Steam big picture linux

Steam big picture linux

4 фев в 15:04

I’m going to be using `steam -oldbigpicture` now until they remove it, but the new big picture mode is very laggy despite running it on pretty high end hardware. Additionally controller battery reporting is broken (shows -1% even though I just changed the battery) when it works on the old big picture mode, but that’s just a minor thing to me.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
Is the new UI going to get faster?

I’d rather use an ugly yet quick UI than a beautiful slow one, but if they’re going to remove the old one in a future update and the new one won’t get any faster, then I probably just won’t use the feature anymore.

4 фев в 17:00

I’d like to know the experience of people with different hardware combinations, from my personal testing, seems that us with nvidia hardware running on X11 have the worst experience so far. My main rig has a 3080 and on my laptop I have a 5900H with Radeon Graphics where works reasonably well, but if I use the discrete graphics card (a 3060) it lags just as much as my main rig, so my guess is that this new BPM makes use of Gamescope (their Wayland compositor) and as such nvidia’s driver struggles with it, probably out of memory management.

4 фев в 20:13

While it runs fine for me on my i7-11700 and RX 6700 XT, I dislike the new UI and am just using the small/large desktop modes. This new UI looks like a general UI clone of xbox/playstation consoles. Should have just left it on the deck.

They got rid of the in-game web browser (handy for checking a game wiki while in-game) and the music player is also gone . the controller configurator is not as intuitive as the original BPM one and the new onscreen keyboard is cumbersome at best.

5 фев в 2:52

5 фев в 4:41

What if you enable the «low performance mode» in the client settings under «Library» ? Said to disable some visual effects.

5 фев в 6:09

New Big Picture Mode very laggy

If you think you got problems??

You should see the state Windows is in, oO
STEAM Is Glitching, & Flipping Out Of Control,
Like A Spaz Attack.

People All Over Have Such Major Issues.

With STEAM Going STEAM Deck, & People
Reportedly Regretting Buying The STEAM Deck.

It Is No Weirdness That Linux Isn’t Doing Well With STEAM.

It’s To A Point That People Are Leaving The On-Line Market,
& Wanting To Ditch STEAM Updates From Now On, Because
They Don’t Trust The Update Service Anymore With Windows.

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And It’s No Weirdness That Game Devs Are Starting To Ditch STEAM, Too.

Evil Dead Is Doing Great On X-Box / PS4 & Next Gen,
& Have Already Been Doing Well Over EPIC Games,
Where As It Hasn’t Shown A Single Sign Of A STEAM Release.

I Guess Bruce Was Right To Bail On Ed Boon & MK11 When He Did.

What Do You Think About This??

5 фев в 7:00

Y’all are tripping. This new UI is so much better than the old big picture mode. That one was way worse in every respect

6 фев в 17:31

BPM is ugly, heavy, used space poorly, etc.

. but it grew over time into a very fully featured interface wereas the new interface from Steam Deck is still immature in several fronts

the new UI brings several new ideas to the table that make it interesting. but it also lacks several features BPM has, it’s a bit less stable, a bit heavier and lacks better UI/UX coherence between its pieces

that means Valve making it the default now (before it goes through a thorough Quality Assurance pass and irons out its ton of outstanding kinks) will result in multiple regressions compared to BPM

6 фев в 21:54

Best experience I have had with it is on integrated Intel, with a Core i7 1165G7 (Kubuntu 22.04 LTS). Super slick.

Everything else has been a bit laggy. It is the absolute worst on my Core m3 Surface Pro, but I figured it was simply because I had it set to power saving via PowerShell to offset «Flickergate». Second worst is the Steam Deck itself, when on Desktop mode.

My NVidia Geforce GTX 970 on Windows 10 is really not noticeably laggy though.

7 фев в 20:01

I did some more testing on both my main rig (nvidia RTX3080) and my laptop (R9 5900H with Radeon Graphics and an RTX 3060M), both using X11 and Wayland.

The laptop pretty much works just flawlessly as I would expect, even though Steam itself is set to be run on the dGPU (my guess is that it stems from the framebuffer beting that of the Radeon iGPU), I did notice that the new BPM running on the dGPU on the laptop is more sluggish than on the iGPU. All in all, it works very well, regardless of the display server used.

On the desktop. It is a train wreck. It is sluggish and runs really poorly. Under Wayland it is way worse with some UI elements missing altogether, some times until the focus moves, some times even the meny elements are missing and when browsing files such as screenshots, at times a past image lingers in the framebuffer and the new one takes a bit to load.

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I am pretty sure this stems from the nested Wayland compositor BPM runs on, I did not test, though BPM in windowed mode. So it looks like until nVidia gets their act together with Wayland, BPM will be a bad experience with nVidia hardware.

8 фев в 7:39

I have a 3070ti running though wayland. I made big picture run in windowed mode and it worked much better. Could be an xwayland thing. I’m not sure if steam runs in wayland natively

8 фев в 20:40

I have a 3070ti running though wayland. I made big picture run in windowed mode and it worked much better. Could be an xwayland thing. I’m not sure if steam runs in wayland natively

Not to my knowledge. Steam proper is still an X11 app. The BPM, though, given the performance delta I see when using my main rig, the empyrical evidence points to it being a Wayland instance (or rather compositor, Gamescope is my guess), as Wayland proper feels much the same in regards to stuff like desktop animations.

The windowed mode could be an X11 wrapper for the Wayland compositor, or X proper, like the main desktop app/old BPM. I will try to test it on the main computer and see how it feels.

9 фев в 19:25

Just tested BPM windowed on my nvidia-only machine, much better (scaling to native res, 4K in my case causes it to drop to a crawl). Now, I disabled GPU acceleration for blacklisted and . I only see a black window I have no way to get it back, so seems I’ll simply not use it for the time being. Fortunately, the controller configuration still runs on the old BPM UI

9 фев в 22:59


Steam big picture linux

18 мая. 2018 в 19:20

Today after updating Steam, I went to Big Picture mode, so I could update the firmware of my Steam Controller to the new bluetooth one. To my dismay, BPM was showing on the bottom left corner of my 4K monitor, instead of occupying the whole screen.

I’m running it on Debian Unstable, with the open source Radeon drivers, with a 4K monitor as primary display (on the Radeon card) and a 1440p one as secondary on the onboard intel IGP.

Anyone has any idea of how to make it use the whole screen ?

21 мая. 2018 в 10:18

Hi, I have the same issue on ubuntu 18.04 (gnome) and a nvidia 1080 (proprietary driver version 390 also tried 396). I’ve created a clean user account and made a fresh steam installation, but nothing helped.

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12 июн. 2018 в 12:29

Any update on this? Updated to latest Fedora and I’m experiencing the same issue.

If I load a game in 4k resolution, close it, leave big picture more and go back in then settings will now show a 4k resolution option for steam but it won’t keep that option on a reboot.

12 июн. 2018 в 17:13

Any update on this? Updated to latest Fedora and I’m experiencing the same issue.

If I load a game in 4k resolution, close it, leave big picture more and go back in then settings will now show a 4k resolution option for steam but it won’t keep that option on a reboot.

Your mention of the Settings made go take a deeper look, and I found the solution.

Close steam and open the terminal. Assuming Steam is installed in $HOME/.steam, open the file $HOME/.steam/steam/config/config.vdf

In this file, see if you have a section called «BigPicture». Like this, with no space between the words and between quotes.

If it exists, it should have a property called «VerticalRes». Change it’s value to 2160, save it and open Steam. Now go to Big Picture and see if it now uses the whole screen.

13 июн. 2018 в 9:41

13 июн. 2018 в 13:50

Any update on this? Updated to latest Fedora and I’m experiencing the same issue.

If I load a game in 4k resolution, close it, leave big picture more and go back in then settings will now show a 4k resolution option for steam but it won’t keep that option on a reboot.

Your mention of the Settings made go take a deeper look, and I found the solution.

Close steam and open the terminal. Assuming Steam is installed in $HOME/.steam, open the file $HOME/.steam/steam/config/config.vdf

In this file, see if you have a section called «BigPicture». Like this, with no space between the words and between quotes.

If it exists, it should have a property called «VerticalRes». Change it’s value to 2160, save it and open Steam. Now go to Big Picture and see if it now uses the whole screen.
Have a big picture section at the bottom of the file but no VerticalRes section?

Can you post a copy of your section here? Willing to hack about and try and add a bit into the file to see what it does.

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13 июн. 2018 в 14:48


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