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The world of Linux distributions is constantly evolving, and I am excited to announce the release of Slax’s latest versions: Slax version 15.0.1 based on Slackware-current, and Slax version 11.6.0 based on Debian 11.6. Both versions are available for both 32-bit and 64-bit processor architectures.

In this short announcement, I will take a closer look at the new features and improvements in the latest Slax versions, and why it’s worth considering for your next Linux experience.

All-New Packages and DynFileFS

One of the biggest improvements in Slax 15.0.1 and 11.6.0 is the updated packages to the latest versions. This ensures that you have access to the latest software and tools, making your experience with Slax even better.

Another key feature of the new Slax versions is the use of newest DynFileFS, which implements how «persistent changes» are stored on writable media. This means that when you run Slax from an USB device, for example, all the changes you make to the system will be stored to a special file (actually, a set of 4 files) on the USB disk, making it possible to use Slax on-the-go. In the past, this feature was limited to a total size of 4GB, but with the newest DynFileFS, you can store up to 16GB of data, providing you with much better performance and capabilities.

A Guide to Help You Choose

To make the selection process easier for you, the users, I have created a guide that will help you choose the right version of Slax for your needs. There are no longer direct download links available on the website, but the simple guide will help you decide what version is best for you.

The new Slax versions are a step forward in the world of Linux distributions, offering improved performance and capabilities, as well as access to the latest software and tools. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or a newcomer, Slax is definitely worth considering for your next Linux experience.

I can’t wait for you to try it out and experience the power of Slax! Visit today.

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What is Slax

Slax is a Live operating system based on Linux. Live means it runs from an external media without any need for permanent installation. Slax boots from USB mass storage devices such as Flash Drive keys as well as from regular hard drives and CD/DVD discs. Simply plug your device in and boot from it. Entire Slax operating system resides in a single directory /slax/ on your device, making it easier to organize with your other data.

Slax provides FluxBox window manager already preconfigured for the most common tasks. Included is a Terminal emulator xterm , simple text editor scite and calculator galculator , as well as connection manager connman . You can put Slax on wide range of different filesystems, including EXT (ext2,ext3,ext4), btrfs, and even FAT and NTFS.

When Slax is started from a read-only media such as CD/DVD, it keeps all system modifications in memory only, and all the modifications are lost when you reboot. On the other hand, if you run Slax from a writable device such as USB Flash Drive, it can store all changes there, so all your configurations and modifications are restored next time you boot, even if it is on a different computer. This feature is known as Persistent Changes and you can read more about it in a separate chapter.

Choosing optimal Slax architecture (32bit or 64bit)

You probably noticed that Slax is available for 32bit and 64bit processor architectures. The 32bit version is designed to run on very old computers (as old as Intel 686; that dates back to 1995). It will run properly on brand new computers too, but it is somehow bigger download. Furthermore it has a limitation that single application can address only 4GB of RAM. On the other hand, the 64bit version is smaller, does not have such limitation, and it will run on most computers available nowadays. So in general, if you plan to use Slax on very old archaic computers, then choose 32bit. If your intention is to use Slax on machine made in this century, you better go for 64bit. And if you don’t know what your target hardware is, go for 64bit too, because the chance you’ll ever see a 32bit computer nowadays is almost zero.

System requirements to run Slax

Slax 32bit version Slax 64bit version
Processor: i686 or newer CPU, all Intel processors
and AMD processors will work
An x86_64 CPU, like AMD Athlon 64, Opteron,
Sempron, Intel Core 2/i3/i5/i7, and others
Memory: 128 MB of RAM for desktop
512 MB of RAM to run Web browser
128 MB of RAM for desktop
512 MB of RAM to run Web browser
Peripherals: CD or USB drive to boot from CD or USB drive to boot from
Optionally: network card, sound card network card, sound card
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Source code and license of Slax


Загрузка и установка. Slax на HDD, USB.

Если Вы планируете запускать Slax на CD или DVD диске, вам нужно скачать ISO образ системы. Важно понимать, что записать полученный файл нужно именно как образ диска. В Windows 7, например, просто щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по файлу ISO и выберите «Записать образ диска» из контекстного меню. На более старой ОС Windows вам потребуется стороннее программное обеспечение для этой задачи, например, вы можете попробовать Free ISO Burner.

После этого поместите диск Slax в CD/DVD привод и перезагрузите компьютер. Возможно, нужно будет нажать какую-то клавишу, чтобы отобразить меню загрузки во время запуска вашего компьютера, и выбрать пункт загрузки с диска.

Slax на USB устройстве или жестком диске.

Что бы запустить slax на USB устройстве или HDD, вы должны скачать ZIP-архив c системой. Распакуйте архив прямо в корневую директорию Вашего устройства, где после распаковки будет создана папка /slax/. Далее, перейдите в /slax/boot/ и найдите там bootinst.bat файл. Для установки slax на жёсткий диск или flash карту прсто запустите найденный файл, дважды щелкнув по нему, это внесет все необходимые изменения в MBR вашего устройства и сделает его загрузочным.

Далее следуйте тем же действиям как при загрузке через CD – перезагрузите компьютер и в меню загрузки выберите пункт запуска системы с USB или жёсткого диска.


Support Slax

Slax project has been made possible by the hard work of dedicated developers and the support of users like you. If you appreciate the convenience and versatility of Slax, we invite you to become a patron of Slax. By becoming a patron, you’ll support the ongoing development and maintenance of Slax, and you’ll also play a vital role in ensuring its future success.

Your contribution, no matter how small or big, will help Slax continue to innovate and provide the best possible experience for its users. By becoming a patron, you’re also showing your appreciation for the hard work and dedication of its developers.

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So if you’re ready to make a difference and support the future of Slax, become a patron today. Together, we can continue to make Slax the best it can be. Thank you!

Get Slax

Are you looking for the perfect Slax version for you? Good news — there are several options available! Although they may look similar on the surface, each Slax version has unique internal differences. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the best one for you:

Step one, start by deciding which Linux distribution you want Slax to be based on. If you’re not sure, consider using Debian. This is because Debian offers the «apt» command, making it easy to install new software, including dependencies. This is a great option for those just starting out.


Support Slax

Slax project has been made possible by the hard work of dedicated developers and the support of users like you. If you appreciate the convenience and versatility of Slax, we invite you to become a patron of Slax. By becoming a patron, you’ll support the ongoing development and maintenance of Slax, and you’ll also play a vital role in ensuring its future success.

Your contribution, no matter how small or big, will help Slax continue to innovate and provide the best possible experience for its users. By becoming a patron, you’re also showing your appreciation for the hard work and dedication of its developers.

So if you’re ready to make a difference and support the future of Slax, become a patron today. Together, we can continue to make Slax the best it can be. Thank you!

Get Slax

Are you looking for the perfect Slax version for you? Good news — there are several options available! Although they may look similar on the surface, each Slax version has unique internal differences. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the best one for you:

Step one, start by deciding which Linux distribution you want Slax to be based on. If you’re not sure, consider using Debian. This is because Debian offers the «apt» command, making it easy to install new software, including dependencies. This is a great option for those just starting out.


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