Run vmware server on linux

How to install VMWare Server on Linux Red Hat

Nowadays, virtualization is a solution which is interested by many IT manager. By converting existing system to virtual, you can save lot of money from buying new hardware every year, avoid hardware conflicts when you move virtual to another computer, etc. But when you convert system to virtual, you still need OS to run virtual software (VMWare, Virtual PC, etc).

The best practice is to have Linux operationg system running on host so that you won’t have to pay an additional license. Then, you can have whatever OS you want on virtual. For virtual software, VMWare is the one I recommend to try. There are some free licenses if you want to try. Like VMWare Server, you can have many virtual on a PC and you can connect to manage your virtuals remotely by using VMWare Server Console. This article shows how to install VMWare Server on Redhat Enterprise 4.

Step-by-step to install VMWare Server on Linux Red Hat

  1. Install prerequisite program on Redhat. To install VMWare Server on Linux, you need to install gcc compiler and xinetd before install VMWare Server. By default, xinetd is already installed on Redhat Enterprise 4 so you only need to install gcc.
    • To install gcc, click Application -> System Settings -> Add/Remove Applications
      Open Add/Remove Application on Linux Redhat
    • Browse to ‘Development’ section and check ‘Development Tools’. Click update.
      Install gcc on Linux Redhat
    • This will show what are going to install.
      Note: To install this, you may requires Redhat installation CD (disc 3).
      Review for installation files
  2. Now download VMWare Server for Linux from Also, you need to register for a free serial number. When writing this article, the latest version is 1.0.4. I have copied the setup file to my desktop. In this example, I logged in as ‘root’ for installation and configuration VMWare Server.
    VMWare Server for Linux installation file
  3. Open terminal, extract the zipped file by type ‘tar xvfz “your-file-name.tar.gz”‘.

Extract the setup file

  • When extract finishes, you’ll see the VMWare Server on desktop or at the same place with your zipped file.
    The VMWare Server extracted folder
  • Run the installation file. Open Terminal and change directory to the extracted folder and execute

    Install VMWare Server on Linux Red Hat - Execute

  • This is the steps for installation and configuration VMWare Server. If you don’t know what value to enter, you can simply press Enter button to accept the default value in the bracket [ ] which is provided by the installation file. In this example, I install and configure as default value setting so I only press Enter on each question.
    • The installation file asks for paths to install files (1-7).
      set path for VMWare Server installation on Redhat
    • The installation file asks for path to install documentation (8-9). Also, it asks for configure VMWare Server now (10). If yes, press Enter to view End User License Agreement (10).
      set path for VMWare Server installation on Redhat
    • Press Ctrl + C to exit the EULA and type ‘y’ or ‘yes’ to accept the EULA (11).
      VMWare Server End User License Agreement
    • The configuration continue asks for path to install file (12-14) and whether to configure NAT network for VMWare Server now (15-16).
      Configure NAT network for VMWare Server
    • The configuration asks for configure Host-only network for VMWare Server (19-20).
      Configure Host-only network for VMWare Server
    • The configuration asks for port which for remotely connection to this VMWare Server Console (22).
      Configure port for remote connection to this VMWare Server Console
    • The configuration asks for path to keep virtual machine files (23) and serial number for VMWare Server (25). You can get one by register at for free. If you don’t have now, you can enter this number later but it suggest you should enter it now. Otherwise, you need to re-run the config file again.
      Enter serial number for VMWare Server
    • Whether you enter the serial number now or not, the configuration is finished. You’ll see VMWare service is starting.
      Finishes install and configure VMWare Server
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  • Try open VMWare Server Console, select Applications -> System Tools -> VMWare Server Console.
    Open VMWare Server Console
  • VMWare Server Console ask you to connect to which VMWare Server. Select Localhost and click connect.
    Connect to VMWare Server on localhost
  • That’s it. You can manage your virtual machine here.
    VMWare Server Console
  • Источник

    How to Install VMware Server on Linux


    VMware is the one of leading provider of virtualization products such as VMware workstation,Server, fusion, Appliances. Here we will see about the installation of the VMware server on the Linux Operating system. Because Linux is very robust one, it free too. You get the Overview here

    The requirement of the VMware server:

    You can install the VMware Server software on a Windows or Linux server. You can store virtual machines on the server host or locate them on a network share.

    • Standard x86‐compatible or x86‐64‐compatible server with up to 16 processors.Hosts with 32‐bit IA‐32 processors and IA‐32 processors with 64‐bit extensions are supported.
    • 733MHz or faster CPU minimum.
    • Minimum of 512MB of memory (2GB is recommended). The total amount of memory you can assign to all virtual machines running on a single host is limited only by the amount of memory on the host computer.
    • IDE and SCSI hard drives are supported.
    • At least 1.7GB free disk space is required for basic installation. You can delete the installer afterwards to reclaim approximately 600MB disk space.
    • IDE and SCSI optical drives are supported. CD‐ROM and DVD‐ROM drives are supported. ISO disk image files are supported.
    • Any Ethernet controller supported by the host operating system.

    Linux Host Operating system Requirements:

    64‐bit host computers can run the following operating systems for 64‐bit extended

    • Mandriva Corporate Server 4
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.5
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4.5
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 4.5
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.1
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP4
    • Ubuntu Linux 8.04
    • Ubuntu Linux 7.10
    • Ubuntu Linux 7.04
    • Ubuntu Linux 6.10
    • Ubuntu Linux 6.06
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    32‐bit host computers can run the following operating systems:

    • Mandrake Linux 10.1
    • Mandriva Corporate Server 4
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4.5
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4.5
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 4.5
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.1
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP4
    • TurboLinux Enterprise Server 10
    • Ubuntu Linux 8.04
    • Ubuntu Linux 7.10
    • Ubuntu Linux 7.04
    • Ubuntu Linux 6.10
    • Ubuntu Linux 6.06

    If your machine meets the above requirements you can starts to install on Linux host.

    Here we go. In this we are going to install the VMware server on Linux. In this i used the rpm based installation of VMware.

    First download the VMware server from the official website.

    Download the RPM one for the installation.

    Install the VMware using the following command.

    [[email protected] ~]# rpm -Uvh VMware-server-2.0.2-203138.i386.rpm

    The installation of VMware Server 2.0.2 for Linux completed successfully.

    You can decide to remove this software from your system at any time by

    invoking the following command: “rpm -e VMware-server”.

    Before running VMware Server for the first time, you need to

    configure it for your running kernel by invoking the

    following command: “/usr/bin/”.

    The above command finished the installation of VMware server, but we need to do some configiuration for sucessful working condition.

    type the following command to start the configuration.

    [[email protected] ~]# /usr/bin/

    Making sure services for VMware Server are stopped.

    Stopping VMware autostart virtual machines:

    Stopping VMware management services:

    VMware Virtual Infrastructure Web Access

    VMware Server Host Agent [FAILED]

    VMware Authentication Daemon [ OK ]

    Virtual machine monitor [ OK ]

    You must read and accept the End User License Agreement to continue.

    Press enter to display it.

    Do you accept? (yes/no) yes

    The bld-2.6.18-8.el5-i686smp-RHEL5 – vmmon module loads perfectly into the running kernel.

    The bld-2.6.18-8.el5-i686smp-RHEL5 – vmci module loads perfectly into the running kernel.

    The bld-2.6.18-8.el5-i686smp-RHEL5 – vsock module loads perfectly into the running kernel.

    Do you want networking for your virtual machines? (yes/no/help) [yes]

    Configuring a bridged network for vmnet0.

    Please specify a name for this network.

    The following bridged networks have been defined:

    . vmnet0 is bridged to eth0

    All your ethernet interfaces are already bridged.

    Do you want to be able to use NAT networking in your virtual machines? (yes/no)

    Configuring a NAT network for vmnet8.

    Please specify a name for this network. [NAT]

    Do you want this program to probe for an unused private subnet? (yes/no/help)

    Probing for an unused private subnet (this can take some time)…

    The subnet appears to be unused.

    The following NAT networks have been defined:

    . vmnet8 is a NAT network on private subnet

    Do you wish to configure another NAT network? (yes/no) [no]

    Do you want to be able to use host-only networking in your virtual machines?

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    Configuring a host-only network for vmnet1.

    Please specify a name for this network.

    Do you want this program to probe for an unused private subnet? (yes/no/help)

    Probing for an unused private subnet (this can take some time)…

    The subnet appears to be unused.

    The following host-only networks have been defined:

    . vmnet1 is a host-only network on private subnet

    Do you wish to configure another host-only network? (yes/no) [no]

    The bld-2.6.18-8.el5-i686smp-RHEL5 – vmnet module loads perfectly into the

    Please specify a port for remote connections to use [902]

    Please specify a port for standard http connections to use [8222]

    Please specify a port for secure http (https) connections to use [8333]

    The current administrative user for VMware Server is ”. Would you like to

    specify a different administrator? [no]yes

    Please specify the user whom you wish to be the VMware Server administrator

    Using root as the VMware Server administrator.

    In which directory do you want to keep your virtual machine files?

    The path “/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines” does not exist currently. This

    program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this

    Please enter your 20-character serial number.

    Type XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX or ‘Enter’ to cancel: A225W-FP363-UF85N-4LJ22W (This is invalid key. Use your own key)

    Creating a new VMware VIX API installer database using the tar4 format.

    Installing VMware VIX API.

    In which directory do you want to install the VMware VIX API binary files?

    In which directory do you want to install the VMware VIX API library files?

    The path “/usr/lib/vmware-vix/lib” does not exist currently. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?

    In which directory do you want to install the VMware VIX API document pages?

    The path “/usr/share/doc/vmware-vix” does not exist currently. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want?

    The installation of VMware VIX API 1.6.2 build-203138 for Linux completed successfully. You can decide to remove this software from your system at any time by invoking the following command: “/usr/bin/”.

    Starting VMware services:
    Virtual machine monitor [ OK ]
    Virtual machine communication interface [ OK ]
    VM communication interface socket family: [ OK ]
    Virtual ethernet [ OK ]
    Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0 [ OK ]
    Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet1 (background) [ OK ]
    DHCP server on /dev/vmnet1 [ OK ]
    Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet8 (background) [ OK ]
    DHCP server on /dev/vmnet8 [ OK ]
    NAT service on /dev/vmnet8 [ OK ]
    VMware Server Authentication Daemon (background) [ OK ]
    Shared Memory Available [ OK ]
    Starting VMware management services:
    VMware Server Host Agent (background) [ OK ]
    VMware Virtual Infrastructure Web Access
    Starting VMware autostart virtual machines:
    Virtual machines [ OK ]

    The configuration of VMware Server 2.0.2 build-203138 for Linux for this running kernel completed successfully.

    Access the VMware server by typing in web browser.

    Type the password to access the VMware Server.


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