Сброс пароля oracle linux

Сброс пароля oracle linux

Passwords for all Oracle system administration accounts except SYS , SYSTEM , and DBSNMP are revoked after installation.

Before you use a locked account, you must unlock it and reset its password. If you created a preconfigured database during the installation, but you did not unlock accounts required to use the database, then you must unlock and reset those accounts using these procedures.

Apply the following guidelines when specifying passwords:

  • Passwords must be between 8 and 30 characters long.
  • Passwords must not start with a numeral.
  • Password cannot contain invalid characters: ! @ % ^ & * ( ) + = \ | ` ~ [ < ] >; : ‘ » , < >?
  • Passwords must not be the same as the user name.
  • Passwords must not be Oracle reserved words.
  • The SYSTEM account password cannot be manager (case-insensitive).
  • The SYSMAN account password cannot be sysman (case-insensitive).
  • The DBSNMP account password cannot be dbsnmp (case-insensitive).
  • If you choose to use the same password for all the accounts, then that password cannot be manager , sysman , or dbsnmp (case-insensitive).
  • Passwords must have at least one alphabetic, one numeric, and one special character.
  • Passwords must not be simple or obvious words, such as welcome , account , database , and user .

I f you select the option to create the database as a multitenant container database, then you must provide the pluggable database administrator password.

If you created a starter database during the installation, but you did not unlock the required account, unlock the account using one of the following methods:


Сброс пароля пользователя root в Oracle Linux 7

В данном посте рассматривается возможность сброса пароля пользователя root в Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux базируется на Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), поэтому данный пост может быть применим к другим дистрибутивам, базирующимся на RHEL.

При ситуации, когда пользователь забыл пароль от пользователя root и не может получить административный доступ, необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

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1. Запустить операционную систему или если она уже работает, то перезагрузить её с помощью команды shutdown -r или соответствующей кнопкой в графическом интерфейсе. При появлении меню загрузки нажать на любую клавишу, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшую загрузку операционной системы.

2. Находясь на первой строчке в меню загрузки, необходимо нажать на клавишу «e» (На скрине видна подсказка об этом – Press ‘e’ to edit the selected item). Это даст возможность отредактировать параметры загрузки ядра данной операционной системы. В появившемся окне необходимо найти строку, начинающуюся со слов «linux16» как показано на скрине:

В этой строке необходимо после слова quiet добавить следующие значения rw init=/bin/bash . В итоге строка будет выглядеть так:

3. После внесения изменений необходимо нажать сочетание клавиш Ctrl+x для загрузки данного ядра в безопасном режиме как это написано в нижней части окна – Press Ctrl-x to start. Система предложит командную строку, в которой надо будет ввести команду passwd для смены или назначения пароля. Далее нужно ввести новый пароль и подтвердить его. Перед перезагрузкой операционной системы необходимо выполнить команду touch /.autorelabel . Эта команда перепишет настройки системы контроля доступа SELinux, что позволит пользователю получить доступ к учетной записи root под новым паролем. После успешного выполнения команд, операционная система перезапускается командой /usr/sbin/reboot –f . Ниже приведены выполнения трех вышеописанных команд:

4. После перезагрузки будет получена возможность войти в операционную систему под пользователем root, указав установленный новый пароль.


Reset the Root Password in Oracle Linux

FYI, I did this tutorial in Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 7, but this is a distro based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), so these instructions should more-or-less work on any similar distro to OEL/RHEL, give or take a few versions.
Let’s get started:

  1. Reboot Linux. When boot menu appears, press a key to stop it from booting any further. You should see something like this:
  2. Press the “ e ” key on the top line of the menu, and then on the next screen that appears, scroll down to the line that starts with “ linux16 ” and change the end from “… quiet LANG …” to “… quiet rw init=/bin/bash LANG …” so it’ll look like this: (Note: It’s fine if you don’t see the “ LANG …” part after “… quiet ” – just put the “ rw init=/bin/bash ” after “ quiet ” anyway.)
  3. At the prompt that appears, type “ passwd ” to change the root password:
  4. Now, depending on how your system is configured, you may also need to type “ touch /.autorelabel ” to have it perform a SELinux relabel of the disk to allow root login. Try it first without this, and if it doesn’t work, then try it with this (since it can take a while if you have a large disk).
  5. Type “ /usr/sbin/reboot –f ” to reboot.
  6. After waiting a few minutes for the reboot to finish, you should be able to log in as root with your new password!
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How to recover or change Oracle sysdba password [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.

This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.

We are working with an oracle database in which the person that set it up is «long gone» and thus do not know the sysdba password, but need it. We have root access to the box (its on linux). Is there any way to recover or change the sys passwords?

2 Answers 2

Have you tried logging into Linux as your installed Oracle user then

When you log in you’ll be able to change your password.

alter user sys identified by ; 

an addition. if you have root access but not the oracle user, login as root then «su — oracle» and follow Paul’s instructions. Also try all the default oracle passwords. Last option is to look at OUTLN and DBSNMP accounts and Oracle hacks around that.

It helped me, the default passwords in oracle 11g didn’t work out. Does this mean that oracle can be compromised easily.

You can connect to the database locally using the combination of environment variables:

Depending on your OS:


Once connected, you could then alter the user to modify the password:

ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY password; 


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Сброс пароля oracle linux

Note: You can script an option ahead of time by adding -local for single nodes and -cluster to shutdown an entire cluster.

./shutdownnnc.sh Shutdown back-end server Do you wish to shut down the entire cluster (Yes/No)? Yes
./sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Mar 29 10:29:14 2017 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production SQL>
SQL> select username, account_status from dba_users where username = 'OCSREMDW'; USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS ------------------------------ -------------------------------- OCSREMDW LOCKED
SQL> alter user ocsremdw account unlock; User altered.
SQL> alter user ocsremdw identified by ; User altered.
SQL> exit; Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
./sqlplus ocsremdw/@ocsdmdw SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Mar 29 10:43:17 2017 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production SQL>
SQL> exit; Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
cd /home/nncentral/AcmePacket/NNC/bin
cd /logs grep "service started" ReportingService.log 2016-02-09 16:44:37,988 INFO [com.acmepacket.ems.server.services.ReportingService] - Method: [startService] Thread: [ReportingService:25] Msg:[. service started]


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