Scp gui для linux

Is there a WinSCP equivalent for Linux? [closed]

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I love WinSCP for Windows. What is the best equivalent software for Linux? I tried to use sshfs to mount the remote file system on my local machine, but it is not as user friendly as simply launching a GUI, plus it seems to require root access on the client machine, which is not very convenient. Of course command-line tools such as scp are possible, but I am looking for a simple GUI.

— sshfs requires a user who has permissions to whatever file/folder you need access to on the remote machine. — you can also script the sshfs connection string into a shell script and just execute it whenever you want, instead of retyping. — Ubuntu supports bookmarks for connections in Nautilus

Instead of closing this topic as off-topic why it was not moved to SuperUser? Was SuperUser available in 2008? Off-topic is simply wrong . what’s the use of WinSCP? Programming? Nah . probably cooking!

The votes that this question keeps on getting – from the community – clearly show that the moderators were and are dead-wrong in closing it. Their view is not representative of the community at all.

15 Answers 15

If you’re using GNOME, you can go to: PlacesConnect to Server in Nautilus and choose SSH. If you have an SSH agent running and configured, no password will be asked! (This is the same as sftp://root@servername/directory in Nautilus)

In Konqueror, you can simply type: fish://servername.

Per Mike R: In Ubuntu 14.04 (with Unity) it’s under FilesConnect to Server in the menu or NetworkConnect to Server in the sidebar.

You can try PCManFM ( apt-get install pcmanfm ), just another File Manager like Nautilus and Thunar, but I find it better. In the main menu just click Go —> Connect to server. and you get a GUI for connections, plus you can bookmark them, and what I find best is that you can just right click on files and use «open with..» and use your favorite programs, just like your local files!

In Ubuntu 14.0.4 its under Files > Connect to Server in the Menu or Network > Connect to Server in the sidebar

Example of what to input in Connect to server : ssh://user@servername , as of Ubuntu 16.04 (Nautilus 3.14.3).

FileZilla is available for Linux. If you are using Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install filezilla 

Otherwise, you can download it from the FileZilla website.

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Filezilla supports SFTP, which provides many additional management capabilities compared to the older SCP protocol. It is also widely supported on virtually every OS. Also, since the OP mentioned SSHFS in his question, it’s clear his environment supports SFTP. One small note: the SCP protocol is faster than SFTP, but SFTP is better in almost every other respect.

Agreed Filezilla and STFP are great, but they don’t suppress the need of SCP in many cases. So you didn’t answer the question. In the client side you can’t change the fact you only have SSH available. Not everybody is root of every server.

I use FileZilla and it works fine with SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). Follow these steps to install it and configure it:

1. Install FileZilla via terminal:

sudo apt-get install filezilla 

2. Open the program and go to menu FileSite Manager. or simply type Ctrl + S

Enter image description here

3. The following window should appear:

4. Enter the name of your host, select the port (usually 22 for ssh/scp/sftp) and choose SFTP — SSH File Transfer Protocol as the protocol and optionally set the Logon Type to Normal if authentication is needed, then enter your data.

This is not really great: I’m running FileZilla 3.5.0 and it can’t use my private key ( .ssh/id_rsa ) to log in to the server. Which is unfortunate, because I even don’t know the password to this server (for security reasons), I only have a collection of authorized_keys . KDE’s fish:// can do the trick. BTW, thanks for the keyboard shortcut — I was only using «quick connect» before.

«Connect to Server» in nautilus is almost enough for me in development, but FileZilla is a great complement in some circumstance.

@PeterMortensen this answer was written many years ago when my English was noticeably worse. I replaced «resp.» with «then», since it seems to make the most sense.

A Xfce/Thunar solution is basically the same as GNOME/Nautilus:

Simply type sftp://yourhost/ in the address line in Thunar (you can get there by Ctrl + L ).

(The authorization is identical to ssh / scp , i.e. with proper use of file ~/.ssh/config , keys and ssh-agent, you can achieve decent ease and security: server alias + no passwords asked.)

This worked for me. But only after I cleared up a warning from an old entry in the known_hosts file. Prior to that Thunar just timed out when trying to log in without any details as to why. So make sure you can ssh in cleanly without warnings first.

To run WinSCP under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)), follow these steps:

  1. Run sudo apt-get install wine (run this one time only, to get ‘wine’ in your system, if you don’t have it)
  2. Download the latest WinSCP portable package
  3. Make a folder and put the content of the ZIP file in this folder
  4. Open a terminal
  5. Type wine WinSCP.exe

Done! WinSCP will run like in a Windows environment!

@TomaszGandor, First I thought root is needed for installing dependencies which are necessary. But even after all dependencies are installed, root is needed to run WinSCP.

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At the first glance it seems to be working just fine as a regular user. Maybe a new change? I’m running Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon; the terminal shows a handful of error at startup but WinSCP seems to be running fine. Tried connecting to a server and downloading a file to my home folder.

One step is missing, at least in my case. I had to install WinSCP first after downloading it to my Downloads folder by typing wine Z:/home//Downloads/WinSCP.exe . WinSCP was the only program that worked for me connecting to a Morty ssh server.

konqueror has supported this for a long while — at least since 2003 as evidenced by this old mailing list post (…) 🙂

WinSCP works fine on Linux under Wine. I installed Wine and WinSCP and had no problems.

No longer true as of 2022 with latest releases of Ubuntu/Wine: text is white-on-white and some stuff is invisible.

Use FireFTP, Krusader, and other similar applications.

One thing I find WinSCP does well that I cannot do easily with Ubuntu tools is tunneling to a secondary machine. This is done with one with one connection setting in WinSCP. While I can use the native file browsers in Ubuntu (11.11) to reach any machine, I cannot easily tunnel thru an intermediate machine to reach a third one. I suspect it is because I do not well understand how to set up tunneling. I am toying with gSTM, but there is little documentation, and I suspect it is for setting up local tunnels, not remote ones. In any case it is not as dead simple as WinSCP made it. This is no anwser, but perhaps it highlights a critical feature of WinSCP that suggestions for alternatives should address.

Now off to learn more about tunneling.

Nautilus can be used easily in this case.

For Fedora 16, go to menu FileConnect To Server, select the appropriate protocol, enter required details and simply connect. Just make sure that the SSH server is running on the other side. It works great.

This is valid on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) as well.


WinSCP client for Ubuntu [closed]

Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you’re trying to solve. Share your research. Here are a few suggestions on how to properly ask this type of question.

Are there any GUI clients for Ubuntu which can remotely connect to another Linux box over SCP? I heard about the fish:// protocol and Konqueror (which is for Kubuntu using KDE), but I am looking for a simple GUI SCP application for Ubuntu.

11 Answers 11

If you are used to WinSCP,
one option is to install WINE and use WinSCP itself.

(note: my link is just a reference — you may want to get the stable WINE release,
If the latest stable release of Wine (currently Wine 1.0.1) works for you,
then you may not want to use these beta packages

I guess you are referring to this kind of discussion in your question.
That thread too refers WINE as one of the options (with some notes on crashes in 2007).

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At the end is this Nautilus reference,

Ubuntu’s Nautilus file explorer works just fine.
Places->Connect to Server and select SSH.

That is probably what Martin refers in his answer.

Update: for the record, this answer was accepted because it indirectly referred SecPanel .

SecPanel: SSH GUI for Unix.
SecPanel sits on top of SSH software-suites and supports the and the OpenSSH-version.


WinSCP — копирование файлов с Linux


Обновлено: 22.09.2017 Опубликовано: 14.10.2016

Скачать WinSCP с официального сайта (бесплатная русская версия)


WinSCP — это файловый менеджер для работы по протоколам SFTP (используется SSH), SCP, FTP, WebDAV. Удобно использовать для передачи данных на компьютеры с Linux и облачные сервисы. WinSCP работает по безопасным протоколам, включающим шифрование данных.

Установка WinSCP

Переходим по ссылке выше и скачиваем установщик или портативную версию программы:

Скачиваем WinSCP

Если была скачана версия Portable, достаточно распаковать архив.

Если скачана версия для установки, запускаем файл — принимаем лицензионное соглашение и нажимаем Далее, оставляя все настройки по умолчанию. В конце нажимаем Установить и дожидаемся окончания процесса инсталляции. После оставляем галочку «Запустить WinSCP» и нажимем кнопку Готово.

Как пользоваться


Работать с программой не сложно. После ее запуска выскочит окно «Вход». Вводим данные для подключения к компьютеру с Linux:

Вводим данные для подключения к Linux

И нажимаем Войти. Если система предложит принять сертификат, соглашаемся нажав Да.

В правой части окна программы появится список папок и файлов на удаленном компьютере, слева — папки на локальном компьютере:

Окно программы WinSCP после соединения с Linux

Чтобы передать данные, выделяем курсором любой файл или папку и нажимаем клавишу F5. В появившемся окне нажимаем OK — данные будут скопированы в противоположное окно.

Полезные настройки

С настройками по умолчанию программа работает полноценно, но для удобства использвоания можно сделать нижеописанное.

Запускаем программу — в открывшемся окне «Вход» снизу вликаем по ИнструментыНастройки:

Открываем настройки программы

1. Язык

Языковые настройки

Переходим в раздел Языки и выбираем нужный. При необходимости, добавляем новый. После программу нужно перезапустить.

* Если программа запускается на английском, для запуска настроек нажимаем по ToolsPreferences — в открывшемся окне переходим в Languages — выбираем нужный или добавляем, нажав Get more.

2. Скрытые файлы

Показывать скрытые файлы

По умолчанию, программа не показывает скрытые файлы на удаленных серверах. Это не совсем удобно. Переходим в раздел Панели и ставим галочку Показывать скрытые файлы.

3. Редактор

Настройка редактора

Если мы привыкли использовать свой редактор, например, Notepad++, переходим в раздел Редакторы — нажимаем Добавить — прописываем путь до нужной программы — OK — переставляем наш редактор на самый верх.

4. Безопасность

Мастер пароль

Если мы хотим сохранять пароли для подключения к серверам, хорошей идеей будет поставить общий мастер-пароль. Для этого переходим в раздел Безопасность — ставим галочку Использовать мастер-пароль — в открывшемся окне дважды вводим пароль, который хотим использовать — также можно поставить галочку Помнить пароль в течении сессии, чтобы программа нам не надоедала — OK.

5. Обновления и статистика

Обновление и статистика

Чтобы при запуске программа не надоедала предупреждениями о доступности новых обновлений, переходим в раздел Обновления — переводим «Периодичность проверки» в положение Никогда — снимаем галочку Сообщать об обновлении при запуске.

Если нет желания отправлять статистику, снимаем галочку Разрешить анонимный сбор статистики.


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