Sophos antivirus для linux

How to install Sophos Antivirus for Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

Linux, a word to recognize different OS lineage that compels users to think that their systems are completely secure, running on Linux. However, it was, but now something has changed. The Linux running computers also need protection from hackers and different malware that meant to steal information or devasted them, especially the servers.

Although, the Linux is not that much susceptible to malware and security threats as Windows, however, one should be one step ahead in terms of securing systems. As we know they are now lifeline of each and every organization, SMBs and even in homes.

Not only Linux or Windows one should harden their security towards the different vulnerabilities in Mac OS and Android too.

Coming to the main topic which is the installation of Sophos Antivirus for Linux. This is free anti-virus for Linux and also well known. Sophos Antivirus for Linux gives on-demand, and scheduled scanning for Linux servers and desktops. To sure the performance and stability of different Linux distributions.

Sophos antivirus is compatible with Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, CentOS 6/7, Debian 8/9, Novell Open Enterprise Server 2015 SP1, Oracle Linux 6/7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6/7, SUSE 11/12/15 and Ubuntu 14/16/18, plus Ubuntu based such as Linux Mint or Elementary OS. These are the latest version of mentioned Linux while writing this article.

Furthermore, Sophos Antivirus can detect and cleans viruses, Trojans, and other malware; features Live Protection detects, blocks, and removes Windows, Mac, and Android malware; lightweight agent, updates are small—generally under 50 KB. IT is available in two languages English and Japanese and the latest version of Sophos free ANtivirus was 9 during this article. Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux 9 is the only version available for the standalone and Enterprise Console-managed versions.

Sophos Antivirus for Linux system requirements


Sophos Antivirus Free Edition for Linux

Бесплатная версия антивирусного сканера Sophos, обеспечивает защиту вашей системы в режиме реального времени. Сканер защищает как от Linux угроз, так и от тех, которые предназначены для Windows.

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Что нового

  • Движок обнаружения обновлен с версии 3.74.2 до 3.77.1.
  • Обновление curl 7.64.0.
  • Обновление Python 2.7.16.
  • Обновление OpenSSL 1.1.1c.
  • Обновление Samba 4.9.5.
  • Обновление ACE-TAO-CIAO 6.5.0.
  • Движок обнаружения обновлен с версии 3.72.1 до 3.74.2.
  • Python обновлён до версии 2.7.15
  • OpenSSL обновлён до версии 1.0.2p

Системные требования

  • 1 GB места на диске
  • 1 GB оперативной памяти (рекомендуется)
  • 64-х битная операционная система
  • Библиотека Glibc 2.11 и выше
  • Ядро 2.6.32 и выше

Поддерживаемые дистрибутивы:

  • Amazon Linux
  • CentOS 7
  • Debian 7/8 (Debian 9 as of SAV Central release 10.3.0)
  • Mint 17
  • Novell Open Enterprise Server 2015 SP1
  • Oracle Linux 6.2/7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6/7
  • SUSE 11/12
  • Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 LTS

Полезные ссылки

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Подробное описание

Sophos Antivirus Free Edition for Linux — бесплатное решение для защиты компьютеров, ноутбуков и серверов, работающих под управлением операционных систем семейства Linux. Антивирусный сканер работает в фоновом режиме, а также может быть запущен по требованию или по расписанию.

Механизм Sophos Antivirus эффективно обнаруживает и очищает вирусы, трояны и другие вредоносные программы. В дополнение к сложному обнаружению, основанному на передовых эвристиках, Sophos Antivirus для Linux использует Live Protection для поиска подозрительных файлов в режиме реального времени через SophosLabs.

Sophos Antivirus для Linux постоянно стремиться к улучшению производительности. Антивирус держит вас с безопасности, не замедляя работу системы. Чтобы оптимизировать производительность, вы также можете настроить исключения, используя каталоги, имена файлов и подстановочные знаки.

Sophos Antivirus for Linux предоставляет предварительно скомпилированную поддержку широкого спектра дистрибутивов и ядер Linux, включая 64-разрядные версии. У вас есть индивидуальная сборка Linux? Не проблема. Sophos Antivirus for Linux поддерживает настроенные дистрибутивы и ядра Linux.

Особенности бесплатной версии:

Премиум функции антивируса, можно активировать в любое время, после установки антивируса.

Установка Sophos Antivirus Free Edition for Linux

  1. Скачайте антивирус (файл sav-linux-free-9.tgz).
  2. Распакуйте его: tar -xzvf sav-linux-free-9.tgz.
  3. Запустите скрипт установки: ./sophos-av/ .
  4. Пролистайте и примите (Y) лицензионное соглашение.
  5. Во время завершения установки, выберите сервера обновления — Sophos (S) и версию — Free (F).

Как скачать Sophos Antivirus Free Edition for Linux

Перейдите на страницу загрузки и выберите версию для вашего устройства.


Sophos, install this terminal antivirus on your Ubuntu

sophos linux about

In the next article we are going to take a look at Sophos Antivirus. Today the security of our computers is something to always keep in mind due to the growing malware threats in all Microsoft Windows operating systems, Mac OS, Android and Gnu / Linux. Windows operating systems are the most affected on this list by far, while Gnu / Linux OS are the least. However, Gnu / Linux users in my opinion, we should have installed an antivirus Due to the data transfer between listed platforms and corresponding operating systems. Nobody will be amused that your Gnu / Linux computer is a means to transfer infected files on your private network or to other external computers, even if the Windows virus does not infect our Gnu / Linux system.

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When it comes to the security software market, Sophos is a respected and popular brand. They have made available to everyone a free version for Gnu / Linux that will provide us with a virus scanner that may scan for viruses in real time. I’m testing this antivirus on Ubuntu 17.10, but it should work on older versions too.

Install Sophos Antivirus

Sophos Download

Download Sophos from its official website

First we will have to go to the official website and download the latest version of Sophos Antivirus for Gnu / Linux. We’ll have to provide an email during free registration. After registration (which is a matter of seconds) we can download the compressed file that interests us. To start the download we will have to accept the terms and conditions of the license.

Locate the downloaded package

Like I said, the downloaded package is a compressed file. It should be called something like sav-linux-free-9.tgz. The version number may be different depending on when you download it.

Unzip the downloaded file

To access the content of the downloaded file we will have to open a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and go to the folder where we have the file saved. Once in the correct location, you will have to extract content from .tgz file using the tar command. Replace the name after -xvzf with the name of the file you have saved, if it is different from the one below:

Sophos installation files

tar -xvzf sav-linux-free-9.tgz

Once unzipped, we should see the list of extracted content in the terminal. We will have to get inside the subdirectory that has just been created. To do this, within the same terminal we will write:

Launch the installed .sh

Located in the folder, we will use the following command to run the .sh installer:

Sophos license

Press’Intro‘ or ‘space‘to scroll to the bottom of the agreement, which is awfully long. When we reach the end we will have to accept it by typing the letter ‘Y’ to confirm the installation.

sophos installation directory

The next thing we will see is a warning for install Sophos in the / opt / sophos-av directory. That is typical of the Gnu / Linux directory structure. We will continue pressing the key ‘Intro.

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Sophos real-time scanning

It will then ask us if we want enable real-time scanning. This is a great feature that will detect malware on the fly when transferring files. Evidently will consume some RAM, But is it worth it.

Sophos update type

The next option to configure will be to choose what type of update we want. In this case, I opted for the option ‘S.

Sophos support option

In the next configuration option, we will select the option ‘f’ for free Sophos Antivirus, what will not have support.

Sophos proxy options

To finish we will have to write the proxy information if required. In my case I don’t use any, so I will select ‘N’.

Using Sophos Antivirus for Linux

Sophos Antivirus for Gnu / Linux is a command line tool. There is no GUI for it. Therefore, you must know the following commands to start using it.

How to check if on-access scanning is active?

Type the following command in the terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T):


How to start protection?

Use the following commands to enable or start protection, if you find that the service is down:

sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savdctl enable

start sophos protection

sudo /etc/init.d/sav-protect start

How do you run an on-demand scan?

Simply type the following command to start scanning the path we indicate:

In case the program finds malware, it will show us a pop-up window similar to this one:

Sophos Antivirus Virus Alert

Uninstall Sophos Antivirus

If this antivirus does not convince us, we can always eliminate it from our system. For this we will only have to go to the installation folderIf you have not changed it and you have continued with the one that appears by default, it will be «/ opt / sophos-av». Once in it, we will have nothing but run the uninstall .sh files as it’s shown in the following.

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Full path to article: ubunlog » Ubuntu » Sophos, install this terminal antivirus on your Ubuntu

5 comments, leave yours

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Andrew said

Andrew said

Damien Amoedo said

Hello, as indicated in the Sophos community, savscan runs in the security context of the caller, if you are not running the command as root you will get errno 13 (permission denied), but not for all directories. Salu2.

marcelino said

Damien A. said


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