Skype для бизнеса linux

Free software to connect to Skype for Business

I have recently joined an institution that uses Skype for Business as telephony solution. This is a commercial product from Microsoft that was never released for desktop Linux (and probably never will). There is a Linux clone called Wync that is able to connect to the same telephony network, but this is just another commercial solution. There is a plug-in for Pidgin called SIPE that is supposed to integrate with the Skype for Business network, but it seems nonoperational on Ubuntu 14.04. Once the plug-in is activated Pidgin keeps regurgitating error messages that render it useless. What other free options are there to connect to this telephony network from Ubuntu?

2 Answers 2

There is some information here from Chris Rob about using Skype for Business on Ubuntu 14.04 with Pidgin.

Seems you need to compile/install the latest SIPE plug in for Pidgin and then configure to connect to the Skype for Business server.

Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.

sudo apt-get install pidgin pidgin-sipe and then open Pidgin and add an account. In the basic configuration choose Office Communicator as the Protocol, your email as the Username and then «domain\username» as the Login

I have made some, but not complete progress with the following.

For me, the standard pidgin sipe plugin, through Office Communicator, let me connect to Skype for Business and see my employer’s user directory, but crucially, did not succeed in a test call or a call to another user, with a variety of error messages. Even text messages to others did not arrive, despite pidgin giving no error message. However, there is a newer version of the plugin, as indicated in this Reddit post:

Hello, as already mentioned Pidgin is the way to go.

Unfortunately the default version in more or less all the distributions comes with a combination of pidgin-sipe / libnice / gstreamer / farstream which doesn’t work at all in the worst case (= only chat works), and doesn’t allow calling Skype for Business clients in the best case (= you can only call Pidgin and Lync clients). The patches to make everything work are available upstream but some of the packages have not included them in official releases.

The solution for Ubuntu is to use this PPA:

which has been ported also to Fedora:

Starting from those two add-ons it can be made working on more or less all the other Linux distributions (we managed to get it working on CentOS 7).


$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sipe-collab/ppa $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install pidgin-sipe 

Now, the test call works. However, when trying to join a conference call I got:

Failed to join the conference

no reason given


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How to install Skype for Business via Wine?

I just wanted to install the Skype for Business Windows application using wine. But somehow the installer crashes all the time. Not sure if this has something to do with the fact that it seems that this .exe would just download all the needed files first. Is here a proper way to install Skype for business on Ubuntu 18.04?

Yes but it seems not to be same thing. Skype and Skype for Business are two different services which oddly use different apps as well.

2 Answers 2

That’s the way Microsoft designed Skype for Business, to use shortcuts and programming tricks instead of documented system calls which WINE can handle. The WINE website documents how Skype for Business does not work under WINE, but a commercial alternative is available for Linux.

Thanks. That sounds actually so that Microsoft does not want you to use Skype for Business other than on Windows. However, will need to find and alternative or just boot into Windows for using it. Let’s hope they offer a real web service soon. The commercial option is nice, but I use it not often enough that I see the need of paying.

Their attitude is changing, they just released Teams for Linux which is sort of their own competitor to Skype/Lync. You could also put Windows in VirtualBox and run your MS apps that way.

On the note of finding something else, I had great success so far by using .. It is browser based, can share screen and the free version has up to 4 people in a chatroom at once. If I am not mistaking I think it is also encrypted (They say ‘secure conversations’). As well as your ‘guests’ won’t need a login.


How to join Skype for Business meeting on Ubuntu (without Skype for Business account)?

Following topic describes how I could connect to Skype for Business account under Linux: Free software to connect to Skype for Business However, what if I do not have a Skype for Business account? I received an invitation to the meeting in form of the following URL: 

I do not need to have a Skype for Business account to join such meeting. On my Android phone, I just installed the appropriate application and when I click on the mentioned link, I can join after providing my name. When I click on the link on the Linux machine, it redirects me to the page where msi file is downloaded.

4 Answers 4

Here is my latest advice about running Skype4B aka Lync on Linux:

  • It’s annoying, but I am almost certain MS will never make Skype4B available on Linux.
    • The software is «Skype» by brand name only, and has nothing to do with regular Skype which already works on Linux.
    • Skype4B was always just a renamed version of the very old Microsoft Lync software which works totally differently to Skype regular (which was originally a separate company later purchased by MS).
    • The other nail in the coffin is that MS will reportedly discontinue Skype4B support in mid 2021.

    How I use Skype4B on my Linux laptop:

    OK so this is a work-around but it works surprisingly well for me as I very rarely need to share my Linux host screen, or if I do, then its just a MS Office doc which is easy to share within VM. This is also how I use MS office 2016 on Linux.

    All I do is use VirtualBox to create a Windows 10 VM with a little bit of RAM and 2 CPUs and install Skype4B + Office on it and Outlook online to get emails, calendar and links to Skype4B meetings. I pass through my audio and microphone to the VM. Make sure you install the VirtualBox Extension Pack on host and Guest Additions within VM to allow seamless resizing, drag and drop files and shared clipboard with host. This will give you an almost seamless experience on a decent PC.

    Now this sounds like a crap solution but just try it and you might be surprised. Windows 10 boots up very quickly in VM, especially if you remove all bloatware and auto-login. The key is to install the Virtual Box extras mentioned above which allows the VM to works seamlessly with the Linux host OS (window resizing, shared files and clipboard).

    Windows 10 DOES NOT require a license, just get the official ISO from MS website and install without a product key, it works fine but just disables a couple features like change color scheme and desktop background.

    Edit: forgot to mention, if you dont have a Skype4B account, that is fine, just click the link and it will install the web version (msi) and you can join.


    Skype for Business Linux

    Skype for Business: A Microsoft communications service that provides communications capabilities across presence, instant messaging, audio/video calling, and an online meeting experience that includes audio, video, and web conferencing.
    Linux: A family of open-source Unix-like operating systems.



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