Stalker lost alpha linux

Stalker lost alpha linux

All about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. survival-horror computer game series: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat, community mods for each, and the upcoming official sequel S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. This is not a subreddit about stalking people nor discussing real-life stalkers!

Figured I’d post this here for the few of you that use Linux. This is pretty much a repost of my comment from here .

Lost Alpha is a standalone mod that requires msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll that aren’t available in any of the Wine versions yet. Fortunately, LA comes with an installer for that C++ runtime in 3rdparies directory. Unfortunately, Wine refuses to run that exe, so you can’t automatically install it. You can still do it manually though.

I’m using PlayOnLinux (a Wine frontend). Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Download and extract the game.
  2. Install using a fresh wineprefix. I called mine STALKER_LA and used Wine version 1.7.9. Also, install d3dx9 package (Configure > Install Packages).
  3. Go to the 3rd parties directory inside the extracted archive. For me: cd ~/downloads/»LOST ALPHA v1.3000 DEZOWAVE»/S.T.A.L.K.E.R._LOST_ALPHA_v1.3000_setup/3rdparties
  4. In it is a file called vcredist_x86.exe. This is where the required dll is in. cabextract vcredist_x86.exe cabextract a2 mv F_CENTRAL_msvcp120_x86 msvcp120.dll mv F_CENTRAL_msvcr120_x86 msvcr120.dll
  5. Now copy these dlls into the bins directory of Lost Alpha. I have a sym link to my wineprefix directory. So here is what it looks like (assuming you’re still in the directory from step 3): mv msvcp120.dll ~/wineprefix/STALKER_LA/drive_c/»Program Files»/»S.T.A.L.K.E.R. — Lost Alpha»/bins/ mv msvcr120.dll ~/wineprefix/STALKER_LA/drive_c/»Program Files»/»S.T.A.L.K.E.R. — Lost Alpha»/bins/

You could also just use whatever file manager you have to do it the GUI way. It will ask you to overwrite existing files, which you should do.


Stalker — Lost Alpha в wine

Привет, народ. У кого нибудь получилось запустить Lost Alpha 1.4007DC в wine?

Ловлю ошибку при запуске — cannot find file gamedata\config\system.ltx

Скачал сборку от уважаемого Kron4ek. На ней запускается, но хотелось бы нормально интегрировать игру в lutris.

К слову говоря lost alpha плохой мод потому, что там оче тупые скримеры.

Gamedata у тебя распакована?

Это читал? Никогда не делай ничего по видеогайдам

Рабочая папка должна быть в корне игры

Никогда не делай ничего по видеогайдам
предлагает васяносайт с абсурдной инфой

Вот эта вся магия нафиг не нужна. Достаточно поставить в отдельный префикс directx, чтобы игровые шейдеры могли скомпилироваться.

Примерно так и ставил. Прокатывает до версии 1.4005. Дальше что-то поменялось в структуре.

сайт от создателей этого мода

мод на любителя. Хочется побегать с новым сюжетом. Тень чернобыля и зов припяти уже приелся.

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Распакована. Сравнил установленную и у Kron4ek — разницы нет.

Может кто кастанет Kron4ek? У меня репы не хватает

Тебе выше решение написал в коротком посте, смотри.

Ну хз, я кинул ему то, что первое вышло в поиске. Пушто видео это вообще жесть.

очевидный cast Kron4ek

Ну, выше правильно написали, рабочий каталог (каталог, откуда все команды выполняются) должен быть в корне каталога с игрой, и оттуда уже нужно запускать «bins/XR_3DA.exe», так как иначе игра не видит gamedata. Плюс нужны библиотеки d3dx9. В Lutris это должно настраиваться где-нибудь в свойствах.

Не нужно ставить directx. Ставят отдельно всякие d3dcompilerNN.dll

оно сначала DC и только потом версия сборки

Добавил путь до папки с игрой в Working Directory в lutris. Прогресс пошел. Теперь пишет your video card doesn’t meet game requirements, try to lower game settings. Это обходится установкой directx.

Запустил. На DX11 с DXVK вылетает из-за нехватки памяти, работает только на статике. FPS около 20. . Gallium на intel уже научился работать в stalker? Пробовал пару недель назад, черный экран, также как и D9VK.

Gallium на intel уже научился работать в stalker?

Gallium Nine, судя по всему, пока вообще не работает на Intel. По крайней мере, я несколько дней назад собирал mesa-git и пробовал Gallium Nine в нескольких играх — ни одна не заработала. Каждая игра вешала систему на минуту-две, а потом крашилась.

На DX11 с DXVK вылетает из-за нехватки памяти, работает только на статике.

Ну, даже если получится запустить, FPS будет не особо играбельным. Я запускал STALKER (правда, не Lost Alpha) с DXVK — играть было не особо приятно, ибо интеграшка Intel не вывозит DX11 рендер с его динамическим освещением.

Kron4ek ★★★★★ ( 03.06.19 14:26:54 MSK )
Последнее исправление: Kron4ek 03.06.19 14:28:48 MSK (всего исправлений: 1)

У меня система не подвисала, просто черный экран со звуком. Т.е. игра работает, но вместо картинки черный экран. Call of Pripyat работает отлично с DX11, 30-40 fps на максималках в Full HD. С графическими модами, вроде Absolute Nature4 fps просел, но понизив настройки опять получил 30 fps. Правда у меня Iris 655, немного мощнее твоей HD630.

Я бы сказал, что разница производительности с Windows минимальна, на Linux даже плавнее работает, нет скачков fps

даже плавнее работает, нет скачков fps

Если называть вещи своими словами, не может выдать более высокого фпс, потому боттлнек сдвигается с одного на другое.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha Developers Cut

-During install — SKIP «Visual C++ 2013» — SKIP «DirectX» — SKIP «Xvid» —
(included in script).

-DX9 lighting works as of lutris-nofshack-4.18

=— DX9 only. Medium preset then alter. Setting to High crashes game —=

-Tested with v1.4007
-Tested with extensive mod list

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha is a free and standalone game that uses assets from various stages of the development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, as well as assets created by dedicated fans. It has a much bigger Zone and restores features such as vehicles to drive around the zone, factions fighting for power, a players actions affecting his or her reputation among factions and important stalkers, as well as numerous missions and plot elements that were once lost to time.

As with the original game, the story is set in the year 2012 — some time after a second Chernobyl disaster which causes the heavily radioactive zone to expand greatly and further corrupt and pervert the Zone by filling it with hideous mutations and strange anomalies that burn flesh, crush bones, and even manipulate time and space itself. Soon brave but violent men known as Stalkers are drawn to the zone, seeking fame and fortune by hunting down artifacts created by the anomalies and selling them for a pretty penny or perhaps keeping them for the powers or buffs it may grant the stalker wielding it.

The story proper follows a stalker known as «The Marked One,» who was found alive among the wreckage of a ‘Death Truck,’ mysterious trucks that leave and enter the zone hauling corpses — often missing stalkers. He awakens with no recollection of who he was or why he was in the zone, left with only one memento: A PDA commanding him to ‘Kill The Strelok.’ He is told by a greedy trader named Sidoryvich that The Strelok is a renowned Stalker that somehow managed to make it past a part of the zone known as The Brain Scorcher — a terrifying place that lives up to its name and boils the brains of all who enter and leaves them as mindless zombies — and into the heart of the zone: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant itself. Not much else is known about Strelok, but his actions have stirred the hive and Stalkers far and wide are now trying to find Strelok’s trick into the Heart of the Zone, which is said to grant those who survive the journey into the deadly halls of the NPP their innermost desires.. but if The Marked One is to know more, he must learn the ways of a Stalker and venture forth into the Zone himself — following the breadcrumbs left by Strelok and slowly uncovering the mysteries surrounding the Zone itself.

Just like the original game it is a first-person shooter with a heavy emphasis on horror and survival as well as intense, strategic combat. The player must learn to survive the Zone and its many dangers while also remembering to eat, drink, and sleep while managing supplies. Ammunition must be clipped to the belt before it can be used, likewise only a limited inventory of weapons may be equipped at a time though the player can carry multiple weapons and ammo types in their backpack provided they do not weigh themselves down which will tire them fast and prevent them from sprinting. Other items must also be attached to the belt, such as detectors which are used to warn the player of anomalies as well as help them discover artifacts, many of which too can be attached to the belt and may benefit the player with buffs that help seal bullet wounds faster or make them sprint longer, but often these artifacts also have debuffs and may also irradiate the player which can be harmful and eventually even fatal to their health. Anti-radiation drugs, medkits, and bandages are a must.

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Combat plays out between a mixture of human enemies and various categories of mutants. Human enemies can range from bandits to members of an enemy faction or anyone whom the player has somehow wronged. Combat is challenging and relies on a realistic ballistics model which causes bullets to drop and requires precise aim, and battles tend to rely heavily on strategic thinking on part of the player. Battles with mutants are much more hectic as mutants will charge, surround, and attack the player more directly and frequently and some mutants boast attacks such as deadly psionic blasts or the ability to confuse and distract the player with hallucinations, whereas some can go partially invisible and use low light environments against the player.

The environment itself is also very much an enemy. The Zone is filled with heavily irradiated areas, but more pressing are the anomalies which have a range of effects on the player which the player must learn and adapt to in order to survive. Some anomalies send bursts of lightning at the player or throw them into the air and slam them against walls, some hide in foliage and act like organic bear traps that spring on the player when they step too close to the traps tentacles and some are even mobile and can douse the player in deadly flames. However, the player will at some point need to venture into dangerous anomalous zones either for the sake of the plot or in order to gather artifacts, which spawn in specific anomalies with some artifacts being rarer and more valuable than others.


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