Screen inside screen linux

Screen inside screen [duplicate]

It works with any screen command, for example will create a window in the sub-screen Solution 3: In general, if you have a screen within another screen within another screen , you can execute a command ctrl-a d in the screen: by doing: ctrl-a d by doing: ctrl-a a d by doing: ctrl-a a a d . Question: In my terminal I run a screen.

Screen inside screen [duplicate]

In my terminal I run a screen. Obviously I have several tabs and in one of them I connect to a remote server. In this one I have a detached running screen, I attach it but I can’t switch its tabs.

PS: the remote running screen has been here since many months ago and is never killed. However the local one is killed every night (company policy)

Either use a different command character for the inner screen, for instance by starting it with:

So that ^B be the command character instead of ^A and a literal ^B be entered ^Bb .

Or you’ll need to enter ^Aa (assuming the outer screen was started with the default settings, that is as if with screen -e’^Aa’ ) for the outer screen to pass that ^A to the inner screen.

That also means that to enter a literal ^A in the inner screen , you’d need to enter ^Aa^Aa .

From within screen , you can change the default command character with the escape command. So for your inner screen already started in an outer screen both using ^A as their command character, you’d enter ^Aa:escape ^Bb to change the command character to ^B

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Attaching from inside of screen? in screen session

I had a couple of session running on a screen session

There are screens on: 5073 (Attached) 1865 (Attached) 2 Sockets in /run/screen/S-user 

I have tried to use 1865 by using

The screen has the following statement. Attaching from inside of screen?

How to see what is going on in screen 1865.

screen -r -d 1865 screen -D -r 1865 

but the same thing appears.

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I used the following command to resume the attached session.

This resumed the screen session and I was able to use it.

This command can detach the screen from socket.

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Screen within Another Screen

What do you call a filming technique of having a smaller screen within the main screen? It’s typically used in a news show where the main screen shows the report from the scene and the small one shows the news studio.

The broad term is split screen .

In film and video production, split screen is the visible division of the screen, traditionally in half, but also in several simultaneous images, rupturing the illusion that the screen’s frame is a seamless view of reality, similar to that of the human eye. [. ]

In television

The split screen has also been used extensively in television programs. Newscasts often show two reporters in a split screen frame.

Note that this is a really broad term.

For instance, in the context of visual effects, split screen is often used to describe a technique that allows an actor to appear twice in the same scene. This is often used to portray twins or doppelgangers in movies which are played by one actor but share some common scenes. Here it is of course required that the split remains invisible to the viewer for the effect to work.

How to Take The Screen off a Window From The Inside, How to Take The Screen off a Window From The Inside . How to remove a window screen . window screen won’t come out. How to get the screen off the window.#windo

How do you detach the 2nd screen from within another screen?

I’ve accidentally attached to a 2nd GNU screen session from within an existing screen session and cannot detach or issue commands to the inner screen. I remember figuring out how to do that before but completely forgot and would like to keep it as reference.

One way is to detach the inner screen by doing screen -dr from shell, but what is the key combination to do that from within screen itself?

ctrl+a a will pass the escape sequence (ctrl+a) to the sub-screen.. So, ctrl+a a d will do ctrl+a d in the sub-screen (detaching it)

It works with any screen command, for example ctrl+a, a, c will create a window in the sub-screen

In general, if you have a screen s3 within another screen s2 within another screen s1 , you can execute a command ctrl-a d in the screen:

Well, there is a hack for this. Just remotely de-attach the required screen by following command

screen -r -d screen_name or screen -rd screen_name 


How open nested screen session with screen command linux

I want to open multiple sessions in one main session with a screen command, and I can do that after opening the main session and then press on the keyboard (CTRL + A + c) but I don’t want this way I want to do this using the command line only because I create a script to open the main session with multiple sub-session, so how can I achieve this. And thanks in advance 🙂

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CTRL+A+C creates a new window, not a new screen session.By «sub-session», do you mean a full screen session within another screen session, or just a shell within a screen session? (BTW, I’ve found that tmux is more powerful and versatile than screen, and easier to operate from the command line. If you haven’t gotten very comfortable with screen yet, you might consider switching.)

Yeah CTRL+A+C create a new window inside session then it became nested session, righ?, I mean when I need used nest session manually I open one screen session after that I create session with CTRL+A+C to get benefit of shortcut keys options with nested sesion. tmux? Never heard about it before, right now I need screen 😀 @KeithThompson thank you 🙂

2 Answers 2

CTRL+A+C doesn’t create a new screen session. It creates a new window within the current session.

(With a little environment trickery, you could create a nested screen session within an existing screen session, where the outer screen session and the inner screen session could each have multiple windows, but that’s probably not what you want to do.)

Each window within a screen session runs a command. By default, that command is your login shell. Thus you can have multiple shell processes running simultaneously and switch between them.

From any of those shells, you can create a new window under the current screen session using the screen command. It uses the $STY environment variable to recognize that it’s inside an existing session, which tells it to create a new window rather than starting a new session. You could also type, for example, screen vi to launch a new window running the vi editor.

All this is covered in the screen documentation ( info screen or man screen ).

(Personally, I used screen for a long time, but then switched to tmux , which I find to be more flexible, more powerful, and easier to control from the command line. If you haven’t invested a lot of time learning screen , you might consider switching. Or not; it’s up to you, of course.)


How to go to next screen in screen

I have 10 screens running in detached mode. When I do screen -r pid I can see the output from one of them. The man page says ctrl-a + n will show me the next screen, but when I do it it says: No other window. What am I missing?

Do you have 10 screens? Or 10 screen sessions? If you have 10 sessions with one screen/window each, you cannot use ctrl-a + n to switch to the next. That’s another part of why I’ve preferred tmux recently, because I can bop between sessions with ctrl-b + s and then pick one of my other tmux sessions.

I guess I have 10 sessions then. Can you explain how to start 10 screens that I can later rotate through with ctrl-a + n ?

You start screen and for each new window/screen you hit ctrl-a + c , which creates a new window in the same session.

Here I’ll have to punt to someone else. I was able to figure out what you were hitting in terms of a problem, but I was never more than a basic screen user. Especially now that I’ve switched to using tmux instead.

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4 Answers 4

The key sequence is Ctrl + a and then let go of those keys and press n .

I always refer to this cheat sheet, titled: screen Quick Reference.

If you’re attempting to cycle through the 10 screen sessions as if they’re windows they are not, and can not be to my knowledge. A session and a window are 2 completely different things in screen terminology.

You could try running one screen session with multiple windows, and configure each window in advance via ~/.screenrc . Here’s a working example :

# Automatically running some programs in windows on screen startup. # The following will open top in the first window, an ssh session to # monkey in the next window, and then open mutt and tail in windows 8 # and 9 respectively. screen top screen -t monkey ssh monkey screen -t mail 8 mutt screen -t daemon 9 tail -f /var/log/daemon.log 

Stole it from /etc/screenrc — a whole lot of clean, documented examples of screen configs there.

  • Ctrl a space — next window
  • Ctrl a backspace — previous window
  • Ctrl a » — windowlist menu
  • Ctrl a 0 — select window 0

You can do this with a shell script like

 for s in `screen -ls | grep Detached | grep `; do screen -r $s; done 

After running this, within the first screen, type Ctrl + a , release, then hid d (for detach). You will exit the current screen and the bash script take you immediately to the next.

    Lets assume you have few screens open. Lets also assume you have them categorised as work and data.

 for i in ; do screen -S `printf data%02d $i`; done; for i in ; do screen -S `printf work%02d $i`; done; . 
 There are screens on: 81592.data13 (Detached) 81539.work04 (Detached) 81527.work02 (Detached) 81586.data12 (Detached) 81574.data10 (Detached) 81533.work03 (Detached) 81488.work00 (Detached) 81607.ttys014.Mo (Attached) 81545.work05 (Detached) 81580.data11 (Detached) 81521.work01 (Detached) 81515.work00 (Detached) 12 Sockets in /var/folders/qs/cvlbhpr54fnb96vtx01bs9k00000gn/T/.screen. 

You should get something like this

 81592.data13 (Detached) 81539.work04 (Detached) 81527.work02 (Detached) 81586.data12 (Detached) 81574.data10 (Detached) 81533.work03 (Detached) 81488.work00 (Detached) 81545.work05 (Detached) 81580.data11 (Detached) 81521.work01 (Detached) 81515.work00 (Detached) 
 screen -ls | grep Detached | grep data 

This will isolate only the data screens. You can change the grep keyword with regular expressions to search to customise your search.

 81592.data13 (Detached) 81586.data12 (Detached) 81574.data10 (Detached) 81580.data11 (Detached) 
  1. Luckily the result is well structured and tab delimited. Now lets split the columns into fields and choose the 2nd field using cut .
 screen -ls | grep Detached | grep data | cut -d' ' -f2 

You will need to press ctrl+v then tab to insert a tab after the delimiter parameter -d . The results should be like this.

81592.data13 81586.data12 81574.data10 81580.data11 
  1. Now pack this into a command using the . quotes and loop over the results like this. Always check the formulated commands 1st before actually running it. I used echo screen -r
 for s in `screen -ls | \ grep Detached | grep data | \ cut -d' ' -f2`; do \ echo screen -r $s; \ done 
 for s in `screen -ls | \ grep Detached | grep data | \ cut -d' ' -f2`; do \ screen -r $s; \ done 


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