Show vlan on linux

Ubuntu Wiki

Virtual Local Area Networks are used to divide a physical network into several broadcast domains.


As you probably already understand, the reason to use VLANs is to divide a network and separate hosts that shouldn’t be able to access each other. This article will address the IEEE 802.1q standard way of doing this division.

There are two types of packets on a VLAN, these are tagged and untagged packets. The untagged packet is a regular packet and looks just like a packet that exists on a regular network. Untagged packets are the most common type on a VLAN. The decision of which VLAN an untagged packet belongs to is made by the switch. A switch can be configured to assign specific ports to specific VLANs. The switch can also be configured to receive tagged packets.

If the switch receives a tagged packet and the port which it receives the packet with is configured to allow tagged packets, it knows which ports it can send the packet to.

A switch can also be configured to transmit tagged packets, this could be used to make a VLAN span more than one switch or to make use of a VLAN aware NIC (Network Interface Card) on a router, firewall, server or even a workstation.

A VLAN is assigned a specific id. This id can be anything between 1 and 4094. VLAN 1 is most commonly used for management so this should not be used.


Variables needed to make use of VLANs.


To be able to make use of VLANs you will need a switch (or several) that support the IEEE 802.1q standard. You will also need a NIC (Network Interface Card) that plays nice when used to transmit and receive tagged packets. Many NICs do support 802.1q but some have trouble with the extra 4 bytes added to the packet when tagged packets are used.


Ubuntu supports VLANs out of the box but a userspace tool needs to be installed to create the VLAN aware interfaces.


We have a router/firewall with two NICs one used to connect to the Internet (WAN) and the other to connect to the local network (LAN). We would like to beef up the security aspect of our site and introduce a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). If this should be implemented without the use of VLANs we would have to buy a new switch and a third NIC for our router/firewall.

Luckily the switch used supports 802.1q. The switch configuration is done by adding a new VLAN. How this is done should be documented in the switch documentation.

In the following steps we provide commands which you will have to enter in a terminal.

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1. Load the 8021q module into the kernel.

2. Create a new interface that is a member of a specific VLAN, VLAN id 10 is used in this example. Keep in mind you can only use physical interfaces as a base, creating VLAN’s on virtual interfaces (i.e. eth0:1) will not work. We use the physical interface eth1 in this example. This command will add an additional interface next to the interfaces which have been configured already, so your existing configuration of eth1 will not be affected.

vconfig is deprecated and might be removed in the future, please migrate to ip(route2) as soon as possible! The ip(route2) replacement command is:

sudo ip link add link eth1 name eth1.10 type vlan id 10

3. Assign an address to the new interface.

sudo ip addr add dev eth1.10

4. Starting the new interface.

sudo ip link set up eth1.10

Making it permanent

To make this setup permanent, the following lines have to be added a couple of configuration files.

1. Add the module to the kernel on boot:

sudo su -c 'echo "8021q" >> /etc/modules'

2. Create the interface and make it available when the system boots. Add the following lines to /etc/network/interfaces (change the values according to your scenario):

auto eth1.10 iface eth1.10 inet static address netmask vlan-raw-device eth1



This article explains how to configure a VLAN using iproute2 and systemd-networkd or netctl.

Instant Configuration

Previously, Arch Linux used the vconfig command to setup VLANs. This command was superseded by the ip command. Make sure you have iproute2 installed.

In the following examples, let us assume the interface is eth0 , the assigned name is eth0.100 and the vlan id is 100 .

Create the VLAN device

Add the VLAN with the following command:

# ip link add link eth0 name eth0.100 type vlan id 100

Run ip link to confirm that it has been created.

This interface behaves like a normal interface. All traffic routed to it will go through the master interface (in this example, eth0 ) but with a VLAN tag. Only VLAN-aware devices can accept them if configured correctly, else the traffic is dropped.

Using a name like eth0.100 is just convention and not enforced; you can alternatively use eth0_100 or something descriptive like IPTV . To see the VLAN ID on an interface, in case you used an unconventional name:

The -d flag shows full details of an interface:

# ip -d addr show 4: eth0.100@eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default link/ether 96:4a:9c:84:36:51 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 0 vlan protocol 802.1Q id 100 inet6 fe80::944a:9cff:fe84:3651/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Add an IP

Now add an IPv4 address to the just created VLAN link, and activate the link:

# ip addr add brd dev eth0.100 # ip link set dev eth0.100 up

Turning down the device

To cleanly shut down the setting before you remove the link, you can do:

# ip link set dev eth0.100 down

Removing the device

Removing a VLAN interface is significantly less convoluted

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Persistent Configuration


Single interface

Use the following number-prefixed configuration files (Remember the file contents are case sensitive and the number-prefix can be changed):

[Match] Name=eth0 [Network] DHCP=ipv4 ;these are arbitrary names, but must match the *.netdev and *.network files VLAN=eth0.100 VLAN=eth0.200
[NetDev] Name=eth0.100 Kind=vlan [VLAN] Id=100
[NetDev] Name=eth0.200 Kind=vlan [VLAN] Id=200

You will have to have associated .network files for each .netdev to handle addressing and routing. For example, to set the eth0.100 interface with a static IP and the eth0.200 interface with DHCP (but ignoring the supplied default route), use:

[Match] Name=eth0.100 [Network] DHCP=no [Address] Address=
[Match] Name=eth0.200 [Network] DHCP=yes [DHCP] UseRoutes=false

Then enable systemd-networkd.service . See systemd-networkd for details.

Single interface with multiple VLANs each with its own gateway

Each vlan gets its own routing table and a RoutingPolicyRule that specifies which source ip addresses this routing applies to.

[Match] Name=eth0 [Network] VLAN=eth0.10 VLAN=eth0.11 DNS= DNS=
[NetDev] Name=eth0.10 Kind=vlan [VLAN] Id=10
[Match] Name=eth0.10 [Network] Address= Address= [Route] Gateway= Table=10 [RoutingPolicyRule] From= Table=10
[NetDev] Name=eth0.11 Kind=vlan [VLAN] Id=11
[Match] Name=eth0.11 [Network] Address= [Route] Gateway= Table=11 [RoutingPolicyRule] From= Table=11
0: from all lookup local 0: from lookup 10 0: from lookup 11 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default

Use ip route list table . E.g.:

default via dev enp1.10 proto static
default via dev enp1.11 proto static

Bonded interface

Similar to above, you are just going to stack more of the concepts in place. You will want to ensure that you have got a bond set up in your switch and also make sure its a trunk with tagged vlans corresponding to what you create below. Convention would be to create a bond interface with the name bond0 , however there is a known issue where the bonding module, when loaded, creates a bond device of the name bond0 which systemd then refuses to configure (as systemd tries to respectfully leave alone any device it did not create).

Tip: To prevent the bonding module to create an initial bond0 interface, set the max_bonds option of the bonding module to 0 (default value is 1 ):

options bonding max_bonds=0

For the purposes of this write up, we are going to use bondname and you can make the choice yourself.

First, we create the bond device:

[NetDev] Name=bondname Kind=bond [Bond] Mode=802.3ad LACPTransmitRate=fast

Now create a .network directive that references the vlans and interface carriers. In this case we will use the convention for a dual port fiber module:

[Match] Name=bondname [Network] VLAN=vlan10 VLAN=vlan20 VLAN=vlan30 BindCarrier=enp3s0f0 enp3s0f1

We are using the vlan naming convention here, you can use something else but realize that this is a named reference so you will have to have a corresponding set of files with the same name.

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We will now set up the physical network interfaces:

[Match] Name=enp3s0f0 [Network] Bond=bondname
[Match] Name=enp3s0f1 [Network] Bond=bondname

At this time you could reboot, and likely should, because the bonded interface is created at boot time. Restarting systemd-networkd will consume changes from these files typically, but device creation seems to occur at startup.

We will now set up the VLANs. You should be aware that having multiple VLANs can result in a situation where your machine has multiple default routes, so you will need to specify a Destination directive in the network directives to ensure that only one VLAN is being used for a default route. In this case we will use the VLAN with an ID of 10 as our default route.

[NetDev] Name=vlan10 Kind=vlan [VLAN] Id=10

Now create the associated network directive to set an address:

[Match] Name=vlan10 [Network] VLAN=vlan10 [Address] Address= [Route] Destination= Gateway=

We will create a similar pair of files for the VLAN with an ID of 20:

[NetDev] Name=vlan20 Kind=vlan [VLAN] Id=20
[Match] Name=vlan20 [Network] VLAN=vlan20 [Address] Address= [Route] Destination= Gateway=

And again for the VLAN with an ID of 30:

[NetDev] Name=vlan30 Kind=vlan [VLAN] Id=30
[Match] Name=vlan30 [Network] VLAN=vlan30 [Address] Address= [Route] Destination= Gateway=

Note that the Destination on vlan10 is set to , which will match all outbound, becoming the default route.


You can use netctl for this purpose, see the self-explanatory example profiles in <>>.

Setting bridge IP

Sometimes you might want to configure the bridge ip on which docker operates, for example when the default ip clashes with other ip addresses in the network. Docker has a straight forward way of setting the bip (bridge IP) via the /etc/docker/daemon.json . When this file does not exist yet you can create it.


udev renames the virtual devices

An annoyance is that udev may try to rename virtual devices as they are added, thus ignoring the name configured for them (in this case eth0.100 ).

For instance, if the following commands are issued:

# ip link add link eth0 name eth0.100 type vlan id 100 # ip link show

This could generate the following output:

1: lo: mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 2: eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000 link/ether aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: rename1@eth0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN link/ether aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

udev has ignored the configured virtual interface name eth0.100 and autonamed it rename1.

The solution is to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/network_persistent.rules and append DRIVERS==»?*» to the end of the physical interface’s configuration line.

For example, for the interface aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff (eth0):

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR=="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", NAME="eth0", DRIVERS=="?*"

A reboot should mean that VLANs configure correctly with the names assigned to them.


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