутера стояла дефолтная прошивка asuswrt последней версии и в доступных логах нет ничего интересного, поставил прошивку от merlin-а, что не исправило ситуации, но теперь на роутер можно зайти по ssh (правда еще не пробовал). Кроме того, по умолчанию в роутере для 5 GHz была включена опция «Автоматический выбор канала, включая каналы DFS», с которой Wi-Fi на ноуте отваливался почти сразу, после поиска на форумах и отключения этого параметра Wifi 5G теперь работает как описано выше (отваливается через случайные промежутки времени, но может работать стабильно на протяжении длительного количества часов).

янв 15 19:49:22 ctgx wpa_supplicant[511]: wlp2s0: SME: Trying to authenticate with e0:3f:49:04:c5:ec (SSID='vrotebat_5G' freq=5200 MHz) янв 15 19:49:36 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484498976.6404] device (wlp2s0): Activation: failed for connection 'vrotebat_5G' янв 15 19:49:36 ctgx plasmashell[684]: New Notification: "vrotebat_5G" "Соединение «vrotebat_5G» отключено." -1 & Part of: 0 янв 15 19:52:21 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499141.7761] policy: auto-activating connection 'vrotebat_5G' янв 15 19:52:21 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499141.7796] device (wlp2s0): Activation: starting connection 'vrotebat_5G' (0226d987-9ada-47a2-a2d8-b39fccfa3057) янв 15 19:52:21 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499141.8015] device (wlp2s0): Activation: (wifi) access point 'vrotebat_5G' has security, but secrets are required. янв 15 19:52:21 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499141.8179] device (wlp2s0): Activation: (wifi) connection 'vrotebat_5G' has security, and secrets exist. No new secrets needed. янв 15 19:52:21 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499141.8179] Config: added 'ssid' value 'vrotebat_5G' янв 15 19:52:22 ctgx wpa_supplicant[511]: wlp2s0: SME: Trying to authenticate with e0:3f:49:04:c5:ec (SSID='vrotebat_5G' freq=5200 MHz) янв 15 19:52:22 ctgx wpa_supplicant[511]: wlp2s0: Trying to associate with e0:3f:49:04:c5:ec (SSID='vrotebat_5G' freq=5200 MHz) янв 15 19:52:22 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499142.7408] device (wlp2s0): Activation: (wifi) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful. Connected to wireless network 'vrotebat_5G'. янв 15 19:52:23 ctgx plasmashell[684]: New Notification: "vrotebat_5G" "Соединение «vrotebat_5G» установлено." -1 & Part of: 0 янв 15 19:52:48 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499168.5538] policy: set 'vrotebat_5G' (wlp2s0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS янв 15 19:52:48 ctgx NetworkManager[488]: [1484499168.6333] policy: set 'vrotebat_5G' (wlp2s0) as default for IPv6 routing and DNS
02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 3165 (rev 79)


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