See log files linux

Classic SysAdmin: Viewing Linux Logs from the Command Line

This is a classic article written by Jack Wallen from the archives. For more great SysAdmin tips and techniques check out our free intro to Linux course.

At some point in your career as a Linux administrator, you are going to have to view log files. After all, they are there for one very important reason…to help you troubleshoot an issue. In fact, every seasoned administrator will immediately tell you that the first thing to be done, when a problem arises, is to view the logs.

And there are plenty of logs to be found: logs for the system, logs for the kernel, for package managers, for Xorg, for the boot process, for Apache, for MySQL… For nearly anything you can think of, there is a log file.

Most log files can be found in one convenient location: /var/log. These are all system and service logs, those which you will lean on heavily when there is an issue with your operating system or one of the major services. For desktop app-specific issues, log files will be written to different locations (e.g., Thunderbird writes crash reports to ‘~/.thunderbird/Crash Reports’). Where a desktop application will write logs will depend upon the developer and if the app allows for custom log configuration.

We are going to be focus on system logs, as that is where the heart of Linux troubleshooting lies. And the key issue here is, how do you view those log files?

Fortunately there are numerous ways in which you can view your system logs, all quite simply executed from the command line.


This is such a crucial folder on your Linux systems. Open up a terminal window and issue the command cd /var/log. Now issue the command ls and you will see the logs housed within this directory (Figure 1).

Now, let’s take a peek into one of those logs.

Viewing logs with less

One of the most important logs contained within /var/log is syslog. This particular log file logs everything except auth-related messages. Say you want to view the contents of that particular log file. To do that, you could quickly issue the command less /var/log/syslog. This command will open the syslog log file to the top. You can then use the arrow keys to scroll down one line at a time, the spacebar to scroll down one page at a time, or the mouse wheel to easily scroll through the file.

The one problem with this method is that syslog can grow fairly large; and, considering what you’re looking for will most likely be at or near the bottom, you might not want to spend the time scrolling line or page at a time to reach that end. Will syslog open in the less command, you could also hit the [Shift]+[g] combination to immediately go to the end of the log file. The end will be denoted by (END). You can then scroll up with the arrow keys or the scroll wheel to find exactly what you want.

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This, of course, isn’t terribly efficient.

Viewing logs with dmesg

The dmesg command prints the kernel ring buffer. By default, the command will display all messages from the kernel ring buffer. From the terminal window, issue the command dmesg and the entire kernel ring buffer will print out (Figure 2).

Fortunately, there is a built-in control mechanism that allows you to print out only certain facilities (such as daemon).

Say you want to view log entries for the user facility. To do this, issue the command dmesg –facility=user. If anything has been logged to that facility, it will print out.

Unlike the less command, issuing dmesg will display the full contents of the log and send you to the end of the file. You can always use your scroll wheel to browse through the buffer of your terminal window (if applicable). Instead, you’ll want to pipe the output of dmesg to the less command like so:

The above command will print out the contents of dmesg and allow you to scroll through the output just as you did viewing a standard log with the less command.

Viewing logs with tail

The tail command is probably one of the single most handy tools you have at your disposal for the viewing of log files. What tail does is output the last part of files. So, if you issue the command tail /var/log/syslog, it will print out only the last few lines of the syslog file.

But wait, the fun doesn’t end there. The tail command has a very important trick up its sleeve, by way of the -f option. When you issue the command tail -f /var/log/syslog, tail will continue watching the log file and print out the next line written to the file. This means you can follow what is written to syslog, as it happens, within your terminal window (Figure 3).

Using tail in this manner is invaluable for troubleshooting issues.

To escape the tail command (when following a file), hit the [Ctrl]+[x] combination.

You can also instruct tail to only follow a specific amount of lines. Say you only want to view the last five lines written to syslog; for that you could issue the command:

The above command would follow input to syslog and only print out the most recent five lines. As soon as a new line is written to syslog, it would remove the oldest from the top. This is a great way to make the process of following a log file even easier. I strongly recommend not using this to view anything less than four or five lines, as you’ll wind up getting input cut off and won’t get the full details of the entry.

There are other tools

You’ll find plenty of other commands (and even a few decent GUI tools) to enable the viewing of log files. Look to more, grep, head, cat, multitail, and System Log Viewer to aid you in your quest to troubleshooting systems via log files.

Advance your career with Linux system administration skills. Check out the Essentials of System Administration course from The Linux Foundation.


How to View & Read Linux Log Files

All Linux systems create and store information log files for boot processes, applications, and other events. These files can be a helpful resource for troubleshooting system issues.

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Most Linux log files are stored in a plain ASCII text file and are in the /var/log directory and subdirectory. Logs are generated by the Linux system daemon log, syslogd or rsyslogd.

This tutorial will walk you through how to find and read Linux log files, and configure the system logging daemon.

Tutorial on how to view and read Linux log files.

How to View Linux Logs

1. First, open the Linux terminal as a root user. This will enable root privileges.

2. Use the following command to see the log files:

3. To view the logs, type the following command:

The command displays all Linux log files, such as kern.log and boot.log. These files contain the necessary information for the proper function of the operating system.

How to list all Linux log files in command line.

Log files are accessed using root privileges. By definition, root is the default account that has access to all Linux files.

Use the following example line command to access the respective file:

sudo less [log name here].log

This command displays a timeline of all information related to that operation.

Note that log files are stored in plain text so they can be viewed by using the following standard commands:

zcat – Displays all the contents of logfile.gz

zmore – See the file in pages, without decompressing the files

zgrep – Search inside a compressed file

grep – Find all occurrences of a search term in a file or filter a log file

head – View the very beginning of text files

Note: Check out our comprehensive guide on grep to learn how to use it with examples.

Important Linux System Logs

Logs can tell a lot about the operations of a system. A good understanding of each type of file will help how to distinguish the respective logs.

Most directories can be grouped into one of four categories:

Many of these logs can be located in the var/log subdirectory.

System Logs

Systems log files are needed for Linux to work. On its own, it contains the most significant amount of information about system functionality. The most common log files are:

  • /var/log/boot.log : System Boot log (the boot log stores all information related to booting operations)
  • /var/log/auth.log : Auth logs (the authentication log stores all authentication logs, including successful and failed attempts)
  • /var/log/httpd/ : Apache access and error logs
  • /var/log/mysqld.log : MySQL database server log file
  • /var/log/debug : Debug logs (the debug log stores detailed messages related to debugging and is useful for troubleshooting specific system operations)
  • /var/log/daemon.log : Daemon logs (the daemon log contains information about events related to running the Linux operation)
  • /var/log/maillog : Mail server logs (the mail log stores information related to mail servers and archiving emails)
  • /var/log/kern.log : Kernel logs (the kernel log stores information from the Ubuntu Linux kernel)
  • /var/log/yum.log : Yum command logs

System Logging Daemon

A daemon log is a program that runs in the background and is essential for system operations. These logs have their own category of logs and are seen as the heart of the logging operations for any system.

The path for the system login daemon’s configuration is /etc/syslog.conf .

Each file consists of a selector and an action entry field. The syslogd daemon can forward log messages as well. This can be useful for debugging purposes.

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Application Logs

Application logs store information relevant to any application that is executed. This can include error messages, signs of system compromise, and browser identification string.

Log files that fall into this category include CUPS Print System logs, Rootkit Hunter log, Apache HTTP server logs, Samba SMB server logs, and X11 server log.

Non-Human-Readable Logs

Not all logs are designed in a human-readable format. Some are designed only to be read by system applications. Such files are often related to login information. They include login failure logs, last logins logs, and login records.

There are tools and software for reading Linux log files. They are not necessary for reading files as most can be read directly from the Linux terminal.

Supplemental GUIs for Viewing Linux Log Files

System Log Viewer is a GUI that can be used to monitor system logs.

The interface provides several functions for managing logs, including a log statistics display. It is a user-friendly log monitoring GUI.

  • A live view of logs
  • Number of lines in the log
  • Log size
  • Most recent log dates
  • Modifications made to logs
  • Filters
  • Keyboard Shortcuts

Alternatively, use Xlogmaster which can monitor a considerable number of log files. It features three different modes:

  • Run mode: Starts a specified program and obtains stdout
  • Cat mode: Cats files within specified intervals
  • Tail mode: Checks log files within regular intervals

Xlogmaster is useful for increasing security. It translates all data for highlighting, hiding lines, and displays this information for taking user requested action.

How to Configure Log Files on Ubuntu and CentOS

This section explains different mechanisms for configuring log files. Let’s start with a CentOS example.

To view users currently logged onto a Linux server, enter the who command as a root user:

List users that are logged into the Linux system.

This also lists the login history of users. To view the login history of the system administrator, enter the following command:

View login hisotry of the system administrator.

To view information of the last login, enter:

View information of the last login onto Linux system.

Execute Log Rotation

Log files that have zeroes appended at the end are rotated files. That means log file names have automatically been changed within the system.

The purpose of log rotation is to compress outdated logs that are taking up space. Log rotation can be done using the logrotate command. This command rotates, compresses, and mails system logs.

logrotate handles systems that create significant amounts of log files. The command is used by the cron scheduler and reads the logrotate configuration file /etc/logrotate.conf . It’s also used to read files in the logrotate configuration directory.

To include additional functionality to logrotate, start by entering the following command:

It compresses and resizes the desired log file.

The commands perform the actions as follows:

missingok – Tells logrotate not to output an error if a log file is missing

notifempty – Does not rotate the log file if it is empty. It reduces the size of the log file with gzip

size – Ensures that the log file does not exceed the specified dimension and rotates it otherwise

daily – Rotates the log files on a daily schedule. This can also be done on a weekly or monthly schedule

create – Instantiates a log file where the owner and group are a root user

A thorough understanding of how to view and read Linux logs is necessary for troubleshooting a Linux system.

Using the proper commands and tools can simplify this process.


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