Sangoma linux 7 core

Sangoma linux 7 core

Sangoma cards are compatible with most commercially available servers and motherboards on the market.
Our cards are available in both PCI and PCI express versions and are backwards compatible (i.e. 16x, 8x, 4x, 2x)
Also available are different size brackets for 1U and 2U server form factors.

For Sangoma analog card installations using FXS modules and/or remora expansion boards, please verify that your server has available molex power connection from internal power supply

Selecting your Linux Operating system

Sangoma cards are compatible with most official Linux distributions and kernels (i.e. CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu) 32 and 64bit.
Sangoma recommends the use of CentOS as our R&D and QA departments use this distribution on a frequent basis.

Virtual environments are not supported

Below are instructions for CentOS Installation. If you would like use a different Linux Distro, please visit the appropriate online resources.

  1. Download latest CentOS distribution:
  2. After downloading the CentOS ISO, simply burn the image on CD/DVD using your choice of burning utility
  3. Boot your server with the CD/DVD containing your CentOS ISO. Verify your BIOS settings allow for Boot from CD/DVD ROM drive
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to Install your new operating system. You may wish to visit some online step-by-step tutorials (google:))
  5. Once completed, remove the CD/DVD from your server and reboot your server and log in to your freshly installed operating system

Preparing your Operating system for software packages

After installing your Linux operating system, you must prepare your server with the following software requirements before continuing.

To Install required system dependencies simply copy and paste the below string directly into your Linux command line. The string will automatically download and install missing dependencies on your server.

You must have internet connection for this step

Select only the option that applies to your environment:

CentOS (RedHat distros)

yum -y install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) libtool* make gcc patch perl bison flex-devel gcc-c++ ncurses-devel flex libtermcap-devel autoconf* automake* autoconf libxml2-devel cmake


apt-get -y install gcc g++ automake autoconf libtool make libncurses5-dev flex bison patch libtool autoconf linux-headers-$(uname -r) libxml2-dev cmake

Download Software Packages

The sources for the following three packages are required:

  • Asterisk (pbx software)
  • DAHDI (signaling stack)
  • libPRI (required only for PRI/BRI cards)
  1. Navigate to the /usr/src/ directory which will be used to store the downloaded packages. To do this type the following in your Linux command line, then press :
    1. -> cd /usr/src
    1. asterisk: » wget »
    2. DAHDI: » wget «
    3. LibPRI: » wget «

    Install Software Packages

    The following instructions will guide you to un-compress the downloaded ‘.tgz’ files and install using make command.

    Verify you are still inside the /usr/src/ directory by typing ‘pwd’ in the Linux command line. If you are not, navigate inside by typing ‘cd /usr/src/’ then press

    1. DAHDI Installation
      -> Untar the download DAHDI software package, and then install. Type the following in the /usr/src/ directory:
      1. tar xvzf dahdi-linux-complete-.tgz
      2. cd dahdi-linux-complete-
      3. make
      4. make install
      5. make config
      If you are upgrading from a previous version of Asterisk make sure that old asterisk modules are removed from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules by typing the following: cd /usr/lib/asterisk
      mv modules modules.old If configure fails, you may have to install dependencies. In contrib/scripts, do ./install_prereq install

      If there are any error messages while trying the above commands, your system is missing system dependencies

      Installing Sangoma Driver (called ‘Wanpipe’)

      The following instructions will guide you through the Installation of the Sangoma Wanpipe driver on your server that contains all required software pacakges already installed(i.e. Asterisk, DAHDI, Libpri).

      1. Download the latest official release of the Sangoma Wanpipe Driver
        1. Copy & Paste the line,without the quotes, into your Linux command line in the /usr/src/ directory.This will automatically download from the internet.
          -> » wget »
          If your server does not have internet access simply download the driver on another machine with internet access, then transfer the downloaded .tgz package to /usr/src on this serer.

        1. tar xvfz wanpipe-current.tgz
        2. cd wanpipe-/
        For A116 Customers: please use ./Setup install —dahdi-chunk=40

        You will be guided through a series of prompts through the rest of the installation process.

        You will notice the Wanpipe driver installation splash screen next.
        Press ‘y’ to continue

        You will be presented with a dependency check with pass/fail results. If there are any failures, you must exist and install missing dependency manually.
        Press [enter] to continue

        Press [enter] on the following screen for default kernel source location.

        If there are any error messages that result, that means you are missing your Linux kernel development packages.
        This also means that during the ‘Preparing your Operating system for software packages’ step above has failed to download your kernel-devel packages. If this happens you must search online for the kernel-devel packages for your kernel, then download and install using (rpm -i. )

        Press [enter] to continue Next you will be presented with 7 different options on how to install the Wanpipe driver.

        Select option 2 to install the Wanpipe driver for Asterisk

        You will be asked to provide the location of your DAHDI software package.
        If you have downloaded and installed DAHDI in /usr/src/, simply press the number pertaining to the location.
        In the example below, Press 1.

        In this example, the user has dahdi version 2.7.0 installed on their system

        If your DAHDI installation lives in another directory, press ‘m’ then manually enter the full path
        If you have multiple DAHDI versions on your system, select the correct one.
        (to find out which version of dahdi is installed on your system simply type dahdi_cfg -vvv command in another Linux window)

        The Wanpipe driver will now start to compile on your Linux operating system.
        Press ‘y’ to proceed

        Press [enter] to continue

        Press [enter] to continue

        he example above is for an a108 8 port E1/T1 card

        continue to press [enter] as seen below

        You should end up with the following screen. If you see error messages, then you are missing system dependencies. Go to your Linux header/src build directory, and do make menuconfig, then go back to the Setup script and hit enter

        continue to press [enter] when asked.
        Press ‘y’ to install Wanpipe start scripts

        The following screen indicates that the Wanpipe driver has completed installation on your server and is now ready to start Configuring your Sangoma hardware on your system

        Press ‘y’ to configure all Sangoma hardware installed on server.
        If you have installed Wanpipe to upgrade from a previous version, you must exit installation now because if you continue you will overwrite all previous configuration

        After you have completed the configuration section of your Sangoma hardware, the following summary screen will be presented.
        Example from configuration of 1 analog card

        Select option 3 below to save and stop Asterisk & Wanpipe (if already running). Any new configuration will apply only after restarting

        Select option 1 to start Wanpipe on system boot. If your server ever reboots unintentionally, you will want the driver to automatically start in order to have your server back in production without manual intervention

        Select option 1 (YES) to have ‘dahdi_cfg’ run after the Wanpipe driver starts. This step configures on Wanpipe ports for dahdi

        You have now fully installed and configured your Sangoma Hardware for your Asterisk server!

        To verify that you have successfully installed the Sangoma Wanpipe driver by typing the following command in your Linux command line:
        -> wanrouter hwprobe


        The Installation process of the Sangoma Wanpipe driver also takes care of configuring your card, which is the last part of the above.
        For whatever reason, if you wish to configure/re-configuration your Sangoma Card(s), run the following command in your Linux command line:

        -> wancfg_dahdi

        This command will configure all your Sangoma cards in your system.
        Simply follow the prompts and answer all the questions.

        After running the wancfg_dahdi configuraiton tool, the following files will have been created:

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