Running program in background linux

Several ways to run services in the background on Linux

The following practice is based on the Ubuntu2204 system, but theoretically other Linux distributions are also applicable.

1. Distinguish usage scenarios

If the command takes a little longer to execute and you don’t need to see the output, use & as a background run flag or use ctrl+z to hang the process in the background after running, combined with jobs and fg to switch the background tasks of the current session.

If you want the command to stay running after the session ends, consider using screen and nohup , screen for short time tasks (e.g. scripts) and nohup for long time tasks (e.g. proxies).

If there is a need for logging/permission control, screen and nohup are not enough, and it is appropriate to use supervisor and systemd and other daemon programs to create background daemons (web applications).

2. Usage

2.1. ctrl-z

Take ping as an example, send 4 icmp packets to and record the result.

ping -c 4 > 114-ping.txt & 

The effect of the & symbol is similar to ctrl-z after running, so if you don’t want to record the results and want to switch back to view them easily at any time, consider using ctrl+z to suspend the process to the background.

ping # Press ctrl+z to hang 

After hanging, use jobs -l to view the hung background processes.

jobs -l [1] - 241975 suspended ping 

Use the command fg %num to bring the background task process back up and you can see that the process is executing again.

fg %1 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=117 time=6.19 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=117 time=6.37 ms 

The above methods are only valid for the current session, if the session ends, the program will end its run.

2.2. screen

If you want the program to continue running after the session ends, consider using screen , which some Linux distributions need to install themselves.

Use screen to create a ping session.

After exiting the session, recreate the session and use the create ping session command again.

You can see that the command is still running.

2.3. nohup

screen is more suitable for executing some scripts than nohup , while nohup is suitable for running long-time tasks. nohup is called no hang up , which means running the program without hanging up, ignoring the system’s Hang Up signal.

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Searching the web for ways to use nohup , the more common ways to run it are as follows.

nohup command > command.log 2>&1 & 

What is more puzzling here is the meaning of 2>&1 .

There are three types of inputs and outputs defined in Linux, which are

The standard output 1 can be left unwritten at runtime, so executing command > command.log is equivalent to command 1 > command.log , and after understanding this, the meaning of 2>&1 becomes clearer, indicating that the error output 2 is redirected to the standard output variable &1 , and then combined with > to be output to the log in the log.

Writing the full command is equivalent to the following.

nohup command 1> command.log 2>&1 & 

Note: nohup command 2>&1 > command.log & is incorrectly written, the error output (2) is redirected to the standard output (1) and subsequently the standard output (1) is redirected to the file, so the error output is disabled.

As an example, take the nc program to scan the port and execute it with nuhup as follows.

nohup nc -ztv -w 2 1-100 > /tmp/nc.log 2>&1 & 

Check the /tmp/nc.log file and you can see that it is executing.

➜ ~ tail -f /tmp/nc.log nc: connect to port 1 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress nc: connect to port 2 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress . 

nohup is still very good for performing simple background tasks, but if you have requirements for output log cutting, running users, booting, etc., you need to consider daemon type programs such as supervisor and systemd .

2.4. supervisor

supervisor is a lightweight process control system similar to systemd , used to run programs for long periods of time, often used for web background programs, proxy programs, etc. On most Linux distributions you need to install it yourself, e.g. install and start the service in ubuntu2204 .

sudo apt install supervisor sudo systemctl enable supervisor sudo systemctl start supervisor 

supervisor supports very rich parameter settings, environment settings and daemons compared to nohup . After installing supervisor, take the synchronization software syncthing as an example.

Create the /etc/supervisor/conf.d/syncthing.conf file, as follows.

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
[program:syncthing] directory=/home/apps/syncthing/syncthing-linux-amd64-v1.19.0 command=/home/apps/syncthing/syncthing-linux-amd64-v1.19.0/syncthing autostart=true autorestart=true startsecs=10 stdout_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/%(program_name)s-stdout.log stdout_logfile_maxbytes=5MB stdout_capture_maxbytes=5MB stdout_logfile_backups=5 stderr_logfile=/var/log/supervisor/%(program_name)s-stderr.log stderr_logfile_maxbytes=5MB stderr_capture_maxbytes=5MB stderr_logfile_backups=5 user = apps environment = HOME="/home/apps/syncthing/syncthing-linux-amd64-v1.19.0" 

Most of the parameters are very simple and easy to understand, where

  • autorestart: boot self-start
  • stdout_*: standard output log
  • strerr_*: exception output log
  • user: the user who runs the program
  • environment: set the environment parameters for running
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Makes the newly created service effective.

sudo supervisorctl update 

supervisorctl supports multiple operations, such as

  • update: means update the list of services and re-run the new/modified services
  • status: check the running status of all services
  • start/stop/restart: start/stop/restart the service

2.5. systemd

After 2015, systemd is the system suite that comes with most distributions to replace SysV init , providing reliable parallelism during the boot process and centralized management of processes, daemons, services and mount points.

If you are familiar with modern Linux operating systems, you will most likely not be unfamiliar with systemd . systemd is a relatively heavyweight system suite, and unless there is a clear need to use it, it is generally not considered as a way to run small applications in the background. supervisor is sufficient for most application scenarios.

The systemd common user unit configuration directory is as follows (as distinct from the system unit configuration)

  • $HOME/.config/systemd/user
  • /usr/lib/systemd/user
  • $HOME/.local/share/systemd/user
  • /etc/systemd/user

Take the synchronization software syncthing as an example, add a configuration file $HOME/.config/systemd/user/syncthing.service with the following content.

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
[Unit] Description=Sync Files Documentation=  [Service] Type=simple Environment=HOME="/home/apps/syncthing/syncthing-linux-amd64-v1.19.0" ExecStart=/home/apps/syncthing/syncthing-linux-amd64-v1.19.0/syncthing # Logging requires systemd version > 240 StandardOutput=append:/home/apps/syncthing/syncthing-linux-amd64-v1.19.0/logs/standard-output.log StandardError=append:/home/apps/syncthing/syncthing-linux-amd64-v1.19.0/logs/standard-error.log  [Install] 
systemctl start syncthing --user 

If you modify the configuration sheet, you need to run a refresh of systemd.

systemctl daemon-reload --user 

The following is a description of the key parts of the configuration file.

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 
[Unit] Description= # Description of the program Documentation= # Reference Documents After= # Service start order, e.g. means start the service after the network service starts Before= # Same as above, indicating that before a service is started Wants= # Service weak dependency, make sure the service referred to by wants is started properly before starting the service Requires= # Strong dependency, if the service Requires refers to is no longer running, this service will also end  [Service] Type= # Service type, value type can be simple/fork/oneshot/dbus/notify/idle Environment= # Environment variables are added here EnvironmentFile= # Environment variable files (e.g. .bashrc) ExecStart= # Command to be executed when starting the process ExecReload= # Commands to execute when restarting the service ExecStop= # Commands to execute when stopping the service ExeStartPre= # Commands to execute before starting the process ExeStartPost= # Commands executed after starting the process ExeStopPost= # Commands executed after stopping the process Restart= # Defines whether to restart the service after exit, values can be no/on-success/on-failure/on-abnormal/on-abort/onwatchdog/always RestartSec= # Restart interval after process exit  [Install] WantedBy= # Indicates the attributed target, this part is more complicated, commonly used is and 


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How can I put the current running linux process in background? [closed]

I have a command that uploads files using git to a remote server from the Linux shell and it will take many hours to finish. How can I put that running program in background? So that I can still work on shell and that process also gets completed?

The command is already running so i dont have other option. I am not sure which command to try. i didn’t wanted to break the current process so i didn’t experimented it

We should wait a more professional answer then 🙂 I meant if you had the chance to start all over again. ( The command & thing)

The accepted answerer on this question explains the three steps which needs to be taken:…

You can also just open a second instance of putty and connect to the server again to get another shell. Though the solution with ctrl+z is great.

1 Answer 1

Suspend the process with CTRL+Z then use the command bg to resume it in background. For example:

sleep 60 ^Z #Suspend character shown after hitting CTRL+Z [1]+ Stopped sleep 60 #Message showing stopped process info bg #Resume current job (last job stopped) 

More about job control and bg usage in bash manual page:

Typing the suspend character (typically ^Z, Control-Z) while a process is running causes that process to be stopped and returns control to bash. [. ] The user may then manipulate the state of this job, using the bg command to continue it in the background, [. ]. A ^Z takes effect immediately, and has the additional side effect of causing pending output and typeahead to be discarded.

bg [jobspec . ]
Resume each suspended job jobspec in the background, as if it had been started with &. If jobspec is not present, the shell’s notion of the current job is used.

To start a process where you can even kill the terminal and it still carries on running

nohup [command] [-args] > [filename] 2>&1 & 
nohup /home/edheal/myprog -arg1 -arg2 > /home/edheal/output.txt 2>&1 & 

To just ignore the output (not very wise) change the filename to /dev/null

To get the error message set to a different file change the &1 to a filename.

In addition: You can use the jobs command to see an indexed list of those backgrounded processes. And you can kill a backgrounded process by running kill %1 or kill %2 with the number being the index of the process.


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