Save all history linux

Как восстановить историю терминала в Linux

Операционная система Linux – это многофункциональная среда операционной системы. Одна только командная строка способна превратить обычного пользователя в суперпользователя.

Команда истории Linux

В операционной системе Linux есть командная строка, история которой находится в файле под названием history. Этот файл используется для отслеживания ввода команд пользователя, связанных с использованием терминала.

Операционная система Linux имеет скрытый файл .bash_history , который сохраняет все команды пользователя, используемые в командной строке. Каждый пользователь Linux имеет уникальную копию файла истории, которую можно найти в домашнем каталоге пользователя.

После выполнения приведенной выше команды становится ясно, что никакие специальные системные разрешения не защищают ваш файл истории. Поэтому любой пользователь, имеющий доступ к открытой учетной записи Linux, может предварительно просмотреть содержимое файла .bash_history .

Резервное копирование и восстановление истории терминалов Linux

Этот раздел статьи демонстрирует, как отображать, резервировать и восстанавливать историю терминалов в Linux.

Просмотр файла истории Linux

Чтобы отобразить файл истории для текущего пользователя, выполните следующую команду:

Альтернативно, чтобы получить представление о том, что содержит вышеупомянутый файл, выполним следующую команду:

Для поиска определенного шаблона команды, например update, в файле истории, мы используем команду grep:

Тоже самое можно получить командой:

cat $HOME/.bash_history | grep 'update'

Резервное копирование истории терминала Linux

Теперь, когда мы можем отобразить содержимое файла истории, пришло время создать его резервную копию. Здесь мы можем использовать команду cat и использовать ей для созданной резервной копии.

cat $HOME/.bash_history > my_backup_history ls -l my_backup_history

Альтернативно, мы можем создать резервную копию файла истории с помощью команды history:

history > my_backup2_history ls -l my_backup2_history

Если вы системный администратор и вам нужна копия команды history, принадлежащая определенному пользователю, выполните:

cat /home/targeted_system_username/.bash_history > my_backup_history

Для резервного копирования конкретных команд истории, мы отфильтруем файл истории на предмет определенного шаблона команды с помощью команды grep и создадим резервную копию.

cat $HOME/.bash_history | grep 'update' >> my_backup3_history cat my_backup3_history

Альтернативно, мы можем достичь той же цели с помощью команды history :

cat $HOME/.bash_history | grep 'update' >> my_backup3_history history | grep 'update' >> my_backup4_history

Для резервного копирования определенных команд для определенных пользователей:

cat /home/targeted_system_username/.bash_history | grep 'update' >> my_backup3_history

Восстановление истории терминала Linux

Первым шагом будет удаление оригинального файла истории и восстановление созданной резервной копии файла истории.

rm $HOME/.bash_history mv my_backup_history $HOME/.bash_history

Следующим шагом будет перезагрузка файла истории и подтверждение того, что файл истории был восстановлен:

Понимание процесса резервного копирования и восстановления истории терминала Linux помогает системному администратору Linux проводить аудит действий пользователя в сети. Кроме того, это облегчает повторное использование ранее выполненных команд, которые могут быть слишком длинными для запоминания.

Опытный системный администратор с большим стажем работы на крупном российском заводе. Иван является энтузиастом OpenSource и любителем Windows, проявляя высокую компетентность в обоих операционных системах. Благодаря его технической грамотности и умению решать сложные задачи, Иван стал неотъемлемой частью команды нашего проекта, обеспечивая непрерывную авторскую работу.

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How to save terminal history manually?

It’s my understanding that the history file is updated when the terminal exits. But sometimes my computer crashes out, and the terminal doesn’t exit cleanly, and then I lose those commands from my history which is annoying. How can I make it flush immediately, so that the entries still go there even if my computer has a meltdown? At the moment I’m using this workaround, but I feel there should be a better way. I’m using gnome-terminal on Ubuntu 12.10.

3 Answers 3

The simplest, working answer to the question «How to save terminal history manually?»:

history -a will append your current session history to the content of the history file.

It may also be worth to consider switching to zsh, which has setopt inc_append_history («save every command before it is executed»).

To save bash history manually to a file:

history -w ~/history.txt vim ~/history.txt 

It exports the history to a file called history.txt. You can then view it using your favorite editor.

The answers in the link that you provided from the Super-Users site shouldn’t necessarily be viewed as ‘workarounds’ to the history command’s default behavior. The bash shell has some sane, out of the box, default behavior.

I would highly recommend reading How can I avoid losing any history lines? for an explanation of what these modifications to history are doing. Additionally, there are some reasonable concerns to be aware of as to why this is not the default behavior of the history command.

  • performance — Since you are saving every command from every window with history -a , the .bash_history file can grow quite large and require greater resources to load the bash shell. This can result in longer start up times(for your terminal sessions, not overall system startup, per se.).
  • organization — (from the above article) «the history commands of simultaneous interactive shells (for a given user) will be intertwined. Therefore the history is not a guaranteed sequential list of commands as they were executed in a single shell.»

If you are concerned about further securing the bash shell and the . bash_history file through auditing, take a look at this article: How do I log history or «secure» bash against history removal?

On occasion (e.g. an unstable system, or power failure), I have found the below commands useful.

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file:

unset HISTFILESIZE HISTSIZE=3000 PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a" export HISTSIZE PROMPT_COMMAND shopt -s histappend 

Be sure to source your .bashrc file using the command source ~/.bashrc


How to Backup and Restore Linux Terminal History

The Linux operating system is a feature-rich operating system environment. Its command line environment alone has the capability of transforming an ordinary user into a super user. In this case, we will look at the concept behind how to back up and restore Linux terminal history.

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Linux History Command

The Linux operating system is equipped with a feature-rich command called the history command, which is used to keep track of user keystrokes (executed commands) associated with commands used on the terminal.

Linux History Command

The Linux operating system has a hidden file called .bash_history , which saves all user commands used in the command line. Each Linux user has a unique copy of the history file which can be found in the user’s home directory.

User Bash History File

As per the execution of the above command, it is quite clear that no special system permissions protect your history file. Therefore, any user with access to an open Linux account is able to preview the content of .bash_history file.

Backup and Restore Linux Terminal History

This section of the article demonstrates how to display, backup, and restore specific or entire terminal history in Linux.

Viewing Linux History File

To display the history file for the currently logged-in user, implement the following cat command:

View History of Linux User

Alternatively, to get a preview of what the above file entails, we will execute the following command:

View Last Executed User Commands

To search for a specific command pattern like update within the history file, we will borrow from the grep command:

Search Particular History Command

$ cat $HOME/.bash_history | grep 'update'

Backup Linux Terminal History

Now that we can fully and partially display the history file’s content, it’s time to create its backup copy. Here, we can use the cat command and point it to the output file for the created backup.

$ cat $HOME/.bash_history > my_backup_history $ ls -l my_backup_history

Backup Linux Terminal History

Alternatively, we could create the history file backup via the history command:

$ history > my_backup2_history $ ls -l my_backup2_history

Backup Linux History Commands

If you are a system or network admin and need a copy of the history command belonging to a specific user, implement:

$ cat /home/targeted_system_username/.bash_history > my_backup_history

To backup specific history commands, we will filter through the history file for a specific command pattern via the grep command and backup all matching instances.

$ cat $HOME/.bash_history | grep 'update' >> my_backup3_history $ cat my_backup3_history

Backup Specific History Commands

Alternatively, we could achieve the same objective via history command:

$ history | grep 'update' >> my_backup4_history

To backup up specific commands for specific users:

$ cat /home/targeted_system_username/.bash_history | grep 'update' >> my_backup3_history

Restoring Linux Terminal History

The first step is to delete the original history file and restore the created history file backup.

$ rm $HOME/.bash_history $ mv my_backup_history $HOME/.bash_history

Next, reload the history file and confirm that the history file has been restored:

Restore Linux Terminal History

Understanding the process behind how to back up and restore Linux terminal history has essential benefits. It helps a Linux system admin audit system user’s activities on the network. Also, it makes it easier to reuse previously executed commands that might be too long to memorize.


Save Terminal history

I am currently taking a Linux class and working on a project in the command line. I the very last thing I need to do is save all of my work into a log file. The exact phrasing is: «Create a log file of all the commands you have utilized to this point. Title this file Log_File.txt and download it for submission» The downnloading part is done through the IDE but I am having a bitch of a time finding the answer to how to make that file that saves everything I did in the project. Anything would help. -Thanks

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Which shell are you using? Most (if not all) shell keep a history of the commands used, reviewing your shell’s manual will tell you which commands to use to obtain them.

SInce command history (» $HISTFILE » default value $HOME/.history ) is overwritten when you login again, see… my answer.

@waltinator In bash the default value of $HISTFILE is ~/.bash_history and its lines are dropped in order to stay inside the $HISTFILESIZE limit of by default 2000 lines – why would it be overwritten on login?

2 Answers 2

I suppose you just need to run:

To manage the session history of a bash shell there’s the history command. Let’s have a look at the relevant parts of help history :

$ help history history: history [-c] [-d offset] [n] or history -anrw [filename] or history -ps arg [arg. ] Display or manipulate the history list. Display the history list with line numbers, prefixing each modified entry with a `*'. An argument of N lists only the last N entries. Options: -a append history lines from this session to the history file -w write the current history to the history file If FILENAME is given, it is used as the history file. Otherwise, if HISTFILE has a value, that is used, else ~/.bash_history. 

When a bash shell is started it reads the last (by default 1000) lines from the user’s history file (by default ~/.bash_history ) and builts a session history in the RAM. When you now execute a command line it saves this line to the session history and drops the first line instead – the session history once reached the limit of the 1000 lines doesn’t exceed this limit.

Following this, in order to save only the session history i.e. the command lines you executed in this particular terminal window in a file ~/session_history , it’s:

history -a ~/session_history 

If you however want to save the 1000 lines of history the session currently holds in memory, i.e. commands from older sessions and the current one, it’s:

history -w ~/session+old_history 

If you want to save the whole history of all sessions closed so far, limited to 2000 lines by default, you just need to copy your default history file:

cp ~/.bash_history ~/closed-sessions_history 

If you want to manually save a session’s history to this file without closing the session, do:

If you did that in every open terminal, your history file is up to date with all the command lines you used to this point, copying it now gives you a full history of closed and open sessions:

cp ~/.bash_history ~/all-sessions_history 


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