Skip disk check linux

Can I skip a forced file system check?

From time to time, a file system check is forced when booting. This can take a long time. While I normally want these checks to happen, they can come at a bad time sometimes. Is there anything I can do to skip an ongoing check? (It would ideally make the check the next time I boot.) I think I remember having used a system where it said press to skip , but I might be mistaken. At least on Debian I can’t spot anything like that while the check runs. Is there a key that works anyway? Could I shutdown the PC, or would it damage something? However, it wouldn’t really help if the check starts again then. (I know that there are solutions for skipping it for the next boot, or for selecting a different GRUB entry that doesn’t force these checks, but I’m looking for a solution that can help me when the check already started.)

You could try pressing Ctrl-C — fsck may ignore it but if it doesn’t, it will exit cleanly. It is generally a bad idea to reboot or power-off fsck while it is working as it may end up corrupting the filesystem if you do that while it is writing any changes to the fs.

@cas: Thanks! In this answer, OP confirms that Ubuntu has «a user option to interrupt (and postpone) a routine disk check if it comes up during boot», so I didn’t imagine it. Now the question would be how to get this for Debian, too. — I will try Ctrl+c the next time the check starts.

Note that on debian you can force an fsck on next boot with touch /forcefsck (or add forcefsck to the kernel command line, e.g. by pressing e to edit at the grub menu screen) — so you don’t have to wait for or change the fsck mount-count.


How to skip filesystem checks during boot

Whenever I shut down my Ubuntu 20.04 and reboot, I always get this message at the bottom of my screen:

Press Ctrl+C to cancel all filesystem checks in progress 

enter image description here

This process will take too long and press Ctrl + C does not have any effect. How to bypass it?

Are you shutting down the machine cleanly? A fsck should only occur after a configured number of boots (eg. 30) or a problem was detected last shutdown (eg. power outage or system forced off before shutdown completed)

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@karel: I still don’t see an answer on that page, (except mine), that answers the question on this page. There is the link to the manpages that mentions fsck.mode, but the manpages do not spell out a solution that a new user can use. The Question is over four years old and refers to 16.04. This bug is specific to 20.04.

1 Answer 1

Removing Disk Check From 20.04 Boot

The command line option fsck.mode=skip can be used to skip the disk check when booting Ubuntu 20.04.

The line Checking disks: 0% complete may still come up but fsck will not be run, nor will boot time be increased.

Add fsck.mode=skip to the linux line in grub.cfg just before quiet splash

It is recommended to add the command to grub.cfg by editing /etc/default/grub thus: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=»fsck.mode=skip quiet splash» and then run sudo update-grub .

I have had this problem with a Live USB but not with an installed system.


How to stop filesystem check (fsck) on boot?

Once in a while (every 30-th boot) my linux system decides to check filesystem for errors. I am ok with this — what needs to be done needs to be done. But sometimes I need my laptop to boot fast. I need some urgent job to do and I do not have time to wait for fsck to complete (it may take about 10 minutes). How can I stop the check in this case? The only solution (well, workaround) I come up to now is to turn off auto fsck and run it manually occasionally. I do not like this approach, because I have to remember when it was the last time I run it. What I want is to be able to press Ctrl + C to abort filesystem check. Let filesystem check run during the next boot! But actually if I press Ctrl + C fsck just restarts.

4 Answers 4

To only skip fsck once (rather than disabling it permanently via fstab , or tune2fs ) try these options:

  1. temporarily add the fastboot GRUB parameter before booting. For more info, check this link:
  2. touch /fastboot should also skip the fsck check next time you boot

tune2fs does the trick. It allows you to view/change filesystem parameters:

# tune2fs -l /dev/system_vg/tmp_lv | grep -i check Mount count: 8 Maximum mount count: 34 Last checked: Sat Oct 29 12:44:27 2015 Check interval: 15552000 (6 months) Next check after: Thu Apr 26 12:44:27 2016 

You can change each parameter to enable/disable it, or to force filesystem check on next reboot, etc.

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I suggest you change to disable Maximum mount count , and Check interval on laptops.

# tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/system_Vg/tmp_lv 


How to disable live system check at startup (booting) in ubuntu 20.04?

I am using Kubuntu, and one very irritating feature in (K)ubuntu 20.04 is the enforcement of live usb disk checking at startup, and if you are not fast enough to press ctr-c then it will take minutes scanning (which is not needed for 99.99999999999% of the cases). So, is there a way to skip it by adding an option in the booting startup screen. Also, I made a remastered iso file of my system and the problem still exist in the remastered version. Are there any settings in the system I can change to disable disk checking in startup for the remastered version. Thanks.

If you create a bug report about this, please post a link to it, so that we can confirm it by marking ‘Afffects me too’.

Welcome to Ask Ubuntu. There have been alot of complaints about auto disk check every boot. If you don’t need the Live USB for installing Ubuntu you can do a full install to USB:… . There is no Disk Check with a Full install, as well as other advantages:…

1 Answer 1

Removing Disk Check on Persistent USB’s

The command line option fsck.mode=skip can be used to skip the disk check.

The line Checking disks: 0% complete will still come up but fsck will not be run, nor will boot time be increased.

mkusb After the Persistent USB drive is created, open /boot/grub/grub.cfg as root.

  • Add fsck.mode=skip to the Persistent menuentry thus: linux ($root)/casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed maybe-ubiquity fsck.mode=skip quiet splash persistent —
  • Newer versions of mkusb already include this fix.
  • If you also wish to remove the Try Ubuntu / Install Ubuntu screen delete «maybe-ubiquity».

UNetbootin After creating the boot drive, open /boot/grub/grub.cfg as root.

  • Add fsck.mode=skip to the first menuentry for (UEFI boot mode).
  • Open syslinux.cfg as root and add fsck.mode=skip to the default menuentry for (BIOS boot mode).

Rufus After creating the boot drive, open /boot/grub/grub.cfg as root.

  • Add fsck.mode=skip to the Default menuentry for (UEFI boot mode).
  • Open /isolinux/txt.cfg as root and add fsck.mode=skip to the «Try Ubuntu without installing» menuentry, (for BIOS boot mode).

The Try Ubuntu / Install Ubuntu screen can be removed from BIOS boot by overwriting syslinux.cfg with:

default persistent label persistent say Booting an Ubuntu Persistent session. kernel /casper/vmlinuz append file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper persistent initrd=/casper/initrd quiet splash noprompt -- 

The Try Ubuntu / Install Ubuntu screen can be removed from Rufus UEFI boot by removing «maybe-ubiquity» from /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

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How do I disable filesystem checking on boot in 20.04?

Whenever I boot Ubuntu 20.04 on my computer, I get a message saying «Press Ctrl+C to cancel all filesystem checks in progress.» is there any way to stop auto disk checking? This happens with and without the Surface Linux kernel. If you want more info (such as my GRUB config) I’ll answer it in the comments. This did not happen when I used 18.04.

If you’re helping to test the development release (focal fossa isn’t 20.04 until release time), then you can also use #ubuntu-quality via IRC or telegram, however general support should still go to #ubuntu+1 sites until focal fossa has been released and reached stable 20.04). NOTE: As you installed it I’d recommend using a quality/+1 site and/or filing a bug

@guiverc yes I have installed it. I forgot that this is a development release and my question will be off-topic for two more days.

20.04 was off-topic yesterday, today it is on-topic, what joy is there in closing a question on a technicality? @TwentyCharMax I get the disk check every time I boot a 20.04 Live/Persistent drive. If I am slow hitting ctl-c it tales a few minutes to close. This is very irritating. Good subject for a Bug Report.

3 Answers 3

Hope this works for you, in brief:

tune2fs -c 0 /dev/yourdevicehere 

Note: yourdevicehere is where your / (root) is mounted. To check its location, run the following command:

I’ve been having this same problem in the last releases of Ubuntu. Right now, I have Ubuntu 21.10 installed and it still has it. Trying the solution from @wazeredo46 did not work for me. But I managed to find some sort of solution. I have dual boot with Windows 10, and apparently Ubuntu does not like that. The partition it is always checking at boot is the ESP one. To fix that, I changed its ‘pass’ argument in fstab from 1 to 0. I would recommend keeping the other partitions with their original pass values, as it will make it possible for errors to be detected.

Removing Disk Check From 20.04 Boot

The command line option fsck.mode=skip can be used to skip the disk check when booting Ubuntu 20.04.

The line Checking disks: 0% complete may still come up but fsck will not be run, nor will boot time be increased.

Add fsck.mode=skip to the linux line in grub.cfg just before quiet splash

It is recommended to add the command to grub.cfg by editing /etc/default/grub thus: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=»fsck.mode=skip quiet splash» and then run sudo update-grub .

I have had this problem with a Live USB but not with an installed system.


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