Rust linux no servers

2020 Playing Rust on Linux (Facepunch game)

Nov 18, 2020 update: Proton works again! You must go into game settings and force use of the latest Proton 5.13. See article updates at the end for other notices.

TL;DR Summary

  • I will occasionally update this post over time.
  • You can run the dedicated server and Rust client on the same computer for local play using SteamPlay on Linux.
  • The dedicated server must have EAC disabled.
  • You must connect to the server from the Rust client by pressing F1 key and using client.connect :28015 .

This guide was last tested with the Modular Vehicles Update (July 2, 2020). I do not have Sunburn DLC.

Warning 1: Disable NPCs because it will crash when one dies. This appears to affect the dedicated server when being run with proton.

Warning 2: Putting your local server on the Internet is not recommended with EAC disabled (anti-cheat). This is the only way rust can be played with Linux.

Playing multiplayer

There’s plenty of multiplayer servers available if you want to play with other people.

My favorite server is Rust Deadlock. You can access it quickly by binding the following command to F6 key.

bind f6 "client.connect" 

Or you can bookmark this link and open it in your browser. Or you can run the following shell alias for the deadlock command to connect.

alias deadlock='xdg-open steam://connect/' 


Ever since Facepunch stopped supporting their Linux client, I’ve been hungry to play. I’m one of the few people who played on Linux, enjoyed the game, and didn’t get a refund.

I regularly browse ProtonDB for Rust in the hopes that a Rust update gets a platinum rating with EAC working for online multiplayer with Windows and Mac players. However, until then I noticed people were rating that gameplay works with EAC disabled.

I had an itch to scratch for playing Rust and this is my solution.

My system specs

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
  • Hardware that’s relevant for Rust and Linux:
    • Intel Core i7
    • 32GB RAM
    • ASRock Radeon RX 5700 XT (AMD GPU)
    • SSD hard drive


    I’m going to assume you know your way around Linux and the Terminal. For now, it’s late and I just got this working. I may expand this post over time to be more beginner friendly. For now, this “guide” is for more advanced users.

    Installing Rust and dedicated server

    Install Steam, SteamCMD ( sudo apt-get install steamcmd ), and enable SteamPlay for all games.

    Install Rust for Windows from Steam normally; on my computer it ends up in the following install locaion.


    Install Rust Dedicated Server for Windows. Run steamcmd and enter the following commands.

    @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows login anonymous app_update 258550 validate quit 

    The dedicated server ends up in the following location by default. All following instructions assume defaults.


    Determine your Proton version

    Open Rust and let it sit on the main menu. Alt+tab away and open a terminal to inspect all Rust processes.

    It should return output similar to the following.

    user 25989 0.0 0.0 63632 24768 tty2 S+ 20:42 0:00 /bin/sh -c '/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0'/proton waitforexitandrun '/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Rust/Rust.exe' -logfile "output_log.txt" user 25990 0.0 0.0 90504 16472 tty2 S+ 20:42 0:00 python3 /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0/proton waitforexitandrun /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Rust/Rust.exe -logfile output_log.txt user 25997 0.0 0.0 1818696 19924 tty2 Sl+ 20:42 0:00 steam /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Rust/Rust.exe -logfile output_log.txt 

    I noticed that I’m running Proton 5.0 . The command for how Rust is launched is important for later. Take note the following.

    /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0/proton waitforexitandrun /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Rust/Rust.exe -logfile output_log.txt 

    Launching dedicated server

    The following is a script for launching the dedicated server. Please note, this script uses the same Proton version as Rust determined previously.

    Create a script in the directory of your choice named with the following contents. The server output_log.txt and rcon_pass (password for remote console administration) will also show up in the directory.

    #!/bin/bash # Launches Rust Dedicated Server for Windows on Linux # Usage: # ./ set -e # List your proton versions with # ls -1d ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton* PROTON_VERSION='Proton 5.0' # generate a random password from /dev/urandom function rand_password()  tr -dc -- '-.~,<>[]<>@%()_+=0-9a-zA-Z' < /dev/urandom | head -c16;echo > STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="$HOME"/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/258550 STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH="$HOME"/.local/share/Steam export STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH RUST_SERVER_DIR=~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/rust_dedicated SCRIPT_DIR="$PWD>" mkdir -p "$STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH>" if [ ! -f rcon_pass ]; then touch rcon_pass chmod 600 rcon_pass rand_password > rcon_pass fi cd "$RUST_SERVER_DIR>" ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/"$PROTON_VERSION>"/proton \ waitforexitandrun \ "$RUST_SERVER_DIR>"/RustDedicated.exe \ -batchmode -logfile "$SCRIPT_DIR>"/output_log.txt \ 0 +server.encryption 0 +server.eac 0 \ +rcon.web 1 +rcon.port 28016 \ +rcon.password "$(< "$SCRIPT_DIR>"/rcon_pass)" 

    The important part from above are the Rust options for disabling EAC.

    Play Rust

    Rust will crash if you attempt to browse the server list. So do not click “Play”. Instead, do the following.

    Admin your server

    In the directory where script is located you’ll find the rcon_pass file. This contains the password used for remote console administration (RCON).

    Visit the Facepunch web-based websockets client you can use locally for connecting to your server.

    Here’s some helpful administration guides.

    Initial server setup

    I like running the following commands when playing solo.

    heli.bulletdamagescale 0.1 hackablelockedcrate.decayseconds 72000 minicopter.population 3 minicopter.insidedecayminutes 54000 server.updatebatch 256 server.pve true server.description "Sams Linux Server" aimanager.ai_dormant false ownerid [steam 64bit id] [steam username] owner server.writecfg 

    You can get your own steam 64bit id by looking at the user list in RCON.

    Heavy grenade kit

    Just for goofing off I decided to make myself OP and hit a bunch of NPCs with it. A full heavy kit with buckshot and high explosive 40mm grenade launchers.

    inventory.giveall multiplegrenadelauncher 1 inventory.giveall multiplegrenadelauncher 1 inventory.giveall syringe.medical 100 inventory.giveall largemedkit 500 inventory.giveall ammo.grenadelauncher.he 1000 inventory.giveall ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot 1000 inventory.giveall heavy.plate.helmet 1 inventory.giveall heavy.plate.jacket 1 inventory.giveall heavy.plate.pants 1 inventory.giveall 1 inventory.giveall weapon.mod.flashlight 2 inventory.giveall weapon.mod.holosight 2 
    inventory.giveall tactical.gloves 1 


    I’m a pretty casual player with work-life to balance. Expect to see more updates on how to mod it on Linux for higher spawn rates, 10x resouces, increased stacks, etc. This is the first time I’ve opened a Rust dedicated server so I’m new to all of this.

    Here are some quality of life key bindings I enjoy as a player.

    bind b bind z forward;sprint bind c duck # Disable autodoor from closing when holding F2 (+ means hold) bind f2 "+chat.say /ad;+use" # Toggles remove tool with "DELETE" key bind delete "chat.say /remove" 

    Here are some useful Server Admin only aliases.

    bind l global.teleport2marker 

    I also went into options and reversed the shortcut for Hover Loot (H) and Change Vehicle Seat (X) because I collect loot a lot more than I switch seats.

    Article updates

    • Nov 18, 2020 update: Proton works again! You must go into game settings and force use of the latest Proton 5.13.
    • Sept 2020 update of Rust broke compatibility with Proton. The game can still be played through Steam on WINE. Using Lutris is recommended.

    This article was last updated Nov 18, 2020.


    How to host a Rust server in Linux

    Ever wondered how to make your own server but couldn’t due to the OS restriction to Windows? Well fear no more! This section of the guide will focus on the realm of Linux but more particularly on the Debian 8 x64 distribution. Rather than solely being focused on vanilla Rust I will also branch into Oxide and security of your server itself.

    Initial Setup

    This bit will be the longest part of the guide but will serve you well in terms of the security of your server. This will be mainly focused on people who aren’t familiar in terms of security or Debian in general.

    1. Login to your server through SSH (PuTTY is recommended).
    2. Head over to a PasswordGenerator site and generate a random password with a length of 50+ and copy it. Then type “passwd root” and then right click twice in the terminal.
    3. Now your root password is secure you need to update the software by doing “apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y” then “apt-get install fail2ban nano -y”.
    4. Now download PuTTYgen then generate the key. Now type all of these individually on a per line basis in PuTTY:

    chmod 0644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Now head back to PuTTYgen then right click inside the box with lots of characters and press select all then copy. Now head back to PuTTY where you left off at the nano editor and right click to paste your public key in then do ctrl+o -> enter -> ctrl+x.

    Now type “nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config” then ctrl+w then “PasswordAuth” then enter. Now remove the hash and change the yes at the end to a no. Now page down to the bottom and change UsePAM to no. Now ctrl+w and do type PermitRootLogin and simply change it to “without-password”. Now press ctrl+p (save) and ctrl+x (exit) and then finally type “service ssh reload”

    Now you just need to open PuTTYgen back open and save the public and private key in a folder somewhere safe. Now close PuTTY and reopen it then simply on the left side goto Connection -> SSH -> Authentication then browse and select your private key file that you just saved. Once you’ve done that head back to Session then click Default Settings then Save then open for a passwordless login.


    Valve have their own documentation for setting up SteamCMD you can find this here. Once your at app_update section you type “app_update 258550”.


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