Service not found linux

Service command not found cron

I need to start the icecast2 service on startup. To to make it run on boot, I added to crontab (root) the following line:

@reboot service icecast2 start >/home/pi/logs/icecast2.log 2>&1 
@reboot service /usr/bin/icecast2 start >/home/pi/logs/icecast2.log 2>&1 
  • When I type sudo service icecast2 start it works.
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2 Answers 2

You don’t need to use cron to get a service to start a boot.

systemctl enable icecast2 

That will start it on boot every time.

@Dante Yes, that syntax will work for any service. You can start them with crontab but it’s not needed as running that command with systemctl does the same thing much more easily.

The service program expect parameter 1 to be an executable within /etc/init.d/ directory. In the crontab file, you specified the path to the icecast2 executable.

You should read up on init systems for Debian/Unix. AFAIK, Debian uses the now de-facto standard systemd init system, which is responsible to start services at boot (and much more), while service is now a wrapper script for systemd’s systemctl , which controls the services (now called Units ) like so:

But service will remain backwards-compatible to the old init system (called sysvinit ), so you can still use service instead of systemctl .

Starting your services/daemons via cron is discouraged, since the de-facto standard is to define systemd units which offer a better structure and more functionality, or using old-school runlevel scripts in /etc/rc.d that are called automatically once the kernel reaches a certain runlevel («boot state»).

Do yourself a favor and search for the terms mentioned above on the web, lots of fun are to be had.


Bash Service Command Not Found: Causes and Solutions for Linux Users

Learn why the «bash: service: command not found» error occurs on Linux systems and how to resolve it by installing the initscripts package or updating the PATH variable. Discover alternative commands and tools for managing services and other helpful tips.

  • Causes of the “bash: service: command not found” error
  • Solutions for resolving the error
  • Bash: service: command not found, Kali Linux/Ubuntu
  • Alternative commands and tools
  • Additional tips and helpful points
  • Other helpful code samples for «bash: service: command not found» error
  • Conclusion
  • How do I fix command not found?
  • How to install service command in Linux?
  • How to install service command on Mac?
  • How to install bash command in Linux?
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As a Linux user, you may encounter the error message “bash: service: command not found” when attempting to use the service command. This error can be frustrating and prevent you from managing services effectively. In this post, we will explore the causes of this error and provide solutions for resolving it.

Causes of the “bash: service: command not found” error

The “bash: service: command not found” error occurs when the initscripts package is not installed on the system or when the PATH variable is not set correctly. The PATH variable is a list of directories that the shell searches for executable files. If the directory containing the service command is not listed in the PATH variable, the shell will not be able to find it. The location of the shell’s configuration file (e.g. ~/.bashrc for Bash, ~/.zshrc for Zsh) can vary depending on the type of shell being used.

Solutions for resolving the error

Install the initscripts package

The easiest solution is to install the initscripts package using a package manager such as yum or apt-get. For example, on Ubuntu and Debian-based systems, you can run the following command to install the initscripts package:

sudo apt-get install initscripts 

On CentOS and Fedora-based systems, you can run the following command to install the initscripts package:

sudo yum install initscripts 

Add the directory containing the service command to the PATH variable

Another option is to add the directory containing the service command to the PATH variable using the export command. For example, if the service command is located in the /usr/sbin directory, you can add it to the PATH variable by running the following command:

This will add the /usr/sbin directory to the PATH variable for the current session. To make this change permanent, you will need to modify your shell’s configuration file. For Bash users, this is typically the ~/.bashrc file. You can open this file in a text editor and add the following line:

Save the file and run the following command to apply the changes:

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Check permissions

If the error persists, you may need to check whether you have the necessary permissions to run the command as a superuser (root user). You can run the following command to check if you are currently logged in as a superuser:

If the output is “root”, you are logged in as a superuser. If not, you can run the following command to switch to the root user:

Consult documentation and online forums

If the error still persists, it may be helpful to consult online forums or documentation specific to your Linux distribution for additional support. Linux communities are typically very helpful and may be able to provide specific solutions tailored to your system.

Bash: service: command not found, Kali Linux/Ubuntu

Alternative commands and tools

The service command is specific to certain Linux distributions and is not used on macOS. Users may consider using alternative commands or tools such as systemctl or chkconfig to manage services.


Systemctl is a command used by systemd, a system and service manager, to control the state of the system and services. To start a service using systemctl, you can run the following command:

sudo systemctl start servicename 


Chkconfig is a command used to update and query runlevel information for system services. To list all services managed by chkconfig, you can run the following command:

Additional tips and helpful points

Here are some additional tips and helpful points to keep in mind when troubleshooting the “bash: service: command not found” error:

  • Keeping the system up to date with the latest software updates may help prevent similar issues from occurring.
  • Users may benefit from learning more about the Linux command line and shell scripting to better understand the underlying causes of the error.
  • Troubleshooting the issue may involve checking system logs or consulting with a Linux administrator for support.

Other helpful code samples for «bash: service: command not found» error

In Shell as proof, -bash: service: command not found code sample

apt-get install sysvinit-utils


The “bash: service: command not found” error can be frustrating for Linux users, but it can be resolved by installing the initscripts package or updating the PATH variable. Alternative commands and tools such as systemctl or chkconfig may also be useful for managing services. By following the tips and solutions provided in this post, users can resolve this error and continue managing their services efficiently.


service command not found

Can’t help much because I use Bash. But here is a question identical to yours about common applications path pointing in the wrong direction.

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Check your PATH variable. The service command for me is located in /usr/sbin/service so make sure /usr/sbin is added to your PATH

I see you got it. Don’t mind if I post it as an answer ? Also , FYI for the future, after you edit .zshrc file or .bashrc ( for bash ) file use source command ( or if that’s dash or ksh shell , use . ) . For example, source ~/.bashrc That will reload the configuration

@Unique Since this is a Q&A site, all answers are expected to be in answer section only. Considering this, I have rolled back your edit. Moreover, it seems you found Sergiy comment and answer helpful. You might consider marking their answer as accepted.

3 Answers 3

command not found typically results from 2 cases:

  1. an executable not having execute permissions for your user or group
  2. an executable not belonging to a folder listed in PATH variable , or the opposite — PATH variable that does not contain the location of your executable.

As have been solved in the comments , your case is #2. For future readers, the solution is as such:

  1. open your shell’s configuration file in any text editor. If your shell is bash open ~/.bashrc , if your shell is zsh open ~/.zshrc . Note that ~ refers to your home directory.
  2. Add line export PATH=»$PATH:/usr/sbin» . Note, that /usr/sbin is just an example, your location might be different.
  3. Save the file, exit and run source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc . Note, that for shells such as ksh or dash you will need to use . ~/.bashrc since source command is bashism and is not portable


Error- bash: service: command not found – Install initscripts

On a minimal Linux system sometimes you can face the error while dealing with any system service to start|stop|restart|enable it. This error “bash: service: command not found” appears because the “initscripts” package has not been installed on your system.

bash service command not found Install initscripts

Here are the commands to install Service on different Linux operating systems-


apt install sysvinit-utils
apt install init-system-helpers

RHEL/CentOS/Rocky Linux/ AlmaLinux

apt-get install sysvinit-utils

Once the installation is completed, you can use the Service command to handle various Linux services-

Common service command syntax.

To Start/Stop/Restart/Reload service

service service-name start|stop|restart|reload

example– sudo service apache2 start

For full restart

service system-service-name --full-restart

example– sudo service mysql —ful-restart

Show the current status of a service:

service system-service-name status

example– sudo service apache2 status

List the status of all services:


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