Sharing wifi to wifi mac os

How do I share a Wi-Fi connection via a Wi-Fi hotspot?

This question is an extension of this question. While my answer did answer the question, there was one part that wasn’t answered: how do I share a Wi-Fi connection via a Wi-Fi hotspot?

No, my question is how to share a Wi-Fi network over Wi-Fi, not just the general question of sharing a Wi-Fi network connection.

7 Answers 7

You can’t «share» a Wi-Fi connection via a Wi-Fi hotspot.

What is misleading everybody is the inapropriate use of the technical term of sharing when the function we are talking of is a redistribution.

When 2 PC are connected on the same Wi-Fi hotspot they are truly sharing the same connection: they are using the same Wi-Fi channel, they are sharing the router IP public address.

When you start up InternetSharing within System Preferences > Sharing you are not starting a sharing, but the redistribution of a main network access toward a secondary network access. On this secondary network access, you are acting as an access router. You are distributing IP private addresses. On your primary network access you have a public IP address, on your secondary network access, you have a private IP address, and you translate the traffic IP addresses from the public side toward the private side and the other way around. To be able to perform this redistribution of IP traffic coming from your primary network access toward the same physical access your OS should be able to present you this physical interface as 2 differents virtual interfaces, typically en1 and en2 .

MacOS X doesn’t provide such a virtualisation function.

You can’t redistribute your Ethernet connection toward your Ethernet connection.
You can’t redistribute your Wi-Fi connection toward your Wi-Fi connection.

Connectify (on Windows 7) is simply selling a standard function of Windows which permit to create 2 virtual Wi-Fi interfaces on top of one physical one (see: Wi-Fi hotspot for Windows 7). Then Windows redistribute the network access of the primary Wi-Fi toward the second one.


Share Wifi to Wifi

You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.


macrumors 68000

Is it possible to share my internet from Wifi to wifi. Act as a wireless router but getting internet from wifi too?


macrumors 65816

Yes I believe you should be able to do this.


macrumors 68000


macrumors 68000

I am not positive but I believe it you would be able to do what you are wanting it will either be through the internet share, but you might require another dongle to make it happen. I would think that an airport express or another similar device would be the better and more efficient design and for rather cheap as well.

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macrumors regular

I don’t believe this will be possible as the wifi radio can only connect to one wifi at a time and I doubt it can connect to one and create it’s own at the same time either.

What use case do you have? there may be a better solution.

I’m sure you have a good reason but right now I’m hard pressed to think of one. It seems to me that any time your mac could connect to wifi, the other devices could too.


macrumors 65816

Small White Car

macrumors G4

Yeah, I’m trying to think of a reason why he could sign on the Mac but not the other device and I’m not coming up with anything.


macrumors newbie

Yeah, I’m trying to think of a reason why he could sign on the Mac but not the other device and I’m not coming up with anything.

A computer can sometimes pick up a wifi signal that a small device like a phone can’t pick up at all.

If the wifi available is of poor strength — but enough for the Mac to pick it up — the Mac could potentially re-broadcast the wifi to the phone, acting as a wireless repeater. To rebroadcast the wifi using wifi would require the Mac to have a USB wifi dongle in addition to it’s internal wifi. It appears it can be done with Bluetooth but I’ve never tried this.


macrumors 68000

It’s actually for my 3DS. It can’t understand my schools security for the wifi, so I have to repeat it from my mac.


macrumors 6502a

As others have pointed out, and I can confirm, it’s not possible using only the built-in wifi. You do have some options, however.

1) Connect to the school’s wifi using your Mac, then share the connection over ethernet. Plug a wifi access point (or router set to access point mode) into the ethernet port. Connect your DS to that.

2) Buy a USB wifi card. Share wifi from your internal card to your USB card. Connect the DS to the USB card.

EDIT: Note that both of these methods can be detected by your school’s IT department, and both are usually against your terms of service. If the school decides to crack down on this, it is entirely possible that you will be caught, and some schools have been known to disable a student’s internet access for a semester (or longer) as punishment for TOS violations.


macrumors member

The conditions to share «WIFI over WIFI» are:
1. Your WIFI chip can open more than one channel.
2. you have a software router that will work in Access Point Mode.
3. the operating system must be capable of handling the above 2

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I have a MBP from 2010 with bootcamp running windows 7 and I can share my WIFI (provided by the hotel) to create my own WIFI hotspot that I use with my tablet and phone (and even my colleague in the next room). We save a lot of money with this.
so condition 1 is fine with «recent» mac computers.
I fulfil condition 2 with a software router called «Connectify» (sorry not mac version)
Condition 3 is fulfilled as I use windows 7 (previous version of windows won’t support it)

But I haven’t been able to find an equivalent mac os setup or separate software to do the same on mac os.


macrumors 6502a

As others have pointed out, and I can confirm, it’s not possible using only the built-in wifi. You do have some options, however.

1) Connect to the school’s wifi using your Mac, then share the connection over ethernet. Plug a wifi access point (or router set to access point mode) into the ethernet port. Connect your DS to that.

2) Buy a USB wifi card. Share wifi from your internal card to your USB card. Connect the DS to the USB card.

EDIT: Note that both of these methods can be detected by your school’s IT department, and both are usually against your terms of service. If the school decides to crack down on this, it is entirely possible that you will be caught, and some schools have been known to disable a student’s internet access for a semester (or longer) as punishment for TOS violations.

This will do it. But as an IT guy in a school, I can say your school’s tech probably won’t be too fond of this setup if he finds out. Not only are you intending to run a rogue AP (which can cause interference for other wireless clients), but you’re also connecting an unapproved device to the network.


Совместное использование интернет-подключения на Mac с другими пользователям сети

Вы можете предоставить доступ к интернет-подключению на Вашем Mac другим компьютерам в Вашей локальной сети. Например, если Ваш Mac подключен к интернету через Ethernet, Вы можете предоставить другим компьютерам доступ к этому подключению через Wi-Fi.

  1. На Mac выберите меню Apple

> «Системные настройки», нажмите «Основные» в боковом меню, затем нажмите «Общий доступ» справа. (Возможно, потребуется прокрутить вниз.) Открыть настройки общего доступа

  • Рядом с параметром «Общий интернет» нажмите кнопку информации .
  • Нажмите всплывающее меню «Общее подключение», затем выберите интернет-подключение, к которому Вы хотите предоставить доступ. Например, если Вы подключены к интернету через Ethernet, выберите «Ethernet».
  • В списке «Для компьютеров, использующих» выберите порт, который другие компьютеры будут использовать для доступа к общему интернет-подключению. Например, чтобы предоставить общий доступ к интернет-подключению через Wi-Fi, выберите «Wi-Fi».
  • Если в списке «Для компьютеров, использующих» выбран вариант «Wi-Fi», нажмите «Параметры Wi-Fi», настройте сеть Общего интернета, затем нажмите «OK».
    • Имя сети. Введите имя общего подключения.
    • Канал. Нажмите всплывающее меню «Канал» и выберите другой канал, если не хотите использовать канал по умолчанию.
    • Безопасность: Если доступно, нажмите всплывающее меню «Безопасность», затем выберите вариант.
      • Выберите «WPA3 Personal», если все компьютеры, которые будут использовать общее подключение, поддерживают WPA3.
      • Выберите «WPA2/WPA3 Personal», если некоторые из компьютеров, которые будут использовать общее подключение, поддерживают только WPA2.
    • Пароль. Введите пароль. Чтобы увидеть текущий пароль, установите флажок «Показать пароль» под паролем.
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  • Нажмите «Готово».
  • Включите параметр «Общий интернет».
  • Если Вы уверены, что хотите включить общий доступ к интернету, нажмите «Начать». В противном случае нажмите «Отменить».
  • ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ. Если интернет-подключение и локальная сеть используют один и тот же порт (например, Ethernet), перед включение общего доступа к интернету узнайте о возможных побочных эффектах. В некоторых случаях предоставление общего доступа к интернет-подключению может нарушать работу сети. Например, при использовании кабельного модема Вы можете непреднамеренно повлиять на сетевые настройки других пользователей поставщика услуг интернета, и поставщик услуг может остановить Вашу службу.


    How do I bridge a wifi connection from MacOS


    [I have used WiFi bridging in Windows 10 to share my WiFi with other devices. This was done on my Mac using Windows 10 on Bootcamp. Specifically, I want to share WiFi to WiFi. How can I achieve the same on macOS? Here’s what I’m seeing in Internet Sharing:

    It’s called Internet Sharing. Go to Preferences → Sharing → Internet Sharing Let us know if that works or not.

    That’s not correct. Internet Sharing works on Bluetooth, WiFi, Ethernet, even Thunderbolt. If you have it on Windows 10, it should be there in macOS. Can you post a screenshot?

    Take the picture, edit it in Preview if necessary, then edit your question and click the «image» icon to upload/paste the file.

    Affect? No. Confuses people not familiar with your changes? Yes. However, WiFi to WiFi is not impossible, you have to do this manually. I’ll have to research because this isn’t something I would do because you’d immediately cut the bandwidth in half serving as both a WAP and a gateway.

    1 Answer 1

    I assume your question is how to share the WiFi internet connection you have with other devices on a cabled network.

    You do this by opening System Prefences > Sharing and selecting Internet Sharing:

    For «Share your connection from» choose «Wi-Fi».

    For «To computers using» select the network that you want to share it with — usually this is «Ethernet».

    This achieves connection sharing by using NAT.

    If you actually want to bridge your WiFi connection with a cabled connection, so that devices on your cabled connection would work like they were connected directly to the WiFi, it can be achieved like this:

    Open System Preferences > Network.

    Click the cog wheel below the device list and select «Manage Virtual Interfaces».

    Click the plus button and select «New Bridge».

    Select «Wi-Fi» and the network you want to share it with — usually this is «Ethernet».


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