Сглаживание шрифтов firefox linux

Font rendering in Firefox is blurry

A picture is worth a thousand words. so does anyone know how to fix this font blurriness in Firefox? (You’ll need to right-click the picture below go to View Image to view it full-size; it’s too small to see anything here.) 1Note: My other applications (and the Firefox non-client area, as you can see in the screen) are completely fine, so obviously going to System->Appearance and changing the font settings isn’t fixing the situation. Edit: Not letting web pages to use their own fonts also doesn’t help: 1See how the upper one is still sharper? Also, Firefox’s own menu bar doesn’t render the same way as the page content (menu bar below, page content above). They’re both Segoe UI: 1

I always had that issue with the default firefox config on Ubuntu, my solution was to disable the «Allow pages to set their font» option, there is an old bug about this: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/220568 .

@DisgruntledGoat: Both Windows and Linux above perform subpixel smoothing, what’s different is the hinting mechanism.

The Windows version is «sharper» yes, but also, more pixelated, uglier and more distracting. But seriously, this is a taste thing, folks.

I was talking about relative pixelation of one versus the other. But never mind that. You can of course set SegoeUI as your default font on webpages (under Edit > Preferences > Content > Fonts & Colors), but if the website requests something else, it’ll get it, unless you make it so that websites never get to use their own fonts, which I wouldn’t recommend. For a compromise, you can use something like the Stylish plugin to get your favorite fonts on the sites you use most often. There’s even a UserStyle for «Google in SegoeUI»: userstyles.org/styles/6896

8 Answers 8

All right, I found the solution:

It was all because I was using the Segoe UI Light font everywhere in the system, but Firefox was using Segoe UI Regular. By (hackishly) changing the font in About:Config, I managed to get it to look almost the way I wanted. but now, the font spacing is too low and things are squished together.

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If anyone knows how to increase the spacing, that would be fantastic! 🙂

This might also happen due non-availability of MicroSoft fonts. Install MScoreture fonts.

sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

I am couldnot see the picture, it is blocked at my office firewall. Mine answer is guess, as i have faced a similar problem in past, but installing fonts solved it for me.

But this isn’t a Firefox solution! Every other application is fine, I don’t need to mess up other things! Why exactly would a Firefox solution need a system-wide change?

I actually think it might help to remove msttcorefonts, or generally, the Windows fonts. The screenshot shows the same fonts, but Windows has a special hinting mechanisms for its own fonts. If the problem is font-specific rather than application-specific, that might explain why the titlebars (which are presumbly not using Arial or other MS fonts) look different.

Linux and Windows render fonts differently, so you can’t expect to have same font in Windows and Ubuntu rendered the same. This is also an issue on Mac, and there are lots of articles around discussing the difference.

Generally, this Wikipedia article is a good starting point for reading

If you are bothered, you can play with «Hinting» section in Gnome appearance settings (Font tab).

PS: To illustrate the fact that this is not Firefox issue, here’s a screenshot I made in gEdit, using Arial 10pt font. You will see that it’s rendered exactly the same as in Firefox screenshot you’ve posted:

Screenshot from gEdit

Another screenshot, now gedit and FF side-by-side:

FF vs gEdit

I have tried — again, the issue isn’t with every application, it’s just with Firefox, and just with the web content (no issue with the toolbars and such).

Are you sure you are talking about the exact same fonts that you consider well rendered in Linux? By default, Linux doesn’t use MS fonts which you are comparing in browser (Arial, in particular). For comparison, make a screenshot using the same font (say, Arial or Verdana) in gedit and notepad . I am pretty sure Firefox doesn’t render fonts differently than rest of Ubuntu.

@Mladen: «I am pretty sure Firefox doesn’t render fonts differently than rest of Ubuntu.» Except that it does. (I’ve found the problem all around the net, but not the solution.)

@Mladen: Take a look at my screenshot. (And could you please post the screenshot of the same text for yours, but in Firefox? You can’t really compare just one thing. )

I’ve been trying to fix this problem for two years now, and my only solution has been to force Firefox to use my selected fonts. Not ideal, but better than the Firefox defaults. And the thing that drives me completely insane is that, if you install Opera under Linux and compare its font rendering with the same page in Firefox under Windows, the pages look virtually identical.

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I’ve asked before, and I’ll ask again here and now: How is it that Firefox can get it right in Windows, and Opera can get it right under Linux, but Firefox can’t get it right under Linux?

Given that Opera gets it right, I’d say this ISN’T an issue with system fonts, especially since I have a complete set of Microsoft TTF fonts installed on my Linux box. The web page tells the browser what fonts to use and the browser should use them — if Opera can find and use them on my system, FF should too. This is a FIREFOX BUG, I reported it to them a long time ago, and after at least two years it’s way past time they got their act together and fixed it.

I think you’ve answered your own question now (that the two screenshots are showing different fonts/weights)!

The main lesson here is that currently Firefox does its own thing with font rendering and doesn’t pick up the same font preferences set in GNOME or KDE. There’s bug #621198 («Check+Harmonise X/Fontconfig/Gtk+/Firefox/Chromium/Konq/Qt/KDE rendering preferences») to try and fix that.

On the subject of font rendering preferences themselves; it’s very subjective. A low-resolution display (as compared to a 600 DPI laser-printer) does not have sufficient pixels to render the glyphs in their original form. The choices are either to anti-alias/grayscale the text, or to intentionally distort the text to fit the pixel-grid (called «hinting»).

  • Geometric accuracy (aka «blurry») is the Mac OSX historic default
  • In the middle (aka «slight hinting») is the Ubuntu historic default
  • Fully hinted (aka «sharp») is the MS Windows historic default

People tend to prefer what they’re used to; it’s possible to argue equally that each is better/worse than the others. Ubuntu ships with a default in the middle of the two extremes applying a default of hinting in the vertical direction only.

In addition, most platforms now use sub-pixel rendering, which makes use of knowledge of the orientation and physical characteristics of the monitor to attempt to display more detail in the letters—at the cost of colour fringing. You can configure all of these settings under Ubuntu to your own liking, but you are currently required to apply them again for Firefox/Chromium until the bug above is fixed.

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firefox 3.5 — шрифты без сглаживания?

Как-то странно ведут себя шрифты в релизнутом 3.5 фаерфоксе, такое ощущение, что отвалилось сглаживание. Сборка — официальная, бинарная. Кто ещё может подтвердить?

Re: firefox 3.5 — шрифты без сглаживания?

Могу, только у меня lcdfilter lcdlegacy использует. Дистр убунта 9.04, fonts.conf вот:     true    hintslight    rgb    true    false   sans-serif Droid Sans   serif Droid Serif   monospace Droid Sans Mono   Helvetica Liberation Sans   Times Liberation Serif   Courier Liberation Mono    Рецепт с нета не помог, пиняю на свой конфиг, но менять его не собираюсь, он мне нравится. А firefox и третий сойдёт, обновления безопасности ещё выпускать будут.

Re: firefox 3.5 — шрифты без сглаживания?

>Рецепт с нета не помог

А что за рецепт? Я не нагуглил что-то


Firefox и сглаживание

Упорно игнорирует общие настройки сглаживания, чтобы не трогать шрифты с такого-то по такой-то кегль. Всего-то, что мне нужно — отключить сглаживание до 10 кегля. Игры с font.antialias.min ничего не дают.

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

У меня такая же ботва, только наоборот: сглаживание не включается (

ну и
никак не влияет.

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

В генте есть такая фишка: если собирать фокса с USE=»moznopango», то он будет нафиг игнорировать настройки .fonts.conf и прочих, а вот с USE=»-moznopango» все нормально включается/выключается вместе с остальными.

Может причина именно в этом?

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

Вот как бы еще посмотреть, с какими ключами собирали убунтовцы.

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

moznopango дает прирост в производительности +30%. Сам только что на лису перешел и все сокрушался что она так лагает.

Включил мознопангу — начала летать. Так что, имхо надо идти на форум мозиллы и спрашивать про настройки при включенной опции.

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

Спасибо. И правда летает )) Из описания не понятно что она делала, поэтому вырубил )))

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

>Вот как бы еще посмотреть, с какими ключами собирали убунтовцы.

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

moznopango нету, однако есть похожий ключ

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

>В генте есть такая фишка: если собирать фокса с USE=»moznopango», то он будет нафиг игнорировать настройки .fonts.conf и прочих, а вот с USE=»-moznopango» все нормально включается/выключается вместе с остальными.

Пересобирать нет никакой необходимости. Панго можно отключить уже после сборки. Создаем файл ~/.mozilla/firefox/rc и туда добавляем строчку:

Re: Firefox и сглаживание

После указанного действия FF скромно сообщает о сегфолте (


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