Start program as service linux

How to Run Script or Program at Startup with Systemd on Linux

There are plenty of ways to automatically run a script or command at Linux boot up and after reboot, either by using cron , rc.local or my preferred method — systemd . It creates services which are easier to manage. You can start/stop/enable/disable them with systemctl after they’re set up. Furthermore, services can even restart themselves after startup failure or crash.

Create Service

Create the unit configuration file /etc/systemd/system/your-service.service with the text editor of your choice:

    Vim (command-line editor for advanced user)

$ sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/your-service.service 
$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/your-service.service 
$ sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/your-service.service $ gedit admin:/etc/systemd/system/your-service.service 

Then add the following lines to your-service.service :

/etc/systemd/system/your-service.service[Unit] Description=YourService [Service] ExecStart=/path/to/your/ [Install] Plain text

Service example

Auto Restart (Optional)

To tell the service to restart itself after failure, append Restart=always under the Service section:

/etc/systemd/system/your-service.service[Service] . Restart=always Plain text

Acceptable values of the Restart directive include no , on-success , on-failure , on-abnormal , on-watchdog , on-abort and always .

It’s also a good idea to set RestartSec to configure the amount of time to sleep before restarting the service.

/etc/systemd/system/your-service.service[Service] . RestartSec=5 Plain text

Set Environment (Optional)

To set the environment variables:

/etc/systemd/system/your-service.service[Service] . Environment="production=true" Plain text

Set Working Directory (Optional)

/etc/systemd/system/your-service.service[Service] . WorkingDirectory=/home/user Plain text

Enable Service

Before enabling your service, change the permissions of your-service.service to 644 :

$ sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/your-service.service 

Remember to reload the daemon after the systemd unit files are changed:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload 

Then enable the service so it will run at system startup:

$ sudo systemctl enable your-service 

Verify It’s Working

To verify the service is working, start the service and check its status:

$ sudo systemctl start your-service $ systemctl status your-service 
○ greet.service - Greet Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/greet.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2022-02-17 15:12:19 CST; 3s ago Process: 7810 ExecStart=/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 7810 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) CPU: 3ms Feb 17 15:12:19 linux systemd[1]: Started Greet. Feb 17 15:12:19 linux[7810]: Hello World Feb 17 15:12:19 linux systemd[1]: greet.service: Deactivated successfully. Output

Since mine is a simple echo «Hello World» script, it’ll be considered as inactive once executed.

Disable Service

To disable the service if you don’t want it to run at system startup anymore:

$ sudo systemctl diable your-service 

Stop Immediately

Disabled services can still be running in the background, to stop the service immediately:

$ sudo systemctl stop your-service 


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Configure PPPoE DSL Connection on Arch Linux/Manjaro with pppoe-setup

Most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) offer multiple dynamic IP addresses and even come with a static one. To take advantage of that, we’ll be setting up a PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) connection on our own machine to obtain an independent IP address.

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How to run a program as a service (silent)?

I have a python based server which i start from the terminal. This particular instance of the terminal then gives control to the program, and the program uses it as a kind of logging window, until its closed. Is this normal, or should i somehow try to start the program some other way in which it will simply show as an active process? If i close the terminal from which i started the program, the program dies with it. Thank you

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PHP is mentioned in this answer but it applies to Python, too:…

5 Answers 5

Turn it to a daemon (service)
daemon —name=»yourservicename» —output=log.txt sh

Even old bash is using & for sending processes to background, but there is few other ways too .. but basic two are these :

1.)$~ your_command > outputfile_for_stdout & # runs your command in background, giving you only PID so you can exit that process by `kill -9 PID_of_process` # & goes at the end of row 2.)$~ your_command > outputfile_for_stdout # this will run your program normally # press Ctrl + Z then program will pause $~ bg # now your program is running in background $~ fg # now your program came back to foreground 3.)you can run terminal window under screen command so it will live until you either kill it or you reboot your machine $~ screen $~ run_all_your_commands # Ctrl + A + D will then detach this screen $~ screen -r will reattach it 

Some other useful commands :

 $~ jobs # will show you all processes running right now, but without PID $~ ps # will show you all processes for actual terminal window 


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