Secure boot violation linux

Ubuntu 16.04 no longer booting on Lenovo Y70 Touch Error «Verification failed: (0x1A) Security Violation

I have Ubuntu installed as the sole operating system on a Lenovo Y70 touch laptop. It was version 16.04. After a recent update, the system would not start. Instead, I am presented with a blue screen saying verification failed: (0x1A) Security Violation. I can’t fire up a terminal, boot from a live USB or use an alternate screen. I went into the BIOS and attempted to disable UEFI. But the change won’t stick. It always reverts to a UEFI boot. I don’t have a recovery disk, and Lenovo won’t provide a way to revert to Windows. Has anyone come across this problem before?

1 Answer 1

Turn off secure boot in the BIOS/UEFI. Also try to save settings or press F10 and choose yes at the save dialog.

Edit: On a second thought this could be solved by signing/trusting the bootloader, kernel and kernel modules for UEFI Secure Boot too.

But to do this one has to find a live media which will still boot the machine. Then create a chroot environment, do all the complex work needed to prepare a secure boot. Then save the results to the internal file system.

Then reboot and see what happens. If issues arise (yes there may be problems even if you have related experience) you have to start it over and check what went wrong.

This may take days or weeks to solve it this way. If you wish to learn by this it may be worth doing, otherwise it’s just a waste of time.

I guess the difficulty is way beyond intermediate level sysadmin skills.

Nevertheless, I’ve found some nice Ubuntu based documentation how to do the secure boot part, in case you chose to try.


Thread: Secure Boot Violation

paulh1252 is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

Secure Boot Violation

I’m a novice Ubuntu user, having changed over from Windows a couple of months ago. Everything has been working fine up to now. Last night I wanted to update my version of Kodi to their latest nightly. The instructions on their wiki page are to simply enter:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

I did this and the terminal span through a lot of updates. When I next turned on my computer I got the message: «Secure Boot Violation — Invalid signature detected. Check secure boot policy in set up.» I ok’d that screen and everything booted up as normal and I’m logged in now with no noticeable problems. Having searched these forums I understand it’s often to do with video drivers, but I’m surprised that this was caused by my upgrading Kodi. The other thing that happened was I kept getting a message about ttf-mscorefonts-installer failing to install properly, so I followed the forum guidance to use the Synaptics program to install that program and the error message has stopped appearing.

Читайте также:  Linux команды sudo apt get

So my question is whether there is any way I can see what updates installed when I upgraded Kodi last night and what other updates may have caused the conflict with my UEFI secure boot.
Is there any way to check what unsigned programs I may have on my system. In the process of changing over from Windows to Ubuntu I obviously had to install a lot of packages, and to be honest didn’t keep copious notes about how I did it.
Alternatively, should I worry about the error message I’m not dual booting. I don’t really understand UEFI and whether I need to use it or secure mode if I’m no longer using Windows and not dual booting.

I’m using an MSI CX61 laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS as the operating system. I hope that’s enough information, but please do ask if you need more.


Secure boot violation linux

Если после установки Linux Mint в режиме EFI не удается загрузить из-за Secure Boot Violation , можно попробовать одно из следующих решений:


  • Перезапустите установку
    • Подключитесь к Internet перед установкой
    • Не выбирайте Установить стороннее программное обеспечение для видеокарт и устройств Wi-Fi, а также Flash, MP3 и других медиаданных .

    В качестве примера, как отключить secure boot на некоторых компьютерах, прочтите Managing EFI Boot Loaders for Linux: Dealing with Secure Boot.

    Порядок загрузки EFI¶

    Если после установки Linux Mint в режиме EFI ваш компьютер пропускает меню загрузки и загружается прямо в Windows (или другую операционную систему), у вас, вероятно, возникли проблемы с порядком загрузки.

    Для изменения порядка загрузки:

    1. Загрузите Linux Mint в « live«режиме (с Вашего USB накопителя или DVD).
    2. Откройте терминал
    3. Type sudo efibootmgr and press Enter .

    Эта команда выведет список доступных параметров и порядка загрузки.


    На снимке экрана выше, есть три варианта загрузки:

    Порядок загрузки (BootOrder) имеет значение 0081 . Это указывает, что компьютер попытается загрузить только Mac OS, а не Linux Mint.

    По техническим причинам Linux Mint использует ubuntu в качестве имени пункта загрузки EFI.

    1. Чтобы исправить порядок загрузки, напишите sudo efibootmgr —bootorder XXXX,YYYY , где XXXX и YYYY — опции загрузки операционной системы, которую вы хотите загрузить.


    В снимке экрана выше строка sudo efibootmgr —bootorder 0000,0081 указывает компьютеру сначала пробовать запустить Linux Mint ( ubuntu — загрузочное имя Linux Mint в EFI), а затем Mac OS.

    В снимке экрана выше 0000 — первая опция загрузки, так что компьютер загружает меню GRUB для Linux Mint. Если GRUB упадёт (или будет остановлен командой exit ), то компьютер, следуя порядку загрузки, пытается запустить 0081 , что соответствует Mac OS.

    © Copyright 2017, Linux Mint Revision d8fbd844 .

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    Security Violation on boot off Usb

    I have a bootable USB drive with Kali Linux on it When I try to boot off it, my BIOS will alert me that it cannot boot due to a *SECURITY VIOLATION* Then it boots to my current OS. (Ubuntu) How do I stop this from happening and boot to Kali? Thanks in advance!

    If you’re going to run Kali you should be able to get around a simple BIOS security feature, right? 😉 Did you check if secure boot is disabled?

    2 Answers 2

    Your BIOS has secure boot configured. This is a newer feature introduced with EFI that allows installed operating systems to «register» themselves with the bios. The bios will then only allow those OSes to be launched. It also, by default, refuses to boot from external/removable media.

    You should find the secure boot options in your bios settings near where you configure boot order. Simply turn secure boot off. Do not turn EFI off as you may need EFI to boot Ubuntu (if it was installed with EFI turned on, the Ubuntu installer defaults to EFI mode for the bootloader).

    Disable secure boot in your BIOS.

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    Secure boot violation linux

    If after installing Linux Mint in EFI mode, you are unable to boot due to a Secure Boot Violation , you can try one of the following solutions:


    • Restart the installation:
      • Connect to the Internet before the installation
      • Do not select Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware, Flash, MP3 and other media .

      For examples of how to disable secure boot on various computers, read Managing EFI Boot Loaders for Linux: Dealing with Secure Boot.

      EFI boot order¶

      If after installing Linux Mint in EFI mode, your computer skips the boot menu and boots straight into Windows (or another operating system), you probably have an issue with the boot order.

      1. Boot Linux Mint in live mode (with your USB stick or DVD).
      2. Open a terminal.
      3. Type sudo efibootmgr and press Enter .

      This command lists the available boot options and the boot order.


      In the screenshot above, there are three boot options:

      The boot order is 0081 . This indicates that the computer only tries to boot Mac OS and not Linux Mint.

      For technical reasons Linux Mint uses ubuntu as its EFI boot name.

      1. To fix the boot order, type sudo efibootmgr —bootorder XXXX,YYYY (where XXXX and YYYY are the operating system boot options you want to boot).


      In the screenshot above, sudo efibootmgr —bootorder 0000,0081 instructs the computer to first try to boot Linux Mint ( ubuntu being the EFI boot name for Linux Mint), and then Mac OS.

      In the screenshot above 0000 is the first boot option so the computer boots on the Linux Mint grub menu. If grub fails (or if it is dismissed with the exit command), the computer follows the boot order and then tries to boot 0081 , which corresponds to Mac OS.

      © Copyright 2017, Linux Mint Revision d8fbd844 .

      Versions latest Downloads pdf html epub On Read the Docs Project Home Builds Free document hosting provided by Read the Docs.


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