Skype meeting app linux

How to join Skype for Business meeting on Ubuntu (without Skype for Business account)?

Following topic describes how I could connect to Skype for Business account under Linux: Free software to connect to Skype for Business However, what if I do not have a Skype for Business account? I received an invitation to the meeting in form of the following URL: 

I do not need to have a Skype for Business account to join such meeting. On my Android phone, I just installed the appropriate application and when I click on the mentioned link, I can join after providing my name. When I click on the link on the Linux machine, it redirects me to the page where msi file is downloaded.

4 Answers 4

Here is my latest advice about running Skype4B aka Lync on Linux:

  • It’s annoying, but I am almost certain MS will never make Skype4B available on Linux.
    • The software is «Skype» by brand name only, and has nothing to do with regular Skype which already works on Linux.
    • Skype4B was always just a renamed version of the very old Microsoft Lync software which works totally differently to Skype regular (which was originally a separate company later purchased by MS).
    • The other nail in the coffin is that MS will reportedly discontinue Skype4B support in mid 2021.

    How I use Skype4B on my Linux laptop:

    OK so this is a work-around but it works surprisingly well for me as I very rarely need to share my Linux host screen, or if I do, then its just a MS Office doc which is easy to share within VM. This is also how I use MS office 2016 on Linux.

    All I do is use VirtualBox to create a Windows 10 VM with a little bit of RAM and 2 CPUs and install Skype4B + Office on it and Outlook online to get emails, calendar and links to Skype4B meetings. I pass through my audio and microphone to the VM. Make sure you install the VirtualBox Extension Pack on host and Guest Additions within VM to allow seamless resizing, drag and drop files and shared clipboard with host. This will give you an almost seamless experience on a decent PC.

    Now this sounds like a crap solution but just try it and you might be surprised. Windows 10 boots up very quickly in VM, especially if you remove all bloatware and auto-login. The key is to install the Virtual Box extras mentioned above which allows the VM to works seamlessly with the Linux host OS (window resizing, shared files and clipboard).

    Windows 10 DOES NOT require a license, just get the official ISO from MS website and install without a product key, it works fine but just disables a couple features like change color scheme and desktop background.

    Edit: forgot to mention, if you dont have a Skype4B account, that is fine, just click the link and it will install the web version (msi) and you can join.


    skype for business arch linux

    We have iOS and Android apps for Skype for Business and Teams. We do not have a native Linux client for Skype for Business or Teams.

    How do I add Skype to my arch?

    1. Step 1: Update Arch Linux. Log in to your Arch Linux system as a sudo user and update the system using the command shown. .
    2. Step 2: Clone Skype for Linux Binary File. The AUR repository provides a binary package for Skype. .
    3. Step 3: Build the Skype AUR Package in Arch Linux. .
    4. Step 4: Starting Skype in Arch Linux.

    How do I install Skype for Business on Ubuntu?

    1. Open a terminal window. The keyboard shortcut CTRL/Alt/Del will open the terminal in most Ubuntu builds.
    2. Type in the following commands followed by hitting the Enter key after each line: sudo apt update. sudo apt install snapd. sudo snap install skype — classic.

    Is Arch Linux worth it?

    Absolutely not. Arch is not, and has never been about choice, it’s about minimalism and simplicity. Arch is minimal, as in by default it doesn’t have a lot of stuff, but it’s not designed for choice, you can just uninstall stuff on a non minimal distro and get the same effect.

    Does Skype work in Linux?

    Skype for Linux Alpha, which features the latest UI, allows users to share files, photos and videos, to send a new range of emoticons and to make calls on the latest versions of Skype on Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. .

    How do I join a Skype meeting on Linux?

    To subsequently join the conference whenever you want to, you simply need to bookmark the chat/conference. To join the conference, click on your Skype bookmark. That’s it.

    How install Skype on manjaro?

    1. Enable snaps on Manjaro Linux and install Skype. .
    2. sudo pacman -S snapd.
    3. sudo systemctl enable —now snapd.socket.
    4. sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap.
    5. To install Skype, simply use the following command:

    How do I install Skype for Business plugin?

    On the sign-in page, make sure Install Skype for Business Web App Plug-in is checked, and then select Join the meeting. Do one of the following: In Internet Explorer, at the bottom of the browser window, select Run to install the plug-in. Follow your browser’s instructions for installing and running the plug-in.

    Is Skype for Business available for Ubuntu?

    Or alternate free product to use Skype for business on linux. .

    Does Microsoft teams work on Linux?

    Microsoft Teams is a team communication service similar to Slack. The Microsoft Teams client is the first Microsoft 365 app that is coming to Linux desktops and will support all of Teams’ core capabilities. .

    Why is Arch Linux so fast?

    It’s fast because there is nothing included. The more things you add the slower it will get. Especially if you’re on slow hardware. It could also have something to do with the fact that Arch is a «bleeding edge» distro (I really don’t like that phrase).

    Is Arch Linux good for beginners?

    Arch Linux is perfect for «Beginners»

    Rolling upgrades, Pacman, AUR are really valuable reasons. After just one day using it, I’ve come to realize that Arch is good for advanced users, but also for beginners.

    What is special about Arch Linux?

    Arch is a rolling-release system. . Arch Linux provides many thousands of binary packages within its official repositories, whereas Slackware official repositories are more modest. Arch offers the Arch Build System, an actual ports-like system and also the AUR, a very large collection of PKGBUILDs contributed by users.

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    Как подключиться к конференц-связи в Skype для Linux?

    В Linux новейший клиент Skype не позволяет присоединяться к конференц-связи, а только создает новые. Нажатие на кнопку вызова (я думаю) вызывает каждого участника отдельно, мне сказали другие участники. Как я могу присоединиться к существующей конференц-связи с этим клиентом? Я попытался запустить клиент Windows под Wine, но вход в систему не работает.

    2 ответа 2

    Есть два типа методов соединения . 1. Присоединение через веб-ссылку. 2. присоединение из самого скайпа.

    Хотя способ 1 кажется вполне возможным сделать в обычном режиме, я на самом деле не получил его работать должным образом (пока?), Но это может быть просто моя система, и он может работать для вас. Однако я могу объяснить, как использовать метод 2.

    Если вы еще не участвуете в конференции / чате, вам сначала необходимо знать идентификатор конференции. Это можно сделать, введя команду группового чата /get uri в область сообщений. Это создает URL-ссылку, которую другие люди (или вы) могут использовать, чтобы присоединиться к групповому чату.

    Нажав на skype:?chat&blob=. URL В любом окне чата Skypw или при вводе его в адресную строку веб-браузера Skype запустится (если он еще не запущен) и присоединится к конференции.

    Теперь возникает проблема, с которой я столкнулся (на самом деле это не большая проблема). Хотя эта ссылка отлично работает в Windows, она не работает для меня должным образом. Он запускает Skype, но не присоединяется к чату . (однажды я, наконец, смогу разобраться?), Но это не имеет большого значения, так как оно вам не нужно после первого подключения к чату. /converence.

    Чтобы впоследствии присоединиться к конференции в любое время, вам просто нужно bookmark в закладки чат / конференцию. Чтобы присоединиться к конференции, нажмите на закладку Skype. Вот и все.


    How do I join a conference call in Skype for Linux?

    On Linux, the latest Skype client doesn’t seem to allow joining conference calls, only creating new ones. Clicking on the call button (I think) calls each member separately, I’ve been told by the other participants. How can I join an existing conference call with that client? I tried running the Windows client under Wine, but login doesn’t work.

    Bogdacutu. Your comment is really more information related to your question, so it would be better to put it into the question itself.

    2 Answers 2

    There are two types of joining methods. 1. joining via a web-link. 2. joining from within Skype itself.

    Although method 1 seems quite possible to do in a normal manner, I haven’t actually got it working properly (yet?), but that may just be my system, and it may work for you. Howerver, I can explain how to use method 2.

    If you aren’t already in the conference/chat, you first need to know the conference ID. This is available by issueing the Group Chat Command /get uri into the message area. This creates a URL link that other people (or you) can use to join the group chat.

    Clicking on the skype:?chat&blob=. URL ia any Skypw chat window or entering it into your web browser’s address-bar will start Skype (if it isn’t already running) and join the conference.

    Now comes the problem I have encountered (which isn’t much of a problem, really). Although this link works fine in Windows, it doesn’t work properly for me. It starts Skype, but doesn’t join the chat.. (one day, I may finally work it out ?), but it doesn’t matter that much, as you don’t need it after the first time you join the chat/converence.

    To subsequently join the conference whenever you want to, you simply need to bookmark the chat/conference. To join the conference, click on your Skype bookmark. That’s it.


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