Snort настройка kali linux

kali installs and configures snort to realize simple intrusion detection

snort is really a devil. It has been installed on four systems before and after. I don’t know how many times. Finally, it was barely installed on the cloud server equipped with Ubuntu 18.

Main reasons for installation failure

  • The network is not smooth (this is also the main reason for many of the following reasons);
  • Incomplete installation of dependent environment;

Main reasons for configuration failure

  • The snort version is inconsistent with the snort rule library version;
  • The configuration file cannot be found due to improper modification;

snort installation configuration

Be sure to update the software library first. This is what many novices don’t pay attention to. Then they know why my software can’t be installed and the network is so poor.

sudo apt-get install update

Install daq before installing

sudo apt-get install flex -y sudo apt-get install bison -y sudo apt-get install aptitude -y sudo aptitude install libpcap-dev -y

Installing daq

This step can be in Official website home page Find the corresponding content. Be sure to follow the version package currently given on the official website.
At present, it is 2021.11.28, and the DAQ package is daq-2.0.7.tar.gz.

# 1. Download daq installation package sudo wget # 2. Decompression sudo tar xvfz daq-2.0.7.tar.gz # 3. Switch paths cd daq-2.0.7 # 4. Configure compilation and installation ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install # 5. Go back to the superior menu (many novices are confused when watching other people's tutorials, and they don't know which path to execute what code) cd ..

Dependencies required before installing snort

sudo aptitude install libpcre3-dev -y sudo aptitude install libdumbnet-dev -y sudo aptitude install zlib1g-dev -y sudo apt-get install openssl -y sudo apt-get install libssl-dev -y # luaJIT Library (I don't know why this is used, but it will report an error if it is not installed) sudo wget sudo tar -zxvf LuaJIT-2.0.5.tar.gz cd LuaJIT-2.0.5/ sudo make && sudo make install && cd ..

Install snort

a key

Here, like the previous daq, you should select the version package of the current official home page.
At present, it is 2021.11.28, and the snort version package is snort-
Otherwise, you may not be able to download it on the official website.

sudo wget sudo tar xvfz snort- cd snort- ./configure --enable-sourcefire && make && sudo make install

A small error occurred

Displays header files where < RPC / RPC. H >was not found.

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sudo apt install libntirpc-dev

You can see if the problem is solved, but my problem has not been solved. Continue.

I found this header file in ntirpc and other folders. My method is to copy all files under ntripc to / usr/include /. The problem is solved:

sudo cp /usr/include/ntirpc/* /usr/include/ -r

to configure

create folder

#Snort installation directory sudo mkdir -p /etc/snort/rules/iplists sudo mkdir -p /etc/snort/preproc_rules sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules sudo mkdir /etc/snort/so_rules #Store filtering rules and server black and white list sudo touch /etc/snort/rules/iplists/default.blacklist sudo touch /etc/snort/rules/iplists/default.whitelist sudo touch /etc/snort/rules/so_rules #Create log directory sudo mkdir /var/log/snort sudo mkdir /var/log/snort/archived_logs #Adjust permissions sudo chmod -R 5775 /etc/snort sudo chmod -R 5775 /var/log/snort sudo chmod -R 5775 /var/log/snort/archived_logs sudo chmod -R 5775 /etc/snort/rules/so_rules sudo chmod -R 5775 /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules

Copy file

sudo cp /home/kali/snort-*.conf* /etc/snort sudo cp /home/kali/snort-*.map /etc/snort sudo cp /home/kali/snort-*.dtd /etc/snort sudo cp /home/kali/snort-* /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicpreprocessor/

Modify profile

# Open profile sudo vim /etc/snort/snort.conf # Modify the path and find the corresponding copy var RULE_PATH /etc/snort/rules var SO_RULE_PATH /etc/snort/so_rules var PREPROC_RULE_PATH /etc/snort/preproc_rules var WHITE_LIST_PATH /etc/snort/rules/iplists/ var BLACK_LIST_PATH /etc/snort/rules/iplists/ whitelist $WHITE_LIST_PATH/default.whitelist, \ blacklist $BLACK_LIST_PATH/default.blacklist

Download the rule package that matches snort

# 1. Download wget # 2. Decompression sudo tar zxvf snortrules-snapshot-29181.tar.gz -C /etc/snort # 3. Copy (select according to the system (RHEL should be the corresponding kali) and the installed package (, usually only one folder) sudo cp /etc/snort/so_rules/precompiled/RHEL-8/x86-64/* /usr/local/lib/snort_dynamicrules/

Start test

Obviously, the result is normal

sudo snort -T -c /etc/snort/snort.conf

The experimental part has not been finished yet. Stop for a minute

Posted on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 05:33:24 -0500 by poknam

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How To Install snort on Kali Linux

In this tutorial we learn how to install snort on Kali Linux.

What is snort

Snort is a libpcap-based packet sniffer/logger which can be used as a lightweight network intrusion detection system. It features rules-based logging and can perform content searching/matching in addition to detecting a variety of other attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, and much more. Snort has a real-time alerting capability, with alerts being sent to syslog, a separate “alert” file, or even to a Windows computer via Samba.

This package provides the plain-vanilla version of Snort.

There are three ways to install snort on Kali Linux . We can use apt-get , apt and aptitude . In the following sections we will describe each method. You can choose one of them.

Install snort Using apt-get

Update apt database with apt-get using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install snort using apt-get by running the following command:

sudo apt-get -y install snort 

Install snort Using apt

Update apt database with apt using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install snort using apt by running the following command:

Install snort Using aptitude

If you want to follow this method, you might need to install aptitude first since aptitude is usually not installed by default on Kali Linux. Update apt database with aptitude using the following command.

After updating apt database, We can install snort using aptitude by running the following command:

sudo aptitude -y install snort 

How To Uninstall snort on Kali Linux

To uninstall only the snort package we can use the following command:

Uninstall snort And Its Dependencies

To uninstall snort and its dependencies that are no longer needed by Kali Linux, we can use the command below:

sudo apt-get -y autoremove snort 

Remove snort Configurations and Data

To remove snort configuration and data from Kali Linux we can use the following command:

sudo apt-get -y purge snort 

Remove snort configuration, data, and all of its dependencies

We can use the following command to remove snort configurations, data and all of its dependencies, we can use the following command:

sudo apt-get -y autoremove --purge snort 



In this tutorial we learn how to install snort using different package management tools like apt, apt-get and aptitude.

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Что такое Snort?

С сайта : Snort® – это система с открытым исходным кодом для предотвращения и обнаружения вторжений (IDS / IPS), разработанная Sourcefire. Сочетая преимущества проверки на основе сигнатур, протоколов и аномалий, Snort является наиболее широко распространенной технологией IDS / IPS во всем мире. С миллионами загрузок и почти 400 000 зарегистрированных пользователей, Snort стал стандартом де-факто для IPS.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как установить snort из исходного кода, написать правила и выполнить базовое тестирование.

Установить Snort

# apt-get update # apt-get install snort

Проверьте установку Snort

Проверьте установку, как показано ниже.

Создайте следующие файлы snort.conf и icmp.rules:

Откройте файл конфигурации snort:

# leafpad /etc/snort/snort.conf

Проверьте файл конфигурации и проверьте, включены ли правила icmp или нет. Если нет, включите строку ниже.

include /etc/snort/rules/icmp.rules

Откройте файл правил icmp и включите правило, указанное ниже:

# leafpad /etc/snort/rules/icmp.rules

Включите указанную ниже строку в файл icmp.rule.

alert icmp any any -> any any (msg: "ICMP Packet"; sid: 477; rev: 3;)

Приведенное выше основное правило предупреждает о наличии ICMP-пакета (ping).

Ниже приводится структура предупреждения:

(rule options)

Structure Example
Rule Actions alert
Protocol icmp
Source IP Address any
Source Port any
Direction Operator ->
Destination IP Address any
Destination Port any
(rule options) (msg:”ICMP Packet”; sid:477; rev:3;)

Использование Snort

Запустите snort из командной строки, как указано ниже.

# snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -l /var/log/snort/

здесь -c указывает на файл с правилами и -l на каталог журнала

Показать журнал оповещения

Попробуйте пропинговать IP с вашего компьютера, чтобы проверить наше правило пинга. Ниже приведен пример предупреждения snort для этого правила ICMP.

root@vishnu:~# head /var/log/snort/alert [**] [1:2925:3] INFO web bug 0x0 gif attempt [**] [Classification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3] 12/02-12:08:40.479756 -> TCP TTL:42 TOS:0x0 ID:14611 IpLen:20 DgmLen:265 DF ***AP*** Seq: 0x6C1242F9 Ack: 0x74B1A5FE Win: 0x2E TcpLen: 32 TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 1050377198 1186998 [**] [1:368:6] ICMP PING BSDtype [**] [Classification: Misc activity] [Priority: 3] 12/02-12:09:01.112440 ->

Оповещение Объяснение

Пара строк добавляется для каждого предупреждения, которое включает в себя следующее:

Сообщение печатается в первой строке.
адрес источника IP-адрес назначения
Тип пакета и информация заголовка.

Если у вас другой интерфейс для сетевого подключения, используйте опцию -dev -i. В этом примере мой сетевой интерфейс – eth0.

# snort -dev -i eth0 -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -l /var/log/snort/

Выполните фырканье как Демон

Добавьте опцию -D для запуска snort в качестве демона.

# snort -D -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -l /var/log/snort/


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